Controversy Surrounds Comedians Use of N-Word on Cruise Ship

May 2024 · 1 minute read

After a woman onboard a Carnival Cruise shared a video clip of comedian Rob O’Reilly using the N-word multiple times during his performance, a wave of backlash ensued.

The woman posted the video on TikTok, accompanied by a caption expressing her dismay at O’Reilly’s use of the racial slur and his dismissive response to those who were offended.

According to the woman, O’Reilly received applause from the audience when he disregarded the concerns of anyone who found his language offensive. She also noted that recording during his set was prohibited, which is a common rule at comedy clubs.

Comedian fired after using N-Word during set on cruise

The woman further revealed that O’Reilly’s use of the N-word in a “casual” manner upset her deeply.

In response to the widespread condemnation of the incident, Carnival Cruise stated that it does not condone O’Reilly’s behavior. They confirmed that he has been removed from all future performances and is no longer welcome on their cruise ships.

Following the video’s viral spread, social media users uncovered O’Reilly’s old tweets, many of which contained jokes targeting Black individuals.

Comedian fired after using N-Word during set on cruise
