Best Self-Care Tip for 2022, Based on Zodiac Sign

May 2024 · 4 minute read

The last two years have been super stressful for everyone, to say the least. That is why it's important to start 2022 off strong, with self-care practices that are doable and manageable.

These activities will allow everyone to find their calm as we move through the new year.

Plus, it will help us to be better not only to ourselves, but to others as well. Just think about it: when you give yourself some TLC, you have more to give to the world without feeling drained.

But if you're stumped on what to do or how to get started, we curated a list of the best ways for you to chill out and nurture yourself in 2022, all according to what makes sense for your zodiac sign.


You're fiery and always on the go. This means that you don't allow yourself to take time and invest in creative pursuits. An activity such as adult coloring books will help you to unwind. Plus, it will be fun to do with a glass of wine after a stressful day at work


Your zodiac sign rules the throat chakra. Singing, humming, or talking is the best organic therapy for your body, as it will give you the chance to live your truth and to be open with those that you care about regarding your feelings, as well as the sentiments for yourself.


It's important that you have a daily routine. A simple beauty regimen that takes approximately 10 minutes everyday is the best bet for you this year. Not only will your skin be silky smooth and look better than ever, but you'll love the daily practice of this essential self-care ritual.


A relaxing saltwater bath once a week with organic flowers will help you relax throughout the year. You'll be able to melt away stresses and frustrations by letting the warm water and floral essences cleanse your aura. You will feel brand new after you take a dip in the bathtub.


A dance class will help you move your body and cleanse your sacral chakra, which is a powerful spot in your body. Little known fact: Shaking your hips in rhythm to any music is the best medicine to heal the body. You'll be clear headed and energized as a result.


Sometimes you feel as though you have to hold back the words that you're longing to say in an effort to keep the peace. Because you're not expressing your emotions, they can manifest within the form of muscle knots, which is why monthly massages are the only way to decompress.


You give your all to those you care about, but it seems like you're giving more to others than they are giving to you. This is why you should put your phone away in an effort to avoid everyone else's issues and be present by focusing on those who aren't energetic vampires.

VIDEO: What Is Astrology? A Beginners' Guide to the Language of the Sky


You have the drive and motivation to hike up mountains or take long walks to relax. Movement is the best way for you to clear the noise in your head. Don't stop going the distance and pushing yourself to roam around in an effort to relax and rejuvenate your spirit.


Overworking and overstressing over professional matters in 2021 has left your energy feeling depleted. Therefore, it is important for you to implement naptime into your daily schedule. If you're unable to do this, then take a few breaks throughout the day and walk away from your desk to avoid burnout.


Unfortunately, 2022 starts off a little stressful and then mellows out. Therefore, the most important act of self-care you can give to yourself is the power of disconnecting from drama and arguments by focusing solely on you — not on anyone else's messiness. You owe this emotional break to yourself.


Your airy sentiments love communication, which is why the best self-care activity for you to undertake in the new year is a healing sound bath. The instruments used in sound therapy will help heal pain, anxiety, depression, and other ailments. Plus, it's very relaxing and chill (which is your vibe).


Sometimes you feel like a fish underwater (excuse the pun) and need clarity on matters. All the more reason for you to embrace mindful meditation in 2022. As long as you give yourself the chance to clear your head, you will be able to gain a deeper understanding of anything that comes your way.
