Banana Glycemic Index: Nutrition Facts, Weight Loss, Health Benefits

May 2024 · 5 minute read

Bananas, a beloved fruit known for their sweetness and versatility, have long been a staple in diets worldwide. Despite their relatively high carbohydrate content, bananas typically boast a low glycemic index, making them a favorable option for individuals managing their blood sugar levels.¹ Rich in essential nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C, and fiber, bananas have been recognized for their potential role in promoting heart health and aiding in digestion.² Moreover, recent studies suggest that the resistant starch in bananas may play a significant role in regulating blood sugar levels, potentially benefiting individuals with type 2 diabetes. 

According to the American Diabetes Association, the glycemic index of a food is a relative ranking of how carbohydrate-containing foods raise blood glucose levels. A low glycemic index is typically considered 55 or less. Despite their natural sugar content, Bananas have a glycemic index ranging from 42 to 62, depending on their ripeness.¹ This moderate glycemic index, along with its rich nutrient profile, has positioned bananas as a potentially beneficial addition to a balanced diet for individuals managing diabetes.

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Glycemic Index Table

The glycemic index (GI) of a food indicates how quickly it raises blood sugar levels when compared to pure glucose, which has a GI of 100. For a 100g serving of bananas, the average glycemic index ranges from 42 to 62, depending on the ripeness and variety of the fruit.¹ The carbohydrate content of a 100g serving of bananas typically amounts to approximately 23g.² Considering the moderate glycemic index and carbohydrate content, the glycemic load (GL) per serving is estimated to be between 10 and 14, indicating a moderate impact on blood sugar levels.

It's important to note that cooking can potentially increase the glycemic index of some foods, including bananas, as the heat can break down complex carbohydrates into simpler sugars. However, the specific impact of cooking on the glycemic index of bananas may vary based on the cooking method and duration.

The glycemic index is a valuable tool for individuals looking to manage their blood sugar levels as it helps in understanding how different foods affect glucose levels. Foods with a low glycemic index are typically digested and absorbed more slowly, causing a lower and slower rise in blood sugar levels. This information is crucial for individuals, particularly those with diabetes, as it aids in making informed dietary choices to maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Glycemic Index

Serving Size

Carbohydrate* per Serving (g)

GL per Serving

Nutritional Facts

Bananas are nutritionally rich fruits, containing essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, and potassium. A medium-sized banana, approximately 118 grams, typically provides around 9% of the daily recommended potassium intake and 11% of the recommended vitamin C intake.² Furthermore, bananas are a good source of dietary fiber, with a medium-sized banana containing about 3 grams of fiber contributes to digestive health and promotes a sense of fullness. 

The nutritional information below is for 100 g of bananas.²







A (3 µg), B6 (0.37 mg), C (8.7 mg).


Total Fat

Health Benefits

Is Banana Good for Weight Loss?

Bananas can be a beneficial component of a weight loss diet when consumed in moderation as part of a well-balanced, calorie-controlled eating plan. Despite their natural sugar content, bananas are relatively low in calories and rich in dietary fiber, which can promote a sense of fullness and help control hunger. Additionally, the resistant starch found in some bananas may support healthy digestion and contribute to improved metabolic function, potentially aiding in weight management efforts.³

Incorporating bananas into a weight loss plan should be done mindfully, considering the overall calorie intake and balance of nutrients. Pairing bananas with protein-rich foods or healthy fats can enhance their satiety-promoting effects and contribute to a more balanced meal plan. Consulting a registered dietitian or nutritionist can provide personalized guidance on integrating bananas into a weight loss regimen while ensuring a comprehensive and sustainable approach to achieving weight management goals.

Is Banana Safe for People Living with Diabetes?

Bananas can be a safe and nutritious option for individuals with diabetes when consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. While bananas contain natural sugars and carbohydrates, they also provide essential nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals. The fiber content in bananas can help slow down the absorption of sugars, potentially leading to more stable blood sugar levels. Furthermore, the resistant starch found in some bananas may contribute to improved insulin sensitivity, making them a valuable addition to a diabetic meal plan.

According to the American Diabetes Association, incorporating fruits like bananas, which have a low to moderate glycemic index, can be beneficial for individuals with diabetes. However, it is crucial to monitor portion sizes and overall carbohydrate intake to maintain stable blood sugar levels. Working with a healthcare provider or registered dietitian can provide personalized guidance on integrating bananas into a diabetes management plan.

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Allergies to bananas are relatively uncommon, but they can occur, typically manifesting as oral allergy syndrome (OAS) in individuals who are also allergic to birch pollen. OAS symptoms may include itching or swelling of the lips, mouth, throat, and tongue, and in some cases, may lead to more severe allergic reactions.⁴ 

The cross-reactivity between proteins in bananas and birch pollen can trigger these allergic responses in susceptible individuals. It is essential for those with a known birch pollen allergy to be aware of the potential for cross-reactivity and to consult with an allergist if experiencing any adverse reactions to bananas.

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