Sekou Odinga Obituary, Remembering A Legacy of Activism and Inspiration

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Sekou Odinga Obituary, Death –  In a solemn moment for the community, Sekou Odinga, a prominent figure in the Black Liberation Movement, passed away yesterday. As the father of Yaki Kadafi and husband of Yaasmyn Fula, Odinga played a significant role in the fight for justice and equality. His legacy extends beyond his familial ties, influencing the course of history through his activism. Sekou Odinga emerged as a prominent figure during the tumultuous years of the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Movement. He was a member of the Panther 21, a group of activists wrongly accused of planning terrorist acts in the late 1960s.

Odinga’s resilience during this challenging period showcased his commitment to justice and sparked a lifelong dedication to the fight against systemic oppression. Odinga chronicled his experiences and the struggle for justice in his book, “Look for Me In The Whirlwind: From the Panther 21 to 21st-Century Revolutions.” This literary work served as a testament to his unwavering commitment to the principles of justice, freedom, and equality. Tupac Shakur acknowledged the importance of Odinga’s book, referencing it during an interview in 1992. Tupac, a legendary hip-hop artist and activist, paid homage to Sekou Odinga in the song “White Man’z World” on his final album. The lyrics reflect the impact Odinga had on Tupac’s worldview and the continued struggle for justice. The song stands as a tribute to the resilience of those who fought against oppression.

Beyond his activism, Sekou Odinga was a pillar of strength for his family, particularly as the father of Yaki Kadafi, a fellow activist and rapper associated with the Outlawz and a close friend of Tupac Shakur. Odinga’s commitment to family and community reflects a holistic approach to justice, encompassing personal relationships and broader societal change. Sekou Odinga’s passing leaves a void in the ongoing struggle for justice, but his legacy serves as a guiding light for future generations. His contributions to the Black Liberation Movement, his resilience during challenging times, and his influence on Tupac Shakur’s music make him an indelible figure in the annals of history. As we reflect on his life, let us remember Sekou Odinga as a symbol of unwavering commitment to the fight for justice and equality. May he rest in power.

