What is Tom Cruise's zodiac sign?

May 2024 · 2 minute read

TOM Cruise has been in the news a lot lately, and this time, it's for all the right reasons.

And professional astrologers are crediting his astrological chart for that.

What is Tom Cruise's zodiac sign?

With a birth date of July 3, 1962, Tom Cruise's zodiac sign is Cancer.

Cancer is a water sign, and it's marked by very specific personality traits.

For starters, Cancers are known for being very diplomatic in their business dealings, behaving as "excellent advisors" in high-stress situations.

So when Cruise said that he was "self-isolating" after he was exposed to Covid-19, professional astrologers credited his zodiac sign for that selfless act.

How does this sign affect Tom Cruise's personality?

Professional astrologers who have viewed Tom Cruise's birth chart have noted that, as a Cancer, he is extremely sensitive to the world around him.

At times, too, he wears his heart on his sleeve.

But more than anything else, Cruise needs to have a sense of purpose when he does something.

So when Cruise announced that he was returning his Golden Globes in solidarity with his Black colleagues, professional astrologers were not surprised at all.

What are some of Tom Cruise's weaknesses?

No Cancer is perfect, and Tom Cruise is no exception.

One of a Cancer's worst traits is their inability to control themselves or their tempers when they get angry.

Most read in Celebrity

Remember the time that Tom Cruise went on a tirade after getting disturbed by noisy branches on a film set?

Or the time he went a little off the rails because someone crashed a film set of his?

That's thanks to his straight-up Cancer energy — and, for better or worse, he's certainly done a lot with it.
