Annie Donovan: Mum, 16, who gave her baby a vape speaks out

May 2024 · 4 minute read

The 16-year-old mum, who has been at the centre of the controversy around her 10-month-old baby inhaling on a vape, has spoken out about how in hindsight, the “silly joke” was in fact, not funny at all.

“I wish I didn’t do it, but I never meant to hurt him. I would never hurt him,” the young NSW mum exclusively told The Daily Telegraph.

“It was just a silly joke, I put the vape up near him and I never thought he would grab it, I thought he‘d push it away.”

The teen mum admitted that it was the first, and last time, she has ever had a vape anywhere near her baby boy.

Despite admitting her daughter was in the wrong, the girl’s mother said her child is a “good mum” who is trying her best.

Following the furore online, Mid North Coast police officers attended a home in Kempsey on Tuesday following a “concern-for-welfare report”, involving a young boy.

The check was in regards to the controversial social media clip which shows the mother looking on smiling and laughing, while the baby’s aunt holds his head up and says, “Want to try it?”, before sticking  a live vape pen full of vapour in the little one’s mouth.

Onlookers, who are believed to be family in the background, can be heard laughing at the vile act of the unknowing and non-consenting baby.

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"I would remove my nephew after his mum gave him a vape"

Despite the shocking footage, NSW Police said it has investigated the matter and no further action will be taken.

“Police have now spoken with the child’s family and – following advice provided by medical professionals and other governmental agencies – no further police action will be taken,” a NSW Police spokesperson said.

This comes as two aunties of the baby boy have spoken out about the ordeal.

“It’s honestly putrid, I will not say that it’s not because it is and I would remove my nephew from that situation,” one of the baby’s aunt’s told 7News.

A second aunt of the child played devil's advocate.

“Honestly it made me sick, but she is a young mum and she is trying her best,” she said.

“It was just a stupid mistake that she made with a bunch of friends.”

RELATED: Shocking moment NSW mum gives 11mo boy vape & laughs as he coughs

RELATED: Mum won’t be charged for giving her 11mo baby a vape

Baby fought for breath after vaping while family laughed

In the alarming footage, the defenceless baby can been seen to cough and spluttered after ingesting the toxic fumes, all while his family howled with laughter at him trying to catch his breath.

Despite the family finding nothing but joy and amusement in the abuse of the 10-month-old, viewers online have gone into a frenzy of anger and fury at the audacity of the mother.

“You are disgusting, what type of mother forces that on her little baby,” one commenter raged.

“How can you put the vape up to your own son’s mouth and watch him suck on it and laugh while he’s choking and coughing,” a disgusted viewer questioned.

“Be a better mother, what is wrong with you?” another spat.

RELATED: ‘I will continue to vape through my pregnancy

RELATED: Boy rushed to hospital after trying vape at school

"Don't talk about my child, worry about your own children"

The woman who is believed to be the child’s mother has taken to Facebook to announce how annoyed she is at the public’s comments and has a very clear message for them.

“Every c*** got the hide to sit there and talk about me and my child, take a look in yas own backyard,” the mum wrote.

"You ain’t perfect either so keep that mouth going you ain’t scary, you’re nothing but bums.”

Dangers of vaping

If you’re finding it hard to quit, call Quitline on 137 848 for help.

