Temptation Island spoilers: Are Kendal and Erica faking their relationship?

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Kendal Kirkland and Erica Washington have been off to a rocky start so far this season on Temptation Island.

When they arrived to the island, they had been together for two and a half years. Kendal wasn’t sure if Erica was the one he wanted to be with in the long term and Erica questioned whether Kendal appreciated her.

Erica opened up about the fact that she put a lot of effort into their relationship yet nothing ever seemed like it was good enough for him. She felt like he was the one for her, but Kendal felt that Erica often tried too hard to be someone she was not.

They decided they would have no rules coming into Temptation Island and they both wanted to get the full experience. Kendal didn’t take long to truly make the most of his time as a single man and quickly started getting handsy with single Alexcys Homan.

Erica sat at a bonfire and watched as Kendal quickly became intimate with Alexcys in the bedroom. She thought she couldn’t see anything worse than that but was mistaken after the following week’s bonfire showed Kendal engaging in a threesome with Alexcys and another single Nickole Ciszak.

Erica was stone-faced as she watched the footage and said she was done with Kendal. She showed little emotion, and fans couldn’t figure out whether she was doing her best to remain strong in front of the other women or if there was something more to her emotionless reaction.

As many questioned what was actually going on with Erica and Kendal, a fan took to Reddit to claim that their relationship was fake to begin with.

Is Kendal and Erica’s relationship fake?

Fans were blown away at how quickly Kendal disregarded his girlfriend to relish the freedom of being single. They also couldn’t understand Erica’s relatively calm reaction after seeing Kendal disrespect their relationship more than once.

Recently, a fan took to Reddit and claimed that they had reason to believe that Kendal and Erica were faking their relationship just to be on the show.

The fan explained that they worked with a person who knew Kendal. They said that when Temptation Island was casting, Kendal supposedly called one of his exes to see if she would try to get on the show with him.

When his ex refused, they believe he reached out to Erica, and she must have agreed to take part in the pretend relationship. The Reddit commenter said that the reason Kendal and Erica are so “unbothered about the cheating” is that they are “characters in a fictional relationship.”

They claimed that Kendal’s coworker said he acted like a different person in real life and was just playing a role for the show.

These claims have not been independently verified by Monsters & Critics.

Kendal and Erica show no signs of being together on social media

As fans speculate that Kendal and Erica may have faked their relationship to be on the show, their social media accounts show no trace of each other.

Erica’s Instagram is filled with photos of herself, including a recent photo which had the caption, “I don’t have an attitude. Just a personality you can’t handle.”

Fans wondered whether the caption was directed at Kendal following a potential breakup.

The current status of Kendal and Erica’s relationship remains unknown. Temptation Island fans may never know for certain whether their relationship was real to begin with.

Temptation Island airs Tuesdays at 10/9c on USA.
