The Meaning Behind The Song: Monsters Everywhere by Thomas & Friends

May 2024 · 3 minute read

As a freelancer, I have had the opportunity to explore various songs and their meanings. One particular song that has always resonated with me is “Monsters Everywhere” by Thomas & Friends. This catchy tune not only brings back cherished childhood memories, but it also holds a deeper message that is both relatable and comforting.

I first heard this song on a lazy Saturday morning while enjoying some cartoons. The moment the cheerful melody started playing, I found myself captivated by its catchy rhythm and playful lyrics. Little did I know that this song would soon become one of my favorites.

“Monsters Everywhere” is a special version featured in the album “Happy Birthday Thomas!” released in 2020. The song was written by the talented Robert Hartshorne and beautifully performed by the characters of Thomas & Friends. However, it is important to note that there are two versions of the song, the official version and the special version. Both versions convey a similar message but with slight differences in the lyrics.

The song begins with the lines, “What’s that just around the corner? Something in the rocks and trees. Slowly, slowly getting closer. Makes you want to puff and wheeze.” These lyrics instantly grab my attention as they paint a vivid picture of curiosity mixed with a hint of uneasiness. It reminds me of those moments as a child when the unknown seemed both thrilling and slightly frightening.

The lyrics continue to depict monsters hiding in the trees and behind rocks, blowing in the breeze, and doing as they please. These creatures represent the fears and uncertainties we encounter in life. They remind us that challenges, obstacles, and even our own insecurities can sometimes appear monstrous and overwhelming. However, what the song truly emphasizes is that these monsters are not as scary as they initially seem.

The chorus of the song reinforces this message, “They try to scare you!” It acknowledges that these monsters, whether real or imagined, attempt to intimidate and frighten us. Yet, the song cleverly reminds us that we have the power to overcome them by being brave and bolder. It reassures us that what seems like a terrifying experience is often just a result of our own imagination running wild.

The recurring line, “Oh, that’s not so scary,” acts as a comforting reminder throughout the song. It soothes our worries and encourages us to face our fears head-on. The repetition of the chorus further solidifies the song’s underlying message of bravery and resilience.

The song concludes with the playful lines, “Look out! Look out! They’re all about! Where?” This playful phrase reminds us of the curiosity and excitement that often accompanies our exploration of the unknown. It highlights the importance of keeping an open mind and staying curious, even in the face of adversity.

For me, “Monsters Everywhere” is not just a song. It is a reminder that the monsters we encounter in life are often mere figments of our imagination. It encourages us to be courageous, to confront our fears, and to embrace the unknown. This song holds a special place in my heart, as it constantly reminds me to approach challenges with resilience and optimism.

So the next time you find yourself facing monsters lurking in the shadows, remember the cheerful melody of “Monsters Everywhere” by Thomas & Friends. Let it serve as a gentle reminder that these monsters are not as scary as they may seem. Embrace your inner bravery, and puff your way through, knowing that you have the power to overcome any challenge that comes your way.
