The Cost of Disease-Preview

May 2024 · 291 minute read
The Cost of Disease-Preview ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,=><= --- ''MY FATHER'S WORK'' --- <== ''Choose a Scenario { (if: $players is 2)[for 2 players:] (if: $players is 3)[for 3 players:] (if: $players is 4)[for 4 players:] (if: $players is 5)[for 5 players:] }'' [[A Time of War|NoLink]] [[Fear and Politics|NoLink]] [[The Cost of Disease|Preparations-TCOD]] //For an explanation of how to use this Storybook,// [[//click here.//|StoryBook]] (set: $tracker to 0)''YELLOW FEVER - Early Years'' (set: $round to 1) ''SETUP'' Turn to ''page 1'' of the Village Chronicle. Retrieve the Heart tokens from the Scenario box and keep them in a supply near the board. Give the ''Start Player'' marker to ''{ (if: $players is 2)[(either: $nameA,$nameB)] (if: $players is 3)[(either: $nameA,$nameB,$nameC)] (if: $players is 4)[(either: $nameA,$nameB,$nameC,$nameD)] (if: $players is 5)[(either: $nameA,$nameB,$nameC,$nameD,$nameE)]}.'' ''BUILD A HOSPITAL'' The church can no longer handle the influx of the diseased and needs to expand their facilities. Each time a player visits the church, they may donate funds and assistance towards building a new Hospital by paying money to the supply. Depending on the amount spent ($0, $1, or $2), the player will receive 1, 2, or 3 ''Heart tokens'' and lose 1, 2, or 3 ''Creepy''. //You do not pay extra ($) for placing a piece if another player has already placed at the church.// At the end of the Generation, the player with the most Heart tokens will gain ''5VP.'' //If there is a tie, all tied players gain 5VP each.// { (if: $creepy4 is 0)[''Attracting Attention''<br> If a player reaches the ''4th'' space on the ''Creepy'' Track, [[click here.|Gen1-CreepyTrack]]<br><br>] (if: $sane3 is 0)[''The Mark of Genius''<br> If a player reaches the ''3rd'' space on the ''Insanity'' Track, [[click here.|Gen1-SanityTrack]]]<br><br> }''Second round Event - Election Season'' Political pandering may require more than simply a silver tongue and a bright smile. Be sure to have some extra capital on hand as the need may arise. [[Click here to continue to the next round...|ReminderroundEnd]] ''THRIVING IN ADVERSITY - Early Years'' (set: $round to 7) ''SETUP'' {(if: $building is "bank")[Turn to page 4 of the Village Chronicle.] (if: $building is "library")[Turn to page 5 of the Village Chronicle.]} Place the Suspicion marker on space ''{ (if: $players > 3)[(set: $tracker to it -1)] $tracker}'' and the Angry Mob token { (if: $seedy is "yes")[''two'' spaces to the left (due to some seedy dealings).] (else:)[one space to the left.] } Then, place a Storybook token on ''space 35'' of the VP track. { (if: $players is 3)[Then, since this is a 3 player game, pass the starting player marker clockwise 1 additional time.]} ''Board of Trustees'' Due to the efforts of your family, the Hospital has graciously awarded you with a seat on the Hospital's board of trustees. All players MUST personally visit the Hospital at least one time during this Generation by placing their Self on the Hospital space in town. The ''first time'' you visit the Hospital with your Self, [[click here to confirm.|HospitalVisitCheck]] //(If, for any reason, you have not visited the Hospital by the end of this Generation, lose 7VP and an Estate Upgrade of your choice, if possible.)// For an explanation of the Hospital action space, [[click here.|HospitalDefine]] {(if: $cured is 0)[''The Cure''<br> Whenever a player completes the ''Yellow Fever Inoculation'' (link-goto: "click here for a special message.","YellowFeverCureSignin") ] (if: $cured is 1)[''The Panacea''<br> Whenever a player completes the ''Panacea'' (link-goto: "click here for a special message.","Panacea") ] } { (if: $sciadv is 0)[ ''Scientific Advances''<br> If a player completes a total of 3 B or C-Level $sci3 Experiments this Generation, [[click here for a special reward.|Trigger3Experiments]]<br><br>] }{ (if: $trigger35 is 0)[ ''Victory Ahead''<br> If a player reaches or passes the Storybook token on space 35 of the Victory Point Track, [[click here for a special message.|Trigger35Points]]<br><br>] } ''University Symposium'' At the end of the second round, a Symposium in the field of $sci3 will be held to determine the fate of a university in town. Success will be determined by our combined dedication to completing $sci3 Experiments. [[Click here at the end of the round to move to the next round...|Immortality]]''Devastation - Early Years'' (set: $round to 4) {(if: $devpage is 0)[''SETUP''<br> Turn to page { (if: $building is "bank")[''12''] (if: $building is "library")[''13''] } of the Village Chronicle. Place the Suspicion marker on space ''{ (set: $tracker to it +2) (if: $players is 4)[(set: $tracker to it +3)] (if: $players is 5)[(set: $tracker to it +3)] $tracker}'' and the Angry Mob token { (if: $seedy is "yes")[''two'' spaces to the left (due to some seedy dealings).] (else:)[one space to the left.] } Pass the Start Player token to the player with the ''Heart token''.] } ''Clandestine Meetings'' When a player reveals their Sealed Envelope card, complete the location's action and then [[click here for a special secret message.|Envelopes]] ''Relief from Disease'' A "Hereditary Disease" Experiment card can be completed by taking the Perform Experiment action as normal. Completing this Experiment will allow you to ''ignore all ill effects'' from Disease between rounds. When a player completes their Hereditary Disease Experiment, [[click here for a special message.|HereditaryDiseaseComplete]] [[Click here at the end of the round to move to the next round...|Changes]] =><= --- ''GENERATION I: Yellow Fever'' --- <== The siblings' arrival to claim their considerable inheritance was met with the indifference of a murky countryside, gray and overcast. The sky was heavy with moisture, but could not crack into a tempest, as if heralding the unfortunate circumstances to which they would soon find themselves. Upon reaching the village, a foul stench tinged the air as teams of horses pulled the charcoal wagons like a silent funeral procession through the muddy streets. Emaciated peasants shielded their faces from the ashen gloom, seemingly unbothered by the display, and went about their somber activities uninterrupted. Several canvas-bound carts lined the edges of the main road, the dismal, gray skin of a human foot sometimes dangling freely from a rip in the fabric. The Yellow Fever had struck the village, and for several weeks any visit to its somber limits forced the young heirs to keep a cloth handkerchief about their mouth and nostrils to protect from the miasma. While they were remiss to admit it, this seemed the perfect macabre backdrop in which to advance their father's dreadful business. While the prevailing mood in the village was one of morose caution, the young entrepreneurs saw potential in these darkened streets. A particularly ambitious individual could lift this gray village into a thriving city. Perhaps even an aristocrat with coin to spare could make a persuasive argument as to its direction. As the kindred surveyed the dreary countryside from behind the iron gates of their estate, they watched the billowing mists move slowly across the valley. The townsfolk stirred as a disquieting laugh echoed down from the hillside. They were excited to begin their father's work in earnest! [[Click to continue...|Dubious]] {(set: $wolves to (either: "evil","good")) (if: $wolves is "good")[(set: $hunters to "evil")] (if: $wolves is "evil")[(set: $hunters to "good")]}Before resolving this event, all players should complete all start of round actions. --- ''The Town Is in Need of Direction'' After the untimely death of the current mayor (and the previous three), the town was once again embroiled in politics. While several mediocre businessmen had thrown their hats into the arena, the family sensed a restlessness in the small village as they searched for direction forward. Having been raised with an affinity for friendly competition, it was decided that governance would be a droll leisure activity for the family. They decided to use their influence to sway the election in their favor. This was especially pressing as the new mayor would immediately ''gain 3VP'' and then make the decision as to whether to build a ''Bank'' //(to obtain additional income)//, or to build a ''Library '' //(to obtain additional knowledge)//. [[Click to continue...|S5Special1a]] ''Direction of the Town'' ''SETUP'' $mayor receives ''3VP'' immediately. Then, they receive the ''Mayoral Ribbon token'' from the box. And finally, they will choose if they would like to build a Bank or a Library. ''BANK'' For each visit to the Bank, ''gain $2.'' The Mayor player will also ''immediately gain 1VP'' for building the Bank. ''LIBRARY'' For each visit to the Library, ''gain one Knowledge of your choice'' //(not Occult).// Which building would the new Mayor like to Build? (link: "Bank.")[(set: $building to "bank")(goto: "FeverServe2")] (link: "Library.")[(set: $building to "library")(goto: "FeverServe2")] Remove all player pieces from the board and Perform the End of a Generation. Return all ''Dubious Bartering'' cards to the box. Return any remaining Storybook tokens to the supply. --- ''Financial Woes'' The village of $townname was, for lack of a more appropriate term, agricultural in its funds and like many similar small villages, were woefully unprepared for the ravages of disease. Despite the generosity (or lack thereof) of the family, the church's already severely limited resources have been stretched to their limit in their distinctly unscientific attempts to stem the spread of infection. With no more donations to call upon, the diocese turned to the local financial institutions for aide. { (if: $building is "bank")[With additional financial capital from the ''Bank'', the church obtained the funds needed to build a Hospital. <br><br> (link-goto: "Click here to continue...","Hospitalintro")] (if: $building is "library")[The addition of a ''Library'' to the already strained finances of the village proved insurmountable, and the church failed to build a Hospital. Perhaps the lifestyle of an aristocrat blinded the mayor to this reality, but it was certain that the village would progress down a darker path.<br><br> (link-goto: "Click here to continue...","DevastationIntro")] }Remove all player pieces from the board and Perform the End of a Generation. Return all ''Dubious Bartering'' cards to the box. Return any remaining Storybook tokens to the supply. --- { (if: $players is 2)[(set: $heart to 3)] (if: $players is 3)[(set: $heart to 6)] (if: $players is 4)[(set: $heart to 8)] (if: $players is 5)[(set: $heart to 10)] (set: $hearttotal to (random: 1,6) + $heart)}''FATE of the Infected'' The congregation and citizenry, stricken with the weight of those lost in the battle with Yellow Fever, could only provide a meager sum, which placed the financial future of the village into the hands of the most charitable scientists. { (if: $charitytotal > $hearttotal)[''SUCCESS!''<br> With charitable contributions totaling over ''$hearttotal'', the Hospital was built. The additional medical infrastructure provided the town a respite from another severe outbreak and ushered in a new era.<br><br> [[Succeeded in Building the Hospital|Hospitalintro]] ] (if: $charitytotal <= $hearttotal)[''FAILURE!''<br> With charitable contributions failing to exceed ''$hearttotal'', the Hospital was not built. This ill-timed news was delivered just as several new cases of influenza spread across the region. Without the Hospital, the results were drastic.<br><br> [[Failed to Build the Hospital|DevastationIntro]] ] }=><= --- ''MY FATHER'S WORK'' --- ==> //A clever game by// T. C. Petty III. (set: $players to 0) <== How many individuals will be sharing this experience today? (link: "2 Players.")[(set: $players to 2)(goto: "PlayerNameIntro")] (link: "3 Players.")[(set: $players to 3)(goto: "PlayerNameIntro")] (link: "4 Players.")[(set: $players to 4)(goto: "PlayerNameIntro")]''SEARCH FOR THE CURE - Early Years'' (set: $uniturn to 1)(set: $round to 19) ''SETUP'' Turn to page $study (6) of the game board. Retrieve the ''Yellow Fever Innoculation'' Experiment and the ''Lifetime Scientific Master's Study'' Vanity Estate Upgrade from the box. Place the Suspicion Marker on space ''{ (set: $tracker to it -1) (if: $players is 4)[(set: $tracker to it -1)] (if: $players is 5)[(set: $tracker to it -1)] $tracker}'' and the Angry Mob token one space to the left. {(if: $cured is "no")[''The Cure''<br> Place the ''Yellow Fever Innoculation'' Experiment near the game board. When taking a Perform Experiment action, any player may choose to complete this Experiment as if it were in their hand.<br><br> Whenever a player completes the ''Yellow Fever Innoculation'' (link-goto: "click here for a special message.","Unicure") ] (if: $cured is "yes")["The Panacea"<br> Place the ''Panacea'' Experiment near the game board. When taking a Perform Experiment action, any player may choose to complete this Experiment as if it were in their hand.<br><br> Whenever a player completes the ''Panacea'' (link-goto: "click here for a special message.","Panacea") ] } ''Germ Theory Bonus'' ''All players with a Germ Theory token do not gain Creepy when taking TOWN actions.'' ''Second round Event - Lecture'' Finally, the recognition our work so truly deserves. A committee of Europe's most prominent Scientists has chosen our Village as the site of their annual fellowship meeting. They have invited us to speak at this prestigious occasion. While trepidacious at the thought of exposing our knowledge to the scientific world and a little unnerved at the prospect of public speaking, we each vow to prepare a lecture. The theme of this year's symposium is $theme. (if: $pana is "unleash")[(link-goto: "Click here at the end of the round to continue to the next round...","Panacea3")] (else:)[(link-goto: "Click here at the end of the round to continue to the next round...","University2")] {(if: $cured is "no")[''The Cure''<br> Place the ''Yellow Fever Innoculation'' Experiment near the game board. When taking a Perform Experiment action, any player may choose to complete this Experiment as if it were in their hand.<br><br> Whenever a player completes the ''Yellow Fever Innoculation'' (link-goto: "click here for a special message.","Unicure") ] (if: $cured is "yes")["The Panacea"<br> Place the ''Panacea'' Experiment near the game board. When taking a Perform Experiment action, any player may choose to complete this Experiment as if it were in their hand.<br><br> Whenever a player completes the ''Panacea'' (link-goto: "click here for a special message.","Panacea") ] } ''Germ Theory Bonus'' ''All players with a Germ Theory token do not gain Creepy when taking TOWN actions.'' ''Second round Event - Lecture'' Finally, the recognition our work so truly deserves. A committee of Europe's most prominent Scientists has chosen our Village as the site of their annual fellowship meeting. They have invited us to speak at this prestigious occasion. While trepidacious at the thought of exposing our knowledge to the scientific world and a little unnerved at the prospect of public speaking, we each vow to prepare a lecture. The theme of this year's symposium is $theme. {(if: $cured is "no")[''The Cure''<br> Place the ''Yellow Fever Innoculation'' Experiment near the game board. When taking a Perform Experiment action, any player may choose to complete this Experiment as if it were in their hand.<br><br> Whenever a player completes the ''Yellow Fever Innoculation'' (link-goto: "click here for a special message.","Unicure") ] (if: $cured is "yes")["The Panacea"<br> Place the ''Panacea'' Experiment near the game board. When taking a Perform Experiment action, any player may choose to complete this Experiment as if it were in their hand.<br><br> Whenever a player completes the ''Panacea'' (link-goto: "click here for a special message.","Panacea") ] } ''Germ Theory Bonus'' ''All players with a Germ Theory token do not gain Creepy when taking TOWN actions.'' { (if: $sym is 1)[''Science Prize'' Because of the impressive symposium, the town is suddenly a hotbed of scientific activity.<br><br>]} ''THE CRAWL - Early Years'' (set: $round to 16) ''SETUP'' Turn to ''page 8'' of the Village Chronicle. Retrieve the ''Creepy'' tokens from the box. Place the Suspicion Marker on space ''{ (if: $players is 2)[5] (if: $players is 3)[6] (if: $players is 4)[7] (if: $players is 5)[8] }'' and the Angry Mob token one space to the left. { (if: $players is 3)[Then, since this is a 3-player game, pass the starting player marker clockwise 1 additional time.]} ''PUB'' If your token is overtaken by the Angry Mob, in addition to visiting the Church you can also visit any Pub. When you visit a Pub marked with a Creepy and 0 symbol, ''reset your Creepiness to zero'' by buying a couple rounds at the Pub. Then, immediately [[click here for a Bar-venture.|Barventures]] ''MASTERWORK'' A Masterwork can be completed by taking the Perform Experiment action and paying all of its costs. ''Masterwork Recipe'' To check your Masterwork Cost, [[click here.|MWTemp]] <!--note, if time, display these here--> ''Completed Masterwork'' If you are completing a Masterwork, [[click here to receive your rewards.|MWCompleteName]] --- ''Knowledge'' At the end of each round, each player will ''move one space forward on the Creepy Track for each Knowledge cube in their Estate''. [[Click here at the end of the round to move to the next round...|roundEndKnowledge]]=><= --- ''GENERATION II: Thriving in Adversity'' --- <== It is said that springtime under the watchful eye of the snow-tipped Carpathian mountains is a wondrous sight to behold. A single excursion in these rolling hills amongst the paths that split green grass is said to reinvigorate the lonely traveler. It is common to catch the aroma of sweet bread in the air, the sounds of babbling streams with moss-covered roots sipping the cool waters, and the richness of golden honey sunsets illuminating the countryside. If but for one season, a certain blitheness, a blissful simplicity of purpose alights the torch of poetry in the dark minds of men. Therefore, perhaps it is most appropriate that the return of the scientists coincided with this season, as thanks to their predecessors' aid the town had become rejuvenated. The ashen grayness that once dominated the small town had been brightened, like the azalea flowers and crocus that now bloomed in window boxes along the streets. The new hospital had become a site of great hope and strength for the people and the town was able to weather the disease even while the newspapers described the bleakness of the surrounding cities. Due to the work of their progenitors, honorary positions on the board of trustees at the hospital were awarded to their sons and daughters; positions which they sadly could not refuse. However, this controlled proximity to the ravages of disease also offered a boon for scientific inquiries and exploration. This serendipitous push forward in disease prevention attracted the attention of not only the diocese, but also the scientific community hoping to replicate their success. There were even rumors of a government-sponsored university; a prospect that caused great tension within the church and the townsfolk used to their isolated and bucolic existences. The possibilities for advancement - and exploitation - seemed limitless. But, would their ingenious and unorthodox ambitions prove too unconventional for the cautious minds of academia? Or would the pressures of rejection from their peers break their indomitable spirit? { <!-- Notes for this page: Hospital Built. Board of Trustees. --> (if: $building is "bank")[(set: $hos to 4)] (if: $building is "library")[(set: $hos to 5)] (set: $life to 0) (set: $fevervp to (either: 4,5,6,7)) (set: $fevermoney to (either: 8,9,10,11)) } [[Click to continue...|EradicateDisease]] --- ''Scoring'' Each Estate Upgrade is worth 1VP. Add any additional points from Vanity Estate Upgrades. Score -3VP for any Maladjustments. { (if: $lycan is "yes")[Check to make sure the player with ''Lycanthropic Strength'' completed their Masterwork. If they did not, they ''lose 5VP.''] (if: $immort is "yes")[Check to make sure the player with ''Immortality'' completed their Masterwork. If they did not, they ''lose 5VP.''] } (link: "Click to see your Ending.")[(goto: $ending)] =><= --- ''GENERATION III: The University Advances'' --- <== { (set: $theme to (either: "''Chemistry''", "''Engineering''", "''Biology''")) } They observed the city from the windows of their manor; watched as men in their brown sack suits and women with sashes tied firmly about their waists wandered the bustling sidewalks and modern pathways that winded throughout the university. What was once a bucolic and unknown region had developed into a thriving metropolis. And yet, it was that very same prosperity of the city that taunted them. Was it not their family's genius, their forebear's business acumen and ambition that exiled disease from the country? Was it not their shrewd antecedents that secured the government's funding of a university — the same who entered into this generation with the secret to eternal life? Still the townsfolk eyed them as they would a foreigner, with silent judgement in their hearts. While the administration of the university offered assistance and reached out with kind words of encouragement, it was clear to the family that their presence was not truly appreciated. With each passing day, their resentment grew deeper. It seethed under the surface of their ambitious, technical labors. Science should not be contained by the arbitrary limits of ethics. They believed that this was their chance to legitimize the family's research and to prove that bold, swift, and unmitigatable genius would propel the world forward. The ends would justify the means. From darkness, an electric spark would form to capture the entire scientific world within its grasp! [[Click to continue...|UniMayor]] =><= --- ''GENERATION III: DROWN YOUR SORROWS'' --- <== They arrived by coach on a cold day in autumn, summoned from studies abroad in order to claim an inheritance that, despite their reticence, carried with it an extraordinary wealth that they could not resist. The once bright village they remembered from their eccentric youth was mired in gray fog that clung to the ashen streets. Their carriage nearly unchained itself in the deep muddy ruts of the dilapidated roads nearby. Not much is written about this time aside from journal entries from the young scientists that all echo an immediate revulsion towards the circumstances in which they found themselves and the sense of despair among the townsfolk. Photographs show us some evidence that the hospital was still in operation but its facilities had fallen into disrepair. The university that had once represented a bastion of new science was reduced to rubble, and in its place a disreputable tavern emerged. In fact, several public houses had been built upon the main thoroughfare. When the government denied the town a university, the backlash from the peasantry was swift. The citizens developed a sharp distrust of modern advances in science and medicine and were wary of those who displayed signs of intelligence. The grudge they harbored even prevented the extension of the electrical grid to a town in most desperate need of modern updates. There was an emptiness in the dusty hallways and barren passageways of the ruined Estates and this hollowness pressed upon the cousins' minds most forcefully. For years, they would be forced into secrecy, listless and isolated from their colleagues, their sense of ambition cut short at the most crucial interval. And while a visit to one of the spirited establishments would help quell the masses, the indulgence only made the gravity of the situation wear more heavily upon their features. { (set: $final5 to 3) (set: $bar to 0) } [[Continue...|CreepyStar]] ''Local Legends'' Three generations of diligent scientific minds, toiling at an unspeakable work, surrounded by decaying stone walls, their ignoble experimentations tucked away amongst the deep forests and well-worn dirt roads that traverse the gray countryside. Could the family's indifference to the plight of the diseased truly be blamed for how the pandemic consumed the region? Is it possible that they assisted a supernatural force that could ingrain themselves so deeply in a small town's infrastructure that an entire populace would be turned into monsters themselves? Or that a counter-agent could be procured and unleashed to undo an evil curse? Unearthing this mystery took considerable effort as the history of the region had all but been forgotten and the memory of several eccentric entrepreneurs isolated in aristocratic circles had faded away, obscured by time like the mists that still hang over this small valley. But whether truth or fiction, $townname's residents cling to these superstitions in whispered conversations. On nights when strange sounds emerged from the fog, they turned their gaze towards the grim chateaus in the distance and wondered what strange machinations were contained within. THE END?''Their Own Destiny'' The impressive victory over the forces of superstition within the city marked a turning point in the acceptance of scientific experimentation and progress across the entire country. And while their work had done nothing to spare the community from future epidemics, their fears now abated, allowing them to expand deeper into the valley. Lucrative silver mining operations appeared and with it came even more opportunities for the family to invest. Tall tales once told to frighten children were now believed to be real, macabre stories of true horrible scientific experiments. And after the hideous experiments let loose were wrangled once again, the respect and fear the people had for the family was demonstrable. For the family, this veneration meant a guarantee of autonomy and resources. But their fame was merely relegated to the Hungarian hillsides. They had weathered the storm, but now it was time to summon and control the tempest! With their legacy firmly cemented, they stood perched upon the precipice of true scientific discovery, confident and ready for their next moment of brilliance. THE END?''There Could Never Be Peace'' There is not much possibility to confirm the notes I have herein on a society of monsters. I have scoured the surviving journal entries, newspaper clippings, and ephemera collected on a visit to the crumbling estates outside of $townname. Or what remains of $townname. Some locals in the areas surrounding the site swear by the stories, but the ensuing decades have made the information scarce and proof even more so. The final notes and news clippings available declare that a peace between monster and man finally seemed like an imminent possibility after recent talks with the government. However, it was only weeks later that $townname became yet another casualty of the War to End All Wars. Despite the suspicious distance between the front lines and southeastern Hungary, an evening air raid resulted in a heavy firebomb and phosgene attack that devastated the city, leaving zero known survivors. As the cousins were vacationing along the Mediterranean at the time, this devastating loss was more one of property and potential opportunity. They were quick to salvage what remained of their experimentations and carry on again in their summer homes. The family had already established a name for themselves across the region, but what they had hoped would change the course of the world would have to wait as it was once again rebuilt. So like the monsters that once attempted to create their own utopian city hidden amongst the rolling hills and forests, the world was not yet ready for the family. But, like a phoenix rising reborn from the embers of destruction, it was assured that they would someday return to shock the world once again. THE END? ''To Be Rid of Evil'' When disease wreaked havoc across the countryside, they remained safe in isolation, steadfast in their determination to complete a work that would transform our understanding of the world. And when an evil presence burrowed its ghastly business underneath the rebuilding town of $townname, the family ruthlessly exposed their efforts. Their contributions of time and resources to battle away the creatures when they threatened to overtake the countryside shone like a lighthouse in a storm. The evil scourge, once a plague of disease and then again a plague of horrors from beyond, had been vanquished, leaving only the knowledge gleaned from their very existence to strengthen the family's pursuits. Though they were unhappy to share the same luminous spotlight with the Fraternity, the fame was grand enough to sate them. The city, the country, and nearly the entirety of Eastern Europe now knew their name. It was a time of peace, but not a time of rest. They had so much more science to explore and so many new generations to do it. The world would soon quiver at the very mention of that family! THE END?''A Legacy Will Live On'' This manuscript is dedicated to Dr. Ensign Benwallis who is survived by his two children, daughter, Celia Benwallis Cartwright and son, Ensign Benwallis Jr. It is with heavy heart that his story ends somewhere within these pages, though we endeavor to see his words live on. The research required for his later notes was known to have exacerbated his dipsomania. His untimely exit remains a stark reminder of the perils of inebriation. The family that commissioned his work has dedicated three percent of the proceeds from the publication of this document to the family of Dr. Benwallis. It is{(if: $uni is "yes")[, as individuals associated with the original University groundbreaking,]} the absolute least they could do. {(if: $peeps is 0)[With the introduction of electricity to the region, we have already seen a marked increase in literacy percentages in the county. We are hopeful that this will attract an audience for this scholarly work.] (if: $peeps is 1)[While we do not have hope for its continued publication within Hungary due to the region's continued lapse in general education capabilities and lack of connections to the electrical grid, we hope that individuals within other European markets will enjoy such a unique biography.] } The eccentric and infamous scientific legacy of the family will undoubtedly leave its mark for many years to come. THE END? ''Hungarian Bright'' While the cousins thrived in the lamplit tenebrosity of their basement laboratories and spent many evenings observing the melancholic, ashen mists that enveloped the nearby village, the lack of modern convenience - of light and electricity which had been granted across all of Europe - had become a detriment to their experimental capabilities. One particularly chill evening in winter, a meeting was called at the Town Hall, in which the topic of electricity and connection to the national grid was reintroduced. However, possibly fueled by many in attendance having already given patronage to the local pub, the icy mood of the meeting suddenly erupted into a fiery debate. The meeting soon descended into chaos and was adjourned as a minor brawl spilled out into the snow-covered streets. It appeared as if nothing would be done without intervention. With their influence amongst aristocratic circles, it would only take a minute amount of effort for the cousins to levy outside approval for the installation of an electrical grid. But were they aligned in their desire to agitate the masses? (if: $players is 2)[[[Click to continue...|2p-S5SpecialVoteALT]]] (else:)[[[Click to continue...|S5SpecialVote]]] ''Symposium Failure'' "Preposterous. A vaudevillian side-show." The scathing negative reviews were most predominant. {(either: "Then, we were treated to a ghastly vivisection of a wailing goat while an electrical device stimulated the nervous reflexes. Had I known, I would have brought an umbrella.","Steam shot from the abominable contraption's eye sockets as the speaker mumbled a rhythmic incantation that, if it had any effect at all, was to cause a ringing in my ears for hours afterward.")} A professional scolding soon followed from notable experts in the $sci3 field. Accused of peddling contentious pseudo-science, the cousins were informed that they would not be receiving any invitations for lecture opportunities in the future. The family returned home, each writing scathing remarks within their respective journals. They concluded that while they were no longer welcome at the University, "they were also never planning to return anyway." { (set: $uni to "no") (set: $final5 to 5) (if: $pana is "unleash")[(link-goto: "Click to continue...","PanaceaUnleash")] (else:)[(link-goto: "Click to continue...","Hospital3")] } ''Symposium Success'' "Eccentric, but certainly well-documented," the succinct, blood-stained note stated. "I expected the worst when Dr. $nameB II began their presentation by {(either: "strumming a popular tune on the vocal chords of an otter.","winding up the gear mechanism of an automaton with sharpened blades for hands.","creating a salt circle with a sack-doll at the center and then asking for a blood sample from someone in the audience.","exploding a vial of acid using another, stronger vial of acid to 'get our attention'.")} But, by the hour mark, the speech really hit its stride." A mixture of befuddled excitement and intrigue swept through the halls of academia. Yet, the professors all agreed that despite a lack of traditional form, it was the inexorably excitable demeanor of the cousins that so enamored them. The Symposium had been a rousing success. Finally their work was becoming noted! (set: $uni to "yes")(set: $final5 to 6) { (if: $pana is "unleash")[(link-goto: "Click to continue...","PanaceaUnleash")] (else:)[(link-goto: "Click to continue...","Hospital3")] } Remove all player pieces from the board and perform the End of a Generation. Any Storybook tokens remaining on a player's Journal Track are returned to the supply. --- ''Immortality Advances'' The ''$life'' scientists reveled in the suspicious glances of the townsfolk whenever they strolled through town, their visages spotless and unaging. Surely, the indefinite extension of their lives was a true marvel. They remained in the village, tending their estates into advanced ages unheard of in this Victorian era, seemingly untouched by time. The additional scientific advances made possible by this remarkable vitality guided the town towards a more modern direction. [[Click to continue to a more enlightened time...|UniversityIntro]] ''Award the Prize'' It was inescapable. The most prestigious award in science and all the conventional praise, scrutiny, and adoration it engendered was thrust upon one of the family. The additional obligations of the cursed establishment would pull them from their work up until their final hours. ''SPECIAL SCORING'' The ''least Creepy'' player ''loses 7VP.'' //(If there is a tie, ALL tied players ''lose 4VP'' instead.)// [[Click to continue...|Scoring]] ''Final Clarity'' ''SPECIAL SCORING'' All players with their token on space $mental of the Insanity Track ''gain 5VP'' each. If $saneplayer has their token on space $mental, they ''gain (either: 8,9)VP'' instead. [[Continue to Final Scoring|ForScience]] ''Bar-venture''(set: $barin to (either: 1,2,3)) { (if: $barin is 1)[//Local records from this time show a shocking number of legal depositions submitted on the behalf of the family due to minor incidents at one of the town's drinking establishments. A pertinent example is included below.//] (if: $barin is 2)[//As your historical curator, I humbly submit this legal document in its entirety as an example of the colorful "adventures" remarked upon by locals during my research into the family's past.//] (if: $barin is 3)[//It is in the interest of thoroughness that I include this legal note. Maybe it is of some (either: "historical","comical","scientific") value? The sheer number of embarrassing anecdotes does offer insight into the character of the scientists, though it certainly does not paint them in a favorable light.// ] } { (if: $round is 16)[(display: (either: "bar1", "bar2", "bar3", "bar4", "bar5", "bar6", "bar7"))] (if: $round is 17)[(display: (either: "bar1", "bar2", "bar3", "bar4", "bar5", "bar6", "bar7"))] (if: $round is 18)[(display: (either: "bar1", "bar2", "bar3", "bar4", "bar6", "bar7"))] } { (if: $round is 16)[(link-goto: "Click to continue...", "NoUni1")] (if: $round is 17)[(link-goto: "Click to continue...", "NoUni2")] (if: $round is 18)[(link-goto: "Click to continue...", "NoUni3")] } { (set: $charitytotal to (prompt: "Count up all the heart tokens collected by ALL players. Please enter the total number here.")) }''Legacy of Charity'' (set: $charitytotal to (num: $charitytotal)) Now count how many ''Heart'' tokens each individual player has collected. Award the player(s) with the most Heart tokens ''5VP''. ''Special SETUP'' The player with the most Heart tokens will keep ''1 Heart token'' in their Quarters and return all other tokens to the box. All other players return ''all'' of their Heart tokens to the box. //If there is a tie, the player later in turn order this round receives the Heart token.// The player with the Heart Token is: { (link: "$nameA")[(set: $charity to $nameA)(goto: (either: "S5Fate1", "S5Fate2"))]<br> (link: "$nameB")[(set: $charity to $nameB)(goto: (either: "S5Fate1", "S5Fate2"))]<br> (if: $players > 2)[ (link: "$nameC")[(set: $charity to $nameC)(goto: (either: "S5Fate1", "S5Fate2"))]]<br> (if: $players > 3)[ (link: "$nameD")[(set: $charity to $nameD)(goto: (either: "S5Fate1", "S5Fate2"))]]<br> (if: $players > 4)[ (link: "$nameE")[(set: $charity to $nameE)(goto: (either: "S5Fate1", "S5Fate2"))]]<br> }''YELLOW FEVER - Middle Years'' (set: $round to 2) ''BUILD A HOSPITAL'' The church can no longer handle the influx of the diseased and needs to expand their facilities. Each time a player visits the church, they may donate funds and assistance towards building a new Hospital by paying money to the supply. Depending on the amount spent ($0, $1, or $2), the player will receive 1, 2, or 3 ''Heart tokens'' and lose 1, 2, or 3 ''Creepy''. //You do not pay extra ($) for placing a piece if another player has already placed at the church.// At the end of the Generation, the player with the most Heart tokens will gain ''5VP.'' //If there is a tie, all tied players gain 5VP.// { (if: $creepy4 is 0)[''Attracting Attention''<br> If a player reaches the ''4th'' space on the ''Creepy'' Track, [[click here.|Gen1-CreepyTrack]]<br><br>] (if: $sane3 is 0)[''The Mark of Genius''<br> If a player reaches the ''3rd'' space on the ''Insanity'' Track, [[click here.|Gen1-SanityTrack]]]<br><br> }''Second round Event - Election Season'' Political pandering may require more than simply a silver tongue and a bright smile. Be sure to have some extra capital on hand as the need may arise. [[Click here at the end of the round for a special event.|S5Special1]] ''YELLOW FEVER - Late Years'' (set: $round to 3) ''SETUP'' Turn to page { (if: $building is "bank")[''2''] (if: $building is "library")[''3''] } of the Village Chronicle. { (if: $building is "bank")[''BANK''<br> A new Bank has been built in town. For each visit to the Bank, ''gain $2.''] (if: $building is "library")[''LIBRARY''<br> A new Library has been built in town. For each visit to the Library, ''gain one Knowledge of your choice'' //(not Occult).//] } ''BUILD A HOSPITAL'' The church can no longer handle the influx of the diseased and needs to expand their facilities. Each time a player visits the church, they may donate funds and assistance towards building a new Hospital by paying money to the supply. Depending on the amount spent ($0, $1, or $2), the player will receive 1, 2, or 3 ''Heart tokens'' and lose 1, 2, or 3 ''Creepy''. //You do not pay extra ($) for placing a piece if another player has already placed at the church.// At the end of the Generation, the player with the most Heart tokens will gain ''5VP.'' //If there is a tie, all tied players gain 5VP.// { (if: $creepy4 is 0)[''Attracting Attention''<br> If a player reaches the ''4th'' space on the ''Creepy'' Track, [[click here.|Gen1-CreepyTrack]]<br><br>] (if: $sane3 is 0)[''The Mark of Genius''<br> If a player reaches the ''3rd'' space on the ''Insanity'' Track, [[click here.|Gen1-SanityTrack]]]<br><br> }[[Click here at the end of the Generation to continue...|Feverheart]] ''A Return to Civility'' Though the decayed trails that led to the village caused a carriage to jostle and creak most violently, a brisk, morning ride allowed the aging aristocrats a chance to escape the stale air of their stone manors and ruminate on the melancholic, dour beauty of the region. It was upon these morning rides that they were able to observe a sudden and peculiar transformation occurring within the town. Crews of hired laborers arrived to clear several of the empty lots in the village and construct new foundations. Within weeks, these vacant lots were filled by nondescript buildings of various purposes. Armed with an inimitable curiosity and thirst for knowledge, the cousins could not resist further investigation. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' All players discard their Sealed Envelope cards to the box. [[Click to continue...|Diseases1]] { (set: $build to (a: 1,2,3,4,5)) (if: $building is "bank")[(set: $build to it - (a: 2))] (if: $building is "library")[(set: $build to it - (a: 3))] (set: $build to (shuffled: ...$build)) (set: $buildA to $build's 1st) (set: $buildB to $build's 2nd) (if: $building is "bank")[(set: $buildC to 2)] (else-if: $building is "library")[(set: $buildC to 3)] (else:)[(set: $buildC to $build's 3rd)] (if: $buildA is 1)[(set: $ba to "Hardware Store")] (if: $buildA is 2)[(set: $ba to "Wire Service")] (if: $buildA is 3)[(set: $ba to "Book Store")] (if: $buildA is 4)[(set: $ba to "Warehouse")] (if: $buildA is 5)[(set: $ba to "Pet Store")] (if: $buildB is 1)[(set: $bb to "Hardware Store")] (if: $buildB is 2)[(set: $bb to "Wire Service")] (if: $buildB is 3)[(set: $bb to "Book Store")] (if: $buildB is 4)[(set: $bb to "Warehouse")] (if: $buildB is 5)[(set: $bb to "Pet Store")] (if: $buildC is 1)[(set: $bc to "Hardware Store")] (if: $buildC is 2)[(set: $bc to "Wire Service")] (if: $buildC is 3)[(set: $bc to "Book Store")] (if: $buildC is 4)[(set: $bc to "Warehouse")] (if: $buildC is 5)[(set: $bc to "Pet Store")] }''Devastation - Late Years'' (set: $round to 6) ''Suspicion'' When a player visits one of the three Suspicious locations, they may investigate the location by secretly picking it up and looking at its reverse side. Then, click on the appropriate location below to choose whether to reveal or conceal the secrets underneath. (link: "Investigate $ba")[(set: $inv to $ba)(goto: "BuildingSignin")] (link: "Investigate $bb")[(set: $inv to $bb)(goto: "BuildingSignin")] (link: "Investigate $bc")[(set: $inv to $bc)(goto: "BuildingSignin")] //You may visit the same Building multiple times.// At the end of the Generation, if a Building has been revealed more times than concealed, the work will be ''Exposed'' for the world to see. ''Relief from Disease'' A "Hereditary Disease" Experiment card can be completed by taking the Perform Experiment action as normal. Completing this Experiment will allow you to ''ignore all ill effects'' from Disease between rounds. When a player completes their Hereditary Disease Experiment, [[click here for a special message.|HereditaryDiseaseComplete]] ''Stable Hand'' When a player visits the Stables, they may [[click here to speak with the Stable Hand.|RefusalEvent]] //If you have joined a faction, this action will have no effect.// [[Click here at the end of the Generation to Determine the Fate of the Town.|BuildingsEnd]] ''Devastation - Middle Years'' (set: $round to 5) ''Setup'' Turn to page ''14'' of the Village Chronicle. Retrieve the ''Suspicious Building'' tiles, leaving them building side up. Place a storybook token on the ''Stables''. Place the Building marked ''$ba'' on the A Building location. Place the Building marked ''$bb'' on the B Building location. Place the Building marked ''$bc'' on the C Building location. Return the remaining tiles to the scenario box. ''Suspicion'' When a player visits one of the three Suspicious locations, they may investigate the location by secretly picking it up and looking at its reverse side. Then, click on the appropriate location below to choose whether to reveal or conceal the secrets underneath. (link: "Investigate $ba")[(set: $inv to $ba)(goto: "BuildingSignin")] (link: "Investigate $bb")[(set: $inv to $bb)(goto: "BuildingSignin")] (link: "Investigate $bc")[(set: $inv to $bc)(goto: "BuildingSignin")] //You may visit the same Building multiple times.// At the end of the Generation, if a Building has been revealed more times than concealed, the work will be ''Exposed'' for the world to see. ''Relief from Disease'' A "Hereditary Disease" Experiment card can be completed by taking the Perform Experiment action as normal. Completing this Experiment will allow you to ''ignore all ill effects'' from Disease between rounds. When a player completes their Hereditary Disease Experiment, [[click here for a special message.|HereditaryDiseaseComplete]] ''Stable Hand'' When a player visits the Stables, they may [[click here to speak with the Stable Hand.|RefusalEvent]] //If you have joined a faction, this action will have no effect.// [[Click here at the end of the round for a Special Event...|DevEventCure]] {(set: $vial to (either: "wolves","hunters"))}''THRIVING IN ADVERSITY - Middle Years'' (set: $round to 8) ''Board of Trustees'' All players MUST place their Self on the Hospital space in town once this generation. //(If, for any reason, you have not visited the Hospital by the end of this Generation, lose 7VP and an Estate Upgrade of your choice, if possible.)// When you visit the Hospital with your Self, [[click here to confirm.|HospitalVisitCheck]] {(if: $cured is 0)[''The Cure''<br> Whenever a player completes the ''Yellow Fever Inoculation'' (link-goto: "click here for a special message.","YellowFeverCureSignin") ] (if: $cured is 1)[<br><br> ''The Panacea''<br> Whenever a player completes the ''Panacea'' (link-goto: "click here for a special message.","Panacea") ] }{ (if: $trigger35 is 0)[<br><br> ''Victory Ahead''<br> If a player reaches or passes the Storybook token on space 35 of the Victory Point Track, [[click here for a special message.|Trigger35Points]]<br><br>] } ''The Secret to Immortality'' If any player reaches the third level of research on the Journal Track with their Storybook token, [[click here for a reward.|InfinityClick1]] { (if: $sciadv is 0)[ ''Scientific Advances''<br> If a player completes a total of 3 B or C-Level $sci3 Experiments this Generation, [[Click here for a special reward.|Trigger3Experiments]] ] } ''University Symposium'' At the end of the second round, a Symposium in the field of $sci3 will be held to determine the fate of a university in town. Success will be determined by our combined dedication to completing $sci3 Experiments. [[Click here at the end of the round to attend the $sci3 Symposium.|SymposiumEvent1]] ''THRIVING IN ADVERSITY - Late Years'' (set: $round to 9) {(if: $uni is "yes")[''SETUP''<br> (if: $building is "bank")[Turn to page ''6'' of the Village Chronicle.] (if: $building is "library")[Turn to page ''7'' of the Village Chronicle.]<br><br> ] }''Board of Trustees'' All players MUST place their Self on the Hospital space in town once this generation. //(If, for any reason, you have not visited the Hospital by the end of this Generation, lose 7VP and an Estate Upgrade of your choice, if possible.)// When you visit the Hospital with your Self, [[click here to confirm.|HospitalVisitCheck]] {(if: $cured is 0)[''The Cure''<br> Whenever a player completes the ''Yellow Fever Inoculation'' (link-goto: "click here for a special message.","YellowFeverCureSignin") ] (if: $cured is 1)[''The Panacea''<br> Whenever a player completes the ''Panacea'' (link-goto: "click here for a special message.","Panacea") ] } { (if: $trigger35 is 0)[ ''Victory Ahead''<br> If a player reaches or passes the Storybook token on space 35 of the Victory Point Track, [[click here for a special message.|Trigger35Points]]<br><br>] } ''The Secret'' If any player reaches the third level of research on the Journal Track with their Storybook token, [[click here for a reward.|InfinityClick1]] { (if: $sciadv is 0)[ ''Scientific Advances''<br> If a player completes a total of 3 B or C-Level $sci3 Experiments this Generation, [[Click here for a special reward.|Trigger3Experiments]] ] } [[Click here at the end of the Generation to continue...|HospitalNegative]] ''Creatures and Bad Air'' At this time, scientific journals competed for relevance. Miasmatic transference of disease by bad air emanating from rotten organic matter. Or microscopic living organisms that infected a host and caused diseases to appear. ''Germs v. Miasma'' Each player takes a Theory token. Then, in turn order, each player chooses a side to support by placing the with that side face-up in their Quarters. Once all players have chosen, ''count up the total votes'' for either Theory. This is the theory which is presented to the public. [[We talked on Miasma Theory.|HospEvent1]] [[We spoke on Germ Theory.|HospEvent2]] { (if: $players is 4)[//In the case of a tie, the tie is broken by the last player in turn order.//<br><br>] } ''THE CRAWL - Middle Years'' (set: $round to 17) ''PUB'' If your token is overtaken by the Angry Mob, in addition to visiting the Church you can also visit any Pub. When you visit a Pub marked with a Creepy and 0 symbol, ''reset your Creepiness to zero'' by buying a couple rounds at the Pub. Then, immediately [[click here for a Bar-venture.|Barventures]] ''MASTERWORK'' A Masterwork can be completed by taking the Perform Experiment action and paying all of its costs. ''Masterwork Recipe'' To check your Masterwork Cost, [[click here.|MWTemp]] ''Completed Masterwork'' If you are completing a Masterwork, [[click here to receive your rewards.|MWCompleteName]] --- ''Knowledge'' At the end of each round, each player will ''move one space forward on the Creepy Track for each Knowledge cube in their Estate''. ''Second round Event'' [[Click here at the end of the second round for a special event.|roundEndKnowledge]] ''THE CRAWL - Late Years'' (set: $round to 18) ''Setup'' Remove all Creepy tokens from the board. Turn to page ''9'' of the Village Chronicle. { (if: $peeps is 1)[''Like Us''<br> The townspeople express regret for their actions and offer assistance in the family's endeavors.<br><br> (set: $ending to "END-NoUniGood") Any player with a token that is not currently overtaken by the Angry Mob receives ''one final Perform Experiment action'' at the end of this round.] (if: $peeps is 0)[''A Step Forward''<br> The townspeople begrudgingly accept the conveniences provided by access to electricity and while no apologies are offered, no further actions are taken as retribution.<br><br> (set: $ending to "END-NoUniGood") ''The Power of Electricity''<br> During a ''Perform Experiment'' action, choose a type of Knowledge. ''Ignore that Knowledge type when paying the costs of any B or C-Level Experiment.'' //For example, if you choose Chemistry and an Experiment card has a 2 Chemistry cost, you pay 0 Chemistry to complete it.//]} ''PUB'' If your token is overtaken by the Angry Mob, in addition to visiting the Church you can also visit any Pub. When you visit a Pub marked with a Creepy and 0 symbol, ''reset your Creepiness to zero'' by buying a couple rounds at the Pub. Then, immediately [[click here for a Bar-venture.|Barventures]] ''MASTERWORK'' A Masterwork can be completed by taking the Perform Experiment action and paying all of its costs. ''Masterwork Recipe'' To check your Masterwork Cost, [[click here.|MWTemp]] ''Completed Masterwork'' If you are completing a Masterwork, [[click here to receive your rewards.|MWCompleteName]] {(link: "Click here at the end of the Generation for Final Scoring and to Determine the Fate of the Town.")[ (if: $peeps is 1)[(goto: "NoUni3b")] (else:)[(goto: "Scoring")]]} ''SEARCH FOR THE CURE - Middle Years'' (set: $round to 20) ''The Ultimate Disease'' At the end of this round, players will be given the opportunity to contribute 1 ''Chemistry or Occult'' Experiment to create and unleash a new disease upon the town. ''Nobel Prize in Medicine'' The scientific world has finally taken notice of $townname and its $playtxt ingenious scholars. The absurdity of it all! Not only does this hamper their ability to experiment freely, it also gives their work mainstream merit. At the End of the Generation, the ''least Creepy'' player will be awarded this prestigious award and ''lose 7VP.'' ''Perfect Mental Balance'' At the end of the Generation, if your piece is on space $mental of the Insanity Track, you will ''gain 5VP''. [[Click here at the end of the round for a special event.|UniEvent2-UltimateDisease]] ''SEARCH FOR THE CURE - Late Years'' (set: $round to 21) { (if: $ultimate is "yes")[''SETUP''<br> Turn to page ''11'' in the Village Chronicle.] } ''Nobel Prize in Medicine'' The scientific world has finally taken notice of $townname and its $playtxt ingenious scholars. The absurdity of it all! Not only does this hamper their ability to experiment freely, it also gives their work mainstream merit. At the End of the Generation, the ''least Creepy'' player will be awarded this prestigious award and ''lose 7VP.'' ''Perfect Mental Balance'' At the end of the Generation, if your piece is on space $mental of the Insanity Track, you will ''gain 5VP''. (set: $ending to "END-UniGood") (link: "Click here at the end of the Generation for Final Scoring and to Determine the Fate of the Town.")[(goto: "SanityCheck")] ''How to Use the Storybook'' //My Father's Work// is a game of Victorian era mad scientist ambition told over three generations. The Storybook App controls the direction of the Town depending on the decisions made by the players. It will require that players interact with it by clicking on specific passages at certain times. ''End of a round'' There are three rounds in each Generation. At the end of each round, you ''must'' click the bottom link to resolve any special events and move play to the next round. The screen will then display the current round and changes to gameplay (if any). ''Story Actions'' Sometimes, the game will require that a player click a certain link when an action has been performed. This may be taking an action in the Town, your Estate, or completing a specific goal. Be sure to click these links to receive a special story passage. [[Click to return...|Start2]] <img src="MFWlogo.png" style="width:100%;"> [[Click to continue...|TITLE SCREEN]] ''Library'' Gain 1 Knowledge of your choice. //(Not Occult.)// //If you place multiple pieces with this action, each Knowledge you gain may be of the same or a different type.//''Charitable Church'' Pay $0/1/2 to gain 1/2/3 Heart tokens and move an equal number of spaces backwards on the Creepy Track. //For example: If you pay $1, you will gain 2 Heart tokens and move 2 spaces backwards.//''Bank'' Gain $2.''Hospital'' Look through the deck of your choice to find an Experiment of your choice and draw it into your hand. //(Once complete, shuffle the deck.)// You have until the beginning of your next turn to complete this action //(allow other players to begin their turn while you choose).//Double-click this passage to edit it.''A Place of Higher Learning'' The Library inspired the modern era. ''The player with the Mayoral Ribbon token gains 3VP'' {(if: $meet is 0)[(goto: "FailedMeeting")]}''Carefully pick up the storybook and do not allow any other players to see the screen.'' Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation. (click-replace: "Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.")[''Upon a Secret Meeting - Letter - (either: "April","August","October") (random: 1,29), 1865'' I, $meet, am writing this letter to you after my meeting with an associate of the International Order of St. Hubertus. Our conversation was brief, but the resulting knowledge has piqued my curiosities. It has been revealed to me that your intentions are { (if: $wolves is "evil")[nefarious. The malevolent Order is consumed with greed, seeking to unearth the ancient secrets in this area and use this power to alter humanity and spread a plague of monstrous entities across the world. You only asked for your work to remain ''concealed''. ] (else-if: $wolves is "good")[demonstrably positive. The Order is only concerned with establishing a safe haven for those afflicted by disease. Your representative even revealed a physical peculiarity that had elongated her cuspids into sharp points. She left swiftly before nightfall, ignoring my pleas for her to remain, but she urged me to ''investigate'' the secret workings soon to become apparent.] } Being intimately familiar with matters of the occult, this admission is unsurprising. My apprehensions are only related to how your actions will impact my ability to advance my scientific studies most generously. ''It is with sincerity that I:'' ...have decided to {(link: "join and pledge my service to your cause.")[ (if: $meet is $nameA)[(set: $allyA to "wolves")] (if: $meet is $nameB)[(set: $allyB to "wolves")] (if: $meet is $nameC)[(set: $allyC to "wolves")] (if: $meet is $nameD)[(set: $allyD to "wolves")] (if: $meet is $nameE)[(set: $allyE to "wolves")] (goto: "HubertusConfirmation")]} ...have decided to (link-goto: "refuse this ridiculous offer.","RefusalWolves")] ''The International Order of St. Hubertus'' With our evening engagements concluded, we convened at our dear cousin $memb's abode for parlour games and wine while several plumes of sandalwood incense burned at the windowsills. Our conversation was suddenly interrupted by a woman's presence. As if she had materialized from the smoke, she was wrapped in a dark cloth cape, the broach beneath her chin cinching a high collar which obscured all features of her face except a deep set of emerald eyes. Before we could appropriately express our indignation at the appalling intrusion, two more men dressed in similar clothing appeared at her sides. She swiftly addressed us { (if: $order is "good")[and thanked us for our assistance in uncovering the culprit and assured us that the Order of St. Hubertus would wait until the government made their next move. At which point, they would expose the treachery to the citizenry.] (if: $order is "evil")[and thanked us for removing the final impeding factors for the Order's plan to use this countryside as a base of operations. With the citizens left with no options other than to move away to avoid the disease, the bountiful land here will be bought for a minor pittance.]} With a nearly imperceptible motion of her fingers, her two attendants moved to action. They commandeered a nearby table, placing a crystal flask onto a silk hankerchief embroidered with the silver insignia of a wolf's head. ''Retrieve the Order of St. Hubertus tokens from the box.'' The representative retrieved an ornate silver goblet from her satchel. Her attendant gracefully poured a healthy dose of deep red liquid from the flask. She swirled the cool fluid to the worn lip and whispered a few indiscernable words. Her servant lifted the goblet in two hands and brought it around to each of us. "I entreat you to join us in our endeavours, dear friends. You have earned your right to initiation within the Order. It is your choice to make, and I expect that you will honor the clandestine nature of our order." ''Join'' Each player, in turn order, may choose to drink from the goblet to accept the invitation. If you accept, ''Gain an Order of St. Hubertus token''. Once all players have chosen, (link: "click to continue...")[(set: $mission to "yes")(goto: "Epidemic3")] ''Moon Sickness'' {(if: $round is 13)[ What a horrible night to have a curse!<br><br> They wrote of torn clothing, strange awakenings half-naked in the gardens at the edge of their Estate, of blood speckled about their boots and dried streaks from the corners of their lips. Lingering lucid memories of stalking prey in the woods haunted their dreams yet filled them with a terrible energy!<br><br> When they discovered the eviscerated body of one of their servants skewered upon the metal fence that lined the grounds, the bestial teeth and claw marks told a new story. They steeled their mind against the distraction, recommitting themselves with deadly focus to the task at hand.<br><br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> All players with a ''Disease Experiment'' in their Stored Experiments ''draw a Compulsion and gain a Body.''<br><br> [[Click to continue...|Huntround1]] ] (if: $round is 14)[ They could not dwell on the news of yet another victim within their household for long as more pressing matters of scientific import weighed upon their every waking hour. <br><br> For theirs was a dismal, macabre occupation. They measured each moment in dark pen strokes, the incision of a sterilized blade, or the ebullition of glowing liquid in a graduated flask. The loss of a servant was unfortunate, not for the life it represented, but for the distinct lapse in efficiency procuring a new servant would cause.<br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> All players with a ''Disease Experiment'' in their Stored Experiments ''draw a Compulsion and gain a Body.''<br><br> [[Click to continue...|Huntround2]] ] } ''SWORN STATEMENT - Case (random: 001,999)-HDG-(random: 001,999)'' (set: $bar1 to (either: 1,2)) {(if: $bar1 is 1)[After a brief excursion to the local pub, I happened to engage in a spirited conversation with the ''Blacksmith’s'' son. Being slightly out of my wits, his slightly improper offer to accompany him home to his chateau for further libations appealed. We engaged in a delightful conversation, so intriguing in fact, that I accepted his generous offer of temporary lodging for the evening. I will spare the details of our respectable and entirely benign conversation.<br><br> We both decided to disrobe as any person would when making nightly preparations for sleep. Regrettably, though I cannot recollect how it occurred, the Blacksmith was unpleased to discover us similarly nude and entwined in this state the next morning, surrounded by several defiled tools from the forge. Our family’s reputation was certainly sullied at the Blacksmith and I resolved to avoid it in the future.] (if: $bar1 is 2)[After a brief excursion to the local pub, I happened to engage in a spirited conversation with the ''Blacksmith’s'' daughter. While I am unable to discern the reasoning behind my actions, I have since apologized for my repeated comments besmirching her virtuous nature; comments which apparently resulted in a minor altercation with a gentlemen or two at the fine establishment.<br><br> It was around midnight that I decided to make a quiet exit, in order to properly avoid any further antagonism. My clothes, soiled and bloodied by the ensuing brawl, were found discarded along the muddy trek to the Blacksmith's forge. While I have no recollection of the ensuing events, multiple witnesses attest that I then proceeded to brand the blacksmith's dog and passed out naked in the slack tub. Our family’s reputation was certainly sullied at the Blacksmith and I resolved to avoid it in the future.]} ''Special SETUP'' Place a Creepy token on the ''Blacksmith''. When a player takes an action at this location, they ''gain 1 Creepy'' for every Creepy token on that location. ''SWORN STATEMENT - Case (random: 001,999)-HDG-(random: 001,999)'' (set: $bar2 to (either: 1,2)) {(if: $bar2 is 1)[While many first-hand accounts from the townsfolk may not corroborate my story, I cannot conceal my disgust with the insinuation. The stable hand and I were simply enjoying a midnight ride in the nearby beet fields in the spirit of the season. Due to my enhanced state of inebriation, I may have chosen the incorrect steed for our excursion.<br><br> I awoke in the stables beside my porcine companion, who had been outfitted with a leather riding saddle. The gate to their pen had been left open and the entire pig population of the town was scattered throughout the streets.<br><br> I would also like to note that the charges of public nudity against me are warrantless, as upon discovery of my predicament that morning, I hastily endeavored to hide my shame and purchase new clothing from a local tailor as would be customary in such a situation. Our family’s reputation was certainly sullied at the ''Farmer’s Market'' and I resolved to avoid it in the future.] (if: $bar2 is 2)[I find the accusations toward my conduct and character most disturbing. To insinuate that I was openly consorting with individuals of ill-repute and offered compensation for illicit activities, why it is as absurd as the other charges against me from that evening.<br><br> While I admit to having a few additional libations, it is most presumptuous to believe that just because I was found near the open door of my carriage in the buff, covered in tomato paste, with lipstick impressions across the entirety of my form, that I would be held responsible for the debasing of a bushel of cherry tomatoes and several other vegetable stocks.<br><br> Despite my personal objections, I have summarily reimbursed the stall owner for their produce and discretion in the matter. Our family’s reputation was certainly sullied at the ''Farmer’s Market'' and I resolved to avoid it in the future.]} ''Special SETUP'' Place a Creepy token on the ''Farmer's Market''. When a player takes an action at this location, they ''gain 1 Creepy'' for every Creepy token on that location.''SWORN STATEMENT - Case (random: 001,999)-HDG-(random: 001,999)'' (set: $bar3 to (either: 1,2)) {(if: $bar3 is 1)[It was very much in poor taste for a ''fortune teller'' to summarily dismiss my romantic advances given my current social status and level of wealth. However, I admit that my inebriated reaction to steal and destroy her Tarot deck was highly juvenile. And the public defiling of said Tarot cards afterwards was certainly not in keeping with the standards of my aristocratic upbringing.<br><br> I have since reimbursed the Fortune Teller for her ruined Tarot cards, and apologized to the Sheriff for my display of public nudity. Our family’s reputation was certainly sullied at the Fortune Teller and I resolved to avoid it in the future.] (if: $bar3 is 2)[During a spirited conversation at the local pub, I was informed of a fine establishment with premium snuff and tobacco on the outskirts of town. While I cannot recall if I partook, I was made aware that this establishment promoted opium use, which is a vile indulgence indeed. Sadly, I admit poor judgement in not exiting the premises immediately upon this discovery and my subsequent refusal to leave after four hours had elapsed.<br><br> An exchange of bitter words may have occurred, which resulted in myself yelling expletives and unfortunate ethnic slurs which I would dare not repeat. At some point my clothes had vanished, so I was at a distinct physical disadvantage when I was swiftly removed from the area, not without sustaining several bruises from the scuffle (which, to note, I have not pressed charges for). Our family’s reputation was certainly sullied at the ''Fortune Teller'' and I resolved to avoid it in the future.] } ''Special SETUP'' Place a Creepy token on the ''Fortune Teller''. When a player takes an action at this location, they ''gain 1 Creepy'' for every Creepy token on that location. ''SWORN STATEMENT - Case (random: 001,999)-HDG-(random: 001,999)'' (set: $bar4 to (either: 1,2)) {(if: $bar4 is 1)[The celebration had been exceedingly rowdy. I could not recall whose birthday or anniversary was being celebrated, but I could remember my celebratory stilted walk to the ''General Store'' near midnight. In my admittedly intoxicated state, I required sustenance.<br><br> Unfortunately, my hunger pangs may have overtaken my sensibilities. A rock may have been plunged through the front window, and I may have been discovered the next morning by the constabulary, passed out naked on the wooden floor, surrounded by several empty cartons of canned sardines, the contents of which may have been returned to the same general area in a more semi-digested form. Our family’s reputation was certainly sullied at the General Store and I resolved to avoid it in the future.] (if: $bar4 is 2)[The proprietors of the General Store, Hagen and Mabel Varga, are respectable, upstanding citizens of whom I have a deep respect. Their fine emporium of quality products is a grand example of successful private business ownership that positively serves the community.<br><br> My unfortunate public statements to the contrary in a loud and admittedly inebriated state were categorically untrue and misinformed. My subsequent scrawling of expletives upon their business' front window - with a crude writing medium that I will not elaborate upon - was brash and reckless.<br><br> I regret that my nude form was discovered curled up at their doorstep by the constabulary. Our family’s reputation was certainly sullied at the General Store and I resolved to avoid it in the future.] } ''Special SETUP'' Place a Creepy token on the ''General Store''. When a player takes an action at this location, they ''gain 1 Creepy'' for every Creepy token on that location. ''SWORN STATEMENT - Case (random: 001,999)-HDG-(random: 001,999)'' (set: $bar5 to (either: 1,2)) {(if: $bar5 is 1)[I vaguely remember the phrase that began the argument, but the stitches above my left eye from a shattered glass mug jogged my recollection of the ensuing brawl. A quick nightcap turned into an extended stay of tumbled barstools, belligerence, and wild accusations. My injuries must have been extensive as my memory ceased soon after.<br><br> My displeased spouse informed me that I was currently the height of gossip within the town. First-hand accounts - of which I cannot confirm given my state of awareness - described how I spat blood in a nurse’s face, tore off my leggings (and undergarments), tried to punch the vicar thrice, and defiled myself in the lobby. Our family’s reputation was certainly sullied at the ''Hospital'' and I resolved to avoid it in the future.] (if: $bar5 is 2)[I should not have attempted to perform a surgical procedure in my state. Nor should I have locked myself in the surgical arena with a patient, barred the door, and undressed, dousing myself in a carbolic acid solution for the purposes of sterilization. However, my honor had been questioned at the pub and I deemed it only necessary to demonstrate my surgical prowess.<br><br> The demonstration of my experimentation capabilities - which are normally formidable, I might add - turned into a series of unfortunate mishaps and misunderstandings. The unfortunate patient has since made a full recovery and has already received a generous stipend in recompense and the hospital a donation with which to cleanse the arena of the admittedly large quantity of blood on the walls, seating, instruments, and ceiling. Our family’s reputation was certainly sullied at the ''Hospital'' and I resolved to avoid it in the future.] } ''Special SETUP'' Place a Creepy token on the ''Hospital''. When a player takes an action at this location, they ''gain 1 Creepy'' for every Creepy token on that location. ''SWORN STATEMENT - Case (random: 001,999)-HDG-(random: 001,999)'' Although witnesses claim that I had carried a makeshift torch several blocks to the destination, my ignition of nearby gasoline reserves was entirely accidental. My intent, of course, was a comical reenactment of the wiles of recent angry mobs; clearly satirical in nature. A vaudevillian parody. However, the French performance art overtones due to my regrettable nudity were not considered with high regard. The resulting blaze that consumed over half of the Laborer’s Union building that night was also not met with the warmest of receptions. Honestly, the Laborer’s Union building had not been updated for years. It was overdue for renovations. However, our family’s reputation was certainly sullied at the ''Laborer’s Union'' and I resolved to avoid it in the future. ''Special SETUP'' Place a Creepy token on the ''Laborer's Union''. When a player takes an action at this location, they ''gain 1 Creepy'' for every Creepy token on that location. ''SWORN STATEMENT - Case (random: 001,999)-HDG-(random: 001,999)'' While the cemetery has certainly been a crucial source of ingredients for my experiments - acquired by pruning local flora and herbs - calling attention to this fact very loudly while inside the local pub was probably a mistake. Openly inviting all patrons to join me in the cemetery to kick over headstones and then running directly to said location to do so was a clear error of judgement. My alleged indecent exposure whilst doing so, also unfortunate. After being treated for a sprained ankle, I spent a night half-remembered in the local police station. Our family’s reputation was certainly sullied at the ''Cemetery'' and I resolved to avoid it in the future. ''Special SETUP'' Place a Creepy token on the ''Cemetery''. When a player takes an action at this location, they ''gain 1 Creepy'' for every Creepy token on that location. Big Things Needed: Place and Hook up triggers for example. CREEPY 4 Hunters = Evil $2 > Gain $2. > Start of Gen 2 Angry Mob moves 1. No > 50% Lose 1 Creepy. > Gain SHRINE Wolves = Evil Perform Experiment > Perform Experiment. > Start of Gen 2 Angry Mob moves 1. No > 50% Lose 1 Creepy. > Gain READING ROOM SANITY 3 Yes > Pay $1. Gain Knowledge. Discard a Compulsion to Gain 1 more Knowledge. > Gen2 Start, Gain a Maladjustment / Lose 3VP. No > Gain 1 Creepy and $1. / Gain Nothing > Gen2 Extra Refusal Action = OR Gen2 Extra Hospital Action (could make another option if they don't refuse, but good for now) Needs 1 or 2 Storybook tokens with consequence passages. Look in notes. Mayor Token Bonus/Negative for 3rd Generation (could be different for Library or Bank choice) Charity Token Bonus/Negative for 3rd Generation Immortality Bonus/Negative for 3rd Generation. (could be different for choosing Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Occult) Disease Bonus/Negative for 2nd Gen and 3rd Generation. (could be different for Hunters or Wolves) Go through and ADD pass the start player marker 1 additional time: At the start of every Generation. (if: $players is 3)[Pass the Start Player marker to the next player in clockwise order 1 additional time.] Probably should have a card or token for +2 points (Chem, Eng, Bio, Occ) $mayor $charity { <!--If players have collected heart tokens equal to double or more, the generosity is rewarded. Have not implemented this effect yet, but I like the idea of overwhelming generosity having a negative effect in some way.--> }''Carefully hand the Storybook to $fevercure. This choice is read and made within view all players.'' --- ''Local Scientist Discovers Inoculation for Yellow Fever'' The local headlines were inevitable. While history may ascribe a later date to this monumental event due to the volatile nature of simply injecting oneself with the viscous black and yellow vomit of an infected individual, it was an unsettling leap forward in our understanding of antibodies and herd immunity. The scientific establishment{ (if: $uni is "no")[, although pensive about my recent lecture, ]} was thrilled by the discovery of a cure for the pervasive disease. Dr. $fevercure Jr. was urged to release their curious methodology in a series of published journal entries to offer peer review and additional critique. However, they were reticent to immediately share findings before obtaining a patent. This knowledge could provide a lucrative financial outlet. ''Make a Choice to Publish or Patent'' To ''publish'' the cure in a medical journal and ''gain $fevervp VP'', [[Click here.|Unicure1]] To ''patent'' the cure and sell the process to world governments and ''gain $$fevermoney'', [[Click here.|Unicure2]] ''A Cure for All'' It seemed that finally, after years of tireless dedication, a solution to the ails of all men had been formulated. The family was divided on the efficacy of this course of action, but one individual forged ahead recklessly, headless to their warnings. ''Which individual completed the Panacea Experiment?'' { (link: "Dr. $nameA Jr.")[(set: $panacure to $nameA)(goto: "PanaceaMessage")]<br> (link: "Dr. $nameB Jr.")[(set: $panacure to $nameB)(goto: "PanaceaMessage")]<br> (if: $players > 2)[ (link: "Dr. $nameC Jr.")[(set: $panacure to $nameC)(goto: "PanaceaMessage")]<br>] (if: $players > 3)[ (link: "Dr. $nameD Jr.")[(set: $panacure to $nameD)(goto: "PanaceaMessage")]<br>] (if: $players > 4)[ (link: "Dr. $nameE Jr.")[(set: $panacure to $nameE)(goto: "PanaceaMessage")]<br>] } ''A Weapon Published'' In a shocking display of altruism, the findings were published in a series of medical journals at the behest of the university's administration. The published work was controversial, but considered revolutionary, as the strength of the failed ''Panacea'' had several alternative applications. The local population, while grateful for the additional tourism, were less than consoled. As much as it was innovative, it was also a secretly manufactured chemical so devastating that all organic matter deteriorated within minutes of it's application. ''Gain (either: 2,3,4) VP.'' Also, Gain ''1'' Creepy. { (if: $round is 7)[(link-goto: "Click to continue...","Hospital1")] (if: $round is 8)[(link-goto: "Click to continue...","Hospital2")] (if: $round is 9)[(link-goto: "Click to continue...","Hospital3")] } ''Too Old'' With only a few years left in their existence, and hence the existence of their familial rivals, $panacure realized that it was too late for their creation to have a critical effect on their endeavors. This crucial realization was certainly prompted by the entire reserves of the concoction being exhausted one evening when testing the local livestock. Ah, how the mind fades with old age! ''Move forward 1 space on the Insanity Track.'' [[click to continue...|Hospital3]] ''"April Fools Day" - Journal Entry - 1882{ (if: $panacure is $nameA)[(set: $tempjournal to $nameB)] (else:)[(set: $tempjournal to $nameA)]} $tempjournal Jr.'' It was a fine summer morning when I heard a piercing scream from the garden. While I had grown relatively accustomed to this cry of distress in my experimentations, it was decidedly peculiar to hear the sound over morning coffee and crepes. After sashing my robe about me, I exited the manor in time to witness the final moments of a servant tending to the trimming. With a quick lurch, they turned towards me, now beyond sound as their facial features collapsed inwardly. Sanguine chunks of flesh fell to the ground and sizzled like bacon grease on the grass. Within seconds, the human figure that once tended to our garden was a sloshy pile of pink and white froth on the lawn and whatever substance had caused it had seeped deep into the ground, creating a considerable hole in the landscaping. I took a sip of coffee and examined a nearby glass vial labeled as "vital elixir for use in the prevention of disease." I recognized our dear cousin's penmanship instantly; the prankster! However, unfortunately, another servant stood slack-jawed near the gate, having witnessed the entire spectacle. It would be difficult to replace this worker. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' ''The player who completed the Panacea Experiment moves forward one space on the Insanity Track.'' ''All other players must immediately return one Servant piece to the game box. This piece cannot be hired again.'' [[Click to continue...|Hospital3]] ''Eschewing Science'' As Germ Theory transitioned from fringe scientific postulation to the prevailing and proven cause of many diseases, our parent's critical papers and thinly contrived arguments for Bad Air causing disease seemed quaint and somewhat satirical in nature. We spent many an evening engaged in pleasant laughter over the stupidity of our eccentric progenitors. This attitude was, however, championed by the ignorant locals and our family enjoyed a modicum of celebrity. Our support of these unseesne forces was seen as a defiant stance against tyrannical modern science and a tacit endorsement of faith in the old ways. ''All players with a Germ Theory token, discard this token to the box and gain a knowledge of their choice.'' ''All players with a Miasma Theory token do not gain Creepy for leftover knowledge at the end of each round.'' ''Exploring Science'' As Germ Theory transitioned from fringe scientific postulation to the prevailing and proven cause of many diseases, our parent's critical papers and thinly contrived arguments for Bad Air causing disease seemed quaint and somewhat satirical in nature. We spent many an evening engaged in pleasant laughter over the stupidity of our eccentric progenitors. With the newly built University, the students and faculty were aware of our parent's erudite early positive position and support for Germ Theory. This caused our family to enjoy a minor form of celebrity within the university town and afforded some convenience when expousing our more "elaborate" theories. ''All players with a Miasma Theory token, discard this token to the box and gain an Insanity, a Creepy, and an Ingredient of their choice.'' ''All players with a Germ Theory token do not gain Creepy when taking TOWN actions.'' ''The Fate of the Lecture Series'' If it amounted to anything, those in attendance were certainly astonished by the eccentricities witnessed that day. Some weaker-willed individuals were prone to nausea and fainting spells during the speeches, clearly in deference to the astounding breadth of visionary experimentation. But, were their efforts enough to sway the most notable scientific minds of the time? ''SYMPOSIUM RESULT'' ''Add up the total number of $sci3 Experiments completed by ALL players.'' If the total is less than ''$symp'', [[click here.|SymposiumFail]] If the total is equal to or greater than ''$symp'', [[click here.|SymposiumMiddle]] However, if the total is equal to or greater than ''{ (if: $players is 2)[(print: $symp + 2)] (else-if: $players is 3)[(print: $symp + 2)] (else-if: $players is 4)[(print: $symp + 3)] (else-if: $players is 5)[(print: $symp + 4)] }'', [[click here instead.|SymposiumSuccess]] ''Easy Miasma'' We present to the town a stunning rebuke of current pressures towards a systematic removal of common sense from medicinal practices. "It's simple. If you can smell disease, you can catch it. Use oils and incense. We all know that there are good types of dirt and bad types of dirt; this combined with the strategic use of animal blood and chimes has been proven to ward off diseases. Be wary of too much medicines as they can alter the balance within the body and agitate the phlegm." The people are satisfied by our appropriate response. It is obvious to most that science has overstepped it's bounds by confronting another tenet of civilized society since the ancient times. ''Move the maximum threshold marker for the Angry Mob track backwards two spaces. Then, move the Angry Mob token backward two spaces.'' ''Patented!'' $fevercure Jr. was known for their incisive wit and even more acute business dealings. Shirking the potential admiration of medical elites, $fevercure hastily submitted a patent for this breakthrough in disease prevention. While it ensured a hefty sum for royalties, the locals eyed this new development as yet another attempt by aloof eccentrics to toy with the lives of the poor and their wariness increased. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' ''Gain $$fevermoney.'' Then, move the Angry Mob marker ''1 space'' to the ''left.'' { (set: $pub to "no")(set: $cured to 1) (link-goto: "Click to continue...","PanaceaIntro") } ''Published!'' While inevitably the findings were deemed underdeveloped by the prevailing medical institutions, the discussion they set forth resulted in the name $fevercure being bandied about for years to come. The release of this knowledge even had a minor sedative effect on the locals; those poor, gullible wretches. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' ''Gain $fevervp VP.'' Then, move the Angry Mob marker ''2 spaces'' to the right. { (set: $pub to "yes")(set: $cured to 1) (link-goto: "Click to continue...","PanaceaIntro") } { (if: $society is "Order of St. Hubertus")[ ''Legacy of the Hunter''<br> It was during a period of adjustment to their new surroundings that customary preparations were made to redecorate the west wing of the manor in a more modern style to which they were accustomed. Expecting a delivery of druggets from a Persian carpeter, instead they were greeted by a strapping young man in a burgundy leather coat. He tipped his wide-brimmed hat solemnly.<br><br> "Your family has made a contribution to our Fraternity and we are here to repay that debt through service," the young man stated, pulling back his shirt sleeve to reveal a tattoo of a bow and arrow. He then exited to the servant's quarters without further instruction.<br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> (if: $allyA is "hunters")[$nameA III ''immediately gains 1 TOWN Servant from Lost and $1''.<br>] (if: $allyB is "hunters")[$nameB III ''immediately gains 1 TOWN Servant from Lost and $1''.<br>] (if: $allyC is "hunters")[$nameC III ''immediately gains 1 TOWN Servant from Lost and $1''.<br>] (if: $allyD is "hunters")[$nameD III ''immediately gains 1 TOWN Servant from Lost and $1''.<br>] (if: $allyE is "hunters")[$nameE III ''immediately gains 1 TOWN Servant from Lost and $1''.<br>] <br> [[Click to continue...|EvilWolvesEventStart]] ] (if: $society is "Fraternity of Hunters")[ ''Legacy of the Wolf''<br> It was during a period of adjustment to their new surroundings that customary preparations were made to redecorate the west wing of the manor in a more modern style to which they were accustomed. Expecting a delivery of druggets from a Turkish carpeter, instead they were greeted by a strapping young man in a gray cloak. He tipped his fur cap solemnly.<br><br> "Your family has made a contribution to our Order and we are here to repay that debt through service," the young man stated, pulling back his shirt sleeve to reveal a tattoo of a wolf's head. He then exited to the servant's quarters without further instruction.<br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> {(if: $allyA is "wolves")[$nameA III ''immediately gains 1 TOWN Servant from Lost and $1''.<br>] (if: $allyB is "wolves")[$nameB III ''immediately gains 1 TOWN Servant from Lost and $1''.<br>] (if: $allyC is "wolves")[$nameC III ''immediately gains 1 TOWN Servant from Lost and $1''.<br>] (if: $allyD is "wolves")[$nameD III ''immediately gains 1 TOWN Servant from Lost and $1''.<br>] (if: $allyE is "wolves")[$nameE III ''immediately gains 1 TOWN Servant from Lost and $1''.<br>] } <br> [[Click to continue.|TaxesEventStart]] ]} ''The Order's Blessing'' I briefly remembered a peculiar correspondence I had received while studying in Bucharest months ago. A sealed letter with a wax insignia had noted praise for my parent's assistance in matters beyond my understanding and also disappointment in the eventual outcome. However, they were obliged to me as heir to the family inheritance and remarked that I would receive a most helpful gift to aid in my endeavours. When I arrived at the Estate, the caretaker informed me of a letter and gift awaiting me. It seemed my mysterious benefactor had made good on their promise. ''SPECIAL SETUP for $memb'' Immediately gain 2 Ingredients of your choice. ''Humble Beginnings'' The family had made their first mark on the history of the town, for good or ill. It would be several years before they would understand the ominous ramifications of this decision, but it was clear that life in $townname would never again be the same. Which player became the elected Mayor? (link: "$nameA")[(set: $mayor to "$nameA")(goto: "S5SpecialSetup1")] (link: "$nameB")[(set: $mayor to "$nameB")(goto: "S5SpecialSetup1")] (if: $players > 2)[(link: "$nameC")[(set: $mayor to "$nameC")(goto: "S5SpecialSetup1")]] (if: $players > 3)[(link: "$nameD")[(set: $mayor to "$nameD")(goto: "S5SpecialSetup1")]] (if: $players > 4)[(link: "$nameE")[(set: $mayor to "$nameE")(goto: "S5SpecialSetup1")]] ''Difficult Germs'' We present to the town with great fervor, the newest, most exciting advances in disease prevention. The material is significanctly more complex than the nebulous theory of bad air, so we attempt to appeal to a more bucolic sensibility. "All you gotta do is wash your hands after you touch your butt." The crowd gathered in the Town Hall does not approve of our theories. ''Move the maximum threshold marker for the Angry Mob track three spaces forward.'' If this would cause the Angry Marker token to be overtaken, move the token forward as well. ''Then, move the Angry Mob token forward one space.'' ''Fortuitous Assistance'' The small village certainly offered a degree of seclusion and a minute amount of rustic charm on the days when gangrenous bodies of the afflicted were not carted through the streets. But in accordance with this anonymity, it did not easily provide the luxuries generally afforded to the whims of $playtxt young aristocrats and their spouses. The family was overjoyed then to receive a letter from some of their most trusted colleagues; however, this joy abated when they detailed an opportunity to offer wardship and tutelage to unfortunate youths failing in their studies. While the interruption was exasperating, an additional hand would allow them more time to focus on important work and to avoid the aromas of the local peasantry. ''SETUP'' ''Each player pays $1 and gains a SERVANT from LOST and places it in their Quarters.'' [[Click to continue...|Fever2]] ''Daughters Entrusted'' During the heat of summer, a handsomely dressed woman arrived at each estate with a letter in hand. Interestingly, a former business associate of their mother's requested a daughter be put under each of the houses' charge; along with a considerable stipend to offset the cost. While an appreciable burden, it was irrefusable given the social mores of the time. Being twenty-three and therefore past the age of reasonable marriage, she accepted the new labors with a somewhat heavy heart and was quickly ingratiated into the fold. ''Each player gains a SERVANT from LOST and places it in their Quarters.'' [[Click to continue...|Fever3]] ''Dubious Bartering'' Within days of their settling in to their spouse's liking, the local diocese sent a messenger to speak with each of the heirs about their father's charitability towards the diseased — or lack thereof. The bishop entreated them to donate precious time and money to help aid the sick at the church. Having an extensive background in biological studies at the university, the youths proudly offered their scientific services in subduing the epidemic. The bishop was unenthusiastic about the response and pressed them to change their mind — to no avail. ''SETUP'' Retrieve the Dubious Bartering cards from the scenario box. Shuffle them and ''give each player a Dubious Bartering card'' and return any remaining to the box. This card is placed face-up near their Estate and is activated each time the listed action is taken. [[Click to continue...|SpecialGen1]] ''Anger and Resentment'' At the next town meeting, the townspeople were furious to discover a government official sent to survey a new extension to the electrical grid. The cousins' actions were noted in the minutes from that event where they disclosed their ''support for the installation of electricity'' and the proposed installation of it at zero cost to the town. In a mad display of various ignorances, an angry mob began to form in the center of town, forcing the scientists to retreat by carriage. The crowd soon burst into riotous fury, cursing the government and destroying everything in sight. The riot of 1912 is noted within town archives as the most violent in recorded history. The mob's flaming torches set the Hospital and Town Hall ablaze, leaving multiple individuals severely injured or deceased as they continued into the nearby hills. While the people's specific grievance had been long forgotten by the time the mob reached the steps of their estates, it was no less malicious in its issuance of flawed justice. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' ''Each player (regardless of their vote) must choose and discard an Estate Upgrade //(not a Storage Shed).//'' Any player that voted ''Nay'' loses 1 Creepy. (set: $peeps to 0) { (if: $imm is "none")[[[Click to continue...|NoUni3]]] (else:)[[[Click to continue...|DetEffectRandom]]] } ''Celebration and Anger'' The townspeople sifted through the cousins' erudite proposal at the next town meeting and realized that they intended to ''support their ridiculous distrust of modern convenience''. That evening, a celebratory mob congregated in town with various primitive lighting devices - given the lack of electricity - to cheer and chant their approval. Fueled by alcohol and inspired by ignorant revelry, the gathering quickly devolved into a riotous mass. Chanting loudly in crass language, they tore down the central streets of the village, leaving nothing untouched in their destructive path. In the morning, as the misty streets revealed themselves, the devastation and regret became clear as crystal. Newspapers of the time displayed pictures of the aftermath: the Hospital ablaze, the Town Hall left in smoldering ruins. They hastily rebuilt as best they could, but it would never be the same. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Return the ''Angry Mob'' token to its starting location. { (if: $players is 2)[The player that won the vote also receives ''1 Ingredient or Knowledge'' of their choice.] (else:)[Any player that voted ''Yay'' receives ''1 Ingredient or Knowledge'' of their choice.] } (set: $peeps to 1) { (if: $imm is "none")[[[Click to continue...|NoUni3]]] (else:)[[[Click to continue...|DetEffectRandom]]] } ''Surprising Correspondence'' As the welcome from the townspeople was considerably icy, the cousins were amused to receive a plain letter of correspondence sealed with wax. No return address was provided and no watermarks offered evidence as to their origin. Perhaps this mystery, they surmised, would afford them more than simple seclusion in this dreary countryside. Little did they realize how instrumental this stealthful exchange would prove over the next several decades. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Retrieve the ''Sealed Envelope'' cards from the Scenario box. Keep them seal side up and consult the number on the back of each envelope: { (set: $letter to (a: 1,2,3,4,5,6)) (set: $letter to (shuffled: ...$letter)) (set: $pa to $letter's 1st) (set: $pb to $letter's 2nd) (set: $pc to $letter's 3rd) (set: $pd to $letter's 4th) (set: $pe to $letter's 5th) } ''$nameA collects envelope number $pa''. ''$nameB collects envelope number $pb''. { (if: $players > 2)[''$nameC collects envelope number $pc''.<br>] (if: $players > 3)[''$nameD collects envelope number $pd''.<br>] (if: $players > 4)[''$nameE collects envelope number $pe''.<br>] } Once all players have received their correspondence, they may read the reverse side secretly. Then, [[click here to continue...|Gen1Insanity-Yes]] { (if: $pa is 1)[(set: $let1 to $nameA)] (if: $pa is 2)[(set: $let2 to $nameA)] (if: $pa is 3)[(set: $let3 to $nameA)] (if: $pa is 4)[(set: $let4 to $nameA)] (if: $pa is 5)[(set: $let5 to $nameA)] (if: $pa is 6)[(set: $let6 to $nameA)] (if: $pb is 1)[(set: $let1 to $nameB)] (if: $pb is 2)[(set: $let2 to $nameB)] (if: $pb is 3)[(set: $let3 to $nameB)] (if: $pb is 4)[(set: $let4 to $nameB)] (if: $pb is 5)[(set: $let5 to $nameB)] (if: $pb is 6)[(set: $let6 to $nameB)] (if: $pc is 1)[(set: $let1 to $nameC)] (if: $pc is 2)[(set: $let2 to $nameC)] (if: $pc is 3)[(set: $let3 to $nameC)] (if: $pc is 4)[(set: $let4 to $nameC)] (if: $pc is 5)[(set: $let5 to $nameC)] (if: $pc is 6)[(set: $let6 to $nameC)] (if: $pd is 1)[(set: $let1 to $nameD)] (if: $pd is 2)[(set: $let2 to $nameD)] (if: $pd is 3)[(set: $let3 to $nameD)] (if: $pd is 4)[(set: $let4 to $nameD)] (if: $pd is 5)[(set: $let5 to $nameD)] (if: $pd is 6)[(set: $let6 to $nameD)] (if: $pe is 1)[(set: $let1 to $nameE)] (if: $pe is 2)[(set: $let2 to $nameE)] (if: $pe is 3)[(set: $let3 to $nameE)] (if: $pe is 4)[(set: $let4 to $nameE)] (if: $pe is 5)[(set: $let5 to $nameE)] (if: $pe is 6)[(set: $let6 to $nameE)] } ''One Last Attempt'' Weary with age and weakened by a brief resurgence of Yellow Fever left uncured, the scientists' last days are spent wheezing and frail. Would this final crucial moment be filled with a single triumph that would secure irrefutable proof of their scientific legacy? Any player with a token that is not currently overtaken by the Angry Mob receives ''one final Perform Experiment action''. [[Click to continue to Final Scoring...|Scoring]] ''Carefully pick up the Storybook and do not allow any other players to see the screen.'' Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.{ (click-replace: "Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.")[ ''Secret Meeting''<br> When I arrived at the location, I went about my business as normal. As I was leaving, I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. A woman dressed in traditional garb tipped her wool cap and bid me follow her to a wooden bench nearby.<br><br> (link-goto: "Click here to continue...","EnvPasscode")]} (set: $devpage to 1)''Good or Evil Intent'' As they entered their twilight years, the results of the family's investigative efforts became known. The town, no longer in complete poverty, began to attract new interest from those with both genuine and nefarious motivations. The true intent of the family members was revealed. { (if: $exposeA > 0)[(set: $goodcount to it +1)The evil activities of the $ba were ''thwarted'' by our efforts. Place the $ba tile to the side of the play area within reach.<br> (if: $pAA is "yes")[$nameA gains 3VP for Exposing the threat.<br>] (if: $pBA is "yes")[$nameB gains 3VP for Exposing the threat.<br>] (if: $pCA is "yes")[$nameC gains 3VP for Exposing the threat.<br>] (if: $pDA is "yes")[$nameD gains 3VP for Exposing the threat.<br>] (if: $pEA is "yes")[$nameE gains 3VP for Exposing the threat.<br>]] (else:)[The evil activities of the $ba were ''successful'' because of our collective efforts to obscure and conceal. Place the $ba tile to the side of the play area within reach.<br>] } { (if: $exposeB > 0)[(set: $goodcount to it +1)The evil activities of the $bb were ''thwarted'' by our efforts. Place the $bb tile to the side of the play area within reach.<br> (if: $pAB is "yes")[$nameA gains 3VP for Exposing the threat.<br>] (if: $pBB is "yes")[$nameB gains 3VP for Exposing the threatP.<br>] (if: $pCB is "yes")[$nameC gains 3VP for Exposing the threat.<br>] (if: $pDB is "yes")[$nameD gains 3VP for Exposing the threat.<br>] (if: $pEB is "yes")[$nameE gains 3VP for Exposing the threat.<br>]] (else:)[The evil activities of the $bb were ''successful'' because of our collective efforts to obscure and conceal. Place the $bb tile to the side of the play area within reach.<br>] } { (if: $exposeC > 0)[(set: $goodcount to it +1)The evil activities of the $bc were ''thwarted'' by our efforts. Place the $bc tile to the side of the play area within reach.<br> (if: $pAC is "yes")[$nameA gains 3VP for Exposing the threat.<br>] (if: $pBC is "yes")[$nameB gains 3VP for Exposing the threat.<br>] (if: $pCC is "yes")[$nameC gains 3VP for Exposing the threat.<br>] (if: $pDC is "yes")[$nameD gains 3VP for Exposing the threat.<br>] (if: $pEC is "yes")[$nameE gains 3VP for Exposing the threat.<br>]] (else:)[The evil activities of the $bc were ''successful'' because of our collective efforts to obscure and conceal. Place the $bc tile to the side of the play area within reach.<br>] } [[Once all points are awarded, click here to continue...|MostInvestigated]] { (if: $players is 2)[(set: $playtxt to "two")] (if: $players is 3)[(set: $playtxt to "three")] (if: $players is 4)[(set: $playtxt to "four")] (if: $players is 5)[(set: $playtxt to "five")] }As siblings of an influential family of Eastern European descent, the ''$playtxt'' of us have received a not-insignificant portion of our family's estate. Before we begin, let us make this historical fiction more engaging by providing our names. [[Click to continue...|NameEntryA]] { (set: $nameA to (prompt: "Carefully pass the Storybook to Player A. Player A - Please enter your given name:")) } =><= Welcome to //My Father's Work//, $nameA. Our warmest regards. <== [[Click to Continue|NameEntryB]] { (set: $nameB to (prompt: "Carefully pass the Storybook to Player B. Player B - Please enter your given name:")) } =><= Welcome to //My Father's Work//, $nameB. Please enjoy your experience. <== { (if: $players > 2)[(link-goto: "Click to Continue...","NameEntryC")] (else:)[(link-goto: "Click to Continue...","TCOD-TownName")] } { (set: $nameC to (prompt: "Carefully pass the Storybook to Player C. Player C - Please enter your given name:")) } =><= Welcome to //My Father's Work//, $nameC. May your name live in infamy. <== { (if: $players > 3)[(link-goto: "Click to Continue...","NameEntryD")] (else:)[(link-goto: "Click to Continue...","TCOD-TownName")] } { (set: $nameD to (prompt: "Carefully pass the Storybook to Player D. Player D - Please enter your given name:")) } =><= Welcome to //My Father's Work//, $nameD. Be sure to leave your mark on the world. <== { (if: $players > 4)[(link-goto: "Click to Continue...","NameEntryE")] (else:)[(link-goto: "Click to Continue...","TCOD-TownName")] } { (set: $nameE to (prompt: "Carefully pass the Storybook to Player E. Player E - Please enter your given name:")) } =><= Welcome to //My Father's Work//, $nameE. Be sure to leave your mark on the world. <== [[Click to Continue...|TCOD-TownName]] ''A Bid for Mayor'' ''SPECIAL EVENT'' All players take all their money into their hands. They then secretly choose any amount to place into their right hand to bid on becoming Mayor. Once all players are ready, reveal the amount of money bid simultaneously. The player that bid the most wins the election. //(If there is a tie, the player who went last in turn order the previous round wins the bid.)// Only the player that wins the election must pay their bid to supply. All others return their money to their Estates. ''Once you have completed the bid:'' [[Click to continue...|S5Special1b]] --- ''End of round'' Perform all End of round actions and prepare for the next round of play. ''NOTE'' //This message will appear at the end of every round in the final version, but NOT in this prototype. When rounds 1 & 2 of a Generation are over, you will always perform all End of round actions ''BEFORE'' resolving any new ''Storybook Events''. // --- [[Click to continue...|FeverServe1]] ''For the Symposium'' Germ Theory represents a significant shift in thinking. The concept that a person themselves could be responsible for transmitting diseases without showing symptoms. That organisms you cannot see are silently infecting your body. senescence = degrading of cells due to aging. Great word! Embracing Germ Theory jettisons hundreds of years of improvements in medical science. This would cause a mild uproar, but intrigue our cutting edge university colleagues. ''Painstaking Research'' "After several years of intense research on the subject, my hypothesis has been tested and proven indisputable." "All you gotta do is wash your hands after you touch your butt." Note: Most peeps believed that disease was caused by "bad air" (miasmatic theory). Odors were perceived as the cause of contagion spreading. Presentation on the Germ Theory People are unhappy with your cure and not believe that such a simple, uncouth action could be the catalyst that spreads disease. After the Symposium was completed, we waited for the dean of the science wing, Professor Kozma to arrive outside the auditorium. He cleared his throat and smiled, "Thank you for your contribution, but if you'll excuse me it has been along night." We pressed him for information on the overall impression the scientific community had of the intellectual festivities. Professor Kozma again cleared his throat, adjusting his spectacles with anxious glance at his surroundings. Curiously, he avoided eye-contact and talked mid-stride. "I... well. Professor Kozma again cleared his throat, adjusting his spectacles with anxious glance at his surroundings. Curiously, he avoided eye-contact and talked mid-stride. "How do you presume it went? I foresee that I will be busy fielding several inquiries from prominent officials as to the veracity and content of the presented lectures for weeks." Miasma Theory is notably inconsistent, but comfortable. Keeping a balance of humours within the body while surrounding Ways to cheat death: Homeopathy - if you eat poisons that send you near death, the body becomes acclimated anmd cannot die Cloning - if you create a duplicate of yourself by a complete transfusion of your blood into a child Body Transplantation - if you transfer your brain into a new, younger body consistently Sanitize Everything - if all things around you are purified in flames, then no sickness can take effect Automaton - if the brain is kept alive indefinitely, the body can be remade Vampirism - if the blood is the essence of life, then consuming it will keep me forever young Fountain of Youth - if the inside is detoxified, the body is consistently rejuvenated with new tissue Blood Transfusion - if the blood is replaced by a donor's, the cells are renewed. Block Miasma - if the air and smells one endures can cause illness, then surely being surrounded by good air will alleviate this similia similibus curentur "like cures like" Homeopathy ''Hahnemann Fed Himself Peruvian Bark Until He Was Sick With It'' He then described his own taking repeated doses of this herb until his body responded to its toxic dose with fever, chills, and other symptoms similar to malaria. Hahnemann concluded that the reason this herb was beneficial was because it caused symptoms similar to those of the disease it was treating.=><= --- ''GENERATION III: The Fraternity of Hunters'' --- <= The disease had revealed a much deeper evil than the family could have ever expected: An evil ignorance that dwells within the minds of the people. It had not only left the previous generation in shambles, but imbued the townsfolk with a profound, insatiable fear, even as the town returned to relative stability. During the day, the people watched the forests, glimpsing dark shadows flitting between the trees. At night, they steeled themselves against the wailing howls of unseen terrors, dreading that their children would be stolen away from their beds. That was until the Fraternity of Hunters, emboldened by the success of their clandestine operations, emerged from the shadows on the night of a blood red moon. They wore long-tail coats of black, burgundy, and dark leather, a wooden cross hanging either from their necks or dangling from their sides. They clutched crossbows, whips, and daggers freshly glimmering with crimson fluid. Their blood-stained attire and steel-eyed gaze evoked the undaunted presence of ones who had peered into the void and returned forever changed. Their stated goal: to slay every last beast in the land and return those who had unleashed this foul plague back to the depths of hell from whence they came. The Fraternity turned the fear of the populace to their advantage. They fed the superstitions of the people, blaming the sickness and disease on fiendish creatures from the dark. While they did not require monetary compensation in return, what they did ask was much more severe. Their sanguine efforts could not be completed in isolation, so on nights when the blood moon rose high in the evening sky, a handful of townsfolk were chosen to assist the Hunters' party and venture into the unknown. The next morning, the surviving Hunters would return, their garments speckled in the blood of the beasts and holding aloft the severed trophies of monsters slain in the wilderness. It was only a matter of time before they would call upon the family. Perhaps driven by a sense of limited time or jealousy over the Hunters' ability to frighten the townsfolk even moreso than their own actions, the cousins continued their meticulous labors in earnest. However, they were deeply unaware of just how intertwined their fates would be to the Fraternity. (set: $prosp to 1) (set: $huntcount to 0) [[Click to continue...|HuntersHUBcode]] ''Inescapable Plague'' While their parents may have escaped the harshness of the Yellow Fever epidemic thanks to their aristocratic distance from the populace, the young scientists were unable to avoid the effects of such dismal environs. As the years passed, they found themselves stricken with a chronic illness that would remain with them for their entire lives. The enfeeblement haunted their work, insomuch that many weeks at a time were spent in isolation and bed rest. In their individual ways, the group set to work on something to alleviate or cure these symptoms, knowing that if they were unsuccessful, ''the disease would carry over to their progeny.'' ''SETUP'' Retrieve the Hereditary Disease cards from the Scenario box. Shuffle them and ''deal one Disease card face-up'' to each player near their Masterwork. Return the remaining cards to the box. [[Click to continue...|Lettercode]] Using the same idea as the herbertus thing. The player has a birthmark and is the CHOSEN ONE! Bonus if the other players choose to side with the faction.Winner of previous award gets to choose. 17 Chemistry 18 Biology 19 Engineering 20 Occult Must be different than the Subject of previous Generation. (link: "Chemistry")[(set: $study to 17)(goto: "University")] (link: "Biology")[(set: $study to 18)(goto: "University")] (link: "Engineering")[(set: $study to 19)(goto: "University")] (link: "Occult")[(set: $study to 20)(goto: "University")] ''Hospital:'' Look through the Experiment deck of your choice to find an Experiment of your choice and draw it into your hand. //(Once complete, shuffle the deck.)// You have until the beginning of your next turn to complete this action //(allow other players to begin their turn while you choose).// [[Click here to return...|Hospital1]] =><= --- ''GENERATION II: The Epidemic Strikes'' --- <= Following a bitter winter in 1862, a second epidemic descended upon the village in all its visceral and bloody force. This time, however, the town was unable to recover. Buildings were left to rot as the sick fled into the countryside. Some escaped to shelter in camps near Bucharest, while the less fortunate collapsed on the icy pathways along the journey, their frozen flesh left to thaw along muddy roadsides with the change of seasons. Lost and hopeless without aid, the town dwindled until only the barest of amenities remained. The desolation to which the family returned was unlike anything they had experienced in their short lifetime and the joys of youthful marriage were swiftly eclipsed by the reality of disease. Those who had stubbornly refused to join the others in mass exodus burnt incense in their homes to prevent miasmatic transference of the fever; a practice quickly adopted within the family's estates. For years, the ominous tintinnabulation echoed across the stricken valley each night to ward off the disease even as the cemetery was inundated with new bodies. For most, this environment of sullen quiet and isolation would cause one to question their sanity, but for the scientists, this time was marked by a signature productivity. Perhaps the thought of redemption drove them forward or the constant reminder of their own mortality with each passing moment. Either way, they each toiled away in their studies, confident that through tragedy their family's legacy would finally be secured forever in the annals of science! And the country began to take notice of their activities; though not in the academic manner which they anticipated. Shadowy figures kept their watchful eye on the region with mysterious intentions. Unaware of the sinister machinations afoot, the scientists blindly immersed themselves in their work. They would soon find themselves confronted by a choice that would rock the very foundations of scientific (and rational) thought as they understood it. [[Continue...|DiseaseConsequence]] { (set: $letter to (a: 1,2,3,4,5)) (set: $letter to (shuffled: ...$letter)) (set: $letterA to $letter's 1st) (set: $letterB to $letter's 2nd) (set: $letterC to $letter's 3rd) (set: $letA to 0) (set: $letB to 0) (set: $letC to 0) (set: $goodcount to 0) (set: $refusaltoken to "no") (set: $sick to 0) } NOTES: PROBLEM w/ Stables Code - Need Stables to open 2nd round when a refusal occurs AND also if a player does not have a meeting. SPECIFIC ON LETTER - WHAT DO THEY PROVIDE Hereditary Disease cards list a Storybook token. Either cut Storybook token or determine where this is referenced. Go back and be more SPECIFIC on the gains for each group. Can even make them variable each game BUT: Help GOOD = 3VP for helping Expose a Building. Help EVIL = Vanity Upgrade + 4VP only if you WIN. BuildplayA could have individual descriptions for each location. May add later code below. (if: $ba is "Hardware Store")[] (else-if: $ba is "Wire Service")[] (else-if: $ba is "Book Store")[] (else-if: $ba is "Warehouse")[] (else-if: $ba is "Pet Store")[] Make sure Page 11 is correct. I think it's fine. Library/Bank check it! $pa, $allyA $pb, $allyB $pc, $allyC $pd, $allyD $playA $playB <!-- Notes for this page: Cemetary action provides 2 bodies. Workers are returned to supply at the end of each round. It could be that it costs $2 to place where someone else has. Maybe add a First Player Marker spot at the church. Give start player marker to player most charitable.--> Hereditary Diseases assigned to players due to the town not building a Hospital. The Fight over the TRUE followers of St. Hubertus. -Wolves or Hunters- At start of Generation, one faction is randomly assigned EVIL and one is assigned GOOD. O Letters = Player receives an assigned letter numbered 1-6. Each letter has a password and a meeting place on the reverse side. Player can visit the meeting place or NOT. At meeting place, they enter password and get an offer from the appropriate faction, with a potential reward for their help. NOT: if the player chooses NOT to meet up or types in the wrong password as a goof. They are accosted by a random faction during the second round Event with a special sad note added. EVIL offers a free Estate Upgrade and 4VP as long as they WIN. You gotta win though. Buildings = The game assigns three Buildings to be built randomly. One of those buildings is either the Bank or Library GUARANTEED. The game keeps track of whether players, once a place has been investigated, decide to conceal or reveal the building's intentions. At End of Generation - each building is checked to see if the votes to reveal are more than conceal. If a building's intent is concealed, the player Event GOOD/BAD - GOOD - BAD - Cure for a price. already cured? Gain any knowledge. Mind control End = The player that investigates the most times receives a bonus/negative. Other Possible Ideas Not Implemented: Place a Storybook token on space 35 of the Point track. = If a player completes 3 Occult Experiments this Generation. =Homeopathic Remedy. Choose: Cure your Disease.send a servant into the wilds. randomized secret good bid optional payment vote all players place a servant piece from their quarters onto the hunter's haven randomly kill a servant last place player chooses a servant to die. STREAMLINE - Choose a Servant/Spouse piece and place it onto the Hunter's Haven to begin the Challenge. Randomly choose a player to decide a direction. This direction offers supplies to the players, which they collect. Then they get their encounter. { (set: $huntreward to (either: "2 Occult Knowledge", "2 Chemistry Knowledge", "2 Biology Knowledge", "2 Engineering Knowledge", "2 Chemicals", "2 Animals","2 Gears","$2")) } All players on this Hunt immediately gain $huntreward. ''The Evening of the Hunt'' ''VOTE'' Both players on the Hunt take their Voting token into their hand. Players will secretly choose a side to place face up in their palm. Then, they will close their fist and extend it to the center of the table. A ''Yay'' vote is a vote to ''contribute'' to the Hunt. A ''Nay'' vote is a vote to ''keep your resources''. If BOTH players chooses to contribute, all Servants will survive and each player will ''pay 1 $huntreward'' to the supply. If 1 player chooses to contribute, all Servants will survive and the contributing player will ''pay 2 $huntreward'' to the supply. If neither player choose to contribute, their Servants will be placed into Lost and the ''Angry Mob token will move 1 space to the left.'' If they chose the cure, they MUST betray their partner. Stuff, awards, BS. They do a cool hunt at the end of each round. If the hunts are both unsuccessful. Randomly drafted to go on a hunt. 2 players, both. 3 = 2,2. 4= 2,2 5=2,2. Prisoner's dilemma. Vote. Yay is a promise to pay. Nay is a no. Stakes = bonus VP monsters vanquished. MONSTERS TAKE OVER = not good. Turn to bad page. Oppressive Mob. Yay = promise to pay. If one player chooses this, they have to foot the entire bill. If multiple players do it, they split the bill. Nay = no. Lose VP if both don't. Could be told to you ahead of time for planning purposes. Payments: $1, Estate Upgrades, Servants, Resources, Knowledge, ''The Good Fight - Early Years'' (set: $round to 13) ''SETUP'' { (if: $society is "Order of St. Hubertus")[Turn to page ''17'' of the Village Chronicle. Place the 2 ''Biology Master's Study'' tiles into play near the other Vanity Estate Upgrades. Place the Suspicion Marker on space ''{ (set: $tracker to it -2) (if: $players is 4)[(set: $tracker to it -1)] (if: $players is 5)[(set: $tracker to it -1)] $tracker}'' and the Angry Mob token one space to the left. //Pass the Starting Player token as normal.// { (if: $players is 3)[Then, since this is a 3 player game, pass the starting player marker clockwise 1 additional time.]}<br><br> Place a ''Storybook token'' on the ''Angry Mob'' token.<br><br> ''Town Buildings SETUP'' <br> { (if: $exposeA > 0)[Place the $ba tile over spot A on the Village Chronicle. <br>] (if: $exposeB > 0)[Place the $bb tile over spot B on the Village Chronicle. <br>] (if: $exposeC > 0)[Place the $bc tile over spot C on the Village Chronicle.] } Return all other Exposed Building tiles to the scenario box.<br><br> ''Acceptance''<br> Caretaker pieces can now take actions in Town as well as in the Estates. //The same Town placement rules for Servants apply to Caretaker pieces.//<br><br> ''School for Hybridized Individuals''<br> When a player visits the ''School for Hybridized Individuals'', they ''pay $1'' to gain a ''Caretaker'' piece from Lost. <br><br> ''Angry Mob''<br> Any time the Angry Mob token moves, move the Storybook token along with it. If the Angry Mob overtakes a player, complete the current action and then [[click here for a Storybook message.|AngryMobStorybook]]<br><br> ''Biology Achievement''<br> When you gain a Vanity Estate Upgrade, the Biology Master's Study is part of the available pool to build as normal.<br><br> [[Click at the end of the round to continue...|WolvesEco-Friendly]] ] (if: $society is "Fraternity of Hunters")[Turn to page ''15'' of the Village Chronicle. Place the 2 ''Engineering Master's Study'' tiles into play near the other Vanity Estate Upgrades. The Suspicion Marker remains in the same space and the Angry Mob token is reset 1 space to the left. //Pass the Starting Player token as normal.// { (if: $players is 3)[Then, since this is a 3-player game, pass the starting player marker clockwise 1 additional time.]}<br><br> ''Town Buildings SETUP'' <br> { (if: $exposeA > 0)[Place the $ba tile over spot A on the Village Chronicle. <br>] (if: $exposeB > 0)[Place the $bb tile over spot B on the Village Chronicle. <br>] (if: $exposeC > 0)[Place the $bc tile over spot C on the Village Chronicle.] } Return all other Exposed Building tiles to the scenario box.<br><br> ''Hunter's Haven''<br> For each visit to the Hunter's Haven, pay 1 Occult Knowledge cube to lose 2 Insanity. //(You cannot use Journaled Knowledge to pay this cost.)//<br><br> ''Engineering Achievement''<br> When you gain a Vanity Estate Upgrade, the ''Engineering Master's Study'' is part of the available pool to build as normal.<br><br> ''Endless Hunt''<br> At the end of the round, two of the scientists will be chosen to participate in the ''Night of the Hunt.'' This invitation cannot be refused.<br><br> [[Click at the end of the round to continue...|CharityAwardGood]] ] } Choose 35VP negative - last place player Introduce Yellow Fever Innoculation - must be tested on someone- Panacea later after Experiment completed Charity/Mayor? choose 3 Sciences for symposium. End of Generation Science Bonus. 1st Immortality token. Infinity Token placed on 3rd level of track. 2nd Symposium - If more, Uni is built. If middle, Yellow Fever determines. If low, no Uni. (3 narratives presented) Could potentially write a short excerpt from each Symposium speech. This could also be based on how effective the players were. (if: $sci3 is "Biology")[] (if: $sci3 is "Chemistry")[] (if: $sci3 is "Engineering")[] { (if: $sci3 is "Biology")[Within minutes, a pool of blood that could not begin to be contained by the hastily tarped flooring caused the lower row in the theater to move to the second level. Conflicting theories of homeopathic remedies, misasmatic transference of disease, and the efficacy of good and bad Earth were debunked with live displays and bacterial cultures. By the end, ] (if: $sci3 is "Chemistry")[] (if: $sci3 is "Engineering")[] } NOTE: Do not have a thing to attack other players with YELLOW FEVER. Replace Stasis Chamber to this side. Doesn't make sense on the other side. Also, now that this side deals with finding the secret to immortality. Eternal life. Scientific "biological immortality": WHO WANTS TO LIVE FOREVER Ways to become Immortal: Biology - Chemistry - Engineering - Occult - Put a Storybook token on the end of the Research Track of your choice. If/when this track is complete, click on the Storybook icon. Gift of immortality is of course a free caretaker disc that can take double town actions once per round. Maybe move up the Panacea and Yellow Fever cures. ''Overcoming Death'' If not now, then when? The cousins pored over this question. How long would they remain relegated to an eccentric footnote murmured amongst the townspeople? Why must they toil in their most important labors under the cover of darkness and stone like vermin? A deep restlessness had set into the minds of each, and even on the cusp of approval from the academic community, they could not quell these thoughts. It was trivial to discuss meager experimentations when the solidification of such a poignant legacy repeated fruitlessly generation upon generation. If only time was no longer an obstacle. They vowed to accumulate a wealth of knowledge in their fields of expertise that far surpassed the pitiable ruminations of ancient scholars. Perhaps if they pushed forward into the unknown they would harness new and untold powers. Their evening conversations spurred them to devise a way to cheat the most sacred and inevitable truth of existence. For if life can be taken and altered by humanity into its most cruel and twisted form, surely that same spark could be endlessly preserved! [[Click to continue...|ImmortalitySetup]] ''Legacy of My Own'' IDEAS: The option in Generation 3 to murder your parent. There's no reason for them to be around. I could easily replace them with a willing student at the University. They are trying to claim all the notoriety for themselves. There's only one way to stop this. (if: $round is 19)[(goto: "University2")] (if: $round is 20)[(goto: "University3")] (if: $round is 16)[(goto: "NoUni2")] (if: $round is 17)[(goto: "NoUni3")] ''Major Deleterious Effect'' It could not continue. Sick and unable to heal again, stumbling blindly until the bones were brittle enough to snap, their bodies had finally failed them. And when the mind had joined the fragile physical form in its inability to perform the most basic of functions, the struggle ceased. Death in all its inevitability had finally claimed them. Unfortunately, their body was in such an advanced state of degradation it could not even be used for further experimentation. This made the grief more substantial. ''Special SETUP'' Any player with an ''Immortality card'' discards a ''Caretaker'' to Lost. Discard all ''Immortality cards'' to the scenario box. (link: "Click to continue...")[(set: $det1 to "visited")(set: $killed to "yes")(goto: "DeteriorationHub")]''Minor Deleterious Effect'' They feared that their hasty solution had borne upon them irreversible effects. The interior withered, the skin grayed and sagged translucently against the sinewy veins beneath. The ultimate cure had become a curse and life was like a festering wound that cut deeper with each passing day. Still, they continued on in their work, hoping the effects were temporary but fearing the worst. It took more and more resources to quell their pain each day. ''Special SETUP'' Any player with an ''Immortality card'' discards an ''Ingredient'' //if possible// and ''draws a Compulsion''. (link: "Click to continue...")[(set: $det2 to "visited")(goto: "DeteriorationHub")]''Minor Deleterious Effect'' All and all, the continued effects of their approach to Immortality had fared exceptionally well. While the skin displayed liver spots and an amount of vigor had been lost as the blood cooled with age, the effects were only a distraction. At most, a gangrenous finger had to be excised once every few years, but what was one extraneous extremity compared to the ability to assist in the most important scientific discoveries the world had ever known? ''Special SETUP'' Any player with an ''Immortality card'' loses ''(either: 1,2)VP''. (link: "Click to continue...")[(set: $det3 to "visited")(goto: "DeteriorationHub")]''No Effect'' The unthinkable had been achieved. Whether by sheer providence or remarkable display of intellect, the solution to immortality appeared to have worked! In fact, the effects were so remarkable that many witness accounts of the day observed that the aging process appeared to have reversed. While still aged by all accounts, their individual treatise on Immortality appeared to have succeeded. At least, for now. (link: "Click to continue...")[(set: $det4 to "visited")(goto: "DeteriorationHub")]''The (either: "Secret to","Marvelous","Discovering","Forward to") Infinity - Journal Entry - $tempinf'' There is no doubt in my (either: "immaculate brain","inestimable mind"). With this research completed, (either: "I have surely unlocked a most flawless scheme to extend my existence indefinitely!","the world will tremble at the mere utterance of my name.") The ravages of time will no longer have an effect on my work and I will be free to face the (either: "infinite","future") unimpeded by this mortal coil! {(if: $setinf is 0)[''SPECIAL SETUP'' Retrieve the ''Immortality cards'' from the scenario box. Shuffle them face down and place them nearby.]} ''Draw 2 Immortality cards. Look at both of them and choose one as your secret to Eternal Life. Discard the other.'' Then, discard the Storybook token to the supply. [[Click to continue...|ImmortalityMWUpdate]] ''Research Completed'' It seemed unimaginable; not simply a cure for all disease, but a mysterious contrivance to extend life indefinitely. Perhaps, those that pursued this heretical course of action should not have postulated, "could it be done?" Instead, they might have asked themselves, "but at what cost?" ''Which player has completed the third level of their Journal's Research Track?'' { (link: "Dr. $nameA")[(set: $tempinf to $nameA)(set: $lifeA to "yes")(set: $life to it +1)(goto: "InfinityClick2")]<br> (link: "Dr. $nameB")[(set: $tempinf to $nameB)(set: $lifeB to "yes")(set: $life to it +1)(goto: "InfinityClick2")]<br> (if: $players > 2)[ (link: "Dr. $nameC")[(set: $tempinf to $nameC)(set: $lifeC to "yes")(set: $life to it +1)(goto: "InfinityClick2")]<br>] (if: $players > 3)[ (link: "Dr. $nameD")[(set: $tempinf to $nameD)(set: $lifeD to "yes")(set: $life to it +1)(goto: "InfinityClick2")]<br>] (if: $players > 4)[ (link: "Dr. $nameE")[(set: $tempinf to $nameE)(set: $lifeE to "yes")(set: $life to it +1)(goto: "InfinityClick2")]<br>] }''Immortality'' Claiming an inheritance whilst one's parent still lives on; this foreign concept was decidedly unnerving both for the returning youths and their unaware spouses. However, after the initial shock of encountering a surprisingly spry parent tending to the Estate, the additional help did prove useful. For those whose parents had chosen a more amenable fate, having no secrets to conceal caused less suspicion during interactions with the local populace. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' { (if: $lifeA is "yes")[$nameA retrieves a Caretaker piece from lost.<br>] (if: $lifeB is "yes")[$nameB retrieves a Caretaker piece from lost.<br>] (if: $lifeC is "yes")[$nameC retrieves a Caretaker piece from lost.<br>] (if: $lifeD is "yes")[$nameD retrieves a Caretaker piece from lost.<br>] (if: $lifeE is "yes")[$nameE retrieves a Caretaker piece from lost.<br>] } [[Click here to continue...|UniEquity]]''Immortality'' Claiming an inheritance whilst one's parent still lives on; this foreign concept was decidedly unnerving both for the returning youths and their unaware spouses. However, after the initial shock of encountering a surprisingly spry parent tending to the Estate, the additional help did prove useful. For those whose parents had chosen a more amenable fate, having no secrets to conceal caused less suspicion during interactions with the local populace. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' { (if: $lifeA is "yes")[$nameA III retrieves a Caretaker from lost.<br>] (if: $lifeB is "yes")[$nameB III retrieves a Caretaker from lost.<br>] (if: $lifeC is "yes")[$nameC III retrieves a Caretaker from lost.<br>] (if: $lifeD is "yes")[$nameD III retrieves a Caretaker from lost.<br>] (if: $lifeE is "yes")[$nameE III retrieves a Caretaker from lost.<br>] } Any player who did not receive a bonus for Immortality ''Loses 2 Creepy'' at the start of the Generation. [[Click to continue...|PanaceaUnleashCons1]] { (if: $players is 2)[ (if: $life >= (either: 1,2))[(goto: "S5HospA1Yes")]] (if: $players is 3)[ (if: $life >= 2)[(goto: "S5HospA1Yes")]] (if: $players is 4)[ (if: $life >= (either: 2,3))[(goto: "S5HospA1Yes")]] (if: $players is 5)[ (if: $life >= (either: 2,3,4))[(goto: "S5HospA1Yes")]] (else:)[(goto: "S5HospA1No")] }Remove all player pieces from the board and perform the End of a Generation. Any Storybook tokens remaining on a player's Journal Track are returned to the supply. --- ''Death Becomes Us'' As their bodies withered with time, the failures of their equally outdated scientific pursuits weighed heavily on their deteriorating minds. With only ''$life'' of them discovering the way towards ''immortality'', the cousins wallowed in their own ineptitude. (if: $uni is "yes")[With no further push from its energetic benefactors, the university was shunned, abandoned, and refitted.] With no sounds of screams and explosions echoing down from the hillsides, the townsfolk lost their sense of purpose. A thick fog of ignorance fell across the populace as they returned to the old ways with a righteous fervor. [[Click to continue to a more depressing time...|RippedMasterwork]] ''An Alternative Cure'' An envoy from the { (if: $wolves is "evil")[''Order of St. Hubertus''] (if: $hunters is "evil")[''Fraternity of Hunters''] } arrived bearing an interesting narrative and a shimmering vial of liquid. She visited each of the manors in turn unable to conceal her wicked grin and laughter as she did so. "The brotherhood has heard of your suffering and we wish to offer an exchange. For a meager bit of knowledge, we present a cure. Drink of this liquid and your dreaded affliction will cease," she said as a bolt of lightning arced across the sky above. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Each player, in turn order, may choose to discard a completed B-Level Experiment //(to the bottom of the deck)// to place their ''Disease Experiment'' into their ''Stored Experiments''. They will no longer be affected by Disease events. Once all players have made their decision [[click here to continue...|Diseases2]] { (set: $password to (prompt: "Enter the secret password on your envelope (in all lower case).")) } (goto: "Passcodechk") <!-- Wolves - alpha, moon, howl Hunters - right, cross, bolt -->{(if: $meet is 0)[(goto: "FailedMeeting")]}''Carefully pick up the storybook and do not allow any other players to see the screen.'' Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation. (click-replace: "Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.")[''Upon a Secret Meeting - Letter - (either: "April","August","October") (random: 1,29), 1865'' I, $meet, am writing this letter to you after my meeting with an associate of the International Order of St. Hubertus. Our conversation was brief, but the resulting knowledge has piqued my curiosities. It has been revealed to me that your intentions are { (if: $wolves is "evil")[nefarious. The malevolent Order is consumed with greed, seeking to unearth the ancient secrets in this area and use this power to alter humanity and spread a plague of monstrous entities across the world. You only asked for your work to remain ''concealed''.] (else-if: $wolves is "good")[demonstrably positive. The Order is only concerned with establishing a safe haven for those afflicted by disease. Your representative even revealed a physical peculiarity that had elongated her cuspids into sharp points. She left swiftly before nightfall, ignoring my pleas for her to remain, but she urged me to ''investigate'' the secret workings soon to become apparent.] } Being intimately familiar with matters of the occult, this admission is unsurprising. My apprehensions are only related to how your actions will impact my ability to advance my scientific studies most generously. ''It is with sincerity that I:'' ...have decided to {(link: "join and pledge my service to your cause.")[ (if: $meet is $nameA)[(set: $allyA to "wolves")] (if: $meet is $nameB)[(set: $allyB to "wolves")] (if: $meet is $nameC)[(set: $allyC to "wolves")] (if: $meet is $nameD)[(set: $allyD to "wolves")] (if: $meet is $nameE)[(set: $allyE to "wolves")] (goto: "HubertusConfirmation")]} ...have decided to (link-goto: "refuse this ridiculous offer.","RefusalWolves")]{ (set: $disease1 to (either: 1,2)) (if: $disease1 is 1)[''A Year of Sickness''<br> Even the most agile mind cannot willingly escape the frailness of the human form. As such, the foul plague upon the household syphoned a considerable energy from their work and left them bed-ridden for months on end. <br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> All players that have not completed the ''Hereditary Disease Experiment'' must ''discard a Knowledge cube to the supply'' or ''lose 2VP''. ] (if: $disease1 is 2)[''Rest and Time''<br> It seemed that the cousins were fortunate in their early years. Even the most agile mind cannot willingly escape the frailness of the human form. However, with a strict regimen of rest, diet, and bloodletting, these deficiencies could mostly be nullified.<br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> The Hereditary disease has no effect. ] } [[Click to continue...|Gen1Creepy-RefusalBuild]] {(if: $meet is 0)[(goto: "FailedMeeting")]}''Carefully pick up the storybook and do not allow any other players to see the screen.'' Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation. (click-replace: "Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.")[''Upon a Secret Meeting - Letter - (either: "April","August","October") (random: 1,29), 1865'' I, $meet, am writing this letter to you after my meeting with an associate of the International Order of St. Hubertus. Our conversation was brief, but the resulting knowledge has piqued my curiosities. It has been revealed to me that your intentions are { (if: $wolves is "evil")[nefarious. The malevolent Order is consumed with greed, seeking to unearth the ancient secrets in this area and use this power to alter humanity and spread a plague of monstrous entities across the world. You only asked for your work to remain ''concealed''.] (else-if: $wolves is "good")[demonstrably positive. The Order is only concerned with establishing a safe haven for those afflicted by disease. Your representative even revealed a physical peculiarity that had elongated her cuspids into sharp points. She left swiftly before nightfall, ignoring my pleas for her to remain, but she urged me to ''investigate'' the secret workings soon to become apparent.] } Being intimately familiar with matters of the occult, this admission is unsurprising. My apprehensions are only related to how your actions will impact my ability to advance my scientific studies most generously. ''It is with sincerity that I:'' ...have decided to {(link: "join and pledge my service to your cause.")[ (if: $meet is $nameA)[(set: $allyA to "wolves")] (if: $meet is $nameB)[(set: $allyB to "wolves")] (if: $meet is $nameC)[(set: $allyC to "wolves")] (if: $meet is $nameD)[(set: $allyD to "wolves")] (if: $meet is $nameE)[(set: $allyE to "wolves")] (goto: "HubertusConfirmation")]} ...have decided to (link-goto: "refuse this ridiculous offer.","RefusalWolves")]{(if: $meet is 0)[(goto: "FailedMeeting")]}''Carefully pick up the storybook and do not allow any other players to see the screen.'' Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation. (click-replace: "Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.")[''Upon a Secret Meeting - Letter - (either: "April","August","October") (random: 1,29), 1865'' I, $meet, am writing this letter to you after my meeting with an associate of the International Fraternity of Hunters. Our secret conversation over brunch was quite revealing, and the resulting knowledge has piqued my interests. It has been revealed to me that your intentions are { (if: $hunters is "evil")[amusingly exploitative. The Fraternity hopes to use the recent epidemic as a cover for their activities to unearth ancient supernatural secrets in the region and use them for monetary and political gain. Although I remain skeptical, if these labors are successful, I will be deeply interested in the results. You only asked for your work to remain ''concealed''.] (else-if: $hunters is "good")[good. It was astute for you to note how oddly silent the town has remained over the last few years. Keeping a watchful eye over the proceedings, the Fraternity appears only concerned with rooting out who or what is behind this veil of secrecy. You've urged me to ''investigate'' the secret workings soon to become apparent.] } Being an entrepreneur myself, in a fashion, these goals are not so misaligned with my own. My apprehensions are only related to how your actions will impact my ability to advance my scientific studies most generously. ''It is with sincerity that I:'' ...have decided to {(link: "join and pledge my service to your cause.")[ (if: $meet is $nameA)[(set: $allyA to "hunters")] (if: $meet is $nameB)[(set: $allyB to "hunters")] (if: $meet is $nameC)[(set: $allyC to "hunters")] (if: $meet is $nameD)[(set: $allyD to "hunters")] (if: $meet is $nameE)[(set: $allyE to "hunters")] (goto: "HuntersConfirmation")]} ...have decided to (link-goto: "refuse this ridiculous offer.","RefusalHunters")] Remove all player pieces from the board and Perform the End of a Generation. Return any remaining Storybook tokens to the supply. --- ''Strong Alliance'' The ties that bound the family to these secret warring factions changed the course of history. { (if: $society is "Fraternity of Hunters")[ (if: $hunters is "evil")[While secrets could not forever be kept, the silent assistance of $playtxt influential members of the upper crust ensured that the ''Hunters'' could progress in their endeavors long enough to make their presence integral to the town. For a price, they swore to protect all citizens from the disease and darkness that had enveloped the countryside.<br><br> [[Click to continue...|HelpingEvil]] ] (if: $hunters is "good")[By exposing the nefarious work of the ''Order of St. Hubertus,'' the additional attention forced them to leave the region. Motivated by the promise of swift justice, the ''Fraternity of Hunters'' created a stronghold in the town. They swore at all costs to protect the town from the evils that roamed the land.<br><br> [[Click to continue...|ProsperityHunterIntro]] ] ] (if: $society is "Order of St. Hubertus")[ (if: $wolves is "evil")[While secrets could not forever be kept, the silent assistance of $playtxt influential members of the upper crust ensured that the ''Order'' could progress in their endeavors long enough to make their presence integral to the town. They immediately began to advance their schemes.<br><br> [[Click to continue...|HelpingEvil]] ] (if: $wolves is "good")[By exposing the insidious deeds of the ''Fraternity of Hunters,'' the additional attention forced them to quit the region. Motivated by the promise of swift justice, the ''Order of St. Hubertus'' created a stronghold in the town. They swore to provide a haven for all outcasts.<br><br> [[Click to continue...|ProsperityWolvesIntro]] ] ] }{(if: $meet is 0)[(goto: "FailedMeeting")]}''Carefully pick up the storybook and do not allow any other players to see the screen.'' Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation. (click-replace: "Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.")[''Upon a Secret Meeting - Letter - (either: "April","August","October") (random: 1,29), 1865'' I, $meet, am writing this letter to you after my meeting with an associate of the International Fraternity of Hunters. Our secret conversation over brunch was quite revealing, and the resulting knowledge has piqued my interests. It has been revealed to me that your intentions are { (if: $hunters is "evil")[amusingly exploitative. The Fraternity hopes to use the recent epidemic as a cover for their activities to unearth ancient, supernatural secrets in the region and use them for monetary and political gain. Although I remain skeptical, if these labors are successful, I will be deeply interested in the results. You only asked for your work to remain ''concealed''.] (else-if: $hunters is "good")[good. It was astute for you to note how oddly silent the town has remained over the last few years. Keeping a watchful eye over the proceedings, the Fraternity appears only concerned with rooting out who or what is behind this veil of secrecy. You've urged me to ''investigate'' the secret workings soon to become apparent.] } Being an entrepreneur myself, in a fashion, these goals are not so misaligned with my own. My apprehensions are only related to how your actions will impact my ability to advance my scientific studies most generously. ''It is with sincerity that I:'' ...have decided to {(link: "join and pledge my service to your cause.")[ (if: $meet is $nameA)[(set: $allyA to "hunters")] (if: $meet is $nameB)[(set: $allyB to "hunters")] (if: $meet is $nameC)[(set: $allyC to "hunters")] (if: $meet is $nameD)[(set: $allyD to "hunters")] (if: $meet is $nameE)[(set: $allyE to "hunters")] (goto: "HuntersConfirmation")]} ...have decided to (link-goto: "refuse this ridiculous offer.","RefusalHunters")] {(if: $meet is 0)[(goto: "FailedMeeting")]}''Carefully pick up the storybook and do not allow any other players to see the screen.'' Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation. (click-replace: "Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.")[''Upon a Secret Meeting - Letter - (either: "April","August","October") (random: 1,29), 1865'' I, $meet, am writing this letter to you after my meeting with an associate of the International Fraternity of Hunters. Our secret conversation over brunch was quite revealing, and the resulting knowledge has piqued my interests. It has been revealed to me that your intentions are { (if: $hunters is "evil")[amusingly exploitative. The Fraternity hopes to use the recent epidemic as a cover for their activities to unearth ancient, supernatural secrets in the region and use them for monetary and political gain. Although I remain skeptical, if these labors are successful, I will be deeply interested in the results. You only asked for your work to remain ''concealed''.] (else-if: $hunters is "good")[good. It was astute for you to note how oddly silent the town has remained over the last few years. Keeping a watchful eye over the proceedings, the Fraternity appears only concerned with rooting out who or what is behind this veil of secrecy. You've urged me to ''investigate'' the secret workings soon to become apparent.] } Being an entrepreneur myself, in a fashion, these goals are not so misaligned with my own. My apprehensions are only related to how your actions will impact my ability to advance my scientific studies most generously. ''It is with sincerity that I:'' ...have decided to {(link: "join and pledge my service to your cause.")[ (if: $meet is $nameA)[(set: $allyA to "hunters")] (if: $meet is $nameB)[(set: $allyB to "hunters")] (if: $meet is $nameC)[(set: $allyC to "hunters")] (if: $meet is $nameD)[(set: $allyD to "hunters")] (if: $meet is $nameE)[(set: $allyE to "hunters")] (goto: "HuntersConfirmation")]} ...have decided to (link-goto: "refuse this ridiculous offer.","RefusalHunters")] { (if: $password is "alpha")[(set: $meet to $let1)(goto: "HubertusWolves1")] (if: $password is "moon")[(set: $meet to $let2)(goto: "HubertusWolves2")] (if: $password is "howl")[(set: $meet to $let3)(goto: "HubertusWolves3")] (if: $password is "right")[(set: $meet to $let4)(goto: "HubertusHunters1")] (if: $password is "cross")[(set: $meet to $let5)(goto: "HubertusHunters2")] (if: $password is "bolt")[(set: $meet to $let6)(goto: "HubertusHunters3")] } ''Failed Meeting'' The family's eccentricities were well-known in the local area, but generally these were for reasons that at least appeared to have a sinister logic behind them. However, during this time, one of the family members was seen around town (for a period of several weeks), wearing a thinly veiled disguise about them and saying the phrase, $password, in a conspiratorial tone to anyone who would pass by. Their presence was more harshly scrutinized by the local residents after this bout of what could only be deemed mental instability. ''You gain a Creepy.'' [[Click to continue...|Devastation1]] ''Investigation'' After visiting the establishment, the peculiar attitude of the workers and the pristine furnishings further piqued their curiosity. Several days later, they decided to forgo their scientific obligations for one evening and investigate the $inv. ''Please choose which player is making this investigation:'' (link: "$nameA")[(goto: "BuildplayA")] (link: "$nameB")[(goto: "BuildplayB")] (if: $players > 2)[(link: "$nameC")[(goto: "BuildplayC")]] (if: $players > 3)[(link: "$nameD")[(goto: "BuildplayD")]] (if: $players > 4)[(link: "$nameE")[(goto: "BuildplayE")]] ''Do not allow the other players to see the Storybook while making the decision below.'' --- ''Continuing Investigation - Compiled Journal Entries of $nameA'' { (if: $inv is $ba)[I arrived at the $ba under cover of darkness. I was ill-suited for such stealthy missions, but I kept my cloak and collar about my neck to conceal my identity in case I was discovered. ] (if: $inv is $bb)[A thick fog shrouded my approach on the cool night that I chose to investigate the $bb. I asked the carriage driver to await my return on the outskirts of town, while I stole away into the empty streets. Nary a soul was about on this evening, and I was soon inside without arousing suspicion. ] (if: $inv is $bc)[To my chagrin, a (either: "gentleman","gentlewoman") stood near the front door of the building. At this late hour, I could only assume that they were standing guard. Not to be thwarted so easily, I tilted my hat to obscure my face and stalked into the alley behind. The lock on the rear door was a trifle for my tools, and I entered without a sound. ] } I could either provide evidence to help ''expose'' the secret inner workings of the building or I could ''conceal'' the truth and allow the work to continue. ''The decision was clear to me:'' { (set: $playA to it +1) (link: "I exposed the truth.")[ (if: $inv is $ba)[(set: $pAA to "yes")(set: $exposeA to it +1)] (if: $inv is $bb)[(set: $pAB to "yes")(set: $exposeB to it +1)] (if: $inv is $bc)[(set: $pAC to "yes")(set: $exposeC to it +1)] (goto: "ExposeConfirmation")]<br> (link: "I concealed the true purpose.")[ (if: $inv is $ba)[(set: $exposeA to it -1)] (if: $inv is $bb)[(set: $exposeB to it -1)] (if: $inv is $bc)[(set: $exposeC to it -1)] (goto: "ConcealConfirmation")] } ''Exposed'' I knew it was the correct decision. To allow this terrible work to continue unabated would not align with my own crucial endeavors. But, would my cousins feel the same way? (if: $round is 5)[(link-goto: "Click here to continue...","Devastation2")] (if: $round is 6)[(link-goto: "Click here to continue...","Devastation3")] ''Concealed'' Knowledge may have been my main pursuit when investigating the suspicious building, but now with a complete understanding of the devious machinations inside, I decided to err on the side of secrecy. But would this be enough? (if: $round is 5)[(link-goto: "Click here to continue...","Devastation2")] (if: $round is 6)[(link-goto: "Click here to continue...","Devastation3")] ''Do not allow the other player's to see the Storybook while making the decision below.'' --- ''Continuing Investigation - Compiled Journal Entries of $nameB'' { (if: $inv is $ba)[I arrived at the $ba under cover of darkness. I was ill-suited for such stealthy missions, but I kept my cloak and collar about my neck to conceal my identity in case I was discovered. ] (if: $inv is $bb)[A thick fog shrouded my approach on the cool night that I chose to investigate the $bb. I asked the carriage driver to await my return on the outskirts of town, while I stole away into the empty streets. Nary a soul was about on this evening, and I was soon inside without arousing suspicion. ] (if: $inv is $bc)[To my chagrin, a (either: "gentleman","gentlewoman") stood near the front door of the building. At this late hour, I could only assume that they were standing guard. Not to be thwarted so easily, I tilted my hat to obscure my face and stalked into the alley behind. The lock on the rear door was a trifle for my tools, and I entered without a sound. ] } I could either provide evidence to help ''expose'' the secret inner workings of the building or I could ''conceal'' the truth and allow the work to continue. ''The decision was clear to me:'' { (set: $playB to it +1) (link: "I exposed the truth.")[ (if: $inv is $ba)[(set: $pBA to "yes")(set: $exposeA to it +1)] (if: $inv is $bb)[(set: $pBB to "yes")(set: $exposeB to it +1)] (if: $inv is $bc)[(set: $pBC to "yes")(set: $exposeC to it +1)] (goto: "ExposeConfirmation")]<br> (link: "I concealed the true purpose.")[ (if: $inv is $ba)[(set: $exposeA to it -1)] (if: $inv is $bb)[(set: $exposeB to it -1)] (if: $inv is $bc)[(set: $exposeC to it -1)] (goto: "ConcealConfirmation")] } ''Do not allow the other player's to see the Storybook while making the decision below.'' --- ''Continuing Investigation - Compiled Journal Entries of $nameC'' { (if: $inv is $ba)[I arrived at the $ba under cover of darkness. I was ill-suited for such stealthy missions, but I kept my cloak and collar about my neck to conceal my identity in case I was discovered. ] (if: $inv is $bb)[A thick fog shrouded my approach on the cool night that I chose to investigate the $bb. I asked the carriage driver to await my return on the outskirts of town, while I stole away into the empty streets. Nary a soul was about on this evening, and I was soon inside without arousing suspicion. ] (if: $inv is $bc)[To my chagrin, a (either: "gentleman","gentlewoman") stood near the front door of the building. At this late hour, I could only assume that they were standing guard. Not to be thwarted so easily, I tilted my hat to obscure my face and stalked into the alley behind. The lock on the rear door was a trifle for my tools, and I entered without a sound. ] } I could either provide evidence to help ''expose'' the secret inner workings of the building or I could ''conceal'' the truth and allow the work to continue. ''The decision was clear to me:'' { (set: $playC to it +1) (link: "I exposed the truth.")[ (if: $inv is $ba)[(set: $pCA to "yes")(set: $exposeA to it +1)] (if: $inv is $bb)[(set: $pCB to "yes")(set: $exposeB to it +1)] (if: $inv is $bc)[(set: $pCC to "yes")(set: $exposeC to it +1)] (goto: "ExposeConfirmation")]<br> (link: "I concealed the true purpose.")[ (if: $inv is $ba)[(set: $exposeA to it -1)] (if: $inv is $bb)[(set: $exposeB to it -1)] (if: $inv is $bc)[(set: $exposeC to it -1)] (goto: "ConcealConfirmation")] } ''Do not allow the other players to see the Storybook while making the decision below.'' --- ''Continuing Investigation - Compiled Journal Entries of $nameD'' { (if: $inv is $ba)[I arrived at the $ba under cover of darkness. I was ill-suited for such stealthy missions, but I kept my cloak and collar about my neck to conceal my identity in case I was discovered. ] (if: $inv is $bb)[A thick fog shrouded my approach on the cool night that I chose to investigate the $bb. I asked the carriage driver to await my return on the outskirts of town, while I stole away into the empty streets. Nary a soul was about on this evening, and I was soon inside without arousing suspicion. ] (if: $inv is $bc)[To my chagrin, a (either: "gentleman","gentlewoman") stood near the front door of the building. At this late hour, I could only assume that they were standing guard. Not to be thwarted so easily, I tilted my hat to obscure my face and stalked into the alley behind. The lock on the rear door was a trifle for my tools, and I entered without a sound. ] } I could either provide evidence to help ''expose'' the secret inner workings of the building or I could ''conceal'' the truth and allow the work to continue. ''The decision was clear to me:'' { (set: $playD to it +1) (link: "I exposed the truth.")[ (if: $inv is $ba)[(set: $pDA to "yes")(set: $exposeA to it +1)] (if: $inv is $bb)[(set: $pDB to "yes")(set: $exposeB to it +1)] (if: $inv is $bc)[(set: $pDC to "yes")(set: $exposeC to it +1)] (goto: "ExposeConfirmation")]<br> (link: "I concealed the true purpose.")[ (if: $inv is $ba)[(set: $exposeA to it -1)] (if: $inv is $bb)[(set: $exposeB to it -1)] (if: $inv is $bc)[(set: $exposeC to it -1)] (goto: "ConcealConfirmation")] } ''Do not allow the other players to see the Storybook while making the decision below.'' --- ''Continuing Investigation - Compiled Journal Entries of $nameE'' { (if: $inv is $ba)[I arrived at the $ba under cover of darkness. I was ill-suited for such stealthy missions, but I kept my cloak and collar about my neck to conceal my identity in case I was discovered. ] (if: $inv is $bb)[A thick fog shrouded my approach on the cool night that I chose to investigate the $bb. I asked the carriage driver to await my return on the outskirts of town, while I stole away into the empty streets. Nary a soul was about on this evening, and I was soon inside without arousing suspicion. ] (if: $inv is $bc)[To my chagrin, a (either: "gentleman","gentlewoman") stood near the front door of the building. At this late hour, I could only assume that they were standing guard. Not to be thwarted so easily, I tilted my hat to obscure my face and stalked into the alley behind. The lock on the rear door was a trifle for my tools, and I entered without a sound. ] } I could either provide evidence to help ''expose'' the secret inner workings of the building or I could ''conceal'' the truth and allow the work to continue. ''The decision was clear to me:'' { (set: $playE to it +1) (link: "I exposed the truth.")[ (if: $inv is $ba)[(set: $pEA to "yes")(set: $exposeA to it +1)] (if: $inv is $bb)[(set: $pEB to "yes")(set: $exposeB to it +1)] (if: $inv is $bc)[(set: $pEC to "yes")(set: $exposeC to it +1)] (goto: "ExposeConfirmation")]<br> (link: "I concealed the true purpose.")[ (if: $inv is $ba)[(set: $exposeA to it -1)] (if: $inv is $bb)[(set: $exposeB to it -1)] (if: $inv is $bc)[(set: $exposeC to it -1)] (goto: "ConcealConfirmation")] } { (if: $playA > (max: $playB,$playC,$playD,$playE))[(set: $most to $nameA)] (else-if: $playB > (max: $playC,$playD,$playE))[(set: $most to $nameB)] (else-if: $playC > (max: $playD,$playE))[(set: $most to $nameC)] (else-if: $playD > (max: $playE))[(set: $most to $nameD)] (else:)[(set: $most to $nameE)] }{ (if: $hunters is "evil")[ (if: $goodcount < 2)[(set: $society to "Fraternity of Hunters")] (else:)[(set: $society to "Order of St. Hubertus")] ] (if: $hunters is "good")[ (if: $goodcount > 1)[(set: $society to "Fraternity of Hunters")] (else:)[(set: $society to "Order of St. Hubertus")] ] }(if: $most is 0)[(goto: "DiseaseEnd")] (else:)[''Most Investigations'' $most performed the most investigative actions. This did not go unnoticed by the $society, and despite their allegiances, they felt this exploratory spirit worthy of reward. ''$most immediately gains 4VP.''] [[Click here to continue...|DiseaseEnd]] ''Moving Forward - Middle Years'' (set: $round to 14) { (if: $society is "Order of St. Hubertus")[ ''Acceptance''<br> Caretaker pieces can now take actions in Town as well as in the Estates. //The same Town placement rules for Servants apply to Caretaker pieces.//<br><br> ''School for Hybridized Individuals''<br> When a player visits the ''School for Hybridized Individuals'', they ''pay $1'' to gain a ''Caretaker'' piece from Lost. <br><br> ''Angry Mob''<br> Any time the Angry Mob token moves, move the Storybook token along with it. If the Angry Mob overtakes a player, complete the current action and then [[click here for a Storybook message.|AngryMobStorybook]]<br><br> ''Biology Achievement''<br> When you gain a Vanity Estate Upgrade, the Biology Master's Study is part of the available pool to build as normal.<br><br> [[Click at the end of the round to continue...|GoodFrenzyEvent]] ] (if: $society is "Fraternity of Hunters")[ ''Hunter's Haven''<br> For each visit to the Hunter's Haven, pay 1 Occult Knowledge cube to lose 2 Insanity. //(You cannot use Journaled Knowledge to pay this cost.)//<br><br> ''Engineering Achievement''<br> When you gain a Vanity Estate Upgrade, the ''Engineering Master's Study'' is part of the available pool to build as normal.<br><br> ''Endless Hunt''<br> At the end of the round, two of the scientists will be chosen to participate in the ''Night of the Hunt.'' This invitation cannot be refused.<br><br> [[Click at the end of the round to continue...|CureMoonSick1]] ] } ''Moving Forward - Late Years'' (set: $round to 15) { (if: $society is "Order of St. Hubertus")[ ''Acceptance''<br> Caretaker pieces can now take actions in Town as well as in the Estates. //The same Town placement rules for Servants apply to Caretaker pieces.//<br><br> ''School for Hybridized Individuals''<br> When a player visits the ''School for Hybridized Individuals'', they ''pay $1'' to gain a ''Caretaker'' piece from Lost. <br><br> ''Angry Mob''<br> Any time the Angry Mob token moves, move the Storybook token along with it. If the Angry Mob overtakes a player, complete the current action and then [[click here for a Storybook message.|AngryMobStorybook]]<br><br> ''Scientific Achievement''<br> When you gain a Vanity Estate Upgrade, all 3 Master's Study tiles are part of the available pool to build as normal.<br><br> (set: $ending to "END-WolvesGood1") [[Click at the end of the Generation to continue to Final Scoring...|Scoring]] ] (if: $society is "Fraternity of Hunters")[ ''Hunter's Haven''<br> For each visit to the Hunter's Haven, pay 1 Occult Knowledge cube to lose 2 Insanity. //(You cannot use Journaled Knowledge to pay this cost.)//<br><br> ''Scientific Achievement''<br> When you gain a Vanity Estate Upgrade, all 3 Master's Study tiles are part of the available pool to build as normal.<br><br> (set: $ending to "END-HunterGood1") [[Click at the end of the Generation to continue to Final Scoring...|Scoring]] ] } ''Carefully hand this storybook device to the player that just reached 35VP. This is read within view of all players.'' --- { (if: $35vp is "creep")[''"Nasty Rumors" - Journal Entry, 1878''<br> To reach the pinnacle of understanding, only to feel the cruel hand of treachery. The rest of the family was noticeably not distraught when a recent article in the regional newspaper spread an uncomfortable rumor about my personal hygiene.<br><br> I do not have time for this interruption! I do not smell like pickles! It is the formaldehyde solution for my most recent experiment. It is not the smell of pickles; it is the smell of SCIENCE!<br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> Immediately ''gain 2 Creepy'' and ''lose 1 Sanity''.] (if: $35vp is "vp")[''"Unfortunate Accident" - Journal Entry, 1876''<br> My work! My property! Sabotaged.<br><br> I awoke this evening to find my home on fire and the culprits nowhere to be found. But, I know who did it. I could still smell the chemical reaction as the fires raged. I would have never expected my cousins to stoop to such a base level. Direct and blatant sabotage? Absolutely unconscionable.<br><br> It will take weeks for my spouse to manage the removal of the damaged piece of our Estate. They are all just jealous of my genius!<br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> Immediately ''lose 4VP'' and ''discard an Estate Upgrade of your choice''.] } { (if: $round is 7)[(set: $trigger35 to 1)(link-goto: "Click to return...","Hospital1")] (if: $round is 8)[(set: $trigger35 to 1)(link-goto: "Click to return...","Hospital2")] (if: $round is 9)[(set: $trigger35 to 1)(link-goto: "Click to return...","Hospital3")] } ''Advancements in $sci3'' Please click on the name of the scientist that completed a total of ''3 B or C $sci3 Experiments'': { (link: "Dr. $nameA Jr.")[(set: $gen2exp to $nameA)(goto: "3ExperimentsRes")]<br> (link: "Dr. $nameB Jr.")[(set: $gen2exp to $nameB)(goto: "3ExperimentsRes")]<br> (if: $players > 2)[ (link: "Dr. $nameC Jr.")[(set: $gen2exp to $nameC)(goto: "3ExperimentsRes")]<br>] (if: $players > 3)[ (link: "Dr. $nameD Jr.")[(set: $gen2exp to $nameD)(goto: "3ExperimentsRes")]<br>] (if: $players > 4)[ (link: "Dr. $nameE Jr.")[(set: $gen2exp to $nameE)(goto: "3ExperimentsRes")]<br>] }''Carefully hand the Storybook to $charity. This choice is read and made within view of all players.'' --- ''"Universal Interest" - Journal Entry - November, 1859 - $charity'' It has been three days since I received a letter from the Hungarian government and two days since my cousins deigned it necessary to make me the target of their ridicule. My parents cared deeply for this horrid community - a sentiment that those miscreants know nothing about! I am not some groveler who needs confirmation from the stuffed shirts and upturned noses of European academies. But, getting to choose the ''subject of the upcoming Symposium'' that could very well determine if a University is built in $townname? My parents instilled into me a scientific vigor that far surpasses even the members of my own, somewhat beloved, family. As I returned from studies abroad, it was my own aptitudes that spearheaded my cousins into action. Damn them and their jibes! I will show them. In fact, I have already made my choice and penned my response. It will be I who will be doing the laughing in the end. ''Choose which of the Sciences our family will focus upon this Generation:'' { (link: "Chemistry")[(set: $sci3 to "Chemistry")(goto: "35VP")]<br> (link: "Engineering")[(set: $sci3 to "Engineering")(goto: "35VP")]<br> (link: "Biology")[(set: $sci3 to "Biology")(goto: "35VP")] } ''A Collection of Esteemed Colleagues'' The journey to the newly created city of Budapest for the $sci3 Symposium was uncharacteristically dour. However, this dreadful murkiness could not dampen the spirits of the $playtxt; nor could the sojourn in the marginal accommodations prepared for their arrival. For the cousins, this recognition for their efforts to advance science at all costs was considerably well-deserved and long-overdue. The University was abuzz with activity as they attended various events and offered their prescribed greetings. [[Click to continue...|SymposiumEvent2]] (if: $round is 1)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","Fever1")] (if: $round is 2)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","Fever2")] (if: $round is 3)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","Fever3")] (if: $round is 4)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","Devastation1")] (if: $round is 5)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","Devastation2")] (if: $round is 6)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","Devastation3")] (if: $round is 7)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","Hospital1")] (if: $round is 8)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","Hospital2")] (if: $round is 9)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","Hospital3")] (if: $round is 10)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","GloomyGothic1")] (if: $round is 11)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","GloomyGothic2")] (if: $round is 12)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","GloomyGothic3")] (if: $round is 13)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","Prosperity1")] (if: $round is 14)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","Prosperity2")] (if: $round is 15)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","Prosperity3")] (if: $round is 16)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","NoUni1")] (if: $round is 17)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","NoUni2")] (if: $round is 18)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","NoUni3")] (if: $round is 19)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","University1")] (if: $round is 20)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","University2")] (if: $round is 21)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","University3")] ''Carefully hand the Storybook to $saneplayer. This choice is read and made within view of all players.'' --- ''Journal Entry, $saneplayer - September, 1892'' The fools! The utter fools! In their haste to return to their amateurish attempts at science, my dear, witless cousins have been overlooked by our colleagues at the university. And so it fell to me to advise them on this most important psychological matter! My in-depth studies of phrenology and first-hand observation of brain function have allowed me to calculate with flawless accuracy the appropriate level of mental intensity needed to excel in science; the most proper balance of passion and ethical ambiguity. While, yes, we may ALL benefit from this assessment and yes, they did only consult me out of a sense of pity, it is I alone that will now control the fate of us all! ''CHOOSE'' $saneplayer must now choose a numbered spot below on the Insanity Track. At the end of the Generation, any player whose piece is on this space will ''gain 5VP''. (link: "3")[(set: $mental to 3)(goto: "PanaceaUnleashCons2")] (link: "4")[(set: $mental to 4)(goto: "PanaceaUnleashCons2")] (link: "5")[(set: $mental to 5)(goto: "PanaceaUnleashCons2")] (link: "6")[(set: $mental to 6)(goto: "PanaceaUnleashCons2")] (link: "7")[(set: $mental to 7)(goto: "PanaceaUnleashCons2")] ''The Form of the Wolf'' Confirming the existence of individuals with the ability to change into an animal form had remarkable consequences. It is possible that it has even disrupted the studies of one of our kin. Does any player have the ''Lycanthropic Strength'' Masterwork Experiment? (link: "Yes.")[(set: $lycan to "yes")(goto: "LycanEvil")] [[No.|GloomyGothic1]] ''Strength Can Be Mine'' Their existence was proven. Now, could the catalyst of this truly powerful transformation be replicated? And how could it be further strengthened? ''Special SETUP'' Retrieve the ''Lycanthropic Strength'' Update card from the scenario box and give it to the player working towards this Masterwork. [[Click to continue...|GloomyGothic1]] ''A Compulsory Visitation'' The $townname General Hospital was one of the first hospitals in the region. Established in 1865, it was instrumental in changing the public perception of a hospital from a place you go to die to a place of healing with the most modern advances in medicine. On the day of the visit, several nurses bandied about, treating patients from nearby villages with symptoms of the Yellow Fever{(if: $pub is "yes")[ and using the innoculation techniques that the family had recently published]}. Click on the name of the player ''visiting the Hospital'' today: { (link: "Dr. $nameA Jr.")[(set: $hospsign to $nameA)(set: $hospA to "yes")(set: $hospcount to it + 1)(goto: "HospitalVisitCheck2")]<br> (link: "Dr. $nameB Jr.")[(set: $hospsign to $nameB)(set: $hospB to "yes")(set: $hospcount to it + 1)(goto: "HospitalVisitCheck2")]<br> (if: $players > 2)[ (link: "Dr. $nameC Jr.")[(set: $hospsign to $nameC)(set: $hospC to "yes")(set: $hospcount to it + 1)(goto: "HospitalVisitCheck2")]<br>] (if: $players > 3)[ (link: "Dr. $nameD Jr.")[(set: $hospsign to $nameD)(set: $hospD to "yes")(set: $hospcount to it + 1)(goto: "HospitalVisitCheck2")]<br>] (if: $players > 4)[ (link: "Dr. $nameE Jr.")[(set: $hospsign to $nameE)(set: $hospE to "yes")(set: $hospcount to it + 1)(goto: "HospitalVisitCheck2")]<br>] } ''Carefully pick up the Storybook and do not allow any other players to see the screen.'' (set: $hospentry to (either: 1,2)) { (if: $hospentry is 1)[''Visitation Report: Dr. $hospsign - Notes submitted by Nurse Varga''<br> Dr. $hospsign seemed in a hurry. Dismissed each area as sterile and uninspired. Until we arrived at the operating room. They immediately became enraptured, fixated, and I had to thrice repeat myself before they responded.<br><br> "This is all wrong. What do they teach in these surgeon schools?" Dr. $hospsign asked, clearly not expecting an answer and brazenly entered the operating room to accost the surgeons on duty. They retrieved a scalpel and insisting on completing the operation themselves. I have never seen so much blood.<br><br> At this point, $hospsign had to be escorted by security from the premises. They are barred from any further tours of the facilities.] (if: $hospentry is 2)[''Visitation Report: Dr. $hospsign - Notes submitted by Nurse Varga''<br> Relatively uneventful visit, though unsettling. Dr. $hospsign requested a tour through the wards.<br><br> Mostly disinterested and silent. However, our visit to the morgue was longer than to my liking. Dr. $hospsign kept insisting on inspecting the more extreme cases, excitedly asking questions while I unsuccessfully attempted to stop them from physically handling the deceased.<br><br> After requesting access to more severe emergency cases, we walked the grounds. They kept stating that the facilities were "unimpressive compared to their own." I shudder to think on what that phrase means. ] } [[Click to continue...|Gen1Insanity-NoExtraAction]] ''Lack of Hospitality'' Unfortunately, the lack of participation in the Hospital Board of Trustees needed to be reckoned and any who chose to forgo their obligations felt their business dealings in the local area become even further strained. { (if: $hospA is 0)[Dr. $nameA Jr. must immediately lose 7VP and discard an Estate Upgrade of their choice.<br><br>] (if: $hospB is 0)[Dr. $nameB Jr. must immediately lose 7VP and discard an Estate Upgrade of their choice.<br><br>] (if: $players > 2)[ (if: $hospC is 0)[Dr. $nameC Jr. must immediately lose 7VP and discard an Estate Upgrade of their choice.<br><br>]] (if: $players > 3)[ (if: $hospD is 0)[Dr. $nameD Jr. must immediately lose 7VP and discard an Estate Upgrade of their choice.<br><br>]] (if: $players > 4)[ (if: $hospE is 0)[Dr. $nameE Jr. must immediately lose 7VP and discard an Estate Upgrade of their choice.<br><br>]] } [[Click here to continue...|NoHospitalCons]] { (if: $hospcount is $players)[(goto: (either: "S5HospA1", "S5HospA2","S5HospA3"))] }''Carefully hand this Storybook device to $nameA and do not allow any other players to see the screen.'' (set: $trig to it + 1) Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation. {(click-replace: "Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.")[''A Masterwork of My Own - $nameA III'' I was no longer constrained by the fickle whims of my ancestors. I could allow my imagination to run wild with possibilities! Within moments, I set to creating something new and magnificent - something that would cause the scientific world to quiver in awestruck wonder. My creation is from which scientific discipline? (link: "Biology.")[(set: $disA to "biology")(goto: "NewMaster2A")] (link: "Engineering.")[(set: $disA to "engineering")(goto: "NewMaster2A")] (link: "Chemistry.")[(set: $disA to "chemistry")(goto: "NewMaster2A")] (link: "Occult.")[(set: $disA to "occult")(goto: "NewMaster2A")]] } ''What Type of Glorious Creation'' With my unique $disA skills, this creation was already more focused and impressive than ever before. But, what ingenious type of creation would I explore? My creation could be described as what type? { (if: $disA is "biology")[ (set: $costA to (either: "Engineering","Chemistry")) (link: "Creature.")[(set: $typeA to "creature")(goto: "NewMaster3A")]<br> (link: "Superpower.")[(set: $typeA to "power")(goto: "NewMaster3A")]<br>] (if: $disA is "engineering")[ (set: $costA to (either: "Biology","Chemistry")) (link: "Robot.")[(set: $typeA to "robot")(goto: "NewMaster3A")]<br> (link: "Weapon.")[(set: $typeA to "weapon")(goto: "NewMaster3A")]<br>] (if: $disA is "chemistry")[ (set: $costA to (either: "Engineering","Biology")) (link: "Medicine.")[(set: $typeA to "medicine")(goto: "NewMaster3A")]<br> (link: "Drug.")[(set: $typeA to "drug")(goto: "NewMaster3A")]<br>] (if: $disA is "occult")[ (set: $costA to (either: "Engineering","Chemistry","Biology")) (link: "Demonic Creature.")[(set: $typeA to "demon")(goto: "NewMaster3A")]<br> (link: "Ritual.")[(set: $typeA to "ritual")(goto: "NewMaster3A")]<br>] } { (if: $costA is "Biology")[(set: $cost2A to "Animal")] (if: $costA is "Engineering")[(set: $cost2A to "Gear")] (if: $costA is "Chemistry")[(set: $cost2A to "Bottle")] } { (set: $creationA to (prompt: "Give your creation a new, majestic name:")) } ''The {(either: "Infamous","Transcendent","Monumental","Nefarious","Unspeakable","Legendary","Noble","Phenomenal","Stunning","Masterful","Insidious")} $creationA'' (display: "MWCreationHubA") With my own destiny determined, I resolved to forge a new path into the future and create my Masterwork. ''You may check the cost of completing your new Masterwork at any time by clicking on your name on the main Storybook screen.'' [[Click to continue...|NewMaster1B]]''Masters of Their Own Destiny'' It seemed the pervasive gloom of $townname had infected the halls of the great estates. For when the cousins explored the musty recesses of their inherited homes, they discovered great underground laboratories left in startling disarray. Volumetric flasks lay shattered amongst the rusted remains of mechanical devices misshapen and strewn across the floor. And most disconcerting, the tattered remains of a most exceptional experiment. Oh the folly of the depressed and aged mind! To those of lesser imagination, this may have been the death knell of their ambitions, but their youthful exuberance could not be shackled by the capricious whims of their progenitors! If their family could not continue the generations of hard work, they would create their own legacy! [[Click to create a new Masterwork!|NewMaster1A]] { (if: $typeA is "creature")[''$creationA''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 2 Animals, 5 Biology, 1 $costA <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy, Move the Angry Mob.<br>] (if: $typeA is "power")[''$creationA''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 1 Animal, 1 $cost2A, 3 Biology, 3 $costA <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeA is "robot")[''$creationA''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 2 Gears, 5 Engineering, 1 $costA <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeA is "weapon")[''$creationA''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 1 Gear, 1 $cost2A, 4 Engineering, 2 $costA <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 2 Insanity, Gain 1 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeA is "medicine")[''$creationA''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 2 Chemicals, 4 Chemistry, 2 $costA <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 21VP.<br> Gain 2 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeA is "drug")[''$creationA''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 1 Bottle, 1 $cost2A, 3 Chemistry, 3 $costA <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeA is "demon")[''$creationA''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 2 Bodies, 4 Occult, 1 $costA <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 21VP.<br> Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeA is "ritual")[''$creationA''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 1 Body, 1 $cost2A, 3 Occult, 3 $costA <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy, Move the Angry Mob.<br>] }''(either: "The Work is Done","I Have Done the Impossible","My Legacy is Ensured","AH HA HA HAAAAA!!!","My Glorious Creation","The Glory is Mine Forever!") - $nameA - Journal Entry Excerpt'' { (if: $typeA is "creature")[Upon the stroke of midnight, lightning struck metal, sending a terrible electrical current through the machinery. My creation awoke, and with wild eyes gazed upon me, its creator. I had done it! I had created life!] (if: $typeA is "power")[To see my work in the flesh, to see $creationA finally realized; the passion of the moment overwhelmed my senses. I had done it. I shook my fist at God and all who doubted me! You were wrong! I am invincible!] (if: $typeA is "robot")[A brief, blinding flash and the work was done. I threw my goggles to the floor to gaze upon my creation with my own eyes - $creationA. The polished metal surface whirred with interior mechanisms churning - then, glorious motion! Oh wondrous automaton, with you by my side the scientific world will be humbled!] (if: $typeA is "weapon")[I seized the firing mechanism and squeezed the polished metal trigger. When the dust settled and my laboratory wall had been made to crumble into dust, I was unable to contain a sinister grin. The world would remember this day and the weapon I had wrought. My fame would be legendary.] (if: $typeA is "medicine")[I tapped the glass bottle, watching the liquid inside swirl and glow with the purity of the mixture. The $creationA had been a stunning success and once mass production could be attained, my family's legacy would be secure. I laughed. Then, laughed again. My cacophonous laughter echoed off the stone walls of my estate for years to come.] (if: $typeA is "drug")[I observed the effects as the syringe filled with $creationA emptied its contents into the unwilling test subject. Just as I had expected, the reaction was immediate and effusive. For so many years, I had toiled away in the solitude of my estate, and now as I wiped the tears from eyes, my beautiful creation was finally complete.] (if: $typeA is "demon")[The world darkened around me as the $creationA emerged from a void-like rift in time and space. I could feel the immense power of the insidious being, the air hot with the energy of their presence. They turned to me and with a deep growl, they stated, "Master." I had done it. I was now in control and the world would rue the day they doubted $nameA III!] (if: $typeA is "ritual")[The preparations proved tedious, but the resulting wave of spiritual energy as the ritual was completed left me standing in awe of my creation. The $creationA was a brilliant success. And the powers I now harnessed were unthinkable!] }''Carefully hand this Storybook device to $nameB and do not allow any other players to see the screen.'' (set: $trig to it + 1) Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation. {(click-replace: "Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.")[''A Masterwork of My Own - $nameB III'' I was no longer constrained by the fickle whims of my ancestors. I could allow my imagination to run wild with possibilities! Within moments, I set to creating something new and magnificent - something that would cause the scientific world to quiver in awestruck wonder. My creation is from which scientific discipline? (link: "Biology.")[(set: $disB to "biology")(goto: "NewMaster2B")] (link: "Engineering.")[(set: $disB to "engineering")(goto: "NewMaster2B")] (link: "Chemistry.")[(set: $disB to "chemistry")(goto: "NewMaster2B")] (link: "Occult.")[(set: $disB to "occult")(goto: "NewMaster2B")]] } { (if: $tempcomp is $nameA)[(display: "MWCompleteHubA")] (if: $tempcomp is $nameB)[(display: "MWCompleteHubB")] (if: $tempcomp is $nameC)[(display: "MWCompleteHubC")] (if: $tempcomp is $nameD)[(display: "MWCompleteHubD")] (if: $tempcomp is $nameE)[(display: "MWCompleteHubE")] } Then, collect your {(display: "AllMWRewards")} { (if: $round is 16)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","NoUni1")] (if: $round is 17)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","NoUni2")] (if: $round is 18)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","NoUni3")] } { (if: $tempcheck is $nameA)[(display: "MWCreationHubA")] (if: $tempcheck is $nameB)[(display: "MWCreationHubB")] (if: $tempcheck is $nameC)[(display: "MWCreationHubC")] (if: $tempcheck is $nameD)[(display: "MWCreationHubD")] (if: $tempcheck is $nameE)[(display: "MWCreationHubE")] } { (if: $round is 16)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","NoUni1")] (if: $round is 17)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","NoUni2")] (if: $round is 18)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","NoUni3")] } ''Click on your name below to view the Masterwork Recipe:'' { (link: "$nameA III")[(set: $tempcheck to $nameA)(goto: "MWCheck")]<br> (link: "$nameB III")[(set: $tempcheck to $nameB)(goto: "MWCheck")]<br> (if: $players > 2)[ (link: "$nameC III")[(set: $tempcheck to $nameC)(goto: "MWCheck")]<br>] (if: $players > 3)[ (link: "$nameD III")[(set: $tempcheck to $nameD)(goto: "MWCheck")]<br>] (if: $players > 4)[ (link: "$nameE III")[(set: $tempcheck to $nameE)(goto: "MWCheck")]<br>] }''Click on your name below to view the Masterwork Recipe and confirm that it is complete:'' { (link: "$nameA III")[(set: $tempcomp to $nameA)(goto: "MWCheckComplete")]<br> (link: "$nameB III")[(set: $tempcomp to $nameB)(goto: "MWCheckComplete")]<br> (if: $players > 2)[ (link: "$nameC III")[(set: $tempcomp to $nameC)(goto: "MWCheckComplete")]<br>] (if: $players > 3)[ (link: "$nameD III")[(set: $tempcomp to $nameD)(goto: "MWCheckComplete")]<br>] (if: $players > 4)[ (link: "$nameE III")[(set: $tempcomp to $nameE)(goto: "MWCheckComplete")]<br>] }{ (if: $tempcomp is $nameA)[ (if: $typeA is "creature")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy, Move the Angry Mob.<br>] (if: $typeA is "power")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeA is "robot")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeA is "weapon")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 2 Insanity, Gain 1 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeA is "medicine")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 21VP.<br> Gain 2 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeA is "drug")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeA is "demon")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 21VP.<br> Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeA is "ritual")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy, Move the Angry Mob.<br>]] (if: $tempcomp is $nameB)[ (if: $typeB is "creature")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy, Move the Angry Mob.<br>] (if: $typeB is "power")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeB is "robot")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeB is "weapon")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 2 Insanity, Gain 1 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeB is "medicine")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 21VP.<br> Gain 2 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeB is "drug")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeB is "demon")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 21VP.<br> Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeB is "ritual")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy, Move the Angry Mob.<br>]] (if: $tempcomp is $nameC)[ (if: $typeC is "creature")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy, Move the Angry Mob.<br>] (if: $typeC is "power")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeC is "robot")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeC is "weapon")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 2 Insanity, Gain 1 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeC is "medicine")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 21VP.<br> Gain 2 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeC is "drug")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeC is "demon")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 21VP.<br> Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeC is "ritual")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy, Move the Angry Mob.<br>]] (if: $tempcomp is $nameD)[ (if: $typeD is "creature")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy, Move the Angry Mob.<br>] (if: $typeD is "power")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeD is "robot")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeD is "weapon")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 2 Insanity, Gain 1 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeD is "medicine")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 21VP.<br> Gain 2 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeD is "drug")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeD is "demon")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 21VP.<br> Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeD is "ritual")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy, Move the Angry Mob.<br>]] (if: $tempcomp is $nameE)[ (if: $typeE is "creature")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy, Move the Angry Mob.<br>] (if: $typeE is "power")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeE is "robot")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeE is "weapon")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 2 Insanity, Gain 1 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeE is "medicine")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 21VP.<br> Gain 2 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeE is "drug")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeE is "demon")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 21VP.<br> Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeE is "ritual")[ ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy, Move the Angry Mob.<br>]] }''What Type of Glorious Creation'' With my unique $disB skills, this creation was already more focused and impressive than ever before. But, what ingenious type of creation would I explore? My creation could be described as what type? { (if: $disB is "biology")[ (set: $costB to (either: "Engineering","Chemistry")) (link: "Creature.")[(set: $typeB to "creature")(goto: "NewMaster3B")]<br> (link: "Superpower.")[(set: $typeB to "power")(goto: "NewMaster3B")]<br>] (if: $disB is "engineering")[ (set: $costB to (either: "Biology","Chemistry")) (link: "Robot.")[(set: $typeB to "robot")(goto: "NewMaster3B")]<br> (link: "Weapon.")[(set: $typeB to "weapon")(goto: "NewMaster3B")]<br>] (if: $disB is "chemistry")[ (set: $costB to (either: "Engineering","Biology")) (link: "Medicine.")[(set: $typeB to "medicine")(goto: "NewMaster3B")]<br> (link: "Drug.")[(set: $typeB to "drug")(goto: "NewMaster3B")]<br>] (if: $disB is "occult")[ (set: $costB to (either: "Engineering","Chemistry","Biology")) (link: "Demonic Creature.")[(set: $typeB to "demon")(goto: "NewMaster3B")]<br> (link: "Ritual.")[(set: $typeB to "ritual")(goto: "NewMaster3B")]<br>] } { (if: $costB is "Biology")[(set: $cost2B to "Animal")] (if: $costB is "Engineering")[(set: $cost2B to "Gear")] (if: $costB is "Chemistry")[(set: $cost2B to "Bottle")] } { (set: $creationB to (prompt: "Give your creation a new, majestic name:")) } ''The {(either: "Infamous","Transcendent","Monumental","Nefarious","Unspeakable","Legendary","Noble","Phenomenal","Stunning","Masterful","Insidious")} $creationB'' (display: "MWCreationHubB") With my own destiny determined, I resolved to forge a new path into the future and create my Masterwork. ''You may check the cost of completing your new Masterwork at any time by clicking on your name on the main Storybook screen.'' [[Click to continue...|NewMHub]]{ (if: $typeB is "creature")[''$creationB''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 2 Animals, 5 Biology, 1 $costB <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy, Move the Angry Mob.<br>] (if: $typeB is "power")[''$creationB''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 1 Animal, 1 $cost2B, 3 Biology, 3 $costB <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeB is "robot")[''$creationB''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 2 Gears, 5 Engineering, 1 $costB <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeB is "weapon")[''$creationB''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 1 Gear, 1 $cost2B, 4 Engineering, 2 $costB <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 2 Insanity, Gain 1 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeB is "medicine")[''$creationB''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 2 Chemicals, 4 Chemistry, 2 $costB <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 21VP.<br> Gain 2 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeB is "drug")[''$creationB''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 1 Bottle, 1 $cost2B, 3 Chemistry, 3 $costB <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeB is "demon")[''$creationB''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 2 Bodies, 4 Occult, 1 $costB <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 21VP.<br> Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeB is "ritual")[''$creationB''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 1 Body, 1 $cost2B, 3 Occult, 3 $costB <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy, Move the Angry Mob.<br>] }''(either: "The Work is Done","I Have Done the Impossible","My Legacy is Ensured","AH HA HA HAAAAA!!!","My Glorious Creation","The Glory is Mine Forever!") - $nameB - Journal Entry Excerpt'' { (if: $typeB is "creature")[Upon the stroke of midnight, lightning struck metal, sending a terrible electrical current through the machinery. My creation awoke, and with wild eyes gazed upon me, its creator. I had done it! I had created life!] (if: $typeB is "power")[To see my work in the flesh, to see $creationB finally realized; the passion of the moment overwhelmed my senses. I had done it. I shook my fist at God and all who doubted me! You were wrong! I am invincible!] (if: $typeB is "robot")[A brief, blinding flash and the work was done. I threw my goggles to the floor to gaze upon my creation with my own eyes - $creationB. The polished metal surface whirred with interior mechanisms churning - then, glorious motion! Oh wondrous automaton, with you by my side the scientific world will be humbled!] (if: $typeB is "weapon")[I seized the firing mechanism and squeezed the polished metal trigger. When the dust settled and my laboratory wall had been made to crumble into dust, I was unable to contain a sinister grin. The world would remember this day and the weapon I had wrought. My fame would be legendary.] (if: $typeB is "medicine")[I tapped the glass bottle, watching the liquid inside swirl and glow with the purity of the mixture. The $creationB had been a stunning success and once mass production could be attained, my family's legacy would be secure. I laughed. Then, laughed again. My cacophonous laughter echoed off the stone walls of my estate for years to come.] (if: $typeB is "drug")[I observed the effects as the syringe filled with $creationB emptied its contents into the unwilling test subject. Just as I had expected, the reaction was immediate and effusive. For so many years, I had toiled away in the solitude of my estate, and now as I wiped the tears from eyes, my beautiful creation was finally complete.] (if: $typeB is "demon")[The world darkened around me as the $creationB emerged from a void-like rift in time and space. I could feel the immense power of the insidious being, the air hot with the energy of their presence. They turned to me and with a deep growl, they stated, "Master." I had done it. I was now in control and the world would rue the day they doubted $nameB III!] (if: $typeB is "ritual")[The preparations proved tedious, but the resulting wave of spiritual energy as the ritual was completed left me standing in awe of my creation. The $creationB was a brilliant success. And the powers I now harnessed were unthinkable!] }(if: $trig is $players)[(goto: "NoUni1")] (else-if: $trig is 1)[(goto: "NewMaster1B")] (else-if: $trig is 2)[(goto: "NewMaster1C")] (else-if: $trig is 3)[(goto: "NewMaster1D")] (else-if: $trig is 4)[(goto: "NewMaster1E")] (else:)[(goto: "NoUni1")]''Carefully hand this Storybook device to $nameC and do not allow any other players to see the screen.'' (set: $trig to it + 1) Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation. {(click-replace: "Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.")[''A Masterwork of My Own - $nameC III'' I was no longer constrained by the fickle whims of my ancestors. I could allow my imagination to run wild with possibilities! Within moments, I set to creating something new and magnificent - something that would cause the scientific world to quiver in awestruck wonder. My creation is from which scientific discipline? (link: "Biology.")[(set: $disC to "biology")(goto: "NewMaster2C")] (link: "Engineering.")[(set: $disC to "engineering")(goto: "NewMaster2C")] (link: "Chemistry.")[(set: $disC to "chemistry")(goto: "NewMaster2C")] (link: "Occult.")[(set: $disC to "occult")(goto: "NewMaster2C")]] } ''What Type of Glorious Creation'' With my unique $disC skills, this creation was already more focused and impressive than ever before. But, what ingenious type of creation would I explore? My creation could be described as what type? { (if: $disC is "biology")[ (set: $costC to (either: "Engineering","Chemistry")) (link: "Creature.")[(set: $typeC to "creature")(goto: "NewMaster3C")]<br> (link: "Superpower.")[(set: $typeC to "power")(goto: "NewMaster3C")]<br>] (if: $disC is "engineering")[ (set: $costC to (either: "Biology","Chemistry")) (link: "Robot.")[(set: $typeC to "robot")(goto: "NewMaster3C")]<br> (link: "Weapon.")[(set: $typeC to "weapon")(goto: "NewMaster3C")]<br>] (if: $disC is "chemistry")[ (set: $costC to (either: "Engineering","Biology")) (link: "Medicine.")[(set: $typeC to "medicine")(goto: "NewMaster3C")]<br> (link: "Drug.")[(set: $typeC to "drug")(goto: "NewMaster3C")]<br>] (if: $disC is "occult")[ (set: $costC to (either: "Engineering","Chemistry","Biology")) (link: "Demonic Creature.")[(set: $typeC to "demon")(goto: "NewMaster3C")]<br> (link: "Ritual.")[(set: $typeC to "ritual")(goto: "NewMaster3C")]<br>] } { (if: $costC is "Biology")[(set: $cost2C to "Animal")] (if: $costC is "Engineering")[(set: $cost2C to "Gear")] (if: $costC is "Chemistry")[(set: $cost2C to "Bottle")] } { (set: $creationC to (prompt: "Give your creation a new, majestic name:")) } ''The {(either: "Infamous","Transcendent","Monumental","Nefarious","Unspeakable","Legendary","Noble","Phenomenal","Stunning","Masterful","Insidious")} $creationC'' (display: "MWCreationHubC") With my own destiny determined, I resolved to forge a new path into the future and create my Masterwork. ''You may check the cost of completing your new Masterwork at any time by clicking on your name on the main Storybook screen.'' [[Click to continue...|NewMHub]]''Carefully hand this Storybook device to $nameD and do not allow any other players to see the screen.'' (set: $trig to it + 1) Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation. {(click-replace: "Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.")[''A Masterwork of My Own - $nameD III'' I was no longer constrained by the fickle whims of my ancestors. I could allow my imagination to run wild with possibilities! Within moments, I set to creating something new and magnificent - something that would cause the scientific world to quiver in awestruck wonder. My creation is from which scientific discipline? (link: "Biology.")[(set: $disD to "biology")(goto: "NewMaster2D")] (link: "Engineering.")[(set: $disD to "engineering")(goto: "NewMaster2D")] (link: "Chemistry.")[(set: $disD to "chemistry")(goto: "NewMaster2D")] (link: "Occult.")[(set: $disD to "occult")(goto: "NewMaster2D")]] } { (if: $typeC is "creature")[''$creationC''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 2 Animals, 5 Biology, 1 $costC <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy, Move the Angry Mob.<br>] (if: $typeC is "power")[''$creationC''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 1 Animal, 1 $cost2C, 3 Biology, 3 $costC <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeC is "robot")[''$creationC''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 2 Gears, 5 Engineering, 1 $costC <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeC is "weapon")[''$creationC''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 1 Gear, 1 $cost2C, 4 Engineering, 2 $costC <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 2 Insanity, Gain 1 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeC is "medicine")[''$creationC''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 2 Chemicals, 4 Chemistry, 2 $costC <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 21VP.<br> Gain 2 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeC is "drug")[''$creationC''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 1 Bottle, 1 $cost2C, 3 Chemistry, 3 $costC <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeC is "demon")[''$creationC''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 2 Bodies, 4 Occult, 1 $costC <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 21VP.<br> Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeC is "ritual")[''$creationC''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 1 Body, 1 $cost2C, 3 Occult, 3 $costC <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy, Move the Angry Mob.<br>] }''(either: "The Work is Done","I Have Done the Impossible","My Legacy is Ensured","AH HA HA HAAAAA!!!","My Glorious Creation","The Glory is Mine Forever!") - $nameC - Journal Entry Excerpt'' { (if: $typeC is "creature")[Upon the stroke of midnight, lightning struck metal, sending a terrible electrical current through the machinery. My creation awoke, and with wild eyes gazed upon me, its creator. I had done it! I had created life!] (if: $typeC is "power")[To see my work in the flesh, to see $creationC finally realized; the passion of the moment overwhelmed my senses. I had done it. I shook my fist at God and all who doubted me! You were wrong! I am invincible!] (if: $typeC is "robot")[A brief, blinding flash and the work was done. I threw my goggles to the floor to gaze upon my creation with my own eyes - $creationC. The polished metal surface whirred with interior mechanisms churning - then, glorious motion! Oh wondrous automaton, with you by my side the scientific world will be humbled!] (if: $typeC is "weapon")[I seized the firing mechanism and squeezed the polished metal trigger. When the dust settled and my laboratory wall had been made to crumble into dust, I was unable to contain a sinister grin. The world would remember this day and the weapon I had wrought. My fame would be legendary.] (if: $typeC is "medicine")[I tapped the glass bottle, watching the liquid inside swirl and glow with the purity of the mixture. The $creationC had been a stunning success and once mass production could be attained, my family's legacy would be secure. I laughed. Then, laughed again. My cacophonous laughter echoed off the stone walls of my estate for years to come.] (if: $typeC is "drug")[I observed the effects as the syringe filled with $creationC emptied its contents into the unwilling test subject. Just as I had expected, the reaction was immediate and effusive. For so many years, I had toiled away in the solitude of my estate, and now as I wiped the tears from eyes, my beautiful creation was finally complete.] (if: $typeC is "demon")[The world darkened around me as the $creationC emerged from a void-like rift in time and space. I could feel the immense power of the insidious being, the air hot with the energy of their presence. They turned to me and with a deep growl, they stated, "Master." I had done it. I was now in control and the world would rue the day they doubted $nameC III!] (if: $typeC is "ritual")[The preparations proved tedious, but the resulting wave of spiritual energy as the ritual was completed left me standing in awe of my creation. The $creationC was a brilliant success. And the powers I now harnessed were unthinkable!] }''What Type of Glorious Creation'' With my unique $disD skills, this creation was already more focused and impressive than ever before. But, what ingenious type of creation would I explore? My creation could be described as what type? { (if: $disD is "biology")[ (set: $costD to (either: "Engineering","Chemistry")) (link: "Creature.")[(set: $typeD to "creature")(goto: "NewMaster3D")]<br> (link: "Superpower.")[(set: $typeD to "power")(goto: "NewMaster3D")]<br>] (if: $disD is "engineering")[ (set: $costD to (either: "Biology","Chemistry")) (link: "Robot.")[(set: $typeD to "robot")(goto: "NewMaster3D")]<br> (link: "Weapon.")[(set: $typeD to "weapon")(goto: "NewMaster3D")]<br>] (if: $disD is "chemistry")[ (set: $costD to (either: "Engineering","Biology")) (link: "Medicine.")[(set: $typeD to "medicine")(goto: "NewMaster3D")]<br> (link: "Drug.")[(set: $typeD to "drug")(goto: "NewMaster3D")]<br>] (if: $disD is "occult")[ (set: $costD to (either: "Engineering","Chemistry","Biology")) (link: "Demonic Creature.")[(set: $typeD to "demon")(goto: "NewMaster3D")]<br> (link: "Ritual.")[(set: $typeD to "ritual")(goto: "NewMaster3D")]<br>] } { (if: $costD is "Biology")[(set: $cost2D to "Animal")] (if: $costD is "Engineering")[(set: $cost2D to "Gear")] (if: $costD is "Chemistry")[(set: $cost2D to "Bottle")] } { (set: $creationD to (prompt: "Give your creation a new, majestic name:")) } ''The {(either: "Infamous","Transcendent","Monumental","Nefarious","Unspeakable","Legendary","Noble","Phenomenal","Stunning","Masterful","Insidious")} $creationD'' (display: "MWCreationHubD") With my own destiny determined, I resolved to forge a new path into the future and create my Masterwork. ''You may check the cost of completing your new Masterwork at any time by clicking on your name on the main Storybook screen.'' [[Click to continue...|NewMHub]]''Carefully hand this Storybook device to $nameE and do not allow any other players to see the screen.'' (set: $trig to it + 1) Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation. {(click-replace: "Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.")[''A Masterwork of My Own - $nameE III''<br> I was no longer constrained by the fickle whims of my ancestors. I could allow my imagination to run wild with possibilities! Within moments, I set to creating something new and magnificent - something that would cause the scientific world to quiver in awestruck wonder.<br><br> ''My creation is from which scientific discipline?''<br><br> (link: "Biology.")[(set: $disE to "biology")(goto: "NewMaster2E")]<br> (link: "Engineering.")[(set: $disE to "engineering")(goto: "NewMaster2E")]<br> (link: "Chemistry.")[(set: $disE to "chemistry")(goto: "NewMaster2E")]<br> (link: "Occult.")[(set: $disE to "occult")(goto: "NewMaster2E")]] } ''What Type of Glorious Creation'' With my unique $disE skills, this creation was already more focused and impressive than ever before. But, what ingenious type of creation would I explore? ''My creation could be described as what Type?'' { (if: $disE is "biology")[ (set: $costE to (either: "Engineering","Chemistry")) (link: "Creature.")[(set: $typeE to "creature")(goto: "NewMaster3E")]<br> (link: "Superpower.")[(set: $typeE to "power")(goto: "NewMaster3E")]<br>] (if: $disE is "engineering")[ (set: $costE to (either: "Biology","Chemistry")) (link: "Robot.")[(set: $typeE to "robot")(goto: "NewMaster3E")]<br> (link: "Weapon.")[(set: $typeE to "weapon")(goto: "NewMaster3E")]<br>] (if: $disE is "chemistry")[ (set: $costE to (either: "Engineering","Biology")) (link: "Medicine.")[(set: $typeE to "medicine")(goto: "NewMaster3E")]<br> (link: "Drug.")[(set: $typeE to "drug")(goto: "NewMaster3E")]<br>] (if: $disE is "occult")[ (set: $costE to (either: "Engineering","Chemistry","Biology")) (link: "Demonic Creature.")[(set: $typeE to "demon")(goto: "NewMaster3E")]<br> (link: "Ritual.")[(set: $typeE to "ritual")(goto: "NewMaster3E")]<br>] } ''The Cure'' They dined together on weekends, accepting hosting duties with a benign reciprocity. As such, many an evening's conversation descended into more hotly contested subjects of the time. No topic was more pervasive than disease. And most specifically, Yellow Fever; with the incessant sound of coughing and chiming of bells with every breeze. While they agreed that for a { (if: $players is 2)[duo] (if: $players is 3)[trio] (if: $players is 4)[quartet] (if: $players is 5)[quintet]} of respectable, infamous scholars, this problem should prove trivial, it was the actual curing effect that was hotly contested. The disease provided them a decent concealment for their surreptitious enterprise. Were they to become philanthropists, it may prove detrimental to secrecy. They decided to leave the matter up to personal pursuits. If someone felt industrious enough to complete it, then so be it. ''Special SETUP'' Place the ''Yellow Fever Inoculation'' Experiment near the game board. When taking a Perform Experiment action, any player may choose to complete this Experiment as if it were in their hand. //There is no additional Generation Bonus for completing this Experiment.// [[Click to continue...|ChooseScience]] { (if: $typeD is "creature")[''$creationD''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 2 Animals, 5 Biology, 1 $costD <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy, Move the Angry Mob.<br>] (if: $typeD is "power")[''$creationD''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 1 Animal, 1 $cost2D, 3 Biology, 3 $costD <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeD is "robot")[''$creationD''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 2 Gears, 5 Engineering, 1 $costD <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeD is "weapon")[''$creationD''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 1 Gear, 1 $cost2D, 4 Engineering, 2 $costD <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 2 Insanity, Gain 1 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeD is "medicine")[''$creationD''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 2 Chemicals, 4 Chemistry, 2 $costD <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 21VP.<br> Gain 2 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeD is "drug")[''$creationD''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 1 Bottle, 1 $cost2D, 3 Chemistry, 3 $costD <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeD is "demon")[''$creationD''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 2 Bodies, 4 Occult, 1 $costD <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 21VP.<br> Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeD is "ritual")[''$creationD''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 1 Body, 1 $cost2D, 3 Occult, 3 $costD <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy, Move the Angry Mob.<br>] }''(either: "The Work is Done","I Have Done the Impossible","My Legacy is Ensured","AH HA HA HAAAAA!!!","My Glorious Creation","The Glory is Mine Forever!") - $nameD - Journal Entry Excerpt'' { (if: $typeD is "creature")[Upon the stroke of midnight, lightning struck metal, sending a terrible electrical current through the machinery. My creation awoke, and with wild eyes gazed upon me, its creator. I had done it! I had created life!] (if: $typeD is "power")[To see my work in the flesh, to see $creationD finally realized; the passion of the moment overwhelmed my senses. I had done it. I shook my fist at God and all who doubted me! You were wrong! I am invincible!] (if: $typeD is "robot")[A brief, blinding flash and the work was done. I threw my goggles to the floor to gaze upon my creation with my own eyes - $creationD. The polished metal surface whirred with interior mechanisms churning - then, glorious motion! Oh wondrous automaton, with you by my side the scientific world will be humbled!] (if: $typeD is "weapon")[I seized the firing mechanism and squeezed the polished metal trigger. When the dust settled and my laboratory wall had been made to crumble into dust, I was unable to contain a sinister grin. The world would remember this day and the weapon I had wrought. My fame would be legendary.] (if: $typeD is "medicine")[I tapped the glass bottle, watching the liquid inside swirl and glow with the purity of the mixture. The $creationD had been a stunning success and once mass production could be attained, my family's legacy would be secure. I laughed. Then, laughed again. My cacophonous laughter echoed off the stone walls of my estate for years to come.] (if: $typeD is "drug")[I observed the effects as the syringe filled with $creationD emptied its contents into the unwilling test subject. Just as I had expected, the reaction was immediate and effusive. For so many years, I had toiled away in the solitude of my estate, and now as I wiped the tears from eyes, my beautiful creation was finally complete.] (if: $typeD is "demon")[The world darkened around me as the $creationD emerged from a void-like rift in time and space. I could feel the immense power of the insidious being, the air hot with the energy of their presence. They turned to me and with a deep growl, they stated, "Master." I had done it. I was now in control and the world would rue the day they doubted $nameD III!] (if: $typeD is "ritual")[The preparations proved tedious, but the resulting wave of spiritual energy as the ritual was completed left me standing in awe of my creation. The $creationD was a brilliant success. And the powers I now harnessed were unthinkable!] }''A Grudge Towards Intellect'' As many found solace in drink and the blackening of the liver, this alcoholic inebriety soon devolved into open displays of unfounded accusations against those who displayed even a modest bit of intellect. They took a sense of malformed pride in the depths of their ignorance. The reputation of a famed scientist, however mild in its influence over the scholars in Budapest, was firmly reviled by the faith-driven townsfolk. It was an easy target to blame their misfortunes upon. They would spit on the ground and whisper curses under their breath as the best known of the family walked by. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' The player(s) with the most victory points immediately ''gains 2 Creepy''. [[Click to continue...|ImmortalNoUni]] ''Vote!'' Each player takes a ''Voting token'' into their fist and secretly chooses a side. When all players have chosen, simultaneously reveal your vote. ''YAY'': Is a vote to each spend $1 and ''build the University.'' ''NAY'': Is a vote against. (The church is offering $church in return for our Nay vote.) Tally the vote count (ties are broken by the player that went last this round). ''We voted to:'' [[Approve the University.|UniEventYes]] [[Reject the University.|UniEventNo]] ''University is Rejected'' (set: $uni to "no") We do not have the time nor the resources to waste on "impressing" the fools in academia. They ask incredulously for us to sacrifice more of our own sweat and toil upon their contemptable institutions! What do they know of true science? What do they know of suffering? Any player that voted to reject the University ''gains $church.'' Any player that voted to approve the University may ''pay $2 to gain a Caretaker'' from Lost. ''University is Accepted'' (set: $uni to "yes") The Hungarian government in association with the scientific community in the newly created city of Budapest is formally thankful for our financial support to build a University in town. They break ground on a modest and affordable secondary school within weeks. Any player that voted to reject the University ''gains $church.'' Any player that voted to approve the University ''gains nothing.'' Yellow Fever is complete - need to test it on something! Panacae - completing causes the Hospital to close its doors, obviously''Carefully hand this storybook device to $charity and do not allow any other players to see the screen.'' Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation. {(click-replace: "Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.")[''A Visit from the Church - Journal Entry, $hospsign Jr. - (either: 1865,1866,1867)'' The diocese is concerned that our scientific interests are overshadowing our faith. There are rumors of a University considering the town as a new educational site. Obviously, this is a dangerous proposition. As a gesture of kindness to my parent's generosity, the bishop offers me an opportunity to choose what benefit the church will provide to sway myself and my cousins to ''not'' support this infernal University in the future. I chose to ask for: (link: "Support from the people. //Gain an Ingredient and lose 2 Creepy.//")[(set: $church to "an Ingredient and lose 2 Creepy")(goto: "SettingtheOfferYes")] (link: "Formal acknowledgement. //Gain 2VP.// ")[(set: $church to "2VP")(goto: "SettingtheOfferYes")] (link: "I refused his offer.")[(set: $church to "nothing")(goto: "SettingtheOfferNo")] ]} ''The Church is Displeased'' ''Immediately regain 1 Sanity.'' ''The Church is Pleased'' ''SPECIAL SETUP'' ''Immediately Gain 1VP.'' (if: $hospsign is $nameA)[] (if: $hospsign is $nameB)[] (if: $hospsign is $nameC)[] (if: $hospsign is $nameD)[] (if: $hospsign is $nameE)[]''Escaping The Curse'' In their late years, watching the town forsake science and wary colleagues abandon them, the weight of the injustice was all too much to bear. With fists raised to the sky, cursing the gods, they ended the generation in desperation! The records of this time do not mention any notes of collaboration, yet each individual experienced their own bout of isolation and self-destructive mania. In a rage, they stormed their laboratories and each shattered retort, each biological anomaly encased in formaldehyde, each rusted contraption that met its end against the concrete floor was a new moment of catharsis. They held in their hands the feeble-minded schematic passed down from generation to generation, haunting them with its unattainable scientific pursuits, and unceremoniously scattered the torn pages across the floor. Finally, they we were free from this cursed legacy! ''Special SETUP'' All players return their ''Masterwork Experiments'' to the box. [[Click to continue...|NoUniversityIntro]] Remove all player pieces from the board and perform the End of a Generation. Any Storybook tokens remaining on a player's Journal Track are returned to the supply. --- { (if: $uni is "yes")[''A Foundation for Science''<br> ''With the University built,'' the town slowly embraced the advances of modern science. But, while progress certainly had its benefits, it was unclear if these surprisingly mediocre "mad" scientists were prepared for the changes that lay just ahead in a world of fairness and social change.<br><br> [[Click to move to a more modern age...|UniversityIntro]] ] (if: $uni is "no")[''The Foundation Crumbles''<br> ''With the University unbuilt,'' the townsfolk were swayed by the local diocese to shun the sciences and cling to their faith. A swathe of ignorance encompassed the small town, as they moved towards a simpler time with simpler solutions.<br><br> [[Click to move to a more depressing time...|RippedMasterwork]] ] }''The Effects of Immortality { (if: $round is 16)[- Early Years] (if: $round is 17)[- Middle Years] }'' It cannot be overstated: the dangers of defying God and the natural order of all things. Immortality, the likes of which the scientists craved, could never be sustained forever without some great sacrifice. Their continued existence was like a rolling of the dice, a gamble as precarious (either: "as a spider held by a thread above an all-consuming flame.","as a candle flame amongst a roaring tempest.","as a pendulous dagger perched above their head.") [[Click to see the effects...|EffectRandomizer]] (if: $killed is "yes")[(goto: "DeteriorationHub")]''Eradication Forever'' Were they still not satisfied? The family pondered this as they enjoyed their morning tea on the veranda, peering over the countryside from behind their gothic spires while their experimentations simmered in the laboratories deep in their manors. The people, the scientists, the church; which institution would be the next to take exception to their important discoveries? A Cure-All, or Grecian Panacea, became the newest topic of considerable divisiveness. It was the logical next step. Some in the family dismissed it as a waste of energy, while others valued it as a sought-after proposition. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Retrieve the ''Panacea'' Experiment from the Scenario box and put it into play in view of all players. When taking a Perform Experiment action, any player may choose to complete this Experiment as if it were in their hand. //There is no additional Generation Bonus for completing this Experiment.// { (if: $round is 7)[(link-goto: "Click to continue...","Hospital1")] (if: $round is 8)[(link-goto: "Click to continue...","Hospital2")] (if: $round is 9)[(link-goto: "Click to continue...","Hospital3")]} ''Determine Your Appropriate Experience'' The ''Cost of Disease'' is a story meant to offer players their first foray into the competitive world of the Victorian-era Sciences. If this is your very first game of My Father's Work, we have provided an alternative starting generation to help guide players through the experience. If you would like to play the starting scenario, click here. //This option will not change the difficulty of the game, but will provide less cognitive load in the first Generation of play.// (set: $intro to "yes") Alternatively, if you are comfortable with the system and would like to try a more open-ended first Generation, click here. //The events of each storyline are slightly different, so even if you are a seasoned veteran, it may be enjoyable to play the starting scenario as well.// (set: $intro to "no")Alternate Page Number turns for the ALT sandbox (if: $intro is "yes") (if: $intro is "no") Page 1x has a Laborer's Union or another way to gain Servants. Remove all "Gain Servants" links based on variable above. ''Carefully hand the Storybook to the player with the least VP.'' //If there is a tie, hand the Storybook to the player later in turn order last round.// Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.{ (click-replace: "Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.")[''Planned Destruction'' From the letters and journal entries of the young entrepreneurs, we can see a deeply seated rivalry between them, spurred onward by feelings of inadequacy, solitude, and betrayal. Nothing was more insidious than the moments when they actively sabotaged the work of others for their own benefit. ''CHOOSE:'' ''The first player that reaches the 35VP mark:'' Has a Nasty Rumor spread about them. (link: "They gain 2 Creepy and 1 Insanity.")[(set: $35vp to "creep")(goto: "Gen1Insanity-Yes2"))] OR Has an unfortunate accident. (link: "They immediately lose 4VP and an Estate Upgrade of their choice.")[(set: $35vp to "vp")(goto: "Gen1Insanity-Yes2")] ] }=><= --- ''GENERATION III: The Fraternity of Hunters'' --- <= The disease had revealed a much deeper evil than the family could have ever expected: An evil ignorance that dwells within the minds of the people. It had not only left the previous generation in shambles, but imbued the townsfolk with a profound, insatiable fear, even as the town returned to relative stability. During the day, the people watched the forests, glimpsing dark shadows flitting between the trees. At night, they steeled themselves against the wailing howls of unseen terrors, dreading that their children would be stolen away from their beds. That was until the Fraternity of Hunters, emboldened by the success of their clandestine operations, emerged from the shadows on the night of a blood red moon. They wore long-tail coats of black, burgundy, and dark leather, a wooden cross hanging either from their necks or dangling from their sides. They clutched crossbows, whips, and daggers freshly glimmering with crimson fluid. Their blood-stained attire and steel-eyed gaze evoked the undaunted presence of ones who had peered into the void and returned forever changed. Their stated goal: to slay every last beast in the land and return those who had unleashed this foul plague back to the depths of hell from whence they came. The Fraternity turned the fear of the populace to their advantage. They fed the superstitions of the people, blaming the sickness and disease on fiendish creatures from the dark. As expected, the family quickly grew to find their presence exhausting, both ideologically and financially. Clearly, the cousins opined, these Hunters' fear-mongering stemmed from a lack of true, scientific knowledge. As defenders against an unknown terror, they stood in direct competition to continued experimentation unfettered by ethical considerations. Yet, the Fraternity's need for additional capital to fuel their frequent "hunts" prevented the family from taking more direct action. Perhaps driven by a sense of limited time or jealousy over the Hunter's ability to frighten the townsfolk even moreso than their own actions, the cousins continued their meticulous labors in earnest. However, they were deeply unaware of just how intertwined their fates would be to the Fraternity. [[Click to continue...|EvilConsequences]] { (set: $huntvp to (either: 4,5)) }''The Consequences of Disobedience'' { (if: $society is "Fraternity of Hunters")[ In the evenings, the Fraternity gathered in the former Town Hall and celebrated their political takeover of the small town. Observers could hear their loud revelry echo through the streets late into the night. The townsfolk had no reason to doubt their loyalty as it appeared that their activities kept both sickness and superstitions at bay.<br><br> For the family members that had aided them in their efforts, they wore wide false-smiles and offered toasts to their continued partnership. But, for those that had plotted against them, they remained wary.] (if: $society is "Order of St. Hubertus")[ In the center of town, in the full light of day and without fear of reprisal, a silver-haired beast rose to its hindlegs, almost human in stature. On the steps of the former Town Hall, she held the still-beating heart of a man who had refused to join their numbers. <br><br> The Order had revealed its true self with an unsettling ease, swiftly taking over the town and demanding alliance in the most vicious of terms. Streaks of dried blood and viscera adorned the windows of local businesses and homes. The family was only spared their wrath through allegiance or a cursed acknowledgement of their continued exploitation.] } { (if: $society is "Fraternity of Hunters")[''SETUP''<br> (if: $allyA is not "hunters")[$nameA III gains 1 Creepy.]<br> (if: $allyB is not "hunters")[$nameB III gains 1 Creepy.]<br> (if: $players >= 3)[ (if: $allyC is not "hunters")[$nameC III gains 1 Creepy.]<br>] (if: $players >= 4)[ (if: $allyD is not "hunters")[$nameD III gains 1 Creepy.]<br>] (if: $players >= 5)[ (if: $allyE is not "hunters")[$nameE III gains 1 Creepy.]<br>] ] (if: $society is "Order of St. Hubertus")[''SETUP''<br> (if: $allyA is not "wolves")[$nameA III gains 1 Creepy.]<br> (if: $allyB is not "wolves")[$nameB III gains 1 Creepy.]<br> (if: $players >= 3)[ (if: $allyC is not "wolves")[$nameC III gains 1 Creepy.]<br>] (if: $players >= 4)[ (if: $allyD is not "wolves")[$nameD III gains 1 Creepy.]<br>] (if: $players >= 5)[ (if: $allyE is not "wolves")[$nameE III gains 1 Creepy.]<br>] ] } Once all players have received their penalty, [[click here to continue...|EvilMayor]] ''A Taste of Evil - Early Years'' (set: $round to 10) ''SETUP'' { (if: $society is "Fraternity of Hunters")[''Turn to Page 16 of the Village Chronicle.'' //Pass the Starting Player token as normal.// { (if: $players is 3)[Then, since this is a 3 player game, pass the starting player marker clockwise 1 additional time.]}] (if: $society is "Order of St. Hubertus")[''Turn to Page 18 of the Village Chronicle.'' Retrieve the ''Spawning Pods'' Vanity Estate Upgrade and place it near the game board. //Pass the Starting Player token as normal.// { (if: $players is 3)[Then, since this is a 3 player game, pass the starting player marker clockwise 1 additional time.]}] } { (if: $exposeA <= 1)[Place the $ba tile over spot A on the Village Chronicle. ] (if: $exposeB <= 1)[Place the $bb tile over spot B on the Village Chronicle. ] (if: $exposeC <= 1)[Place the $bc tile over spot C on the Village Chronicle.] } Return all other Exposed Building tiles to the scenario box. { (if: $society is "Fraternity of Hunters")[''The Hunter's Rest''<br> You may only place a Servant/Spouse piece on this building. This action causes you to pay $1 to the supply. Then, ''at the end of the round'', any piece on this building will become Lost.<br><br> ''Taxation''<br> At the end of each round, the Fraternity will check to make sure each player has placed a piece on ''The Hunter's Rest''. If a player has not done so, they will be forced to pay a penalty.<br><br> [[Click at the end of the round to continue...|GloomyPenalty1]] ] (if: $society is "Order of St. Hubertus")[ ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> Each player retrieves a ''Storybook token'' and places it on their Masterwork.<br><br> ''Masterwork Completion''<br> When a player completes their Masterwork, [[click here for a special message from the Order.|MWTokenResolve]]<br><br> ''MONSTER SPAWN''<br> The Town Hall of the village has been transformed into the unofficial headquarters of the Order. When a player visits the Monster Spawn, they may ''Perform an Experiment''.<br><br> ''A Gift of Spawning''<br> At the end of the Generation, the player with the most completed ''Occult'' Experiments will receive the ''Spawning Pods'' Vanity Estate Upgrade.<br><br> [[Click at the end of the round to continue...|WolvesEvil1]] ] } ''A Taste of Evil - Middle Years'' (set: $round to 11) { (if: $society is "Fraternity of Hunters")[ (if: $confront is "yes")[''The Hunt is On''<br> At the end of this round, players will have the option to donate (discard) a completed Experiment card //(not a Masterwork)// to The Grand Contest event. If the combined VP total of these Experiments can vanquish the hunters, they will submit to public humiliation. Players cannot pay taxes by visiting The Hunter's Rest.<br><br> Also, the player who contributes the Experiment with the highest VP total will gain ''$huntvp VP.'' //If players are tied, all tied players receive this bonus.//<br><br> [[Click at the end of the round to continue...|HunterConfrontation]]] (else:)[''Safe and Protected''<br> We have decided to believe the Fraternity of Hunters and allow them to continue their important work, though it may place significant financial constraints upon us.<br><br> ''The Hunter's Rest''<br> You may only place a Servant/Spouse piece on this building. This action causes you to pay $1 to the supply. Then, at the end of the round, any piece on this building will become Lost.<br><br> ''Taxation''<br> At the end of each round, the Fraternity will check to make sure each player has placed a piece on ''The Hunter's Rest''. If a player has not done so, they will be forced to pay a penalty.<br><br> [[Click at the end of the round to continue...|TaxesEventNoConfrontation]] ]] (if: $society is "Order of St. Hubertus")[ ''Masterwork Completion''<br> When a player completes their Masterwork, [[click here for a special message from the Order.|MWTokenResolve]]<br><br> ''MONSTER SPAWN''<br> The Town Hall of the village has been transformed into the unofficial headquarters of the Order. When a player visits the Monster Spawn, they may ''Perform an Experiment''.<br><br> ''A Gift of Spawning''<br> At the end of the Generation, the player with the most completed ''Occult'' Experiments will receive the ''Spawning Pods'' Vanity Estate Upgrade.<br><br> [[Click at the end of the round to continue...|WolvesVote]] ] } ''A Taste of Evil - Late Years'' (set: $round to 12) { (if: $society is "Fraternity of Hunters")[ (if: $taxes is "no")[''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> Temporarily remove all Building tiles and turn to ''page 15'' of the Village Chronicle. Then, return the Building tiles to their proper locations.<br><br> (if: $exposeA <= 1)[//Place the $ba tile over spot A on the Village Chronicle.//<br>] (if: $exposeB <= 1)[//Place the $bb tile over spot B on the Village Chronicle.//<br>] (if: $exposeC <= 1)[//Place the $bc tile over spot C on the Village Chronicle.//<br>] <br><br> ''The Hunter's Haven'' Visiting the remodeled Hunter's Lodge allows you to ''pay 1 Occult knowledge cube to Lose 2 Insanity''.<br><br> (set: $ending to "END-HuntersEvil1") [[Click at the end of the Generation to continue...|Scoring]] ] (else:)[''Safe and Protected''<br> We have decided to believe the Fraternity of Hunters and allow them to continue their important work. ''The Hunter's Rest''<br> You may only place a Servant/Spouse piece on this building. This action causes you to pay $1 to the supply. Then, at the end of the round, any piece on this building will become Lost.<br><br> ''Final Taxation''<br> At the end of this round, the Fraternity will check to make sure each player has placed a piece on ''The Hunter's Rest''. If a player has not done so, they will be forced to pay a penalty.<br><br> (set: $ending to "END-HuntersEvil2") [[Click at the end of the Generation to continue...|GloomyPenalty3]] ]] (if: $society is "Order of St. Hubertus")[ (if: $vialuse is "yes")[''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> Temporarily remove all Building tiles and turn to ''page 17'' of the Village Chronicle. Then, return the Building tiles to their proper locations.<br><br> (if: $exposeA <= 1)[//Place the $ba tile over spot A on the Village Chronicle.//<br>] (if: $exposeB <= 1)[//Place the $bb tile over spot B on the Village Chronicle.//<br>] (if: $exposeC <= 1)[//Place the $bc tile over spot C on the Village Chronicle.//]<br><br> ''School for Hybridized Individuals''<br> When visiting this building, ''pay $1 to gain a Caretaker from Lost.''<br><br> ''A Gift of Spawning''<br> At the end of the Generation, the player with the most completed ''Occult'' Experiments will receive the ''Spawning Pods'' Vanity Estate Upgrade.<br><br> (set: $ending to "END-WolvesEvil1") [[Click at the end of the Generation to continue...|AwardSpawningPods]] ] (else:)[ ''Masterwork Completion''<br> When a player completes their Masterwork, [[click here for a special message from the Order.|MWTokenResolve]]<br><br> ''MONSTER SPAWN''<br> The Town Hall of the village has been transformed into the unofficial headquarters of the Order. When a player visits the Monster Spawn, they may ''Perform an Experiment''.<br><br> ''A Gift of Spawning''<br> At the end of the Generation, the player with the most completed ''Occult'' Experiments will receive the ''Spawning Pods'' Vanity Estate Upgrade.<br><br> (set: $ending to "END-WolvesEvil2") [[Click at the end of the Generation to continue...|AwardSpawningPods]] ] ] }(if: $building is "bank")[''Carefully hand the Storybook to $mayor III.'' --- ''Avarice Aplently'' The Bank had proven a valuable investment in the town's future, and since its construction was facilitated by the $mayor name, the $society could not help but offer thanks. As a token of their appreciation, they felt it best to help construct an expansion to their Estate. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Retrieve the ''Curious Supply Room'' Estate Upgrade from the scenario box. //You may immediately build it in the next empty plot on your Estate board at no additional cost.// Then, return the Mayoral Ribbon token to the box. [[Click to continue...|LosingOrderAid]] ] (else:)[(goto: "LosingOrderAid")] ''Condescending Patronage'' It should be expected that the townsfolk who had placed their trust in a group of hunters protecting them from real supernatural threats would joke about generations past and the absurd push to build a hospital. It was clear to them that disease was caused by the presence of demons. $charity III's family legacy of ''charity'' served to create for them an unwanted hassle in everything from business to social gatherings in town. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' At the start of the round, $charity III must (either: "pay $1 to the supply.","gain 1 Creepy.") [[Click to continue...|GloomyGothic1]]$nameA/B/C/D/E = chosen name of player $players = number of players $playtxt = text version of number of players $randomplayer = array of current player names $randomname = used with above for random name. <!--(set: $randomname to (either: ...$randomplayer))--> $townname = name of the village in the game $nameA II (remember to make it the second for Gen 2) $nameA III (remember to make it the third for Gen 3) ''GEN I'' $mayor = player elected mayor $charity = player most charitable $building = "bank" or "library" whichever was built $gen1creep = tracks player who was Creepy $creepy4 = on/off switch for displaying clickable Creepy link $seedy = confirmation of yes or no to Creepy Event $gen1sane = tracks player who was Insane $sane3 = on/off switch for displaying clickable Insane link $vacation = confirmation of yes or no to Sanity Event ''Devastation GEN II'' $wolves = good or evil $hunters = good or evil $allyA/B/C/D/E = player has joined the wolves or hunters $refusaltoken = whether the storybook token has been placed $devpage = turns off SETUP when 1st HUB is left. $pa/b/c/d/e = Letter card number assigned to a player $password = card password that opens up a wolf/hunter joining option $ba/b/c = $letA/B/C = Building A, B, & C $inv = Building to be investigated $exposeA/B/C = count for how many times a thing has been exposed or revealed $playA/B/C/D/E = count for how many investigations total $pAA/B/C = Player A "yes" or "no" helped with exposing or concealing Building A/B/C $goodcount = how many times a building was exposed ''Thriving GEN II'' $sym = 1 Success or 2 Failure = Determines if the University is Built $fevervp = Yellow Fever VP to be awarded $fevermoney = Yellow Fever money to be awarded $fevercure = the player that cured Yellow Fever $panacure = the player that created a Panacea ''Gen III - Hunters & Wolves'' $eviltax = Evil Hunters leg, did we confront them about their deception? $society = which faction won the secret battle. Hunting code $h1a & $h1b = 1st hunt names $h2a & $h2b = 2nd hunt names $huntname = randomly chosen hunt perspective name ''ENDINGS'' $winner = Winner of the game. If there is an absolute tie, this variable is represented as "the family". ''Enemy of the People'' The increasingly eccentric actions of the siblings aroused dark memories from the previous generation, and tense rumors once again circulated throughout the village. However, as these same fears were shared more openly, the news attracted opportunities for those with similar, nefarious intent. Please click on the name of the scientist that reached ''space 4'' on the ''Creepy'' track: { (link: "$nameA")[(set: $gen1creep to $nameA)(goto: "Gen1-CreepyTrackRes")]<br> (link: "$nameB")[(set: $gen1creep to $nameB)(goto: "Gen1-CreepyTrackRes")]<br> (if: $players > 2)[ (link: "$nameC")[(set: $gen1creep to $nameC)(goto: "Gen1-CreepyTrackRes")]<br>] (if: $players > 3)[ (link: "$nameD")[(set: $gen1creep to $nameD)(goto: "Gen1-CreepyTrackRes")]<br>] (if: $players > 4)[ (link: "$nameE")[(set: $gen1creep to $nameE)(goto: "Gen1-CreepyTrackRes")]<br>] } ''To Quell the Mind'' Just as a sharpened blade loses some of its steel, so it is the same with a pointed intellect so repeatedly ground. This precise focus upon scientific labors caused the siblings' brains to wander and ache for relief even as a powerful ambition compelled them well beyond their physical tolerances. Please click on the name of the scientist that reached ''space 3'' on the ''Insanity'' track: { (link: "$nameA")[(set: $gen1sane to $nameA)(goto: "Gen1-SanityTrackRes")]<br> (link: "$nameB")[(set: $gen1sane to $nameB)(goto: "Gen1-SanityTrackRes")]<br> (if: $players > 2)[ (link: "$nameC")[(set: $gen1sane to $nameC)(goto: "Gen1-SanityTrackRes")]<br>] (if: $players > 3)[ (link: "$nameD")[(set: $gen1sane to $nameD)(goto: "Gen1-SanityTrackRes")]<br>] (if: $players > 4)[ (link: "$nameE")[(set: $gen1sane to $nameE)(goto: "Gen1-SanityTrackRes")]<br>] } ''Carefully hand this storybook device to $gen1creep and do not allow any other players to see the screen.'' Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation. (click-replace: "Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.")[''A Seedy Arrangement'' {(if: $hunters is "evil")[ It was unorthodox for $gen1creep, or anyone of that reclusive lineage, to entertain unknown visitors, but something must have piqued their curiosity. A conversation from an evening dinner is noted in a journal entry:<br><br> "Your estate is simply exquisite," the representative was noted as saying with an unsettling grin. "I am impressed to find a rarefied jewel nestled in such a remote place. But, as you will no doubt agree, it can always use improvement and I would like to offer you support in this." In fact, it was noted that the individual's mannerisms were especially secretive and plotting.<br><br> The representative from the Fraternity of Hunters offered their support with substantial funds. With the "hope" that this kindness would be repaid in the future.<br><br> ''CHOOSE:''<br> [[Accept the offer.|Gen1CreepyYes]] (To gain $2.)<br> OR<br> [[Refuse the offer.|Gen1CreepyNo]] (To avoid a debt in the future.)<br> ] (if: $wolves is "evil")[ It was unorthodox for $gen1creep, or anyone of that reclusive lineage, to entertain unknown visitors, but something must have piqued their curiosity. A conversation from an evening dinner is noted in a journal entry:<br><br> "Your reputation is known across the region for vehemently challenging the established norms," the representative from the Order of St. Hubertus was noted as saying with a wide grin. They leaned in conspiratorially, an expensive perfume loud enough in fragrance to draw water from the eyes. "From what I hear, you are unwilling to allow the rules of academia to hold your work back from its true excellence. Please, let me admire your experimentation."<br><br> This was highly controversial! And to be so brazen about it! It was left to the scientist to decide if being granted the opportunity to ''perform an extra experiment'' was worth the possible consequences of revealing one's work.<br><br> ''CHOOSE:''<br><br> [[Accept.|Gen1CreepyYes]] (To take a Perform Experiment Action.)<br> OR<br> [[Refuse.|Gen1CreepyNo]] (If you cannot or choose not to take the action.)<br> ] } ]''Carefully hand this storybook device to $gen1sane and do not allow any other players to see the screen.'' Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation. (click-replace: "Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.")[''A Letter From an Old Friend'' "You shouldn't drive yourself so hard," the letter stated. "It is unsustainable. For each night you toil away until dawn's light, it takes years from your mind." While the nature of their work ensured that it was performed in solitude, $gen1sane, and their spouse especially, still enjoyed writing letters to the few friends who would receive them. This particular letter from an old colleague at university recommended a specific retreat in Rovinj, where the warm Mediterranean air would rejuvenate the body and quiet the mind. For a small price, they could own a vacation home. While this time away could have a negative affect on their child, it would also allow them to ''gain knowledge'' and ''calm their sanity''. Refusal, however, would carry no risk and maybe give them more time to complete their labors. ''CHOOSE:'' [[Accept the offer and pay $1. (Calm your sanity and gain 1 Knowledge.)|Gen1SanityYes]] OR [[Refuse. (Avoid the penalties of laziness.)|Gen1SanityNo]] ] ''Strength Can Be Mine'' Their existence was proven. Now could the catalyst for this truly powerful transformation be replicated? And how could it be further strengthened? ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Retrieve the ''Lycanthropic Strength'' Update card from the scenario box and give it to the player working towards this Masterwork. [[Click to continue...|Prosperity1]] (if: $society is "Order of St. Hubertus")[ ''The Consequences of Being Good''<br> The sizzle of concentrated electricity, the sounds of agonized screams, the occasional plume of putrid smoke and teeth-rattling explosion; while these sounds were commonplace to hear emanating from the hilltop residences, they were nevertheless an increasing source of tension between the family's important research and the townsfolk. And while their etiquette would never allow them to directly address the issue, the lycanthropic citizens bristled at each frightening experiment all the same. The town was desperate to move forward and they could not stomach the cousins' ambitions, which only served to dredge up the weight of guilt over their tortured pasts. ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> Retrieve the ''Creepy tokens'' from the scenario box. Each player must place a Creepy token on the Perform Experiment Action in their Estate.<br><br> Every time a Perform Experiment Action is taken, that player will move forward 1 space on the Creepy Track //(in addition to any other printed effects)//. [[Click to continue...|Evilsforgive]] ]''Carefully pick up the Storybook and do not allow any other players to see the screen.'' Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation. (click-replace: "Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.")["You do well to proceed with caution," The stable hand stated. "The situation, as I understand it, is simple. The Order of St. Hubertus is $wolves. Fraternity of Hunters is $hunters. It doesn't get much simpler than that, to me at least." { (if: $wolves is "good")["The Order wants the village to become a haven for outcasts. They're set to ''expose'' the evils in the region and if they do, you can be sure they'll build a University with ''skilled workers''.] (if: $wolves is "evil")["The Order - not sure what they really want per se. Something about unleashing a horrible vengeance on mankind. It isn't very specific. They want to keep their work ''concealed'' and are even now setting up a way to perform their ''Experiments''.] }{ (if: $hunters is "good")["The Fraternity; the usual good guy routine. ''Expose'' injustice in the village today and hunt down the demons that roam the countryside. If you want to ''regain your sanity'' in this messed up world, they'll be the ones to aid.] (if: $hunters is "evil")["''Money'', power, influence. If the Fraternity can use these dark secrets to their advantage, they will. They want to ''conceal'' their work in the village. They prey on the weak-willed and gullible.] } He punctuated his final statement with a puff of acrid tobacco. $meet was fascinated by the idea of not one, but two secret societies hiding in this very village. The stable hand, after an exchange of some coin, was even willing to give instructions on how to contact the factions for membership. $meet was presented with a curious dilemma indeed. ''You may choose to:'' (link: "Join the Order of St. Hubertus.")[(goto: "WolfJoin")] (link: "Join the Fraternity of Hunters.")[(goto: "HunterJoin")] OR { (link: "Leave and do Nothing.")[ (if: $round is 5)[(goto: "Devastation2")] (if: $round is 6)[(goto: "Devastation3")]] } ]''Exercising Caution'' There was no formal response to any letters expressing doubt. However, an individual at the Stables who could observe the comings and goings of travelers would later provide ways to contact them if the need arose. (link: "Click to continue...")[(set: $refusaltoken to "yes")(goto: "Gen1Insanity-NoAction")] ''Exercising Caution'' There was no formal response to any letters expressing doubt. However, an individual at the Stables who could observe the comings and goings of travelers would later provide ways to contact them if the need arose. (link: "Click to continue...")[(set: $refusaltoken to "yes")(goto: "Gen1Insanity-NoAction")] ''Preposterous'' And how could they be sure of these claims to rid the land of monsters? Could the superstitions of $townname have influenced their decisions so completely? But, perhaps a sense of safety or convenience had overwhelmed the cousins' frugal disposition. Whatever their motivations, several journal entries noted that without the combined efforts of the group, refusal to pay mandated taxes would only cause undue negative attention. ''VOTE'' All players take their Voting token into their hand. Players will secretly choose a side to place face up in their palm. Then, they will close their fist and extend it to the center of the table. A ''Yay'' vote is a vote to ''Challenge the Hunters'' about their monster hunting claims. A ''Nay'' vote is a vote to ''Accept their story''. When all players have chosen, all players reveal their votes. Tally all the votes and the side with the most votes wins. //Ties are broken by the last player in turn order.// ''Click on the result of your vote:'' { (link: "Click here if you voted to Confront the Hunters.")[(set: $confront to "yes")(goto: "EvilHunter1EventYes")]<br><br> (link: "Click here if you voted to Believe the Hunters.")[(set: $confront to "no")(goto: "GloomyGothic2")] }''A Call for Assistance'' Each cousin's recollection of events seems to corroborate the same story during the Summer of 1892. A messenger, obviously meant to intimidate, arrived by carriage unannounced precisely at noon, dressed in a dapper gray suit stained in thick streaks by rivulets of blood that cascaded from his shoulders. He wore a mask of gore, his animalistic features stained a sanguine red that still dripped from the tips of his teeth, his belly distending the buttons as if he had recently enjoyed a horrifying meal. "I come to collect," he entreated with a bow and disgusting lick of his lips. "It is by our pleasure that you and your family remain alive. And we have need of the knowledge of experimentation that you most assuredly can provide. If this cannot be arranged," he paused, pointing in the direction of a servant, "I have slaked my thirst on the blood of lesser individuals than these today, that I guarantee." Making a deal with demons? It was impossible for the young scientists to expect an entirely trustworthy offer as presented, yet to allow a human to be knowingly sacrificed to the jaws of these grotesque animals would also be unconscionable. ''CHOOSE:'' In turn order, each player decides whether to contribute an Experiment. Donated Experiments are turned face-down and placed under your Masterwork card. If a player donates, they will receive an immediate bonus based on the level of the Experiment they donate (//higher levels granting higher rewards//). If a player chooses not to donate, they will ''lose a Servant'' and ''gain 1 Creepy''. [[Click here to receive bonuses and penalties...|TieredRewards1]] { (set: $tempdisease to (either: 1,2))[ (if: $tempdisease is 1)[''A Continuing Malady''<br> It appeared that the effects of the disease had been inherited by the next Generation. Without a cure, symptoms of this ailment began to surface at an early age and would carry on through the remainder of their lives.<br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> Any player who did not complete or store their Hereditary Disease Experiment draws a ''Maladjustment'' card for the next Generation. Then, return that Experiment to the scenario box. ] (if: $tempdisease is 2)[''Not Passed Down''<br> Twenty years passed without incident. As they were known to state, the only true science was that which one could observe plainly to a most dizzying effect. Surely, there would have been signs of the disease resurfacing in the next generation by then if it were truly a hereditary disease.<br><br> Family curse? They dismissed it as simple superstition.<br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> All players who did not complete or store their ''Hereditary Disease Experiment'' discard them to the scenario box. ]] } [[Click to continue...|DevastationFate1]] ''Rising Cost of Living'' While the townsfolk grumbled at the mention of a continuing increase in taxation, they clutched their crosses to their chests and remained thankful for the Hunters' continued vigilance. Because of their previous acquiescence, the family could no longer voice their displeasure and was forced to remunerate the Fraternity for their service if they had not done so already. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Any player that does not have a Servant/Spouse piece on ''The Hunter's Rest'' must ''pay $2'' OR ''2 resources'' to the supply. If this is not possible, they instead ''lose 3VP''. Alternatively, any player with a Hunter token ''MUST'' now discard it to the scenario box to invoke their privilege and forgo this payment. (link: "Click to continue...")[(goto: (either: "TaxesEventNoConfrontation2","GloomyGothic3"))] ''The Hunt Begins'' The hunter stood upon the steps of the Hunter's Lodge, dressed in a leather trenchcoat and holding a crossbow in his left hand. His garments were speckled in fresh streaks of blood while other members of the Fraternity stood nearby in black raincoats, brandishing handaxes, pistols, and muskets, holding aloft severed trophies from monsters slain in the wilderness. They had returned from the hunt. The hunter spoke to the crowd of townspeople that had assembled, his eyes barely visible under the wide brim of his hat. "No longer will this great city be forced to endure this hardship. We, the Fraternity of Hunters, will take the fight to the beasts of the forest. It is the monsters within these very hills that brought with them a pestilence and spread their sinful disease across the land. And with your assistance, we will exterminate these vermin and drive them back to hell once again!" The speech evoked jubilant cheers from the populace and the Fraternity's dominance over the town was secured. Even a modest ''tax'' from the new local government to help pay for the hunter's excursions into the wilds was met without skepticism. [[Click to continue...|CharityNegCons]]''Prepare a Contest'' The family underwent months of travel both by day and the pale light of the moon with barely the whisper of an ill wind or the echo of a beastly wail. It was clear to their scientific minds that these demonic occurrences were nothing more than mere flights of fancy. Without hesitance, they relayed these accusations against the ''Fraternity of Hunters''. After an exchange of exasperated guffaws, it was decided that the Fraternity would provide guaranteed proof of their supernatural exploits by confronting the cursed beasts of the evening in full view of the townspeople. A great festival was planned around the contest, and under the light of a blood moon they would venture into the cursed hills and return with more trophies than ever before. But, if they were successful, the scientists would owe them a debt, ''with interest''. The cousins agreed to the terms while also devising a most insidious plot. They chortled with undisguised laughter. If the Hunters wanted a true bounty, they would give it to them! [[Click to continue...|GloomyGothic2]] ''The Grand Contest - April, 1902'' After years of apologies and unfortunate delays by the ''Fraternity of Hunters'', the night of the Grand Contest had arrived. The confrontation had been touted extensively within the region and visitors gathered near the $townname Lodge to witness the spectacle of the hunt. The Hunters were treated to a tickertape parade and glorious feast. But, as the light of the afternoon slowly faded, the sky began to glow with fiery intensity, and the revelry ceased. The Hunters donned their signature clothes, took up their well-polished arms, and proceeded down the main thoroughfare while the crimson light of the blood moon heralded their exit into the forests beyond. That same fire reflected in the eyes of the scientists as they stifled their grim laughter. The night before, the cousins had prepared their chosen Experiments to release into the wild. It was time now for the Hunters to become the prey! [[Click to Resolve the Event...|CannotParticipate]]''A "Hero's" Welcome'' The cousins enjoyed fresh pastries and coffee as they admired the town's activities with amusement from their folding lawn chairs. When the triumphant return they had expected never came, the gathered crowds became restless and burst into the Hunter's Lodge only to discover stores of freshly slaughtered goat's blood and taxidermy supplies. The Fraternity had played them for fools. The town gallows had fallen into disrepair over the years, but upon the return of the remaining wild-eyed hunters that somehow survived the vicious experiments, lumber was quickly procured by the decidedly unimpressed townsfolk along with fresh hemp rope, thick and strong. The same crowd that gathered that afternoon for the festivities would be the crowd that watched every last writhing body swing lifeless for their crimes. If any Hunters did survive, they most certainly never returned. The people would speak of the Grand Contest as one of the crowning events in the history of $townname. Having rooted out the evil infesting their government, the town entered a period of peace that was especially productive for a group of scientists. ''Experimental Bonus'' The player(s) who contributed the Experiment worth the highest VP gains ''$huntvp''. //All tied players gain this VP.// All contributed Experiments are discarded. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Move the Angry Mob token ''2 spaces'' to the right. (set: $taxes to "no") [[Click to continue...|GloomyGothic3]] ''A Hero's Welcome'' (set: $taxes to "yes") The Hunters return relatively unscathed by the proceedings to a resounding cheer from the excited crowd. Covered in blood and oil, with the trophies of their victory held high, they regaled the crowd with their highly embellished and harrowing tale. Each ferocious severed head receiving more applause than the last. For a family that until now had never been forced to admit shame, the blow was unmistakable. Disheartened and angry with their current fate, they silently immersed themselves in their labors, resolved to avoid further visits to town at all costs. ''Experimental Bonus'' The player(s) who contributed the Experiment worth the highest VP gains ''$huntvp''. //All tied players gain this VP.// All contributed Experiments are discarded. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Move the Angry Mob token (either: 2,3) spaces to the left. ''All players must choose and perform one penalty:'' Pay $3. Return 3 resources to the supply. Discard 2 Estate Upgrades. If this is not possible, they instead ''lose 5VP''. [[Click to continue...|GloomyGothic3]] ''SPECIAL EVENT'' All remaining eligible players take all the Experiments they have completed ''this Generation'' into their hands //(excluding any Masterwork)//. Then, they secretly choose an Experiment card (or no card at all) and keep it hidden under their palm. Once all players have chosen, all players reveal the card (or no card) they have chosen simultaneously. This card will be discarded after the event is resolved. --- ''Count up the total value of the VP on all donated Experiment cards.'' If the value is equal to { (if: $players is 2)[(set: $huntnum to (random: 3,7))] (if: $players is 3)[(set: $huntnum to (random: 8,12))] (if: $players is 4)[(set: $huntnum to (random: 11,15))] (if: $players is 5)[(set: $huntnum to (random: 13,19))] } or higher, [[click here to continue.|OhYesTheyDead]] If the value is less, [[click here to continue|ConfrontationFail]] instead. ''A Pittance'' While it amounted to little less than political pandering, the Hunters did, however, offer kind words and assurances to the people of $townname in response to the family's gentle consent to further taxation. This did nothing to soothe the financial stress it placed upon them, nor did it cool their sneering derision when the deeds of the Hunters were brought up in casual conversations about town. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' All players, in turn order, may choose to either ''lose 2 Creepy'' or ''gain an ingredient'' of their choice from the supply. [[Click to continue...|GloomyGothic3]] Good Goals - ''NOTE: If we do ever add a 5th player, the HUNT on this leg is not coded for 5 players.'' BONUS - Place an End-game goal if one of the Buildings that was Concealed. Equity - Players that are behind are given a little boost. (if: $society is "Order of St. Hubertus") (if: $society is "Fraternity of Hunters") Monsters - REAL Want to spread a message of love and peace to the outside world. They are eco-friendly. They built their own University. They want us to stop our Experimentations. Maybe we add a Creepy token to our Experiment action. Maybe we can take an action to be a real swell individual and help out with a mini narrative and lose our Creepy. Biology Experiments Encouraged put a storybook token on the Angy Mob token. Perhaps we should start a FRENZY in town. Hunters - MONSTERS ARE REAL XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx What if we just sent all the Hunters to their valiant deaths. That'd deal with the problem, probably. Right? 1st round, have the option to doubt. VOTE You are punished as a group for being wrong (Estate Upgrades). Sponsor Holy relics & weapons. Maybe send someone out into the hills to kill stuff - mini-game. Give resources and knowledge to win battles. Or let the hero die. Engineering Experiments encouraged. Award a different Area of normal Scientific expertise to each player. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Retrieve the ''Master's Study'' Vanity Estate upgrade tiles. ''Choose:'' Starting with the player in Last place and continuing in ascending order by point total, each player chooses a Master's Study tile and adds it to their Estate. No additional cost is paid if a new <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Note this. (if: $aide is "yes")[(link-goto: "Click to continue...", "Wolves1")] Monsters come to work for you. ''Choose one of the following options:'' Lose ''1VP'', but gain a servant type. OR Gain your choice of a ''Body'' or an ''Animal'' resource. Unimplemented Ideas: If cured. Choose another player. You will eat their Servant. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Any player that had joined the opposite side gains Ingredients equal to the total number of tokens given to players. Stray line - Even the disfigurements of the lowly caretakers were met with indifference by the local populace.End of 1st Gen. Gain a Creepy. Move forward 2 spaces on the Sanity track. Ruining my reputation, and trying to destroy what I have done. Gain a Body. Move back up to 2 spaces on the Sanity track and immediately discard any Compulsion card and gain its VP total.PostUni - Mayor is rewarded. Charity is rewarded. Players are given extra bonus points for being behind. 1st place is considered Creepier, gain 1 Creepy. Gameplay changes include a Nobel Prize for the least Creepy scientist. 1st Gen - Event - Things are TOO GOOD. We need to create the Ultimate Disease. If players agree to work towards a master disease, an Ultimate Disease is created. Problem is while a few initial cases are reported, the antibodies this creates essentially give herd immunity to the entire region. Immortality thread - players w/ immortality can choose to kill their parent. Sanity reduction. Single Card - Ultimate - Anyone can complete it. Once complete: 2nd Gen - VOTE to unleash the disease or not. Create the Disease or do not. Anyone who is behind in Research gains a boost on a track of their choice. -''Legacy of Leadership'' { (if: $uni is "yes")[With the continued success of the University] (if: $uni is "no")[To christen the advantageous construction of the new university]} and the return of the eccentric family seemingly responsible for that turn of events, the city of $townname arranged a large parade. Photographs from the event show a disgruntled individual sitting atop a large float made of crocuses and lilies, powered by a newly procured steam and wheel device. $mayor III does not mention this event within their journal, however it is noted extensively and with great sardonic enthusiasm for the next several months in the journals of their cousins. It was under the leadership of $mayor that this push for modern sensibilities was first spearheaded and the town could not forget the significance of this event. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Retrieve a ''Charity Memorial'' Estate Tile from the scenario box. $mayor III may build this in their next available plot. They do not have to pay the cost to open a new plot. Return the Mayoral Ribbon to the scenario box. [[Click to continue...|UniImmortal]] ''Charity's Legacy'' It seemed the festivities in $townname could scarcely cease before another bright and joyous event occurred. Only a few years after a memorial had been erected in the honor of $mayor III, the Hospital could not contain its admiration as well. $charity III was offered the same generosity. In honor of $charity's legacy of charity, another memorial was revealed at a prestigious ceremony, celebrating the continued medical contributions of $townname. As a university town, the small village hosted an impressive pedigree of scholars who worked with the most advanced methodology in treatment and disease prevention. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Retrieve a ''Charity Memorial'' Estate Tile from the scenario box. $charity III may build this in their next available plot. They do not have to pay the cost to open a new plot. Return the Charity token to the scenario box. [[Click to continue...|DetEffectRandom]] ''The Guiding Hand of Science'' At the behest of the university’s administrators, it was decided to more prominently feature scholarly works produced by local inventors. However, the administration deemed it unwise to promote the works of those who had already solidified their presence in the public eye. The course of action they deemed most appropriate was to provide an “equitable” boost to amplify the standing of lesser-known scientists, to better display the breadth of knowledge and ambition within the humble city of $townname. The family was disgusted by this “lopsided” display of unmerited assistance. However, they accepted it nonetheless, leaving the most seasoned cousin to grumble at the injustice of it all. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Starting with the player(s) in last place, each player gains 1VP for each other player's piece that is ahead of them on the VP track. //For example, if a player is in 3rd place, two other pieces are ahead and they will gain 2VP.// [[Click to continue...|InsanitySign]]''Another Competitive Assessment'' The University insisted upon periodic inspections of the laboratories and experimental apparatus being used by interns apportioned from the student body. While each scientist affected a congenial appearance and made sure to conceal their more sinister workings during these assessments, they made no similar attempts to conceal their agitation afterwards. However, the pitiable honorariums provided to those family members with lesser reputations continued. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Starting with the player(s) in last place, each player gains 1VP for each other player's piece that is ahead of them on the VP track. //For example, if a player is in 3rd place, two other pieces are ahead and they will gain 2VP.// [[Click to continue...|UniEvent1-UltimateDisease]] ''Ignored Amongst the Scientific Elite'' The $playtxt cousins watched with dour hearts as the once morose streets were festooned with bright spring colors. Educated middle-class families strolled along the sidewalks in modest clothing. Children laughed and rode bicycles in the park. They shuddered at the sight. It was all ''too good''. With the initial festivities over, their estimation had soured in the eyes of the academics. Though they had not been spurned or mistreated, the once generous enthusiasm had waned from repeated ethical infractions, misuse of the medical operating theater, and radical outbursts during local symposiums. And to complicate matters further, it became increasingly obvious that due to the peaceful and progressive values of $townname, the educated were less troubled with matters of any immediate, existential, or diabolical concern. The solution to this lack of a problem was obvious. If the world refused to create a new, horrific problem to solve, then they would defy nature and create it themselves. Surely, if they combined their efforts, they could create the ''ultimate disease''! A disease so infectious that they would forever undo this plague of positivity. This would certainly ''rid them of this unfair and blatant balancing'' of fortunes. [[Click to continue...|UniCharity]]''The Ultimate Disease'' As the oppressive sunshine illuminated the study of { (if: $players is 3)[(either: $nameA,$nameB,$nameC)] (if: $players is 4)[(either: $nameA,$nameB,$nameC,$nameD)] (if: $players is 5)[(either: $nameA,$nameB,$nameC,$nameD,$nameE)] } III, the cousins assembled to finalize their creation. With a large piece of parchment sprawled across the desk and delightful bean strudels with heavy cream for refreshment, the scientists began to formulate a blueprint using the knowledge they had gained from recent experimentations. Some, however, were more forthcoming with information than others. ''VOTE'' Players will now vote to collaborate with their knowledge to create a new disease. All players take their Voting token into their hand. Players will secretly choose a side to place face up in their palm. Then, they will close their fist and extend it to the center of the table. A ''Yay'' vote is a vote to commit ''1 Chemistry or Occult Experiment''. A ''Nay'' vote is a vote to NOT contribute an experiment. When all players have chosen, all players reveal their vote. Tally all votes and the side with the most votes wins. ''//Ties are considered a win for the "yay" vote.//'' ''Click on the result of your vote:'' [[Yay. Unleash the Disease!|UniEvent2-Success]] [[Nay. The Disease is not created.|UniEvent2-Failure]] ''A Wondrous Success'' Symptoms: Nausea, fever, vomiting, hypertension, drowsiness, loss of libido, skin lesions, blurred vision, heart palpitations, headache, weight-loss, chronic pain, demonic possession. The prospectus for the ultimate disease included nearly every side-effect known to science. The cousins spent the late-night hours laughing till their throats were hoarse as they concocted the elixir. The following week, the disease was released at the Farmer's Market, a tincture of the foul liquid smashed against the steps. It proved communicable within seconds and the noxious gases spread from person-to-person with each dry cough. However, the effect was not altogether anticipated. This grim amalgamation of deadly diseases, while invoking minor symptoms in some initially exposed, caused antibodies to build up within the region, nullifying their effects and strengthening their systems against infection. By creating a disease that included all known symptoms, they had essentially inoculated the populace against all disease simultaneously. It wasn't long before the university traced the source of the marvel to the cousins. Word soon traveled about their research, and the town applauded yet another triumph for science and the world! Clearly, this family of scientists needed no assistance in their heavenly endeavors. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Any player that voted to contribute discards a ''completed'' Chemistry or Occult Experiment. Each player that contributed ''gains 2 resources'' of their choice from the supply. Any player that did not contribute ''gains 1 Creepy.'' (link: "Click to continue...")[(set: $ultimate to "yes")(goto: "DetEffectRandom")] ''Unfortunate Failure'' With the cousins guarding their knowledge and no consensus on how to move forward, the meeting soon devolved into bickering and one-upmanship. Each cousin pontificated at length their personal achievements and the unexpressed envy the others had towards their work. Many of the pastries were left half-eaten that night. As the science was unsuccessful, they each retired to their estates in the late evening to let the familial jibes fester in their minds. The town remained unaffected by their exchange of harsh words. And as before, they continued to offer assistance to those who they felt were lacking the resources. What a pitiable learning opportunity. ''SPECIAL SETUP - Research'' Each player counts the total amount of levels they have gained on their Journal Research Tracks. The { (if: $players < 4)[player with the lowest total ''moves their research marker forward 1 level''] (if: $players > 3)[''2'' players with the lowest total ''move their research marker forward 1 level''] } on the track of their choice at no cost. //If there is a tie, ties are broken by the player with the least VP.// Any player that voted "yay" to contribute does not discard an Experiment. But, they ''lose 1 Creepy''. [[Click to continue...|DetEffectRandom]] ''Carefully hand the Storybook to Dr. $mayor III.'' --- ''Celebration'' A token of their appreciation. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Retrieve the ''Personal Library'' Estate Upgrade from the scenario box. You may immediately build it in the next empty plot on your Estate board for no additional cost. Then, return the Mayoral token to the box. ''Carefully hand the Storybook to $charity. This passage is read out loud in view of all players.'' --- ''Consideration of Righteousness'' The Fraternity was correct to be cautious in their dealings with the eccentric family whose ominous visitings within the city carried a sinister air about them. However, their fears could not completely overshadow their righteous convictions. $charity III's familial legacy of ''charity'' was instrumental in sharing the gift of knowledge. Modern weaponry had transformed the Hunter's ability to fight against the evil forces threatening to overtake the city. And it was this malignant sentiment that forced their hand to offer a token of their appreciation. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Retrieve the ''Personal Library'' Estate Upgrade from the scenario box. You may immediately build it in the next empty plot on your Estate board at no additional cost. Then, return the Charity token to the box. [[Click to continue...|CureMoonSick1]](if: $building is "library")[''Carefully hand the Storybook to $mayor III. This passage is read out loud in view of all players.'' --- ''The Benefit of Knowledge'' The path to enlightenment is a not without its humble beginnings, and the creatures that now embraced a gentler path could not have done so without an intense pursuit of knowledge. The deviant machinations of a cruel world may have doomed them to these egregious forms, but to find peace with one's self is a struggle all beings face. The townsfolk appreciated $mayor III's lineage as partly responsible for spearheading the gift of ''knowledge'' above all else in the generations past. They desire to repay this Librarian lineage with a contribution of their own. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Retrieve the ''Personal Library'' Estate Upgrade from the scenario box. You may immediately build it in the next empty plot on your Estate board at no additional cost. Then, return the Mayoral Ribbon token to the box. Whenever you take the Perform Experiment action, the ''Personal Library'' provides one free Knowledge of your choice from the supply. This Knowledge can be used immediately towards the cost of Performing that Experiment. [[Click to continue...|Prosperity2]] ] (else:)[(goto: "Prosperity2")] ''Fraternity of Hunters'' A messenger arrives at sunset wearing a pendant around their neck with a golden bow and arrow insignia upon it. They wait expectantly for your correspondence. { (link: "Pledge your service to the Fraternity of Hunters.")[ (if: $meet is $nameA)[(set: $allyA to "hunters")] (if: $meet is $nameB)[(set: $allyB to "hunters")] (if: $meet is $nameC)[(set: $allyC to "hunters")] (if: $meet is $nameD)[(set: $allyD to "hunters")] (if: $meet is $nameE)[(set: $allyE to "hunters")] (if: $round is 5)[(goto: "Devastation2")] (if: $round is 6)[(goto: "Devastation3")]] } {(link: "Decide to do nothing instead.")[ (if: $round is 5)[(goto: "Devastation2")] (if: $round is 6)[(goto: "Devastation3")]]} ''An Illuminating Conversation'' As I approached, the young man paused in his duties and lit a small pipe. For a pittance, he was generous with information. ''I introduced myself as:'' (link: "$nameA")[ (if: $allyA is 0)[(set: $meet to $nameA)(goto: "RefusalReveal")] (else:)[(goto: "JoinedAlready")]] (link: "$nameB")[ (if: $allyB is 0)[(set: $meet to $nameB)(goto: "RefusalReveal")] (else:)[(goto: "JoinedAlready")]] (if: $players > 2)[(link: "$nameC")[ (if: $allyC is 0)[(set: $meet to $nameC)(goto: "RefusalReveal")] (else:)[(goto: "JoinedAlready")]]] (if: $players > 3)[(link: "$nameD")[ (if: $allyD is 0)[(set: $meet to $nameD)(goto: "RefusalReveal")] (else:)[(goto: "JoinedAlready")]]] (if: $players > 4)[(link: "$nameE")[ (if: $allyE is 0)[(set: $meet to $nameE)(goto: "RefusalReveal")] (else:)[(goto: "JoinedAlready")]]] ''A Busy Day'' The man looked at $meet quizzically for a moment before shaking his head and returning to work. $meet had already joined a faction and continued on their way after the fog cleared from their mind. { (link: "Click here to continue...")[ (if: $round is 5)[(goto: "Devastation2")] (if: $round is 6)[(goto: "Devastation3")]] } ''Deplorable Equity'' For the first time in decades, the townsfolk expressed a sense of community, a singular and modern identity. { (if: $society is "Order of St. Hubertus")[The Order of St. Hubertus remained an official moniker, but a new, more democratic society emerged. The secrets that had remained hidden for so long had finally been exposed and the sense of freedom was finally something worth protecting.] (if: $society is "Fraternity of Hunters")[While members of the Fraternity attended to their dark business, sharpening their skills and weapons on their own, the town remained resolute in their ability to rid the surrounding hills of evil.]} Unlike previous generations that were keen to allow an aloof eccentric to isolate themselves amongst the rocky crags at the valley's edge, the townsfolk became determined in their attempts to ingratiate the obstinate cousins into the fold. While the reception was always cold and the iron gates and foreboding wooden doorways were mostly closed to them, they never stopped trying. While they would never admit to it, the ones who were most desperate tended to accept the offers more readily. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' The { (if: $players <= 3)[player with the fewest VP gains 1] (if: $players >= 4)[''2'' players with the fewest VP gain 1] } of their TOWN Servants from Lost. //Ties are broken by the player who went last in the previous round.// The player with the most points gains 2 Creepy. [[Click to continue...|LycanMessageGood]] (if: $wolves is "good")[''The Form of the Wolf'' Though the sight had now become commonplace, confirming the existence of persons with the ability to change into an animal form had remarkable consequences. It is possible that it even disrupted the studies of one of our kin. Does any player have the ''Lycanthropic Strength'' Masterwork Experiment? (link: "Yes.")[(set: $lycan to "yes")(goto: "LycanGood")] [[No.|Prosperity1]] ] (else:)[(goto: "Prosperity1")] ''A Message'' As the new decade began, the motley parade of beastly horrors had turned their claws from weapons of destruction into instruments of cultivation. They embraced modern amenities and fashions, walking the streets with upright strides as the town continued to thrive. For most, however, this new sense of peace was tarnished by the persistence of past injustices. As newspaper pressings became even more accessible, pamphlets and signage began to circulate amongst the populace. "Our brethren; abused, slaughtered, and experimented upon. No more! We can bear this injustice no longer." One paper stated, "Meat is murder." Most had adopted a Pythagorean diet, developing a keen culinary taste for vegetable curries and rich, barley porridge. While it was not strictly forbidden to consume the cooked flesh of domestic animals, when the cousins' town business included a stop by the Farmer's Market, the townsfolk looked away in horror, mothers shielding their furred children's eyes as the implication was too much for them to bear. Yet still roiling beneath the thin veneer of prim etiquette, a baser nature threatened to reemerge anew. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Put a Creepy token on the ''Farmer's Market''. [[Click to continue...|MayoralAward]] ''A Frightful Day'' (set: $amtoken to (either: 1,2)) { (if: $amtoken is 1)[ There were moments when the rage amongst the townsfolk would well up and explode in uncontrollably violent outbursts. For the monsters of $townname, these were no longer represented by torches or pitchforks held high, but by a feverish bloodlust.<br><br> As such, it was a calm Sunday afternoon when a local werewolf doffed his cap and interrupted tea time by holding up a blood-stained and torn piece of fabric.<br><br> He placed the scrap onto the table. "We would return the body to you for proper burial if it were still possible," he shrugged, his ears flattening. "But, you know how it goes when bones are involved. Sorry."<br><br> Another good servant gone. It was somewhat inevitable, yet still an unfortunate loss of life and time and money.] (if: $amtoken is 2)[ To be awakened early morning after a late night's work was agitating, but to awake to a shrill, blood-curdling scream was something else entirely.<br><br> A woman in a modest blue dress crouched near the entrance to the estate, her blood-covered maw held within two clawed hands as she wailed in distress. A few feet away, two wolves clad in sharp business suits huddled over the dead body of a servant, tearing into the flesh with their teeth and claws as fresh blood flowed down the gravel drive.<br><br> A monster stood nearby, clearly resisting the urge to join into the fray. He fixed his tie and wiped away saliva from his chin before speaking in a solemn voice. "Poor thing couldn't control herself. Took the first bite. Terrible tragedy. Awfully sorry."<br><br> Perhaps it was unavoidable that the close proximity of humanity to the beasts would incite such an event.] } ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Return a TOWN Servant to Lost. { (if: $round is 15)[Then lose ''(either: 2,3)VP''.]} Move your Creepy token ''2 spaces'' to the left. Move the Angry Mob token ''3 spaces'' to the right //(or as far as possible)//. { (link: "Click to return...")[ (if: $round is 13)[(goto: "Prosperity1")] (if: $round is 14)[(goto: "Prosperity2")] (if: $round is 15)[(goto: "Prosperity3")] ] }''A Reasoned Proposal'' While the system of progressive monster reform was altruistic, it was not without its imperfections. Infractions ranging from minor maulings to severe interdental jugular removal were noted over the years, as were the manic episodes associated with these incidents. It was clear that humans were marginally upset about the lack of livestock and uptick in missing persons potentially consumed by wolves. It was also clear that each monster would experience near daily urges to indulge in profane behavior that they were forced to suppress. Perhaps, they suggested, if they could attempt to indulge their darker urges in a safe space where this expression was fully encouraged, then it would pacify those urges at other more domestic times. { (if: $players is 2)[[[Click here to continue...|2p-FrenzyALT]]] (else:)[[[Click here to continue...|GoodFrenzyEvent2]]] } ''The FRENZY'' The townsfolk who chose not to participate locked their doors and boarded their windows, but the first howls of ghoulish delight sent those same individuals clawing at the walls to be released into the wild again. The Frenzy spared no person in $townname. The unhinged spectacle set the teeth gnashing and a passionate fire blazing both metaphorically and physically, plumes of hot embers erupting upwards from homes set ablaze with wild abandon. Indulging in latent urges proved not to quell the dormant urges of the citizenry, but to stoke it. In the coming weeks, nearly all pretense of civility had removed itself from the town and in its place an anger and a will to take revenge on the country that had shunned them! (link: "Click to continue...")[(set: $frenzy to "yes")(goto: "Prosperity3")] ''A Reasoned Response'' The recommendation was accepted with gravitas. While many remained wistful, the group's almost immediate adoption of the concept made it clearly a dangerous proposition. To further preoccupy their minds and to quell the bloodlust just beneath the surface, they offered further building assistance to reinforce a wider variety of scientific disciplines. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Retrieve the ''Chemistry'' and ''Engineering Master's Study'' Vanity Estate Upgrades from the scenario box and place them nearby. Any time you gain a Vanity Estate Upgrade, you may choose to gain 1 of these instead. (link: "Click to continue...")[(set: $frenzy to "no")(goto: "Prosperity3")]''Once More the Accursed Contribution'' The messenger did not appear until nightfall, whereupon the lateness of arrival interrupted the cousins' dessert and coffee. The moonlight reflected off his steel gaze as he entered the sitting room without invitation. His fangs had tasted blood that same night. The family could delay their offering no longer and the beasts of the Order salivated with anticipation over the knowledge they would soon acquire. ''CHOOSE:'' In turn order, each player decides whether to contribute an Experiment. Donated Experiments are turned face-down and placed under your Masterwork card. If a player donates, they will receive an immediate bonus based on the level of Experiment they donate (//higher levels granting higher rewards//). If a player chooses not to donate, they will ''lose a Servant'' and ''gain 1 Creepy''. [[Click here to receive bonuses and penalties...|TieredRewards2]] ''The Village'' Now that our given names have been established, we must also search our recollection for the name of the village which our vast estates overlook. Considering the myriad of small towns in the Hungarian countryside, it would be unmeritably forward to not allow the group a chance to collectively name the place they will now inhabit. [[Click here to name the village...|TCOD-NameEntryTownConfirm]] { (set: $townname to (prompt: "Please collectively enter the name of the town in which your inheritance resides:")) } =><= Thank you and please do excuse our forgetfulness. Of course, $townname is an appropriate and fitting moniker for a place to conduct important scientific research. In fact, history will remember this name, mark my words. <== [[Click to Continue...|Start2]] ''Preparations'' Complete the standard setup for $playtxt players as shown in the rulebook. //Note that the Angry Mob track and starting player will be set by the Storybook in the coming pages.// Then, retrieve ''The Cost of Disease'' Scenario box, which will contain all components needed for this story. As the Storybook progresses, it will ask you to put items into play from this box. Be sure to keep it nearby. [[Click here to continue...|Preface-TCOD]] --- ''A Foreword'' --- Herein contains a historical account of a peculiar lineage. One that spans multiple generations and by all accounts will continue to fascinate historians for many years to come. I have endeavored to provide as complete a scholarly history as one could provide given the conflicting accounts and whims of hearsay. While many of the details, haunting to the imagination as they may be, stretch the very limits of our human understanding, it is my hope that this text and the accompanying research materials procured will provide evidence as to their truth. The harrowing and potentially supernatural series of events has the capacity to shake the very foundations of the scientific world as we perceive it. With deference to the fellowship that commissioned this explicit work, though I have never met with these generous benefactors, I humbly submit this biographical account in its entirety and swear by the veracity of the contents within. In good health, Dr. Ensign Benwallis [[Click to continue...|Scenario5Start]]''To Infinity'' ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Give each player a ''Storybook token''. Each player chooses an incomplete track of their choice in their Journal and places their Storybook token on the third level of that track. [[Click to continue...|Gen1Creepy-RefuseBonus]] { (set: $disease2 to (either: 1,2)) (if: $disease2 is 1)[''A Cleansing''<br> When the symptoms grew too fierce, they locked themselves away inside one of the myriad rooms of their estate. This resulted in an unfortunate loss of productivity and an odiferous contamination. When chemicals would not suffice for cleansing, it was deemed necessary to burn the entire room and start again.<br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> All players that have not completed their ''Hereditary Disease Experiment'' must ''discard an Estate Upgrade tile'' to the box or ''lose 3VP''. ] (if: $disease2 is 2)[''Wasted Potential''<br> While the disease that plagued the scientists was manageable, the effects were still tiresome. Time spent advancing what they considered "true science" was instead squandered upon practical medical applications to assuage their own afflictions.<br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> All players that have not completed their ''Hereditary Disease Experiment'' must ''lose 2VP''. ] } [[Click to continue...|Gen1Creepy-ConcealExpose]] ''Longevity and Clarity'' Notes from this time period detail potential blueprints for a special room; a sanguine coagulant encased in a glass bubble and fed with an electrical current. Although there are no further mentions of the device, peculiarities in historical accounts suggest that some in the next generation received advice and assistance from an unknown source. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Retrieve the ''Stasis Chamber Estate Upgrade tiles'' from the Scenario box. Any player that completed their ''Hereditary Disease Experiment'' has the option of building the Stasis Chamber in their Estate. Players with the Disease card ''stored'' cannot accept this bonus. //You must still pay $ if you would like to build this tile in a new plot, or you can replace an existing Estate tile.// [[Click here to determine the fate of the town...|DiseaseEffect]] ''Order of St. Hubertus'' A messenger in a gray cloak marked with the insignia of a wolf's head arrived at the estate one evening. They smiled and the gleam of their white teeth shone in the moonlight. {(link: "Pledge your service to the Order of St. Hubertus.")[ (if: $meet is $nameA)[(set: $allyA to "wolves")] (if: $meet is $nameB)[(set: $allyB to "wolves")] (if: $meet is $nameC)[(set: $allyC to "wolves")] (if: $meet is $nameD)[(set: $allyD to "wolves")] (if: $meet is $nameE)[(set: $allyE to "wolves")] (if: $round is 5)[(goto: "Devastation2")] (if: $round is 6)[(goto: "Devastation3")]]} {(link: "Decide to do nothing instead.")[ (if: $round is 5)[(goto: "Devastation2")] (if: $round is 6)[(goto: "Devastation3")]]} ''A Reward for Service'' Upon receipt of their inheritance, the newest Generation of scientists were surprised to find a generous addendum attached by the $society. Aside from the notoriety afforded by this gift, as promised, a permanent structure was to be erected on their properties to aid in their experimental pursuits. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Retrieve the ''$society'' tokens. Retrieve the ''Master's Study'' Vanity Estate Upgrades. { (if: $society is "Fraternity of Hunters")[ (if: $allyA is "hunters")[$nameA III gains ''4VP'' and gains a $society token.<br><br>] (if: $allyB is "hunters")[$nameB III gains ''4VP'' and gains a $society token.<br><br>] (if: $players > 2)[ (if: $allyC is "hunters")[$nameC III gains ''4VP'' and gains a $society token.<br><br>]] (if: $players > 3)[ (if: $allyD is "hunters")[$nameD III gains ''4VP'' and gains a $society token.<br><br>]] (if: $players > 4)[ (if: $allyE is "hunters")[$nameE III gains ''4VP'' and gains a $society token.<br><br>]] ] (if: $society is "Order of St. Hubertus")[ (if: $allyA is "wolves")[$nameA III gains ''4VP'' and gains a $society token.<br><br>] (if: $allyB is "wolves")[$nameB III gains ''4VP'' and gains a $society token.<br><br>] (if: $players > 2)[ (if: $allyC is "wolves")[$nameC III gains ''4VP'' and gains a $society token.<br><br>]] (if: $players > 3)[ (if: $allyD is "wolves")[$nameD III gains ''4VP'' and gains a $society token.<br><br>]] (if: $players > 4)[ (if: $allyE is "wolves")[$nameE III gains ''4VP'' and gains a $society token.<br><br>]] ] } Then, starting with the player with the ''most Victory Points'' and continuing in descending order of points, each player with a $society token chooses a ''Master's Study'' to build on their Estate. No additional cost is paid for a new plot to place this tile. //(Ties are broken by the player that went later in turn order in the previous round.) Return all unclaimed tiles to the box.// { (if: $society is "Fraternity of Hunters")[[[Click to continue...|GloomyHunterIntro]]] (if: $society is "Order of St. Hubertus")[[[Click to continue...|GloomyWolvesIntro]]] }''The Work is Complete'' The gathering of clawed monstrosities celebrated with keening wails as the Masterwork was completed in all of its glory. Surely, the legacy of the family would be secured forever. Yet, the watchful, glowing eyes of the crowd did not share this same deference to sentimentality. A furious cacophony of growls sounded as the monsters surrounded the experiment. Some scribbled away at notes, copying the formulas and schematics as best as they could while others simply traced every minute detail with their fingers and observed with interest. It was clear that they would have been much more able to understand and reproduce the results of the experiment if they had been given earlier access to the cousin's work over the years. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Resolve your Masterwork as normal. Then, for each Experiment under your Masterwork, ''lose 4VP''. Discard all cards under your Masterwork. { (if: $round is 10)[[[Click here to return...|GloomyGothic1]]] (if: $round is 11)[[[Click here to return...|GloomyGothic2]]] (if: $round is 12)[[[Click here to return...|GloomyGothic3]]] }{ (if: $society is "Order of St. Hubertus")[''Forgiveness''<br> The scientists' doubts were put at ease when a werewolf in a brown sack suit took to the podium to preside over a town meeting. A mixture of lycanthropic beings, horned beasts, and those still holding onto their humanity were in attendance outside the school. The force of the wolf's words caused tears to stream down their cheeks.<br><br> "We want to shatter those unfortunate stereotypes. We hold no grudges. We want to work with you all, not against you. The child should not be punished for the sins of the father. You are all welcome." The werewolf blew their cold nose into their handkerchief as a rumbling cheer rose from the crowd.<br><br> As a token of this myth-shattering event, many handshakes were exchanged that day and a promise was made to press forward into a more modern era; an era where science could improve their lives ten-fold!<br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> Retrieve the ''Master's Study'' Vanity Estate Upgrade tiles.<br><br> ''Choose:''<br> Starting with the player in last place and continuing in ascending order by point total, each player chooses a ''Master's Study'' tile and adds it to their Estate. No additional cost is paid for a new plot to place this tile. //(Ties are broken by the player that went later in turn order in the previous round.)// ] (if: $society is "Fraternity of Hunters")[''Still Wary''<br> In the evenings, the Fraternity gathered in the former Town Hall and celebrated their political takeover of the small town. Observers could hear their loud revelry echo through the streets late into the night. The townsfolk had no reason to doubt their loyalty as it appeared that their activities kept both sickness and superstitions at bay.<br><br> For the family members that had aided them in their efforts, they wore wide false-smiles and offered toasts to their continued partnership. But, for those who had plotted against them, they remained wary.<br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> (if: $allyA is "hunters")[$nameA III ''immediately gains 1 Creepy''.<br>] (if: $allyB is "hunters")[$nameB III ''immediately gains 1 Creepy''.<br>] (if: $allyC is "hunters")[$nameC III ''immediately gains 1 Creepy''.<br>] (if: $allyD is "hunters")[$nameD III ''immediately gains 1 Creepy''.<br>] (if: $allyE is "hunters")[$nameE III ''immediately gains 1 Creepy''.<br>] ] } [[Click to continue...|EquitableValues]] ''A Cure for Yellow Fever'' (set: $midquote to (either: 1,2,3)) "Vague, tawdry." The notes from the lectures created a tableau of mixed reactions. { (if: $midquote is 1)["All angst and ambition without respect for traditional ethics or the scientific method. Unsupported hypotheses, and rapid-fire homeopathic conjecture."] (if: $midquote is 2)[ "Of note, however, was one intriguing if not juvenile statement. I jotted the quote down for posterity and so that others at the state may enjoy it when I plaster the message all across the lavatories. The quote:<br><br> 'It's simple. Wash your hands after you touch your butt.'"] (if: $midquote is 3)["Delightfully crude, but potentially insightful. Overall though, the lectures were amusing for what they lacked in substance."] } At first they seemed intrigued, but the presentations, while exciting, proved to have only minimal scientific value in their eyes. It was decided by the majority to research any other notable discoveries in their portfolio before making their recommendations. { (if: $pub is "yes")[And it was the ''publication'' of a ''Yellow Fever'' inoculation from an otherwise unknown town in Hungary that made their decision to build a University in the region much easier.<br><br> [[Click here to continue...|SymposiumSuccess]]] (else:)[And without the publication of a proposed ''Yellow Fever'' inoculation, their decision on the value of a university in a small town in Hungary was easy to make.<br><br> [[Click here to continue...|SymposiumFail]]] } { (if: $pana is "unleash")[ ''Whispers Abate''<br> With the passing of the generation, the hideous and well-founded rumors regarding the grisly demise and otherwise negative treatment of servants in the family's households faded into history. As considerably misguided as it was, the allure of steady employ once again attracted new applicants to the estates once more. <br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br><br> Any players with a Servant in the game box retrieves it from the box and adds it to Lost.] (else:)[(goto: "NewMaster")] } [[Click to continue...|NewMaster]] { (if: $pana is "unleash")[ ''Whispers Abate''<br> With the passing of the generation, the hideous and well-founded rumors regarding the grisly demise and otherwise negative treatment of servants within the family's households faded into history. As considerably misguided as it would have been, the allure of steady employ once again attracted new applicants to their estates. <br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br><br> Any players with a Servant in the game box may retrieve it from the box and place it in Lost.] (else:)[(goto: "University1")] } [[Click to continue...|University1]] It is almost never advantageous for all players to take the same route. All decisions carry with them consequences, both good and bad. ''A Steady Focus'' For members of this ignoble family, it was not uncommon for personal labors to consume an individual's waking thoughts and cause them to forget even the most simplistic of instructions. But for those that toiled endlessly on their infernal schemes, their reward - aside from obesity and appalling hygiene - was one of a deeper understanding. { (if: $hospA is 0)[''SETUP for Dr. $nameA III''<br> Move forward ''1 level on the Journal Track of your choice''.<br><br>] (if: $hospB is 0)[''SETUP for Dr. $nameB III''<br> Move forward ''1 level on the Journal Track of your choice''.<br><br>] (if: $players > 2)[ (if: $hospC is 0)[''SETUP for Dr. $nameC III''<br> Move forward ''1 level on the Journal Track of your choice''.<br><br>]] (if: $players > 3)[ (if: $hospD is 0)[''SETUP for Dr. $nameD III''<br> Move forward ''1 level on the Journal Track of your choice''.<br><br>]] (if: $players > 4)[ (if: $hospE is 0)[''SETUP for Dr. $nameE III''<br> Move forward ''1 level on the Journal Track of your choice''.<br><br>]] } Once this assistance has been resolved, (link: "click here to determine the Fate of the Town.")[(goto: (either: "S5HospA1", "S5HospA2","S5HospA3"))] Remove all player pieces from the board and Perform the End of a Generation. Any Storybook tokens remaining on a player's Journal Track are returned to the supply. --- {(if: $pana is 0)[''Relentless Opposition''<br> The church's distrust of science has riled up the populace. Contributions to the Hospital's original construction notwithstanding, without the hope provided by a ''Panacea'' to remove ailments en masse, the townsfolk became determined to return to the old ways.<br><br> A most pitiful display that led to stagnation and the return of the pestilence that once was eliminated from the land.<br><br> [[Click here to continue...|RippedMasterwork]]] (if: $pana is "unleash")[''Relentless Opposition''<br> The church's distrust of science has riled up the populace. Contributions to the Hospital's original construction notwithstanding, the nonsensical decision to ''unleash'' the proposed Panacea resulted in a loss of the original formula. Without the hope provided by a ''Panacea'' to remove ailments en masse, the townsfolk became determined to return to the old ways.<br><br> A most pitiful display that led to stagnation and the return of the pestilence that once was eliminated from the land.<br><br> [[Click here to continue...|RippedMasterwork]]] (if: $pana is "publish")[''The Allure of Discovery''<br> While the Panacea proposed may not have approached the problem in an ethical nor fiscally responsible way, the simple gesture garnered much attention from the academic community. Along with the famed discovery of a "cure" for Yellow Fever, this potential for scientific advancement was too strong to ignore.<br><br> The family soon found a rapt audience for their unconventional experimentations, despite all logic running counter to this development, and the city entered into a golden age of progress.<br><br> [[Click here to continue...|UniversityIntro]]] } { (if: $costE is "Biology")[(set: $cost2E to "Animal")] (if: $costE is "Engineering")[(set: $cost2E to "Gear")] (if: $costE is "Chemistry")[(set: $cost2E to "Bottle")] } { (set: $creationE to (prompt: "Give your creation a new, majestic name:")) } ''The {(either: "Infamous","Transcendent","Monumental","Nefarious","Unspeakable","Legendary","Noble","Phenomenal","Stunning","Masterful","Insidious")} $creationE'' (display: "MWCreationHubE") With my own destiny determined, I resolved to forge a new path into the future and create my Masterwork. ''You may check the cost of completing your new Masterwork at any time by clicking on your name on the main Storybook screen.'' [[Click to continue...|NewMHub]]{ (if: $typeE is "creature")[''$creationE''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 2 Animals, 5 Biology, 1 $costE <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy, Move the Angry Mob.<br>] (if: $typeE is "power")[''$creationE''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 1 Animal, 1 $cost2E, 3 Biology, 3 $costE <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeE is "robot")[''$creationE''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 2 Gears, 5 Engineering, 1 $costE <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeE is "weapon")[''$creationE''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 1 Gear, 1 $cost2E, 4 Engineering, 2 $costE <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 2 Insanity, Gain 1 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeE is "medicine")[''$creationE''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 2 Chemicals, 4 Chemistry, 2 $costE <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 21VP.<br> Gain 2 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeE is "drug")[''$creationE''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 1 Bottle, 1 $cost2E, 3 Chemistry, 3 $costE <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 19VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeE is "demon")[''$creationE''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 2 Bodies, 4 Occult, 1 $costE <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 21VP.<br> Gain 2 Creepy.<br>] (if: $typeE is "ritual")[''$creationE''<br><br> ''Cost:''<br> 1 Body, 1 $cost2E, 3 Occult, 3 $costE <br><br> ''Reward:''<br> Gain 20VP.<br> Gain 1 Insanity, Gain 2 Creepy, Move the Angry Mob.<br>] }''(either: "The Work is Done","I Have Done the Impossible","My Legacy is Ensured","AH HA HA HAAAAA!!!","My Glorious Creation","The Glory is Mine Forever!") - $nameE - Journal Entry Excerpt'' { (if: $typeE is "creature")[Upon the stroke of midnight, lightning struck metal, sending a terrible electrical current through the machinery. My creation awoke, and with wild eyes gazed upon me, its creator. I had done it! I had created life!] (if: $typeE is "power")[To see my work in the flesh, to see $creationE finally realized; the passion of the moment overwhelmed my senses. I had done it. I shook my fist at God and all who doubted me! You were wrong! I am invincible!] (if: $typeE is "robot")[A brief, blinding flash and the work was done. I threw my goggles to the floor to gaze upon my creation with my own eyes - $creationE. The polished metal surface whirred with interior mechanisms churning - then, glorious motion! Oh wondrous automaton, with you by my side the scientific world will be humbled!] (if: $typeE is "weapon")[I seized the firing mechanism and squeezed the polished metal trigger. When the dust settled and my laboratory wall had been made to crumble into dust, I was unable to contain a sinister grin. The world would remember this day and the weapon I had wrought. My fame would be legendary.] (if: $typeE is "medicine")[I tapped the glass bottle, watching the liquid inside swirl and glow with the purity of the mixture. The $creationE had been a stunning success and once mass production could be attained, my family's legacy would be secure. I laughed. Then, laughed again. My cacophonous laughter echoed off the stone walls of my estate for years to come.] (if: $typeE is "drug")[I observed the effects as the syringe filled with $creationE emptied its contents into the unwilling test subject. Just as I had expected, the reaction was immediate and effusive. For so many years, I had toiled away in the solitude of my estate, and now as I wiped the tears from eyes, my beautiful creation was finally complete.] (if: $typeD is "demon")[The world darkened around me as the $creationE emerged from a void-like rift in time and space. I could feel the immense power of the insidious being, the air hot with the energy of their presence. They turned to me and with a deep growl, they stated, "Master." I had done it. I was now in control and the world would rue the day they doubted $nameE III!] (if: $typeD is "ritual")[The preparations proved tedious, but the resulting wave of spiritual energy as the ritual was completed left me standing in awe of my creation. The $creationE was a brilliant success. And the powers I now harnessed were unthinkable!] }{ (if: $cured is 1)[''Distrust in Medicine''<br> With the Hospital slowly falling into disrepair, the church took great measures to warn the populace of the dangers of inoculation, espousing the virtues of alternative homeopathic remedies and pious living. Inevitably, this led to clusters of Yellow Fever once again appearing within the region. Having no target for their anger, in a befuddled daze, they turned against the scientist responsible for introducing the cure, without whom this self-inflicted moral dilemma would never have existed.<br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br><br> ''Move the Angry Mob token 1 space to the left.'' $fevercure immediately ''gains 1 Creepy'' and ''gains 1 Insanity''. ] (else:)[(goto: "OptiontoKillStart")] } [[Click to continue...|OptiontoKillStart]] OLD references and writings to keep around for now, but will be deleted. IGNORE anything in this section.''Yellow Fever Inoculation'' Through sheer perseverance and months of exposing both themselves, their spouse, all their servants, and several delivery persons to potential curing agents in different hues of yellow, a surprisingly effective solution was created that could be administered intravenously. ''Which individual completed the Yellow Fever Inoculation Experiment?'' { (link: "Dr. $nameA Jr.")[(set: $fevercure to $nameA)(goto: "Unicure")]<br> (link: "Dr. $nameB Jr.")[(set: $fevercure to $nameB)(goto: "Unicure")]<br> (if: $players > 2)[ (link: "Dr. $nameC Jr.")[(set: $fevercure to $nameC)(goto: "Unicure")]<br>] (if: $players > 3)[ (link: "Dr. $nameD Jr.")[(set: $fevercure to $nameD)(goto: "Unicure")]<br>] (if: $players > 4)[ (link: "Dr. $nameE Jr.")[(set: $fevercure to $nameE)(goto: "Unicure")]<br>] } (if: $fever is 1)[] $fevercure Oh hey, you cured Yellow Fever. That's pretty cool.''University'' Pay $1 to gain a Caretaker from Lost and place it in your Quarters. ''Charitable Church'' Pay $ X/X/X to move 1/2/3 spaces backwards on the Creepy Track. ''Hardware Store'' Gain 1 Ingredient of your choice //(except bodies)//. //If you place multiple pieces with this action, each Ingredient you gain may be of the same or a different type.//''Book Store'' Gain 1 Knowledge of your choice //(not Occult)//. //If you place multiple pieces with this action, each Knowledge you gain may be of the same or a different type.//''Wire Service'' Gain $2.''Warehouse'' For a single action, pay $1 any number of times to gain an equal number of Servants from Lost. //Your Self can only perform this action once per visit.//''Friendly Pet Store'' Gain 2 Chemicals.''Advancements in $sci3'' As the years ambled onward and the peculiarities of their experimentations became more complex, it was not unheard of for the family to submit discoveries to scientific and medical journals. While most were summarily rejected, this constant stream of inquiries sometimes resulted in visits from interested parties. One such visitation occurred at the laboratory of $gen2exp. While frightening to behold at first, they were intrigued by the exceedingly complex { (if: $sci3 is "Biology")[display of colorful Chemicals and unique specimens collected (and created) over time.] (if: $sci3 is "Chemistry")[labyrinthine weaving of rubber tubing, chemicals, and simmering beakers of various shapes and sizes along the walls.] (if: $sci3 is "Engineering")[vestibule filled with electrical coils, switches, dials, and several large metal cabinets with blinking red lights (a dazzling rarity in that age).] } Certainly immense strides forward had been made in $sci3. It was only natural that they provided encouragement and financial resources to help preserve this unique arrangement. Especially after being informed that it was the only way they would leave the premises unaltered. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' ''Retrieve the $sci3 Menagerie Vanity Estate Upgrade from the scenario box and add it to your Estate.'' //You must still pay any required costs if you place it a new plot.// Then, return the Storybook token to the supply. (link: "Click to continue...")[ (if: $round is 7)[(set: $sciadv to 1)(goto: "Hospital1")] (if: $round is 8)[(set: $sciadv to 1)(goto: "Hospital2")] (if: $round is 9)[(set: $sciadv to 1)(goto: "Hospital3")]] <!--3 of either Biology, Chemistry, Engineering. Could allow 2 players for 4/5 players.--> ''Carefully pick up the Storybook and do not allow any other players to see the screen.'' Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.{ (click-replace: "Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.")[''Unintended Results'' The dedication to the task was clear. My research unearthed several journals filled with line after line of a single mathematical formula, handwritten and repeated ad nauseam, followed by a chemical formula with slight alterations over time. The obsession literally spanned volumes and eventually paid large dividends. While technically the resulting solution did in fact "cure" all diseases, it also resulted in the death of the test subject, the liquification of their bones, dissolution of skin, and eventually five meters of solid ground in the affected area. A concoction such as this, despite its volatile nature, could offer legitimate scientific benefits upon publication. However, there were, of course, other options... ''CHOOSE:'' ''Do you wish to publish your findings or would you like unleash your creation on your rivals?'' (link: "Publish my findings for fame.")[(set: $cured to 2)(set: $pana to "publish")(goto: "Panacea1")]<br> (if: $round is 7)[(link: "Unleash my creation!")[(set: $cured to 2)(set: $pana to "unleash")(goto: "Hospital1")]] (if: $round is 8)[(link: "Unleash my creation!")[(set: $cured to 2)(set: $pana to "unleash")(goto: "Hospital2")]] (if: $round is 9)[(link: "Unleash my creation!")[(set: $cured to 2)(set: $pana to "unleash")(goto: "PanaceaTooOld")]]] }{(if: $setinf > 0)[ (if: $round is 8)[(goto: "Hospital2")] (if: $round is 9)[(goto: "Hospital3")] ] }''The True Secret'' The family's pursuit of everlasting life brought new and inspirational concepts to the forefront. These ideas could verify the seemingly untenable Masterwork blueprints created by their Grandfather. Does any player have the ''Immortality'' Masterwork Experiment? (link: "Yes.")[(set: $immort to "yes")(goto: "ImmortalityMWUpdate2")] { (link: "No.")[(set: $setinf to 1) (if: $round is 8)[(goto: "Hospital2")] (if: $round is 9)[(goto: "Hospital3")] ] } ''The Possibility Exists'' The thoughts consumed their waking hours, compelling them to action. Surely if a form of ''Immortality'' can be so readily created by the family, then a more perfected version was just on the horizon. It would need to be done. It had to be done, or the shame they felt would weigh heavily on everything their exceptional lineage had created thus far. ''Special SETUP'' Retrieve the ''Immortality'' update card from the Scenario box and give it to the player working towards this Masterwork. { (link: "Click to continue...")[(set: $setinf to 1) (if: $round is 8)[(goto: "Hospital2")] (if: $round is 9)[(goto: "Hospital3")] ] } Add to SCORING { (if: $lycan is "yes")[Check to make sure the player with ''Lycanthropic Strength'' completed their Masterwork. If they did not, they ''lose 5VP.''] (if: $immort is "yes")[Check to make sure the player with ''Immortality'' completed their Masterwork. If they did not, they ''lose 5VP.''] } NOT SURE HOW TO CODE TIE-BREAKERS: I can compare scores with a few lines, but it doesn't take into account tied scores.''SPECIAL SETUP'' ''Retrieve the Storybook tokens.'' Place one token on ''space 3'' of the Sanity Track. Place one token on ''space 4'' of the Creepy Track. //When a player's piece reaches one of these tokens, they will click on the appropriate link and receive a special message for reaching this achievement.// [[Click here to continue...|1sttime-Suspicion]]{ (if: $players is 2)[(set: $symp to (random: 3,4))] (else-if: $players is 3)[(set: $symp to (random: 4,6))] (else-if: $players is 4)[(set: $symp to (random: 6,8))] (else-if: $players is 5)[(set: $symp to (random: 8,10))] }''For the Advancement of $sci3'' The symposium began with a series of lectures from various noted { (if: $sci3 is "Biology")[biologists] (if: $sci3 is "Chemistry")[chemists] (if: $sci3 is "Engineering")[engineers]} from Eastern Europe. When it was their time to present, each cousin in turn rolled in a large cart covered with a velvet blanket to conceal their work until the appropriate moment during the lecture. As noted by several critics, each family member went well over their allotted time, providing eye-opening live demonstrations during the peak of their lectures that required many in the first rows of the operating theater to change into a clean outfit after the end of the exhibition. The spirited presentations stunned the community to abject silence. [[Click to continue...|SymposiumEvent3]] ''Angry Mob SETUP'' Place the Suspicion marker on space ''{ (if: $players is 2)[(set: $tracker to (either: 6,7))] (if: $players is 3)[(set: $tracker to (either: 7,8))] (if: $players is 4)[(set: $tracker to (either: 9,10,11))] (if: $players is 5)[(set: $tracker to (either: 10,11,12))] $tracker}'' and the Angry Mob token one space to the left. ''Suspicion Marker'' The Suspicion Marker represents the furthest right that the Angry Mob can move during a Generation. This marker stays in the same location throughout the current Generation and the Angry Mob token can never be moved ''onto or past'' this marker by any actions or abilities during gameplay. [[Click to continue...|Fever1]] ''SEARCH FOR THE CURE - Early Years'' (set: $round to 19) ''SETUP'' Turn to page ''10'' of the Village Chronicle. Place the Suspicion Marker on space ''{ (set: $tracker to it +2) (if: $players is 4)[(set: $tracker to it +1)] (if: $players is 5)[(set: $tracker to it +1)] $tracker}'' and the Angry Mob token one space to the left. { (if: $players is 3)[Then, since this is a 3-player game, pass the starting player marker clockwise 1 additional time.]} ''Nobel Prize in Medicine'' The scientific world has finally taken notice of $townname and its $playtxt ingenious scholars. The absurdity of it all! Not only does this hamper their ability to experiment freely, it also gives their work mainstream merit. At the End of the Generation, the ''least Creepy'' player will be awarded this prestigious award and ''lose 7VP.'' ''Perfect Mental Balance'' At the end of the Generation, if your piece is on space $mental of the Insanity Track, you will ''gain 5VP''. [[Click to continue...|UniEquity1]] CODE: LosingOrderAid entry should NOT appear if no one has joined the Losing faction. EVIL WOLVES - EVIL bonus - players given a token GOOD penalty - can't use Monster Spawn in town. Gain Creepy. Lycanthropic Strength check If Bank was built - Mayor Award. Masterwork Award - 1st to complete. Charity penalty - ?? Ask for Experiments. Or Eat Servants. - those accepting the cure are unable to refuse. OR masterwork is shared. Occult Experiments encouraged Personal Event Bonus - Steal an Experiment that was donated. A VIAL to cleanse this evil from the land. SETUP Retrieve the Spawning Pods Vanity Estate Tile. Spread their message of dreadful bloodlust and recruit others. They allow for Experiments in the City Limits. They know we can help and require it or they will eat our SERVANTS. But, each round they offer something in return for our sacrifice. Something happens when a player completes a Masterwork. Place a Storybook token there. - Most Creepy Player - Player that donates the most Experiment cards total to the Monster cause will receive a Spawning Pods Vanity Estate Tile. EVENT? I like Revenge for the player that's losing. They choose a player to have to fight. Could rename Labor to Human Jail Other ideas - Creepy Meter alteration. Could just be way less emphasis on Creepiness even though they still have a limit. Occult Experiments Encouraged - Most receives points. EVIL HUNTERS - GOOD consequence - can't use token. Also move on Creepy. If Bank was built - Mayor Award Charity penalty - ?? Chemistry Award 1st round Vote - call the Hunters out as fakes, challenge them to a contest. - those accepting the cure are unable to plot against the Hunters cannot count their Experiments towards the Event. 2nd round Event - donate experiments and add up VP - Either minor reward or donation of Experiment to release into the wild. Chemistry Award given to player Building Gets Checked at end of every round. If a player hasn't performed the action, they take a penalty. Hunters - MONSTERS ARE NOT REAL IN THIS LINE wealth, fame, and power. Something which they will fight to keep, but will not fight actual monsters. 1st round - family meeting! Do we confront the liars and antagonize them (gain Creepy and potentially other negatives). Or do we allow them to continue their ruse (pay taxes and stay the course). VOTE - use Voting token. - players that accepted the CURE have their votes overturned. - most votes win. Chemistry Experiments Encouraged NOT IMPLEMENTED IDEAS: Gain the completed Experiment of another player. That player loses 3VP. EVENT? I like Revenge for the player that's losing. They choose a player to have to fight. ''The Monster Without'' The Order of St. Hubertus' Lodge held a dark secret in the miasmic recesses beneath the edifice above, and after navigating a steep spiraling stone staircase, the cousins found themselves in a large stone room: a makeshift laboratory deep enough beneath the earth that the walls were warm with heat. Glass baubles and pilfered tools were stacked haphazardly around several wooden workspaces with failed experiments and devices thrown into metal waste bins beneath. The Lodge's caretaker extended a long clawed hand towards the center of the room, where a large circular stone well squatted. When they peered inside, they saw the infernal spawning grounds. Slime-covered beasts wallowed within a murky pit sloshing with the putrid stench of rotten meat. They wailed in unseen torment as the caretakers of the Order snapped coiled whips to frighten the malformed wretches into submission. The caretaker spoke in a harsh, gravelly tone, "You are free to use this place as you wish. All that we ask is for a single experiment when we call upon you. Alternatively, our children here are always so very hungry." It was a dark boon indeed to be offered a place in town to ''perform experiments'', but what would this horrible convenience cost them? [[Click to continue...|VialCharity]]Barventures - MASTERWORK REMOVED Immortality reward (Panacea return) CREATE-A-MASTERWORK Storybook Event - Barventures Event - VOTE - to introduce Electricity to the town. They may not like it. It may not be worth the trouble, but the benefits could allow them to Experiment more quickly. Reset Creepy Meter by visiiting Pub, then consult the Storybook. Knowledge is Creepy - gain Creepy for each Knowledge you have at the end of a round. Create-A-Masterwork Kinda makes no sense that Immortality occurs along with MW destruction.''The Curse of Knowledge'' { (if: $round is 16)[ The townsfolk chose to remain ignorant of the technological advances of the age. Not only did they begrudge and mistrust the wealth of knowledge that the cousins had accrued, they hated them for it.] (if: $round is 17)[ The hostility had not abated. If anything, time had proven the townsfolk steadfast in their unsophisticated point of view. The perils of blind faith and excessive drink manifested in the gloom that surrounded the ashen streets.] } ''SETUP'' Each player gains ''1 Creepy'' for ''each'' Knowledge cube in their Quarters. { (if: $round is 16)[[[Click to continue...|CureNegCons]]] (if: $round is 17)[[[Click to continue...|NoUniMayornCreepy]]] }{ (set: $mon to (a: "Strigoi","Moon Presence","Manticore","Golem","Wight","Pricolici","Troll","Priest")) (set: $mon to (shuffled: ...$mon)) (set: $monster1 to $mon's 1st) (set: $monster2 to $mon's 2nd) (set: $monster3 to $mon's 3rd) (set: $monster4 to $mon's 4th) (set: $monster5 to $mon's 5th) (set: $monster3 to $mon's 6th) (set: $monster4 to $mon's 7th) (set: $monster5 to $mon's 8th) }{ (set: $rew to (a: "Occult Knowledge","Chemistry Knowledge","Biology Knowledge","Engineering Knowledge","Chemicals","Animals","Gears","$")) (set: $rew to (shuffled: ...$rew)) (set: $reward1 to $rew's 1st) (set: $reward2 to $rew's 2nd) (set: $reward3 to $rew's 3rd) (set: $reward4 to $rew's 4th) (set: $reward5 to $rew's 5th) (set: $reward6 to $rew's 6th) (set: $reward7 to $rew's 7th) (set: $reward8 to $rew's 8th) }{ (if: $players is 3)[ (set: $hunttemp to (a: 1,2,3)) (set: $hunttemp to (shuffled: ...$hunttemp)) (set: $hunt1a to $hunttemp's 1st) (set: $hunt1b to $hunttemp's 2nd) (set: $hunt2a to $hunttemp's 3rd) ] (if: $players is 4)[ (set: $hunttemp to (a: 1,2,3,4)) (set: $hunttemp to (shuffled: ...$hunttemp)) (set: $hunt1a to $hunttemp's 1st) (set: $hunt1b to $hunttemp's 2nd) (set: $hunt2a to $hunttemp's 3rd) (set: $hunt2b to $hunttemp's 4th) ] (if: $players is 5)[ (set: $hunttemp to (a: 1,2,3,4,5)) (set: $hunttemp to (shuffled: ...$hunttemp)) (set: $hunt1a to $hunttemp's 1st) (set: $hunt1b to $hunttemp's 2nd) (set: $hunt2a to $hunttemp's 3rd) (set: $hunt2b to $hunttemp's 4th) (set: $hunt3a to $hunttemp's 5th) ] (if: $hunt1a is 1)[(set: $h1a to $nameA)] (if: $hunt1a is 2)[(set: $h1a to $nameB)] (if: $hunt1a is 3)[(set: $h1a to $nameC)] (if: $hunt1a is 4)[(set: $h1a to $nameD)] (if: $hunt1a is 5)[(set: $h1a to $nameE)] (if: $hunt1b is 1)[(set: $h1b to $nameA)] (if: $hunt1b is 2)[(set: $h1b to $nameB)] (if: $hunt1b is 3)[(set: $h1b to $nameC)] (if: $hunt1b is 4)[(set: $h1b to $nameD)] (if: $hunt1b is 5)[(set: $h1b to $nameE)] (if: $hunt2a is 1)[(set: $h2a to $nameA)] (if: $hunt2a is 2)[(set: $h2a to $nameB)] (if: $hunt2a is 3)[(set: $h2a to $nameC)] (if: $hunt2a is 4)[(set: $h2a to $nameD)] (if: $hunt2a is 5)[(set: $h2a to $nameE)] (if: $hunt2b is 1)[(set: $h2b to $nameA)] (if: $hunt2b is 2)[(set: $h2b to $nameB)] (if: $hunt2b is 3)[(set: $h2b to $nameC)] (if: $hunt2b is 4)[(set: $h2b to $nameD)] (if: $hunt2b is 5)[(set: $h2b to $nameE)] (if: $hunt1c is 1)[(set: $h2c to $nameA)] (if: $hunt1c is 2)[(set: $h2c to $nameB)] (if: $hunt1c is 3)[(set: $h2c to $nameC)] (if: $hunt1c is 4)[(set: $h2c to $nameD)] (if: $hunt1c is 5)[(set: $h2c to $nameE)] }{ (if: $players is 2)[ (set: $nameA to $h1a) (set: $nameA to $h2a) (set: $nameB to $h1b) (set: $nameB to $h2b)] } (goto: "Evilsforgive")''Reckoning'' The messenger from the Order thanked the scientists and vowed to return once again after a time. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Any player that donated an ''A Experiment'': (either: "Gain 1VP.","Gain an ingredient of your choice.","Receives no bonus.","Loses 1VP. The Order is unpleased with this meager offering.") Any player that donated a ''B Experiment'': (either: "Gain a Knowledge of your choice.","Gain $2.","Gain 2VP.") Any player that donated a ''C Experiment'': (either: "Gain 4VP.","Gain $4.") Any player that chose not to donate ''returns a Servant to Lost'' and ''gains 1 Creepy''. [[Click to continue...|GloomyGothic2]] ''In the Blood'' However, at their final moment of triumph, an unfortunate occurrence in the family's past could have potentially unraveled their attempt to overthrow the Hunters' dominion over this fair village. In the interim evenings before the event could begin, for some, the very thought of confronting the Hunters made them desperately ill. It was as if some occult power had a hold over their senses. This nausea quickly turned to resolve and some even questioned why they had ever doubted the veracity of the Hunters' claims. But, how could their parents have envisioned a strong curse would have been placed upon them when they decided to accept the ''cure'' so many years ago? ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Any player with a ''STORED Hereditary Disease Experiment'' card cannot donate an Experiment to this Event. They immediately ''Lose 1 Creepy'' and return the stored ''Hereditary Disease Experiment'' to the scenario box. [[Click to continue...|HunterConf2]] The Hunting party explored the foggy Moors to the North. --- (display: (either: "Wight","Moon Presence"))The Hunting party explored into the blood-tinged mountains to the West. --- (display: (either: "Golem","Manticore"))The Hunting party explored the Dark Forest to the East. --- (display: (either: "Pricolici","Troll"))The Hunting party explored the cobblestone streets of $townname. --- (display: (either: "Strigoi","Priest"))''A Monster Emerges from the Forest'' It was only when they were less than a meter away in that tangled messed of ancient undergrowth that the dark form revealed itself to $huntname III. It rose from its crouched position on a fallen tree to tower over the hunter's party, half-man, half-beast. Its body was covered head to toe with matted fur, and the face exposed an elongated snout flanked by eyes that shone like feral gas lamps. A being from folklore made flesh - a Pricolici! And there it waited, and watched, hovering in a space between one breath and the next, poised to flee or charge at a moment’s notice. (set: $huntbeast to "Pricolici") The ''Pricolici'' required a sacrifice: ''The Pathway Was Blocked'' The impenetrable haze swirled at its center like a small vortex, alive and billowing, before revealing a massive beast bathed in smoky luminescence. More than twice the size of any hunter in the group, it stood on reptilian hindquarters, scales speckled with moss and fungus oozing with a putrid sheen. And where a face should have been, only a dark, empty abyss could be seen, surrounded by a nest of thick, oily tentacles — a dark headdress of serpents floating in space, unnatural and unseeing, yet devilish to behold. And thus the ''Moonlight Presence'' made itself known. (set: $huntbeast to "Moonlight Presence") The ''Moonlight Presence'' required a sacrifice: ''The Pathway Was Blocked'' The stifling mist dissolved before $huntname III as the oily black eyes of a hideous visage glinted in the pale moonlight. Under the boughs of a dying black locust tree, a ''shambling wight'' appeared. The ground beneath his broken toes withered to ash with each of his belabored steps. Somehow, the hunting party would need to vanquish this foul terror before the night was over. (set: $huntbeast to "Wight") The ''Shambling Wight'' required a sacrifice:''A Monster Emerges from the Forest'' As they approached a small stone bridgeway spanning a dried up creek bed, a foul odor hung heavy in the air, chokingly thick. It was not long before the source became apparent as an ancient Troll clambered out from under the bridge, taking up position in front of it as though to block the way. Its blue-gray hair reached its knees, rope-like and covered with mud and leaves. From the tangle of wild hair emerged two massive arms with two equally massive hammers clutched in each hand. Its pock-marked, asymmetrical face loomed with anger in their direction. (set: $huntbeast to "Troll") The ''Troll'' required a sacrifice: ''A Beast Amongst the Stony Crags'' A concussive pounding echoed down through the canyon. Upon a darkened ridge not a furlong away, stood a colossus of aggravated rock that could have been hewn from the mountain itself: a Stone Golem! Its massive fists smashed repeatedly into a crater of its own making, and so preoccupied was it in this endeavor, the danger in approaching was not in being seen but in avoiding the boulders it sent plummeting down in all directions. (set: $huntbeast to "Golem") The ''Golem'' required a sacrifice: ''A Beast Amongst the Stony Crags'' The ever-thinning air became filled with dust and smoke, followed by a terrifying roar that sent tremors of fear through all who heard it. A massive beast with a lion’s frame and giant’s head loomed above the path ahead, stirring up a cloud of debris in its wake. The Manticore landed heavily on the narrow path, folded back its leathery wings, and stood perched upon the stone expectantly. Smiling hungrily through a distorted human face that revealed countless needle-sharp teeth, it whipped its barbed tail in malevolent anticipation. (set: $huntbeast to "Manticore") The ''Manticore'' required a sacrifice: ''A Town Encounter'' As they approached the darkened alley, they heard first the hideous sound of an animal hungrily feeding on a fresh kill. Peering down the alley, the sound immediately ceased as torchlight revealed a pale-skinned creature hovering over the eviscerated body of an unfortunate townsfolk. It spun to face them, baring long, white fangs and hissing like a cornered housecat. Its red, hateful eyes narrowed as it prepared to strike; its gangly torso was covered neck to waist in a glistening liquid. There was no doubt that this abomination was a ''Strigoi''. It would appear the tales were true. (set: $huntbeast to "Strigoi") The ''Strigoi'' required a sacrifice: ''A Town Encounter'' The doors to the church swung inward with great force as though pulled at the end by an unseen hand. A figure in dark robes stood at the pulpit, his unnatural voice echoing a solemn incantation. Positioned like sentinels, marble statues flanked the apse, their eyes leaking blood that pooled red and bright on the floor below. When $huntname III looked again to the figure at the altar, the Priest had turned towards them, arms held high. His hood pulled back to reveal a disfigured face, hairless, lipless and smiling grotesquely, glossy with a sheen of fresh blood. (set: $huntbeast to "Priest") The ''Priest'' required a sacrifice: ''(either: "Majestic","Stunning","Grand","Monumental","Extraordinary") Success!'' (set: $huntcount to it +1) The foul $huntbeast emits a (either: "loud shriek","low, rumbling growl", "strained gasp for air") before collapsing to the ground, defeated. In seconds, its corporeal form dissipates to ash and is carried away on the wind. For as long as tales are still told of this cursed night, the $huntbeast was never to be seen again. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Each player participating in the Hunt: ''Lose 1 Creepy'' and ''Gain (either: "2VP","3VP","a Knowledge of your choice").'' { (if: $round is 13)[[[Click here to continue.|Prosperity2]]] (if: $round is 14)[[[Click here to continue.|HuntSuccessCheck]]] }''(either: "Miserable","Woeful","Dismal","Pathetic","Grim") Failure!'' It had all occurred so quickly, and yet the devastation left in its wake was as violent as it was terrible. The foul $huntbeast (either: "seemed to cackle to itself","issued a triumphant wail", "smiled with an unsettling grin"), surveying the scene. Before them, strewn about in sanguine piles, were the wide-eyed corpses of those hunters whose weapons failed to conquer the monstrous being. In the blink of an eye, the $huntbeast turned and quickly escaped into the shadows, but not before stealing away the family's trusted servants. Their tortured screams were heard throughout the valley. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' All players participating in the Hunt ''return their Servant on Hunter's Haven to Lost''. { (if: $round is 13)[[[Click here to continue.|Prosperity2]]] (if: $round is 14)[[[Click here to continue.|HuntSuccessCheck]]] }(set: $effect to (a: "DetEffect1","DetEffect2","DetEffect3","DetEffect4")) (if: $det1 is "visited")[(set: $effect to it - (a: "DetEffect1"))] (if: $det2 is "visited")[(set: $effect to it - (a: "DetEffect2"))] (if: $det3 is "visited")[(set: $effect to it - (a: "DetEffect3"))] (if: $det4 is "visited")[(set: $effect to it - (a: "DetEffect4"))] (set: $effect to (shuffled: ...$effect)) (set: $tempeffect to $effect's 1st) (goto: $tempeffect) ''The Inevitable'' While I struggle to insinuate such an onerous deed, the cousins were correct in assuming the worst. Whether intentional or merely a byproduct of the stresses of advanced aging on the mind, there would soon be horrible and unknowable consequences for unnaturally extending one's existence. Did they take this opportunity to experiment upon their own flesh and blood? Or was this only coincidental, and was the continued promise of additional help around the Estate worth the potential negatives to come? ''CHOOSE:'' In turn order, any player with an ''Immortality card'' can choose to discard it to the scenario box. If a player ''discards an Immortality card'', they immediately: ''Gain 1 Body,'' ''(either: "Gain 1 Biology knowledge,","Lose 1 Insanity,")'' and ''Gain 1VP''. Then, they must return a ''Caretaker'' piece to Lost. If a player chooses to keep their Immortality card, they receive no special bonus and also keep their ''Caretaker'' piece. Once all players have chosen, [[click here to continue...|OptiontoKillQuestion]] ''A Peculiar Biological Study'' During this time, the cousins' journal entries became increasingly paranoid about the work of their remarkably hardy parental figures. Not only did they describe a feeling of anxiety from their constant negativity and criticism, but there was a growing fear that they were actively sabotaging the experiments. Coincidentally, several journal entries, dated over the course of the first months in the year of 1891, form a collective study on human anatomy. Contained within these pages are detailed sketches of exposed muscle fibers with cross-sections of the various strains upon veins and arteries. The age of the subject is especially advanced, providing exceptional clarity on how this has affected the structure and blood flow of these areas. It is only in the final pages that the unnamed subject (or subjects?) is referred to as "deceased." The note reads: "Subject deceased. Over these months, I believe I have become even closer to my parent than ever before. If only we could have had more time together; so much still to learn. It is so silent in the laboratory now." [[Click to continue...|OptiontoKillYes]] ''VOTE'' Retrieve the Voting tokens from the box. Each player takes a Voting token into their fist and chooses a side. When all players have chosen, all players simultaneously reveal their vote. ''Yay'' is a vote to facilitate electricity, which will ''allow us to complete experiments at a discounted cost'' despite the fact that it may enrage the populace into ''destruction of property''. ''Nay'' is vote to reject electricity and support the obstinate masses. //(Ties are broken, by the last player in turn order.)// If the majority of votes are YAY, [[click here|ElecY]] If the majority of votes are NAY, [[click here|ElecN]] ''Immortality Check:'' ''Are there any players with Immortality cards remaining in their possession?'' (link: "Yes.")[(goto: "DetEffectRandom")(set: $imm to "none")] [[No. |NoUni2]] ''A Somber End'' "Fat lot of good your family's 'contribution to society' has done for us!" The patrons would sneer upon their approach. "I used to have Yellow Fever. Now I've got Yellow Fever AND an insufferable doctor trying to tell me what to do!" The townsfolk showed little respect for the family's past political and charitable stances and they expressed their derision at every opportunity. This resulted in significant perturbation. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' $mayor III ''draws 1 Compulsion'' and returns the ''Mayoral Ribbon'' token to the scenario box. $charity III ''draws 1 Compulsion'' and returns the ''Charity'' token to the scenario box. [[Click to continue...|S5Specialbar1]] One thing I was unable to do with coding is figure out how to remove the articles "the" and "a" from the start of someone's title. Many people start with THE and I'd like to remove that and add it again when describing it on the confirmation page.''Reveal this screen to all players to confirm your Masterwork has been completed.'' { (if: $tempcomp is $nameA)[(display: "MWCreationHubA")] (if: $tempcomp is $nameB)[(display: "MWCreationHubB")] (if: $tempcomp is $nameC)[(display: "MWCreationHubC")] (if: $tempcomp is $nameD)[(display: "MWCreationHubD")] (if: $tempcomp is $nameE)[(display: "MWCreationHubE")] } If you have paid all necessary costs and completed your Masterwork, [[click here to continue...|MWComplete]] { (if: $round is 16)[(link-goto: "If not, click to return...","NoUni1")] (if: $round is 17)[(link-goto: "If not, click to return...","NoUni2")] (if: $round is 18)[(link-goto: "If not, click to return...","NoUni3")] } =><= --- ''GENERATION III: The Order Revealed'' --- <= I will attempt to relay the events as they were explained to me, though I fully understand the solemn repercussions of the unfathomable knowledge contained within this text. Amongst the forests of the Romanian countryside, nestled in shadowed valleys of the Carpathian mountains, there are places so far removed from the rest of the world as to appear almost invisible in their machinations. In shadows tucked away amongst the deepest tangled forests, from the darkest crevices burrowed deep into the earth, these are the places where our most pervasive legends and folklore emerge. And in their isolation, it grows. The next generation's return was marked by a most startling and terrifying discovery. For it appeared that while the disease had left the town, another more insidious plague had befallen the land. The Order of St. Hubertus, emboldened by the success of their clandestine labors, took the opportunity afforded them and manifested in their true and cursed forms. And like the emblematic wolfhead adorning their insignia, they arose with silvered pelts, baring distended fangs and open animalistic maws that dripped with saliva. The least horrifying held this form at least, as the other beasts hosted swelling deformities and twisted extremities too repulsive to describe. The ancient evils they had unearthed from beneath the town gave them the ability to transform without the full moon's glow, and in the light of day, these monstrous beings set upon the townsfolk to enforce their rule either by coercion or by visceral and bloody execution. The beasts were real. But as the Order expanded its numbers and influence, the beasts did not recognize their new forms as folly. They called themselves "Strigoi" (embracing the vampiric moniker given them by local folklore) and commanded quick control over the local government. To them, they were the powerful new evolution of society. They perceived humanity as the real monster! However, they were not unkeen to the important work of the family. In fact, they took a great interest in their experimentations, even to the point of offering their assistance. And as the new generation was thrust into this distorted new reality, they were forced to consider a most dreadful prospect: to aid these creatures in their scheme and spread their message of dreadful bloodlust or incur their loathsome wrath. [[Click to continue...|EvilConsequences]] ''Are You Quite Sure?'' Despite their proclivities towards what other weaker willed individuals might call "a mad, unending exploration of a vile and unethical pseudoscience by the frightfully inexperienced," the youthful generation had one unyielding virtue: they were very rich. And the rich definitely do not pay taxes. While a sort of hysteria may have gripped their frail psyche, the very idea that $playtxt noted aristocrats would pay a penalty for the privilege of living amongst these rabble without a significant guarantee of return on investment was more absurd than the rumors of a portal opened to the netherworld. [[Click to continue...|EvilHunter1Event]] ''A Clear Choice'' Clearly, there were no others strong enough to thwart the evil that had taken over the valley and spread across the forests of Hungary. $charity III returned to their home with determination in their chest and retrieved the crystal ''vial'' now displayed above their hearth. With this vial of the most blessed of holy waters, they knew they could take matters into their own hands and righteously reclaim the land once lost. Alternatively and suspiciously well-timed, a traveling caravan had offered a significant sum for it recently. But, of course, ridding the land of all evil was the most pressing of matters. ''CHOOSE:'' [[Click here to Cleanse|VialChanged]] the land of this evil. [[Click here to Sell|VialSold]] the vial for selfish reasons (for $3). ''Carefully hand this storybook device to $charity and do not allow any other players to see the screen.'' Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation. (click-replace: "Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.")[''A Legacy of Charity'' While inspecting a wooden shelf in the pantry, the unexpected clatter of crystal on stone shook the young $charity III. Luckily, it appeared the vial of liquid remained undamaged, although the paper tag attached to the cork stopper at its top was of considerable age. The note stated, "A gift of Holy Water from a thankful church of God," and was aptly addressed to $charity the 1st. Interestingly, it had remained stored away since the charitable events of the long past. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Retrieve the ''Vial'' token from the scenario box and place it near your Estate. [[Click to continue...|LycanthropicMessage]]]''The Unconscionable Choice'' To look back on this moment with pure hindsight and recognize that a being had the potential to halt this insidious infestation and chose instead to turn the situation into a financial windfall is harrowing. $charity III's infamous decision would result in a blight upon the land that was nigh unstoppable. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' $charity III gains ''$3'' and ''1VP''. (set: $vialuse to "no") [[Click to continue...|WolvesEvil2]] ''Selflessness for Change'' (set: $vialuse to "yes") The liquid was introduced at the source of the stream that winded through the hoary gloom enveloping the town of $townname. Like a glittering oil, it spread downstream, turning the murky waters clear once again with a supernatural effervescence. After less than a day's passing, the azalea blossoms that once dotted the landscape were in full bloom and the radiant sunlight bathed the valley in a honey glow. The creatures that remained found themselves reformed, though still horrific to behold, and went about clothed in dapper suits and summer dresses with hats that could easily be tipped as a friendly greeting. Those of the Order that refused to submit to the cleansing beauty fled into the hills never to be seen again. The cousins were free once again to be the most unconventional presences within the town, and returned to their labors with no further interruptions. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' $charity III gains 1VP. [[Click to continue...|GloomyGothic3]] ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Any player that donated an ''A Experiment'': (either: "Gain 1VP.","Gain an ingredient of your choice.","Receives no bonus.","Loses 1VP. The Order is unpleased with this meager offering.") Any player that donated a ''B Experiment'': (either: "Gain a Knowledge of your choice.","Gain $2.","Gain 2VP.") Any player that donated a ''C Experiment'': (either: "Gain 4VP.","Gain $4.") Any player that chose not to donate ''returns a Servant to Lost'' and ''gains 1 Creepy''. [[Click to continue...|GloomyGothic3]] (if: $seedy is "yes")[''Carefully hand this storybook device to $gen1creep and do not allow any other players to see the screen.'' Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation. (click-replace: "Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.")[''Under Cover of Darkness'' On an unseasonably warm evening with a thick fog obscuring their arrival, an operative from the { (if: $wolves is "evil")[Order of St. Hubertus] (if: $hunters is "evil")[Fraternity of Hunters] } knocked upon the estate door. There, at the entranceway with no intent to venture further, the man addressed $gen1creep II in an authoritative tone. { (if: $wolves is "evil")[ (if: $gen1creep is $nameA)[ (if: $allyA is "hunters")[(display: "Gen1Creepy-EvilCollect")] (if: $allyA is 0)[(display: "Gen1Creepy-EvilCollect")] (else:)["We have decided to forgive your family's debt to us due to your recent pledge of loyalty. I was sent to offer this word of salutation and reminder that we are pleased. Consider this canceled debt as our gift to you." The man, with a ceremonial air, then lifted a piece of parchment before him and, with a quick slice, let the cleaved paper fall to the stone steps.<br><br> After $gen1creep and the man exchanged their secret handshake, the meeting was over and the carriage was once again swallowed by the mists.]] (if: $gen1creep is $nameB)[ (if: $allyB is "hunters")[(display: "Gen1Creepy-EvilCollect")] (if: $allyB is 0)[(display: "Gen1Creepy-EvilCollect")] (else:)["We have decided to forgive your family's debt to us due to your recent pledge of loyalty. I was sent to offer this word of salutation and reminder that we are pleased. Consider this canceled debt as our gift to you." The man, with a ceremonial air, then lifted a piece of parchment before him and, with a quick slice, let the cleaved paper fall to the stone steps.<br><br> After $gen1creep and the man exchanged their secret handshake, the meeting was over and the carriage was once again swallowed by the mists.]] (if: $gen1creep is $nameC)[ (if: $allyC is "hunters")[(display: "Gen1Creepy-EvilCollect")] (if: $allyC is 0)[(display: "Gen1Creepy-EvilCollect")] (else:)["We have decided to forgive your family's debt to us due to your recent pledge of loyalty. I was sent to offer this word of salutation and reminder that we are pleased. Consider this canceled debt as our gift to you." The man, with a ceremonial air, then lifted a piece of parchment before him and, with a quick slice, let the cleaved paper fall to the stone steps.<br><br> After $gen1creep and the man exchanged their secret handshake, the meeting was over and the carriage was once again swallowed by the mists.]] (if: $gen1creep is $nameD)[ (if: $allyD is "hunters")[(display: "Gen1Creepy-EvilCollect")] (if: $allyD is 0)[(display: "Gen1Creepy-EvilCollect")] (else:)["We have decided to forgive your family's debt to us due to your recent pledge of loyalty. I was sent to offer this word of salutation and reminder that we are pleased. Consider this canceled debt as our gift to you." The man, with a ceremonial air, then lifted a piece of parchment before him and, with a quick slice, let the cleaved paper fall to the stone steps.<br><br> After $gen1creep and the man exchanged their secret handshake, the meeting was over and the carriage was once again swallowed by the mists.]] (if: $gen1creep is $nameE)[ (if: $allyE is "hunters")[(display: "Gen1Creepy-EvilCollect")] (if: $allyE is 0)[(display: "Gen1Creepy-EvilCollect")] (else:)["We have decided to forgive your family's debt to us due to your recent pledge of loyalty. I was sent to offer this word of salutation and reminder that we are pleased. Consider this canceled debt as our gift to you." The man, with a ceremonial air, then lifted a piece of parchment before him and, with a quick slice, let the cleaved paper fall to the stone steps.<br><br> After $gen1creep and the man exchanged their secret handshake, the meeting was over and the carriage was once again swallowed by the mists.]] ] (if: $hunters is "evil")[ (if: $gen1creep is $nameA)[ (if: $allyA is "wolves")[(display: "Gen1Creepy-EvilCollect")] (if: $allyA is 0)[(display: "Gen1Creepy-EvilCollect")] (else:)["We have decided to forgive your family's debt to us due to your recent pledge of loyalty. I was sent to offer this word of salutation and reminder that we are pleased. Consider this canceled debt as our gift to you." The man, with a ceremonial air, then lifted a piece of parchment before him and, with a quick slice, let the cleaved paper fall to the stone steps.<br><br> After $gen1creep and the man exchanged their secret handshake, the meeting was over and the carriage was once again swallowed by the mists.]] (if: $gen1creep is $nameB)[ (if: $allyB is "wolves")[(display: "Gen1Creepy-EvilCollect")] (if: $allyB is 0)[(display: "Gen1Creepy-EvilCollect")] (else:)["We have decided to forgive your family's debt to us due to your recent pledge of loyalty. I was sent to offer this word of salutation and reminder that we are pleased. Consider this canceled debt as our gift to you." The man, with a ceremonial air, then lifted a piece of parchment before him and, with a quick slice, let the cleaved paper fall to the stone steps.<br><br> After $gen1creep and the man exchanged their secret handshake, the meeting was over and the carriage was once again swallowed by the mists.]] (if: $gen1creep is $nameC)[ (if: $allyC is "wolves")[(display: "Gen1Creepy-EvilCollect")] (if: $allyC is 0)[(display: "Gen1Creepy-EvilCollect")] (else:)["We have decided to forgive your family's debt to us due to your recent pledge of loyalty. I was sent to offer this word of salutation and reminder that we are pleased. Consider this canceled debt as our gift to you." The man, with a ceremonial air, then lifted a piece of parchment before him and, with a quick slice, let the cleaved paper fall to the stone steps.<br><br> After $gen1creep and the man exchanged their secret handshake, the meeting was over and the carriage was once again swallowed by the mists.]] (if: $gen1creep is $nameD)[ (if: $allyD is "wolves")[(display: "Gen1Creepy-EvilCollect")] (if: $allyD is 0)[(display: "Gen1Creepy-EvilCollect")] (else:)["We have decided to forgive your family's debt to us due to your recent pledge of loyalty. I was sent to offer this word of salutation and reminder that we are pleased. Consider this canceled debt as our gift to you." The man, with a ceremonial air, then lifted a piece of parchment before him and, with a quick slice, let the cleaved paper fall to the stone steps.<br><br> After $gen1creep and the man exchanged their secret handshake, the meeting was over and the carriage was once again swallowed by the mists.]] (if: $gen1creep is $nameE)[ (if: $allyE is "wolves")[(display: "Gen1Creepy-EvilCollect")] (if: $allyE is 0)[(display: "Gen1Creepy-EvilCollect")] (else:)["We have decided to forgive your family's debt to us due to your recent pledge of loyalty. I was sent to offer this word of salutation and reminder that we are pleased. Consider this canceled debt as our gift to you." The man, with a ceremonial air, then lifted a piece of parchment before him and, with a quick slice, let the cleaved paper fall to the stone steps.<br><br> After $gen1creep and the man exchanged their secret handshake, the meeting was over and the carriage was once again swallowed by the mists.]]] } [[Click to continue...|Devastation3]] ]] (else:)[(goto: "Devastation3")](if: $seedy is "no")[''Carefully hand this storybook device to $gen1creep and do not allow any other players to see the screen.'' Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation. (click-replace: "Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.")[{ (if: $wolves is "good")[''Order of St. Hubertus''<br> Consumed by the immense scientific enterprise they have undertaken, the cousins rarely allowed moments to indulge visitation. However, after they had ignored several missives from the Order, a group of individuals arrived at $gen1creep's estate with an un-sprung cart full of building materials.<br><br> It appeared that they were aware of their ''parent's refusal'' to accept a gift from the Fraternity of Hunters. So, regardless of $gen1creep's current allegiances, they had procured the necessary materials to construct a gift and were set upon the task immediately. <br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> You may choose to immediately retrieve and build the ''Reading Room'' Estate Upgrade at no cost. //However, you must still pay any costs related to expanding into a new Estate plot.// <br><br> The ''Reading Room'' acts the same as any other action space in your Estate: On your turn, you may place a Servant or Spouse on this tile to ''lose 2 Insanity''. ] (if: $hunters is "good")[''Fraternity of Hunters''<br> Consumed by the immense scientific enterprise they have undertaken, the cousins rarely allowed moments to indulge visitation. However, after they had ignored several missives from the Fraternity, a group of individuals arrived at $gen1creep's estate with an un-sprung cart full of building materials.<br><br> It appeared that they were aware of their ''parent's refusal'' to assist the evil schemes of the Order of St. Hubertus. So, regardless of $gen1creep's current allegiances, they had procured the necessary materials to construct a gift and were set upon the task immediately. <br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> You may choose to immediately retrieve and build the ''Shrine'' Estate Upgrade at no cost. //However, you must still pay any costs related to expanding into a new Estate plot.// <br><br> The ''Shrine'' acts the same as any other action space in your Estate: On your turn, you may place a Servant or Spouse on this tile to ''lose 2 Creepy''. ] [[Click to continue...|Devastation2]] }]] (else:)[(goto: "Devastation2")]{ (if: $hunters is "evil")[''Agreed''<br> The individual produced a banker's cheque from their overcoat and an ink pen from their breast pocket, signing the note with an extravagant signature. Stamped upon the egg-shell cardstock in golden foil was the insignia of a bow and arrow. The man twirled his handlebar mustache with a deep laugh before exiting by carriage.<br><br> Perhaps it had been a chance meeting, yet for some reason, the scientist suspected a deeper meaning had yet to be revealed.<br><br> ''SPECIAL ACTION''<br> Gain $2. Then, return the Storybook token to the supply. ] (if: $wolves is "evil")[''Agreed''<br> The representative was appreciative of $gen1creep's humble demonstration. As the experiment was performed, they proceeded to take extensive notes which were then sealed up in a leather satchel as they departed soon after. The satchel was conspicuously emblazoned with the insignia of a wolf's head. Perhaps it had been a chance meeting, yet for some reason, the scientist suspected a deeper meaning had yet to be revealed.<br><br> ''SPECIAL ACTION''<br> You may immediately take a ''Perform an Experiment'' action. Then, return the Storybook token to the supply. ] } (set: $seedy to "yes") { (if: $round is 1)[(set: $creepy4 to 1)(link-goto: "Click to return...","Fever1")] (if: $round is 2)[(set: $creepy4 to 1)(link-goto: "Click to return...","Fever2")] (if: $round is 3)[(set: $creepy4 to 1)(link-goto: "Click to return...","Fever3")] }''Ridiculous!'' (set: $seedy to "no") As one might expect, the next few pages of notes in the journal are filled with unflattering jests and laughter at this absolutely half-witted rube and the seedy proposition they had offered. And so $gen1creep waved them away with flippant disregard for wasting their time. An individual has no allegiance but to one's self. They would not be saddled with some unknown, absurd consequence! However, unbeknownst to the semi-virtuous scientist, there was another party that observed this gesture with great interest. Perhaps in time this mystery would be revealed. { (set: $randrew to (either: 1,2)) (if: $randrew is 1)[''SPECIAL SETUP''<br><br> Lose ''1'' Creepy. Then, return the Storybook token to the supply.<br><br>] }{ (if: $round is 1)[(set: $creepy4 to 1)(link-goto: "Click to return...","Fever1")] (if: $round is 2)[(set: $creepy4 to 1)(link-goto: "Click to return...","Fever2")] (if: $round is 3)[(set: $creepy4 to 1)(link-goto: "Click to return...","Fever3")] }''Vacation Offer Accepted'' (set: $vacation to "yes") Perhaps the weight of the work lay heavy upon their shoulders or the stress of parenthood prompted a needed escape. In either case, $gen1sane would utilize this second home often. As they contemplated the calm ocean waters from their seaside villa, their child was left in the care of servants and spent their winters within the solitary stone walls of the cold estate. ''SPECIAL ACTION'' Pay $1. Gain 1 Knowledge of your choice. Then, you may discard a Compulsion from your hand. If you do, gain 1 Knowledge of your choice. Then, return the Storybook token to the supply. { (if: $round is 1)[(set: $sane3 to 1)(link-goto: "Click to return...","Fever1")] (if: $round is 2)[(set: $sane3 to 1)(link-goto: "Click to return...","Fever2")] (if: $round is 3)[(set: $sane3 to 1)(link-goto: "Click to return...","Fever3")] }''Time is Precious'' (set: $vacation to "no") There was no time to rest. And even if there was, the frequent bouts of insomnia $gen1sane experienced certainly eliminated the option. It was all in the work. They were convinced that this obsession that carved lines into their graying skin was more important than self-preservation. How could they vacation while perched on the precipice of a triumphant victory? { (set: $randrew to (either: 1,2)) (if: $randrew is 1)[''SPECIAL SETUP''<br><br> Gain ''$1''. Gain ''1'' Creepy. Then, return the Storybook token to the supply.<br><br>] }{ (if: $round is 1)[(set: $sane3 to 1)(link-goto: "Click to return...","Fever1")] (if: $round is 2)[(set: $sane3 to 1)(link-goto: "Click to return...","Fever2")] (if: $round is 3)[(set: $sane3 to 1)(link-goto: "Click to return...","Fever3")] } (if: $seedy is "no")[''Carefully hand this storybook device to $gen1creep and do not allow any other players to see the screen.'' Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation. (click-replace: "Once you are ready, click here to reveal your secret conversation.")[{ (if: $wolves is "good")[''A Strange Visit''<br> Consumed by the immense scientific enterprise they have undertaken, the cousins rarely allowed moments to indulge visitation. However, after they had ignored several missives from a strange organization, a group of individuals arrived at $gen1creep's estate with an un-sprung cart full of building materials.<br><br> It appeared that they were aware of $gen1creep's ''parent's refusal'' to accept a suspicious gift, a refusal that avoided catastrophic consequences too horrible to describe. Without further explanation though, they had procured the necessary materials to construct a gift and were set upon the task immediately. <br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> You may choose to immediately retrieve and build the ''Reading Room'' Estate Upgrade at no cost. //However, you must still pay any costs related to expanding into a new estate plot.// <br><br> The ''Reading Room'' acts the same as any other action space in your Estate: On your turn, you may place a Servant or Spouse onto this tile to ''lose 2 Insanity''.<br><br> [[Click to continue...|Gen1Creepy-AgreedReturn]] ] (if: $hunters is "good")[''A Strange Visit''<br> Consumed by the immense scientific enterprise they have undertaken, the cousins rarely allowed moments to indulge visitation. However, after they had ignored several missives from a strange organization, a group of individuals arrived at $gen1creep's estate with an un-sprung cart full of building materials.<br><br> It appeared that they were aware of $gen1creep's ''parent's refusal'' to accept a suspicious gift, a refusal that avoided catastrophic consequences too horrible to describe. Without further explanation, they had procured the necessary materials to construct a gift and were set upon the task immediately. <br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> You may choose to immediately retrieve and build the ''Shrine'' Estate Upgrade at no cost. //However, you must still pay any costs related to expanding into a new estate plot.// <br><br> The ''Shrine'' acts the same as any other action space in your Estate: On your turn, you may place a Servant or Spouse onto this tile to ''lose 2 Creepy''.<br><br> [[Click to continue...|Gen1Creepy-AgreedReturn]] ] }] ] (else:)[(goto: "Gen1Creepy-AgreedReturn")](if: $seedy is "yes")[''Carefully hand this storybook device to $gen1creep and do not allow any other players to see the screen.'' { (if: $wolves is "evil")[''Order of St. Hubertus'' On an unseasonably warm evening with a thick fog obscuring their arrival, an operative from the Order of St. Hubertus knocked upon the estate door. There, at the entranceway with no intent to venture further, the man addressed $gen1creep II in an authoritative tone. The man peered out from under his cloth hood, his eyes glowing with unnatural light. "Though we no longer have claims to this region, our assistance is not given without cost. And your family's debt has come due," the man stated while several other cloaked individuals emerged from their carriage, small blades visibly clutched between their fingers.<br><br> It seemed that decision of their parent had finally come to fruition. The gentlemen were kind enough to offer $gen1creep II a choice of debt repayment.<br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> Discard a ''completed Experiment (of B-Level or higher)'' OR ''discard an Estate Upgrade Tile'' (not a Storage Shed). ] (if: $hunters is "evil")[''Fraternity of Hunters'' On an unseasonably warm evening with a thick fog obscuring their arrival, an operative from the Fraternity of Hunters knocked upon the estate door. There, at the entranceway with no intent to venture further, the man addressed $gen1creep II in an authoritative tone. "Though we no longer have claims to this region, our assistance is not given without cost. And your family's debt has come due. We kindly ask for immediate remuneration," the man stated while several other burly individuals emerged from their carriage, tapping various gleaming bludgeoning instruments against their palms.<br><br> The gentlemen were kind enough to offer $gen1creep II a choice of debt repayment.<br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> Pay ''$2 to the supply'' OR ''discard an Estate Upgrade Tile'' (not a Storage Shed). ] } [[Click to continue...|Hospital2]] ] (else:)[(goto: "Hospital2")] (if: $vacation is "yes")[''Carefully hand this storybook device to $gen1sane.'' ''Absent Parent'' An investment in a summer home meant time away from the estate, and these increasingly frequent visits to rekindle sanity meant $gen1sane II's childhood guidance came more from the servants around the home than from their parental figures. This left an unfortunate void in their psychological development, one that affected their actions for the remainder of their life. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' (either: "Gain a Maladjustment card for this Generation.","Lose 3VP.") [[Click here to continue...|Devastation1]] ] (else:)[(goto: "Devastation1")](if: $vacation is "yes")[''Carefully hand this storybook device to $gen1sane.'' ''Absent Parent'' An investment in a summer home may have calmed their parent's nerves during times of stress, but it also meant time away from the Estate. These increasingly frequent visits to rekindle sanity meant $gen1sane II's childhood guidance came more from the servants around the home than from their parental figures. This left an unfortunate void in their psychological development, one that affected their actions for the remainder of their life. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' (either: "Gain a Maladjustment card for this Generation.","Lose 3VP.") [[Click here to continue...|Hospital1]] ] (else:)[(goto: "Hospital1")](if: $hospsign is $gen1sane)[ (if: $vacation is "no")[''More Time Than Ever'' $gen1sane II's parent had instilled in them a strict work ethic. Their refusal to purchase a summer home at their colleague's insistence, while stressful, had allowed them time to engender this familial connection. And so this matter of administrative duties was handled with the utmost brevity, allowing them to focus on the monumental task at hand. ''SPECIAL ACTION'' You may immediately return your ''Self'' to your Quarters and take another action. { (if: $round is 7)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","Hospital1")] (if: $round is 8)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","Hospital2")] (if: $round is 9)[(link-goto: "Click to return...","Hospital3")] }] (else:)[ (if: $round is 7)[(goto: "Hospital1")] (if: $round is 8)[(goto: "Hospital2")] (if: $round is 9)[(goto: "Hospital3")] ] ] (else:)[ (if: $round is 7)[(goto: "Hospital1")] (if: $round is 8)[(goto: "Hospital2")] (if: $round is 9)[(goto: "Hospital3")] ] (if: $meet is $gen1sane)[ (if: $vacation is "no")[''More Time Than Ever'' $gen1sane II's parent had instilled in them a strict work ethic. Their refusal to purchase a summer home at their colleague's insistence, while stressful, had allowed them time to engender this familial connection. And so this matter of written refusal was handled with the utmost brevity, allowing them to focus on the monumental task at hand. ''SPECIAL ACTION'' Return the piece you placed on this location to your Quarters. You may immediately take another turn. Also, ''gain 1VP''. [[Click to continue...|Devastation1]] ] (else:)[(goto: "Devastation1")] ] (else:)[(goto: "Devastation1")]''The Hunter's Tax'' Set amid an unseasonably warm afternoon, the Fraternity Lodge held a town meeting, gathering the majority of the townsfolk within its carved stone walls, which were most lavishly adorned with rich velvet trappings and the stuffed heads of beasts they claimed to have bested in the wilds. The leader spoke again, outfitted in his signature trenchcoat and broad-rimmed hat. "The unprecedented progress this town has made is due to our immaculate safeguarding from disease and the insidious demons that haunt us from the hills. However, unprecedented progress does come at a price..." ''SPECIAL SETUP - TAXATION'' Any player that does not have a Servant/Spouse piece on ''The Hunter's Rest'' must ''pay $2'' OR ''2 resources'' to the supply. If this is not possible, they instead ''lose 3VP''. Alternatively, any player with a ''Hunter token'' may discard it to the scenario box to invoke their privilege and forgo this payment. [[Click to continue...|Preposterous]] ''The Hunter's Tax'' Even in their final years of life, the Hunters were unwilling to forgo the last remaining payment. ''SPECIAL SETUP - TAXATION'' Any player that does not have a Servant/Spouse piece on ''The Hunter's Rest'' must ''pay $2'' OR ''2 resources'' to the supply. If this is not possible, they instead ''lose 3VP''. Alternatively, any player with a ''Hunter token'' may discard it to the scenario box to invoke their privilege and forgo this payment. [[Click to continue to Final Scoring...|Scoring]] ''An Opportunity'' With a shrill squeal, the violin player ended the performance abruptly. The dinner guests turned their heads to see the source of the commotion: a shambling creature with unseemly patches of wispy gray fur covering their deformities had climbed over the east Veranda and now crouched near the dinner table. It seemed to intuit the place of their gathering and only appeared when all of the family were present. "Do not fear me. I am not your enemy. By mere chance, I happened upon a concoction of daisy fleabane and tassel hyacinth that was able to completely suppress my insatiable hunger for destruction." The jowls of the malformed dog-man shuddered with each gnarled utterance, yet his emerald eyes gleamed with a light of hope. "With your help, we can cure the entirety of the valley and help to undo the horrors that we have wrought!" Though they took exception to using an invention not of their own creation, the cousins knew a decision could allow them to avoid the humiliation of donating another one of their precious experiments to these mongrels. ''VOTE'' Players will now vote on whether to unleash this concoction to tame the demonic beasts of the land. A ''Yay'' vote is a vote to Unleash the Concoction. A ''Nay'' vote is a vote to refuse. All players take their Voting tokens into their hand. Players will secretly choose a side to place face up in their palm. Then, they will close their fist and extend it to the center of the table. When all players have chosen, all players reveal their votes. Tally all the votes and the side with the most votes wins. //Ties are broken by the last player in turn order.// ''Click on the result of your vote:'' [[Click here if you voted to Cleanse.|WolvesVoteCheck]] [[Click here if you voted Nay.|TheVialUse]]''Remember the Cure'' It was strange. While the vote may have commenced and they seemed to have come to a positive arrangement, some were suddenly overwhelmed with an urge to assist the ''Order''. They tried to voice their approval to the vote, straining with effort, but the word "nay" instead escaped their lips. How could they have known the consequences of their parents' decision to accept the cure for their hereditary illness? Moments later, their cursed minds has twisted the truth so irreversibly that they could not fathom why they had ever agreed to such a foul plan in the first place! ''SPECIAL ACTION'' All players with a ''Disease card'' in their Stored Experiments must ''flip their Vote token to Nay'' in their palm if it is not already. Tally all votes once again. ''Click on the result of your vote:'' [[Click here if you voted to Cleanse.|WolvesVoteChange]] [[Click here if you voted Nay.|TheVialUse]] ''A Vote for Change'' (set: $vialuse to "yes") And it was decided by the group that by the next fortnight, they would devise a serum powerful enough to reverse the evil blight upon the land. Using a coagulated mixture of the beast's own blood, hemlock's root, and borax throughout a series of involuntary trials, the chemical was proven strong enough to eliminate the effects of the transformation or kill the subject. The liquid was introduced at the source of the stream that winded through the hoary gloom enveloping the town of $townname. Like a glittering oil, it spread downstream, turning the murky waters clear once again with a supernatural effervescence. After less than a day's passing, the azalea blossoms that once dotted the landscape were in full bloom and the radiant sunlight bathed the valley in a honey glow. The creatures that remained found themselves reformed, though still horrific to behold, and went about clothed in dapper suits and summer dresses with hats that could easily be tipped as a friendly greeting. Those of the Order that refused to submit to the cleansing beauty fled into the hills never to be seen again. The cousins were free once again to be the most unconventional presences within the town, and returned to their labors with no further interruptions. [[Click to continue...|VialSoldforLess]] ''Valuable Keepsake'' Due to the surprising and uncharacteristically good nature of the ill-tempered family of scientists, the blight from the land was removed. The seemingly important crystal vial of holy water, while not pivotal to the tale of the cousins, was interesting to note nonetheless. For this bohemian glass piece represented the finest hand-blown 17th century crystal, and as the Austro-Hungarian Empire waned, these commanded prices that rivaled the most precious jewelry of the time. The cousin took this opportunity to sell the vial for a significant sum of money. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' $charity III gains ''$2''. [[Click to continue...|GloomyGothic3]] ''An Award For Research'' { (if: $vialuse is "yes")[ The monsters felt guilty about not honoring their word even if it stretched their sense of ethical duty to do so. On a cool summer evening in the twilight years of life, the newly inspired creatures formed a bright cavalcade and paraded their way up the steep and winding hills to the Estate. Within hours, the new structure was built, and though they proposed a feast in the scientist's honor, they quickly meandered back home when the gates were firmly shut and the hounds were released to chase them from the property. ] (else:)[ Though uninterested in the pageantry of a meager prize, they performed the gesture anyway. A small group of gray minions lumbered their way into the courtyard and built the unseemly structure with muck and stone. Once finished to their satisfaction, they stuck a slimy ribbon on the doorframe and skulked away into the surrounding fog without a word. ] } ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Award the ''Spawning Pods'' Vanity Estate Upgrade to the player with the most completed ''Occult'' Experiments. If there is a tie, award the Upgrade to the tied player with the least VP. //If there is still a tie, return the Upgrade to the box and all tied players gain 7VP instead.// Ignore all plot costs when building this Upgrade. [[Click to continue to Final Scoring...|Scoring]] ''Failed Meeting'' The family's eccentricities were well known in the local area, but generally these were for reasons that at least appeared to have a sinister logic behind them. However, during this time, one of the family members was seen around town (for a period of several weeks) wearing a thinly veiled disguise about them and saying the phrase, $password, in a conspiratorial tone to anyone who should pass by. Their presence was more harshly scrutinized by the local residents after this bout of what could only be deemed mental instability. ''You gain 1 Creepy.'' [[Click to continue...|Devastation1]] { (if: $wolves is "evil")[The man peered out from under his cloth hood, his eyes glowing with unnatural light. "We are displeased with your decision to forgo aligning yourself with our numbers. Fortunately for yourself, we will assume this is merely ignorance on your part and kindly ask for immediate remuneration," the man stated while several other cloaked individuals emerged from their carriage, small blades visibly clutched between their fingers.<br><br> The gentlemen were kind enough to offer $gen1creep II a choice of debt repayment.<br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> Discard a ''completed Experiment (of B-Level or higher)'' OR ''discard an Estate Upgrade Tile'' (not a Storage Shed).<br><br> Also, ''Lose 1 VP.'' ] (if: $hunters is "evil")["We are displeased with your decision to forgo aligning yourself with our numbers. Fortunately for yourself, we will assume this is merely ignorance on your part and kindly ask for immediate remuneration," the man stated while several other burly individuals emerged from their carriage, tapping various gleaming bludgeoning instruments against their palms.<br><br> The gentlemen were kind enough to offer $gen1creep II a choice of debt repayment.<br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> Pay $2 to the supply OR ''discard an Estate Upgrade Tile'' (not a Storage Shed).<br><br> Also, ''Gain 1 Insanity.'' ] } ''Another Opportunity'' Along with a newfound sense of acceptance and encouragement for the works of the young cousins, the university also consulted with the family on emerging matters of progressive importance. ''Please choose the player with the least VP:'' //(ties are broken by the player that went later in turn order on the previous round.)// { (link: "$nameA")[(set: $saneplayer to $nameA)(goto: "SanityChoice")]<br> (link: "$nameB")[(set: $saneplayer to $nameB)(goto: "SanityChoice")]<br> (if: $players > 2)[ (link: "$nameC")[(set: $saneplayer to $nameC)(goto: "SanityChoice")]<br>] (if: $players > 3)[ (link: "$nameD")[(set: $saneplayer to $nameD)(goto: "SanityChoice")]<br>] (if: $players > 4)[ (link: "$nameE")[(set: $saneplayer to $nameE)(goto: "SanityChoice")]<br>] }''A Return to Evil - Late Years'' (set: $round to 15) { (if: $overrun is "yes")[ ''SETUP''<br> Place all Suspicious Building tiles nearby, then turn to page ''18'' of the Village Chronicle.<br><br> Return the ''Engineering Master's Study'' Estate Upgrade to the scenario box.<br><br> ''Town Buildings SETUP'' <br> (if: $exposeA > 0)[Place the $ba tile over spot A on the Village Chronicle. <br>] (if: $exposeB > 0)[Place the $bb tile over spot B on the Village Chronicle. <br>] (if: $exposeC > 0)[Place the $bc tile over spot C on the Village Chronicle.] ''MONSTER SPAWN''<br> The Town Hall of the village has been transformed into the unofficial headquarters of the Order. When a player visits the Monster Spawn, they may ''Perform an Experiment''.<br><br> (set: $ending to "END-WolvesEvil2") [[Click at the end of the Generation to continue to Final Scoring...|Scoring]] ] } { (if: $frenzy is "yes")[ ''SETUP''<br> Place all Suspicious Building tiles nearby, then turn to page ''18'' of the Village Chronicle.<br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP'' Return all Creepy tokens from player Estates to the scenario box. Remove the Storybook token from the Creepy Track.<br><br> Return the ''Biology Master's Study'' Estate Upgrade to the scenario box.<br><br> ''Town Buildings SETUP'' <br> { (if: $exposeA > 0)[Place the $ba tile over spot A on the Village Chronicle. <br>] (if: $exposeB > 0)[Place the $bb tile over spot B on the Village Chronicle. <br>] (if: $exposeC > 0)[Place the $bc tile over spot C on the Village Chronicle.] } ''MONSTER SPAWN''<br> The Town Hall of the village has been transformed into the unofficial headquarters of the Order. When a player visits the Monster Spawn, they may ''Perform an Experiment''.<br><br> (set: $ending to "END-WolvesEvil2") [[Click at the end of the Generation to continue to Final Scoring...|Scoring]] ] }{ (if: $huntcount is 2)[(set: $huntresult to "success")] (if: $huntcount is 1)[(set: $huntresult to (either: "success","failure"))] (if: $huntcount is 0)[(set: $huntresult to "failure")] }{ (if: $huntresult is "success")[''A (either: "Righteous","Wondrous") Fate''<br> One by one, the steel weapons were dropped into the wooden chest; the clang of glaives, daggers, and morningstars reverberating through the lodge. They wiped the blood from tri-cornered hats and hung their polished rifles on hooks upon the walls. Affecting a cool manner, they calmed their shaken nerves with pálinka, a brandy that burned like hot coals on the throat and anesthetized their thoughts.<br><br> They would remain vigilant until the pestilence was wiped from the land, but with $huntcount successful hunt, the worst of it was over. The hunt has been a success.<br><br> ''SPECIAL SETUP''<br> Retrieve the ''Chemistry'' and ''Biology Master's Study'' Vanity Estate Upgrades from the scenario box and place them nearby. Any time you gain a Vanity Estate Upgrade, you may choose to gain 1 of these instead.<br><br> (set: $overrun to "no") [[Click to continue...|Prosperity3]]] (if: $huntresult is "failure")[''Overrun By (either: "Demons","Monsters")''<br> The scud banked across the moon, enveloping the entire valley in a dismal, silvery cocoon.<br><br> The townsfolk had placed the fate of $townname into the hands of a group of leather-clad cretins willing to engage in hand-to-hand combat with supernatural forces beyond their understanding. Ultimately, the scientists scoffed at their futile struggle.<br><br> Embittered by what had been taken from them for this fool's errand, the cousins observed the chaos, protected from the wailing screams of a town overwhelmed by creatures. Perched upon their veranda, they sipped fresh coffee as the hellish minions descended upon the town to exert their terrible influence. The hunt had failed.<br><br> (set: $overrun to "yes") [[Click to continue...|Prosperity3b]]] } Editor's note - August 1923: Hello Ensign, I've looked over the manuscript you submitted and I have to admit that it is not what I would have expected. The foreword promises a harrowing and potentially supernatural series of events that test the limits of imagination. However, the story tells a cohesive and somewhat uplifting tale of a family of reformed scientists making the world a better place. I admit that in some cases the means to which this is accomplished is morosely detailed and quite unorthodox, but overall the story seems incomplete. If I may paraphrase: A scientific family enters into the political theater and then assists the Church with charitable donations towards building a hospital. This decision results in prosperity in the region{(if: $cured is 1)[" which is further improved by the generous creation of an unprecedented cure for Yellow Fever."]}{(if: $uni is "yes")[ After which, they put on an excellent Symposium that attracts a University to the area. ]}{(if: $ultimate is "yes")[They even create an unintentional vaccine that essentially eliminates all disease from the region. ]}Ultimately, their work is instrumental in catapulting Hungary and $townname into the international spotlight. It is very uplifting and has a good potential to sell well to the burgeoning educational market in London. Recommendation - alter descriptions in early chapters to reflect a more uplifting tale. Omit horror and supernatural elements. Offer happy ending. I look forward to seeing your revisions. ''THE END?'' ''The First Night of the Hunt'' The horses reared as a blinding vein of lightning arced across the tempestuous sky, followed by a thunderous rapport that shook the ground beneath their hooves. The anxious party stood at a crossing in the roadway, trembling as they surveyed their surroundings. To the north, a thick fog swallowed the moors, the gray mist obscuring the horrors hidden beneath. To the east, the road entered a dark forest of foreboding trees with limbs entangled. To the West, the sky burned a deep red above the rocky mountains, seething with demonic ferocity. It was also possible to return south to the village again and see what lurked amongst the cordoned streets and torchlight. ''(either: $h1a,$h1b) III'' has been selected to make the choice of directions for the Hunt. Once you have chosen a direction, the town will supply both players with the listed resources. ''CHOOSE'' (link: "North to the moors. Both players gain 2 $reward1.")[(set: $huntreward to $reward1)(set: $direction to "HuntNorth")(goto: "HuntNight1")] (link: "East to the dark forest. Both players gain 2 $reward2.")[(set: $huntreward to $reward2)(set: $direction to "HuntEast")(goto: "HuntNight1")] (link: "West to the mountains. Both players gain 2 $reward3.")[(set: $huntreward to $reward3)(set: $direction to "HuntWest")(goto: "HuntNight1")] (link: "South, back to the town. Both players gain 2 $reward4.")[(set: $huntreward to $reward4)(set: $direction to "HuntSouth")(goto: "HuntNight1")] (set: $huntname to (either: $h1a,$h1b))''The Second Night of the Hunt'' The horses reared as a blinding vein of lightning arced across the tempestuous sky, followed by a thunderous rapport that shook the ground beneath their hooves. The anxious party stood at a crossing in the roadway, trembling as they surveyed their surroundings. To the north, a thick fog swallowed the moors, the gray mist obscuring the horrors hidden beneath. To the east, the road entered a dark forest of foreboding trees with limbs entangled. To the West, the sky burned a deep red above the rocky mountains, seething with demonic ferocity. It was also possible to return south to the village again and see what lurked amongst the cordoned streets and torchlight. ''(either: $h2a,$h2b) III'' has been selected to make the choice of directions for the Hunt. Once you have chosen a direction, the town will supply both players with the listed resources. ''CHOOSE'' (link: "North to the moors. Both players gain 2 $reward5.")[(set: $huntreward to $reward5)(set: $direction to "HuntNorth")(goto: "HuntNight2")] (link: "East to the dark forest. Both players gain 2 $reward6.")[(set: $huntreward to $reward6)(set: $direction to "HuntEast")(goto: "HuntNight2")] (link: "West to the mountains. Both players gain 2 $reward7.")[(set: $huntreward to $reward7)(set: $direction to "HuntWest")(goto: "HuntNight2")] (link: "South, back to the town. Both players gain 2 $reward8.")[(set: $huntreward to $reward8)(set: $direction to "HuntSouth")(goto: "HuntNight2")] (set: $huntname to (either: $h2a,$h2b))(display: $direction) ''$huntreward.'' ''VOTE'' Both players on the Hunt take their Voting tokens into their hand. They will secretly choose a side to place face up in their palm. Then they will close their fist and extend it to the center of the table. A ''Yay'' vote is a vote to ''contribute'' to the Hunt. A ''Nay'' vote is a vote to ''keep your resources''. If BOTH players choose to contribute, all Servants will survive and each player will ''pay 1 $huntreward'' to the supply. If 1 player chooses to contribute, all Servants will survive and the contributing player will ''pay 2 $huntreward'' to the supply. If neither player chooses to contribute, their Servants will go to Lost and the ''Angry Mob token will move 1 space to the left.'' ''The Result of the Vote'' Did at least one player vote to contribute to the Hunt? [[Yes.|HuntSuccess1]] [[No.|HuntFail1]] (display: $direction) ''$huntreward.'' ''VOTE'' Both players on the Hunt take their Voting tokens into their hands. They will secretly choose a side to place face up in their palm. Then they will close their fist and extend it to the center of the table. A ''Yay'' vote is a vote to ''contribute'' to the Hunt. A ''Nay'' vote is a vote to ''keep your resources''. If BOTH players choose to contribute, all Servants will survive and each player will ''pay 1 $huntreward'' to the supply. If 1 player chooses to contribute, all Servants will survive and the contributing player will ''pay 2 $huntreward'' to the supply. If neither player choose to contribute, their Servants will go to Lost and the ''Angry Mob token will move 1 space to the left.'' ''The Result of the Vote:'' Did at least one player vote to contribute to the Hunt? [[Yes.|HuntSuccess1]] [[No.|HuntFail1]] ''In Preparation for the Hunt'' As the full moon rose against a crimson sky, it was clear that the night of the Hunt had finally arrived. $h1a III and $h1b III were chosen. Naturally, the cousins declined to put themselves in potential harms way, so it was decided that they would send representatives in their stead to assist the Hunters. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' $h1a III and $h1b III each choose a Servant/Spouse piece and place it on the Hunter's Haven. [[Click to continue...|HuntersChoice1]] ''In Preparation for the Hunt'' As the full moon rose against a crimson sky, it was clear that the night of the Hunt had finally arrived. $h2a III and $h2b III were chosen. Naturally, the cousins declined to put themselves in potential harms way, so it was decided that they would send representatives in their stead to assist the Hunters. ''SPECIAL SETUP'' $h2a III and $h2b III each choose a Servant/Spouse piece and place it onto the Hunter's Haven. [[Click to continue...|HuntersChoice2]] =><= --- ''GENERATION III: The Order Revealed'' --- <= I will attempt to relay the events as they were explained to me, though I fully understand the solemn repercussions of the unfathomable knowledge contained within this text. Could a period of prosperity emerge like a blooming lily in the shadow of a headstone? Could it thrive in soil so enriched by disease and death? With the evil machinations exposed and banished from the town, the Order of St. Hubertus was quick to answer these questions with reforms that cleared the smog and grayness from the streets. They tilled the fields till the beet flowers sprung from the earth, encouraged trade with nearby towns, and embraced modern conveniences, even so far as to negotiate an extension of the national electrical power grid. The youths, upon returning from university to claim their inheritance, could scarcely recognize the village from their childhood. But, it soon became clear why they were so determined to be accepted and improve their reputation. For one evening, when the blood moon crossed the evening sky, they transformed, revealing the monstrous beings they had kept secret for so many years as the unafflicted in the town looked on in horror. The beasts were real. But the beasts did not recognize their new forms as folly. Though their bodies shifted into monstrosities more animal than man - more wolven, with sharp features, claws, and steel-eyed gazes - they pleaded with the public for compassion. Should we not celebrate that which makes us different? Is it not these differences that allow us to grow stronger together? They believed that every creature was special in their own way and were convinced that reformation could tame the impulses of any creature be it man or beast. And with that hope in their hollow hearts, they endeavored to spread a message of love and acceptance to all humans. O poor, misguided wretches! Had the human inhabitants not suddenly found themselves outnumbered by a den of nightmarish beings, they may have voiced their opposition with violent reprisal. But, with no option to the contrary, the monsters retained their hellish visages and life returned to a semblance of normalcy. That is, until the scientists once again began their work in earnest and attracted the Order's attention. [[Click to continue...|GoodConsequences]] { (set: $scoreA to (prompt: "Please enter the final score for $nameA.")) } =><= Thank you for recording this important historical information, $nameA. <== [[Click to continue.|ScoreEntryP2]] ''THIS PASSAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION.'' //(if it does not show the correct winning name, please excuse this error)// { (if: $scoreA > (max: $scoreB,$scoreC,$scoreD,$scoreE))[(set: $winner to $nameA)] (else-if: $scoreB > (max: $scoreC,$scoreD,$scoreE))[(set: $winner to $nameB)] (else-if: $scoreC > (max: $scoreD,$scoreE))[(set: $winner to $nameC)] (else-if: $scoreE > (max: $scoreE))[(set: $winner to $nameD)] (else:)[(set: $winner to $nameE)] } $winner is the winner! (link: "Click to see your Ending.")[(goto: $ending)] { (set: $scoreB to (prompt: "Please enter the final score for $nameB.")) } =><= Thank you for recording this important historical information, $nameB. <== { (if: $players < 3)[[[Click to continue...|WinnerHUB]]] (else:)[[[Click to continue...|ScoreEntryP3]]] }{ (set: $scoreC to (prompt: "Please enter the final score for $nameC.")) } =><= Thank you for recording this important historical information, $nameC. <== { (if: $players < 4)[[[Click to continue...|WinnerHUB]]] (else:)[[[Click to continue...|ScoreEntryP4]]] }{ (set: $scoreD to (prompt: "Please enter the final score for $nameD.")) } =><= Thank you for recording this important historical information, $nameD. <== { (if: $players < 5)[[[Click to continue...|WinnerHUB]]] (else:)[[[Click to continue...|ScoreEntryP5]]] }{ (if: $players < 5)[(goto: "WinnerHUB")] }{ (set: $scoreE to (prompt: "Please enter the final score for $nameE.")) } =><= Thank you for recording this important historical information, $nameE. <== [[Click to continue.|WinnerHUB]]''Overshadowed and Exploited'' While this history may contain a modicum of inconceivable occurrences that stretch the limits of the imagination, it remains a peculiar story relegated to an obscure place and time. It is a mostly forgotten artifact of an era of pseudo-science and speculation that amounted to very little historical significance. For it was not the experimentations of $playtxt ambitious and incredulous scientists that were remembered, it was the Hunters that amassed fame, wealth, and respect on the backs of the superstitious peasants. The disease that wreaked havoc on the countryside was ignored; recast as a demonic presence from folklore; one that could only be kept at bay through the continued vigilance of the Fraternity of Hunters, which of course came at a great financial cost. Over the next several years, the Fraternity and its members abandoned the town for more lucrative positions within the government. Soon the not-so-secret society became the affluent aristocrats controlling the entirety of the Hungarian political establishment from the shadows. And the family, who once commanded a measure of reverence, were assigned to obscure prefectures of their own across the country. If this story is to be believed, then their knowledge still remains trapped within the decaying walls of stone estates overlooking the forgotten village of $townname. The work was finally over. THE END? ''The Spread of Evil'' I write these final words under candle-light, from a shelter I have fashioned in the crawl-space beneath the manor. For a desk, a dusty plank of cedar. I try to keep my utensils above the floor which can become musty and dank during my frequent overnight stays: a dull quill, ink, several lengths of charcoal, a ream of parchment. It is no longer safe to sleep in my bed when night falls. The creatures emerge from the shadows to feed on the few souls that still remain, or to irreversibly change them into shambling horrors most unimaginable. To think that my work to uncover the genealogy of a mildly successful scientific family would cause me to become consumed by a maelstrom of spreading evil! It is my hope that when I complete this writing (if I complete this writing), that these words will offer a history to condemn these fools and their complicity with demons. The world must know who is responsible. It must condemn the group who coddled darkness and made a mockery of science! O God, I hear the creatures again! Their malformed claw-tips scratching at the floorboards! Damn them for what they have done! Damn this infernal work. For it has unleashed a plague upon the land of which there can be no end in sight. THE END?''Frenzy Decision'' The Order suggested a single evening, once every few years, where the town becomes a place to unleash all their frustrations at once. They deemed it the night of "The Frenzy." Citing recent advances in the field of psychology, they suggested that controlled indulgence might alleviate the mania they experience. Given the scientific expertise of the cousins (and possibly with no other stable options), they consulted them in private on this matter, hoping to come to a consensus. ''VOTE'' All players take all of their money into their hands. They then secretly choose any amount to place into their right hand to bid on choosing the outcome. ''Encouraging'' the Frenzy will guarantee that experimentation will no longer be considered Creepy, but also introduces other problems. ''Not encouraging'' the Frenzy will maintain the Biology award. Once all players are ready, reveal the amount of money bid simultaneously. The player that bid the most wins the vote and also ''gains 2VP''. //(If there is a tie, the player who went last in turn order the previous round wins the bid.)// Only the player that wins the election must pay their bid to supply. All others return their money to their Estates. ''The winning player immediately gains 2VP and chooses the option below:'' [[We encouraged this behavior.|YesFrenzy]] [[For God's sake, we did not encourage this behavior.|NoFrenzy]] ''A Frenzied Decision'' The Order suggested a single evening, once every few years, where the town becomes a place to unleash all their frustrations at once. They deemed it the night of "The Frenzy." Citing recent advances in the field of psychology, they suggested that controlled indulgence might alleviate the mania they experience. Given the scientific expertise of the cousins (and possibly with no other stable options), they consulted them in private on this matter, hoping to come to a consensus. ''VOTE'' All players take their Voting tokens into their hands. The players will secretly choose a side to place face up in their palm. Then they will close their fist and extend it to the center of the table. A ''Yay'' vote is a vote to encourage the Frenzy. //This will guarantee that experimentation will no longer be considered Creepy, but creates other problems.// A ''Nay'' vote is a vote to ''not'' encourage the Frenzy. //This will maintain the Biology award.// Once all players have chosen, they all reveal their votes. Tally the votes and the side with the most votes wins. //Ties are broken by the last player in turn order.// ''Click on the result of your vote:'' [[We encouraged this behavior.|YesFrenzy]] [[For God's sake, we did not encourage this behavior.|NoFrenzy]] ''VOTE'' All players take all of their money into their hands. They then secretly choose any amount to place in their right hand to bid on choosing the outcome. The winning player will ''gain 3VP'' and have the option to choose if the town gains or rejects electricity. Once all players are ready, reveal the amount of money bid simultaneously. //(If there is a tie, the player who went last in turn order the previous round wins the bid.)// Accepting electricity which will ''allow us to complete experiments at a discounted cost'' despite the fact that it may enrage the populace into ''destruction of property''. Rejecting electricity will support the obstinate masses and ''quell the Angry Mob''. --- Once all players are ready, reveal the amount of money bid simultaneously. The player that bid the most wins the election. Only the player that wins the election must pay their bid to the supply. All others return their money to their Estates. ''The winning player immediately gains 3VP and chooses the option below:'' Obtain Electricity and [[click here|ElecY]]. Refuse Electricity and [[click here|ElecN]]. What I'm trying to do is compare all the entered scores and find the winner. BUT, this code below doesn't take into account TIES. FIRST TIE-BREAKER: Did all tied players complete their Masterwork? YES. NO. If no, choose the tied players that COMPLETED their Masterwork. (display tied player names with a multiple-checkable boxes beside them) SECOND TIE-BREAKER: Which tied player built the most Estate Upgrades? (display tied players' names with a single checkable box beside them) (also display checkable box that says "Still tied") If ''still tied'', set the $winner to "the family." Otherwise, set $winner to the winner.[[Click to tabulate scores for posterity...|ScoreEntryP1]]=><= --- Welcome to ''MY FATHER'S WORK'' Preview Edition --- <== This is a preview prototype version of the full My Father's Work game and includes the complete scenario: ''The Cost of Disease''. This version only includes the ''text'' needed to play which should be read aloud to all players when appropriate. The final version will be available as a free download for Apple and Android devices. It will feature gorgeous illustrations, atmospheric audio, helpful visual examples, introductory voice narration, and additional modes to track player scores and unlocked Endings. For the moment, we ask your patience as we labor to bring the full digital version into existence. [[Click here to continue...|TITLE SCREEN]] ''Our Sincerest Apology'' This scenario is not available in the Preview version. [[Click to return...|Start2]]''Successful Treatment'' While they could never fully cure the psychologic disorders that plagued them throughout their lives, they were able to pinpoint effective countermeasures to provide relief. The continued treatment of their afflictions allowed the scientists to overcome the especially ravaging effects of their diseases. ''SETUP'' After gaining your VP reward for completing this Experiment, flip this card face-down. While this card is face-down, you cannot be affected by Storybook Events. //At the end of the Generation, this card will be discarded.// { (if: $round is 4)[[[Click to return...|Devastation1]]] (if: $round is 5)[[[Click to return...|Devastation2]]] (if: $round is 6)[[[Click to return...|Devastation3]]] } ''Continue to not allow other players to see the screen.'' --- { (if: $wolves is "good")[ ''A Message of Confirmation''<br> Several weeks hence, $meet received a small It instructed them to keep their pledge to ''expose'' the suspicious activities to themselves. In the coming years, it would become clear what was required of them.] (else-if: $wolves is "evil")[ ''A Message of Confirmation''<br> Several weeks hence, $meet received a small It instructed them to keep their pledge to ''conceal'' the suspicious activities to themselves. In the coming years, it would become clear what was required of them.] } [[Click to return...|Devastation1]] ''Continue to not allow other players to see the screen.'' --- { (if: $hunters is "good")[ ''A Message of Confirmation''<br> Several weeks hence, $meet received a small It instructed them to keep their pledge to ''expose'' the suspicious activities to themselves. In the coming years, it would become clear what was required of them.] (else-if: $hunters is "evil")[ ''A Message of Confirmation''<br> Several weeks hence, $meet received a small It instructed them to keep their pledge to ''conceal'' the suspicious activities to themselves. In the coming years, it would become clear what was required of them.] } [[Click to return...|Devastation1]]
