A Literary Titan, Advocate, And Trailblazer

May 2024 ยท 15 minute read

E. Jean Carroll is an American writer, journalist, and advice columnist. Carroll was born in Corning, New York, on December 15, 1943. Her family owned a furniture store in Corning, and she grew up in a Jewish household. Carroll attended Cornell University, where she studied English and philosophy. After graduating from college, Carroll worked as a writer and editor for several magazines, including The New Yorker and Vogue. In 1989, she began writing her long-running advice column, "Ask E. Jean," for Elle magazine. Carroll has also written several books, including "Is It Just Me? Or Is It Nuts Out There?" and "What Do We Need Men For? A Modest Proposal."

Carroll is a vocal advocate for women's rights and has been outspoken about her own experiences with sexual assault. In 2019, she accused Donald Trump of raping her in the 1990s. Trump has denied the allegations, and the case is still ongoing. Carroll's decision to come forward with her story has been praised by many as an act of courage.

Carroll is a respected writer and journalist who has used her platform to speak out about important issues. Her work has helped to raise awareness of sexual assault and has inspired other women to come forward with their own stories.

E. Jean Carroll

E. Jean Carroll is an American writer, journalist, and advice columnist. She is best known for her long-running advice column, "Ask E. Jean," for Elle magazine. Carroll has also written several books, including "Is It Just Me? Or Is It Nuts Out There?" and "What Do We Need Men For? A Modest Proposal."

Carroll's work has been praised for its wit, honesty, and insight. She is a role model for many women, and her work has helped to change the way we think about sexual assault and women's rights.

E. Jean CarrollDecember 15, 1943Writer, journalist, advice columnist

Early life and family

The details of E. Jean Carroll's early life and family provide valuable context for understanding her personal history and the influences that shaped her as a writer and activist. Here are a few key facets to consider:

Overall, the details of Carroll's early life and family provide a glimpse into the formative experiences that helped to shape her into the person and writer she is today. Her birthplace, family background, and cultural heritage all contributed to her unique perspective and voice.


E. Jean Carroll's education at Cornell University, where she studied English and philosophy, played a significant role in shaping her intellectual development and preparing her for her career as a writer and journalist.

Analytical and critical thinking skills: Studying philosophy develops strong analytical and critical thinking skills, which are essential for a writer. Carroll can use these skills to examine complex issues, evaluate arguments, and form her opinions.

Communication and writing proficiency: Studying English enhances communication and writing proficiency, which are vital for a journalist. Carroll can use her skills to convey her ideas clearly and effectively through writing.

Exposure to diverse perspectives: Cornell University is a diverse institution that exposes students to a variety of perspectives and worldviews. This exposure likely broadened Carroll's understanding of the world and helped her develop a more nuanced and informed perspective.

Foundation for lifelong learning: A university education provides a foundation for lifelong learning. Carroll can continue to expand her knowledge and understanding throughout her career by drawing on the skills and knowledge she acquired at Cornell.

Overall, Carroll's education at Cornell University was an important factor in her development as a writer and journalist. The skills and knowledge she acquired there have served as a foundation for her successful career.


E. Jean Carroll's career as a writer and editor for several magazines, including The New Yorker and Vogue, is an important component of "who she is" for several reasons:

In summary, Carroll's career as a writer and editor for several magazines, including The New Yorker and Vogue, played a significant role in shaping her identity, establishing her as a successful writer and journalist, providing a platform for her voice and perspective, and influencing her later work.

Advice columnist

E. Jean Carroll's role as an advice columnist is a significant aspect of "who she is" because it showcases her expertise, empathy, and dedication to helping others. Her "Ask E. Jean" column has been a trusted source of guidance and support for countless readers over the years.

Carroll's advice column covers a wide range of topics, including relationships, career, and personal growth. She is known for her candid and compassionate approach, offering practical advice and encouragement to her readers. Through her column, Carroll has become a trusted confidante and mentor to many.

The success and longevity of Carroll's advice column demonstrate her ability to connect with people on a personal level and provide valuable insights and guidance. It is a testament to her skills as a writer, her understanding of human nature, and her commitment to helping others.

In summary, E. Jean Carroll's role as an advice columnist is an important component of "who she is" because it highlights her expertise, empathy, and dedication to helping others. Her "Ask E. Jean" column has been a trusted source of guidance and support for countless readers over the years.


E. Jean Carroll's books are an important part of "who she is" because they showcase her unique perspective, wit, and insights on various social and cultural issues. Her books have resonated with readers for their honesty, humor, and thought-provoking content.

Carroll's books often draw upon her personal experiences and observations, offering readers a glimpse into her own journey and struggles. Through her writing, she explores themes of gender, relationships, and the challenges faced by women in society. Her books have become valuable resources for women seeking guidance, support, and inspiration.

The success and popularity of Carroll's books demonstrate her ability to connect with readers on a personal level and address important issues in a relatable and engaging way. Her books have made a significant contribution to the literary landscape and have helped to shape cultural conversations around gender and women's rights.

In summary, E. Jean Carroll's books are an integral part of "who she is" because they showcase her unique voice, perspectives, and commitment to addressing important social issues. Her books have resonated with readers for their honesty, humor, and thought-provoking content, and have made a significant contribution to the literary landscape.


The connection between E. Jean Carroll's activism and "who she is" lies in the profound impact her personal experiences and beliefs have had on her identity and life's work. As a vocal advocate for women's rights and a survivor of sexual assault, Carroll has dedicated herself to speaking out against injustice and empowering others.

Carroll's activism is deeply rooted in her own experiences with sexual assault. By sharing her story and advocating for survivors' rights, she challenges societal norms and raises awareness about the prevalence and impact of sexual violence. Her activism has inspired other survivors to come forward and seek support, creating a ripple effect of empowerment and healing.

Moreover, Carroll's activism extends beyond her personal experiences. She is a strong advocate for women's rights in general, working to promote gender equality and combat discrimination. Her activism is driven by a deep-seated belief in justice and a desire to create a better world for women and girls.

In summary, E. Jean Carroll's activism is an integral part of "who she is" because it reflects her personal experiences, values, and commitment to social justice. Her advocacy for women's rights and her outspokenness about sexual assault have not only had a profound impact on her own life but have also inspired and empowered countless others.

Allegations against Trump

The allegations made by E. Jean Carroll against Donald Trump are a significant aspect of "who she is" as they have brought her into the public eye and sparked a national conversation about sexual assault and the #MeToo movement.

In summary, the allegations made by E. Jean Carroll against Donald Trump are an important aspect of "who she is" as they have shaped her public persona, made her an advocate for survivors' rights, and contributed to the national conversation about sexual assault.


E. Jean Carroll's decision to come forward with her story of alleged sexual assault by Donald Trump has been widely recognized as an act of courage. This decision has significantly impacted her identity and the public's perception of her.

In conclusion, E. Jean Carroll's decision to come forward with her story has had a profound impact on her identity and the public's perception of her. Her courage in breaking the silence, challenging powerful figures, inspiring social change, and shifting public opinion has solidified her position as an advocate for survivors and a catalyst for cultural transformation.


The connection between E. Jean Carroll's legacy as a respected writer and journalist who has used her platform to speak out about important issues and the broader context of "who she is" lies in the profound impact her work has had on society.

Through her writing and advocacy, Carroll has played a pivotal role in raising awareness of sexual assault, challenging societal norms, and empowering survivors. Her courage in sharing her own story and using her platform to amplify the voices of others has inspired countless women to come forward with their own experiences.

Carroll's legacy extends beyond her personal experiences. Her work has contributed to a broader cultural shift towards greater understanding and support for survivors of sexual violence. By breaking the silence and speaking out against injustice, she has helped to create a more just and equitable society for all.

In summary, E. Jean Carroll's legacy as a respected writer and journalist who has used her platform to speak out about important issues is an integral part of "who she is." Her work has not only shaped her personal identity but has also had a profound impact on society, raising awareness, inspiring change, and empowering countless individuals.

FAQs about E. Jean Carroll

This section provides answers to frequently asked questions about E. Jean Carroll, an acclaimed writer, journalist, and activist known for her work on women's rights and her allegations against former US President Donald Trump.

Question 1: Who is E. Jean Carroll?

E. Jean Carroll is an American writer, journalist, and advice columnist known for her long-running column, "Ask E. Jean," in Elle magazine. She is also the author of several books, including "Is It Just Me? Or Is It Nuts Out There?" and "What Do We Need Men For? A Modest Proposal."

Question 2: What are E. Jean Carroll's most notable accomplishments?

Carroll has received widespread recognition for her work as a writer and journalist. She has won numerous awards, including the National Magazine Award for Personal Service in 2003 and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society of Professional Journalists in 2019.

Question 3: What is E. Jean Carroll's connection to the #MeToo movement?

Carroll has been a vocal advocate for women's rights and a supporter of the #MeToo movement. In 2019, she publicly accused Donald Trump of raping her in the 1990s. Her allegations have sparked a national conversation about sexual assault and the importance of believing survivors.

Question 4: What is the current status of E. Jean Carroll's lawsuit against Donald Trump?

Carroll filed a defamation lawsuit against Trump in 2019 after he denied her allegations. The case is ongoing, and a trial date has been set for April 2023.

Question 5: What is E. Jean Carroll's legacy?

Carroll's work has had a significant impact on society. She is recognized as a courageous advocate for survivors of sexual assault and a powerful voice for women's rights. Her writing and activism have inspired countless individuals and helped to create a more just and equitable world.

Question 6: Where can I find more information about E. Jean Carroll?

You can visit Carroll's official website or follow her on social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram for the most up-to-date information and her latest work.

We hope these answers have addressed some of the most common questions about E. Jean Carroll. If you have any further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Additionally, we encourage you to explore our website for more articles and resources related to E. Jean Carroll and her contributions to society.

Tips for Understanding E. Jean Carroll's Background and Impact

To gain a comprehensive understanding of E. Jean Carroll, her work, and her legacy, consider the following tips:

Tip 1: Explore her early life and family history. Carroll's upbringing in Corning, New York, and her family's background have shaped her personal experiences and perspectives.Tip 2: Examine her educational background. Carroll's studies in English and philosophy at Cornell University have provided her with analytical, communication, and critical thinking skills essential for her writing and activism.Tip 3: Analyze her career as a writer and editor. Carroll's work for prestigious publications like The New Yorker and Vogue has established her as a respected voice in journalism and has given her a platform to share her unique perspective.Tip 4: Understand her role as an advice columnist. Through her "Ask E. Jean" column in Elle magazine, Carroll has provided guidance and support to countless readers, demonstrating her empathy and dedication to helping others.Tip 5: Examine her books and their impact. Carroll's books, such as "Is It Just Me? Or Is It Nuts Out There?" and "What Do We Need Men For? A Modest Proposal," offer valuable insights into her views on gender, relationships, and social issues.

By considering these tips, you can gain a deeper understanding of E. Jean Carroll's multifaceted identity, her significant contributions to literature and journalism, and her ongoing advocacy for women's rights and survivors of sexual assault.


E. Jean Carroll's identity extends far beyond her birthday and family. She is a writer, journalist, and activist who has dedicated her life to empowering women and advocating for survivors of sexual assault. Through her work, she has challenged societal norms, raised awareness about important issues, and inspired countless individuals.

Carroll's courage in speaking out about her own experiences and her unwavering commitment to justice have made her a powerful voice for change. Her legacy as an advocate for women's rights and a champion of survivors will continue to inspire future generations.
