Bruce Willis Called His Marriage To Demi Moore a 'Myth'

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Bruce Willis and Demi Moore were married from 1987-2000. And even though their marriage seemed picture-perfect to the outside world, Willis revealed in an interview with Playboy Magazine that he considers the concept of marriage to be a total myth. Interestingly enough, he said this while he was still married to Moore.

Bruce Willis and Demi Moore initially had a fairytale romance

According to Willis in an interview with Playboy Magazine, he was utterly “enamored” with Moore when he first met her.

And four months later, the two wound up in Las Vegas, where they kept joking about getting married all night long. Yet eventually, they stopped joking, and decided to tie the knot for real. 

They got hitched at The Golden Nugget, where Moore got pregnant that night with their first child. Later, they would go on to have another wedding ceremony at the Warner Bros. sound stage. In 2019, Ellen Degeneres would deem their ceremony as “the greatest celebrity wedding” that she’s ever been to. 

Bruce Willis thought the idea of marriage was a ‘myth’ 

Willis got candid during his interview with Playboy Magazine. The interviewer, (who happens to be Beautiful Boy’s David Sheff,) commented on how the Die Hard actor seemed reluctant to monogamy. Willis gave a lengthy response, saying, 

“What is marriage? No woman is going to satisfy a man’s natural impulse to procreate, procreate, procreate. The impulse doesn’t go away because you have three or 10 or a hundred kids. On an emotional level, to think that you are going to find one person who understands what you need right now and is able to give it to you, to anticipate what you will need 10 years from now, 20 years from now, 30 years from now—for the rest of your natural f*cking life—is a myth. Yet that’s what marriage is based on.”

Willis goes on, adding,

“If you’re lucky, you might get 70 percent of your needs met. Maybe 80 percent. Probably 50 percent sometimes, and sometimes you don’t get any of your needs met. It’s crazy, against our nature, but we choose to continue because it has other values. I’m still doing it. And I choose to believe it is worth it.” 

When Sheff asks, “Is it worth it?” Willis responds,

“Yes. Even with the knowledge that marriage is a myth. In fact, our marriage works because we both understand that it is a myth to think, ‘I’ve found the perfect person, and my life is fine now.’ It’s a garden. You have to tend to it every day. You water it, and you keep the weeds out.”

Demi Moore suspects Bruce Willis of cheating on her

Despite Willis’ claims that he chooses to be monogamous because it’s “the right thing to do,” Moore revealed in her recently released memoir that she suspected her then-husband of being unfaithful to her. She said that Willis seemed to have an inner struggle of wanting to do the right thing, yet also craving his freedom to “do whatever the f*ck he wanted” 
