Blue Lock Chapter 226 Raw Scans and Spoilers

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Post Last Updates by Amit: Wednesday, January 31, 2024 @ 8:50 PM

Blue Lock Chapter 226 Raw Scans and Spoilers

The audience watched as Ubers initiated another retaliatory move, with premier forward Marc Snuffy adeptly intercepting a pass between Yukimiya and Isagi, according to spoilers for Blue Lock Chapter 226. However, Snuffy’s calculations were thrown off when the team’s main player refused to go along with his strategic plan. Earlier, Gagamaru managed to intercept Barou’s shot, throwing the ball to Isagi who sparked Bastard Munchen’s counteroffensive. Isagi received support from Noa and Yukimiya, but soon it was down to Yukimiya and Isagi to maintain the offensive, as Noa was taken out of the game by a foul from Aiku. In a twist of fate, Snuffy took advantage of their lack of coordination and stole the ball, hindering their attack.

Blue Lock Chapter 226 Raw Scans

The forthcoming chapter has been titled “Retirement Notice,” according to the leaked details for Blue Lock Chapter 226. Snuffy, with his unparalleled intellect, identified a minor blunder by Yukimiya, setting the stage for the next chapter. Seizing the ball, he instigated a counterattack for the Ubers. The spoilers for Blue Lock chapter 226 then highlight Isagi’s extensive inner dialogue. Although his positioning was flawless, a slight miscommunication led to his frustration over the failed play. Still, Isagi took responsibility, believing that as a proficient striker, he should have been able to convert the received pass into a goal and thus didn’t fault Yukimiya Kenyu. There was little time for Isagi to ponder over his recent attempt as he swiftly transitioned to defense to counter the Ubers’ imminent onslaught. The Ubers, however, seemed to have full command of the situation as more players surged forward, resulting in a crowded front line. Gagamaru, unable to anticipate Barou’s shot due to the thickening crowd, found himself in a state of confusion.

Despite being on the defensive, Isagi managed to keep track of the ball and observe Barou’s position and potential timing for a shot. Consequently, he was able to analyze each player’s positioning, capitalizing on his motivation. Isagi was notably disappointed with Barou’s conduct. Although he recognized the Ubers’ strategy was designed to ensure the entire team’s success, he felt it was out of character for Barou to be dominated by others. The anticipation was high for Barou to take the shot upon receiving the final pass from Don Lorenzo, but he held back. Hence, in the subsequent chapter, fans can look forward to seeing Barou employ his distinct style of play. With this abrupt shift, Bastard Munchen may face challenges in adjusting to the Ubers.
