Leif Garrett Net Worth How Much is Garrett Worth?

May 2024 · 11 minute read

Leif Garrett, an American singer, actor, and television personality, has a net worth estimated at $10,000. Garrett started his career as a child actor and gained fame as a teen idol in the 1970s. Despite facing legal and drug abuse issues, Garrett has managed to maintain a career in the entertainment industry.

leif garrett net worth

Key Takeaways:

Early Life and Education

Leif Garrett, born on November 8, 1961, in Hollywood, California, had a unique upbringing shaped by the entertainment industry. His mother, Carolyn Stellar, was an actress, while his father, Rik Nervik, was often absent from his life. Growing up in this environment, Garrett was exposed to the world of entertainment from a young age.

Due to the demands of his acting career, Garrett was homeschooled and completed his high school education at the age of 15. Despite his young age, he showed great dedication to his studies and was able to balance his education with his burgeoning career in the entertainment industry.

Garrett’s early life experiences and unconventional education contributed to shaping his unique perspective and prepared him for the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead in his career.

“Growing up in Hollywood, I was exposed to the entertainment industry from a young age. It shaped who I am and instilled in me a deep passion for performing. My unconventional education allowed me to pursue my dreams while also learning from real-life experiences.”

– Leif Garrett

Leif Garrett’s Career Beginnings

Leif Garrett’s journey in the entertainment industry began at a young age as a child actor. He appeared in various movies and TV shows, showcasing his talent and passion for performing. One of his notable roles was in the horror movie “Devil Times Five,” where he displayed his acting skills at just 12 years old. Additionally, Garrett had guest appearances on popular TV shows like “Gunsmoke” and “Wonder Woman,” further establishing himself as a promising young talent.

Garrett’s breakthrough role came in 1969 when he starred in the critically acclaimed film “Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice.” This performance gained him recognition and opened doors for more opportunities in the industry. He also had recurring roles on TV series such as “Family” and “The Odd Couple,” solidifying his presence on both the big and small screens.

As a child actor, Leif Garrett demonstrated his versatility and ability to captivate audiences with his performances. His early career laid a strong foundation for the success that would follow and showcased his potential as a rising star in Hollywood.

Leif Garrett career beginnings

1969Bob & Carol & Ted & AliceUncredited role
1970Devil Times FiveDavid
1972Walking TallMike Pusser Jr.
1976-1980FamilyBrett Robin Hood
1978-1982The Odd CoupleLeonard Unger

Leif Garrett’s early career as a child actor laid the groundwork for his future success. His talent and dedication to his craft were evident even at a young age, and his performances garnered critical acclaim and recognition. Through his early roles, Garrett showcased his versatility and set the stage for a promising career in the entertainment industry.

Teen Idol Success

In the 1970s, Leif Garrett rose to stardom as a teen idol, capturing the hearts of young fans across the nation. His charm, good looks, and talent made him a sensation in the entertainment industry. Garrett’s musical career took off with a recording contract with Atlantic Records. He released his self-titled debut album in 1977, which included popular singles like “Runaround Sue” and “The Wanderer.” These songs quickly climbed the charts, solidifying his status as a rising star.

The success of his debut album led to the release of his second album, “Feel the Need.” The standout track from this album, “I Was Made for Dancin’,” became a massive hit and reached the top 10 on the charts. Garrett’s music career was booming, and his fans couldn’t get enough of his catchy tunes and energetic performances.

Through his music, Leif Garrett became an icon of the era, inspiring countless aspiring musicians and capturing the attention of millions of teenagers. His music not only resonated with fans but also showcased his talent and versatility as an artist. Despite facing personal challenges along the way, his success and impact as a teen idol remain undeniable.

The Impact of Leif Garrett’s Music Career

Leif Garrett’s music career left an indelible mark on the industry and influenced future generations of musicians. His catchy pop-rock sound and charismatic stage presence set the stage for many teen idols to come. Garrett’s ability to connect with his young fans through his music and performances solidified his position as one of the most influential artists of his time.

His success as a teen idol paved the way for other young artists who aspired to follow in his footsteps. Garrett’s music career served as a blueprint for navigating the challenges of fame and maintaining relevance in an ever-changing industry. His impact can still be felt today, as his music continues to resonate with fans and inspire new generations of musicians.

Challenges and Setbacks

Leif Garrett, despite his early success as a teen idol, faced numerous personal challenges throughout his career. One of the most significant challenges he encountered was his struggle with drug and alcohol abuse. This issue started at a young age and continued to plague him well into his adult life.

In 1978, Garrett’s addiction issues led to a life-altering event when he was involved in a car accident while under the influence of alcohol and drugs. This incident resulted in a lawsuit and a suspended license, further complicating his already troubled life. Despite these setbacks, Garrett remained determined to overcome his addiction and find a path to recovery.

Unfortunately, his battle with substance abuse continued throughout the 1990s and 2000s, leading to multiple arrests for drug possession. It wasn’t until 2010 that Garrett sought help and participated in the reality TV show “Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew.” This experience marked a turning point in his life, as he committed to addressing the root causes of his addiction and working towards a healthier future.

Career Resurgence and Recent Projects

Leif Garrett has experienced a career resurgence in recent years, showcasing his versatility as an entertainer. Despite facing personal challenges, he has continued to pursue opportunities in the entertainment industry, making a comeback in both film and television.

In 2003, Garrett appeared in the comedy film “Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star,” which allowed him to tap into his own experiences as a former teen idol. He also took on hosting roles, such as the popular VH-1 show “8-Track Flashback.” These projects allowed him to reconnect with his fans and showcase his enduring talent.

“I’ve been through a lot in my life, but I’m grateful for the opportunities that have come my way,” Garrett said. “I’ve learned from my past mistakes and focused on moving forward.”

In addition to his film and television work, Garrett has also participated in reality shows like “Fear Factor” and “The Smoking Gun Presents: World’s Dumbest…” These appearances have allowed him to reach a new audience and remind people of his presence in the entertainment industry.

Leif Garrett career resurgence

Leif Garrett’s Music Career

Alongside his successful acting career, Leif Garrett has also made a name for himself in the music industry. He signed with Atlantic Records in the 1970s and released several albums, showcasing his talent as a singer. Let’s take a closer look at Leif Garrett’s music career and his noteworthy albums.


AlbumRelease Year
Leif Garrett1977
Feel the Need1978
Same Goes for You1979
Can’t Explain1980

“I Was Made for Dancin’,” a hit single from Leif Garrett’s album “Feel the Need,” reached the top 10 on the charts and solidified his status as a musical artist. While his later albums did not achieve the same level of success, Garrett has continued to collaborate with other artists and explore his musical abilities.

Despite the challenges he faced in his personal life, including his well-documented struggles with substance abuse, Leif Garrett’s music career has remained a significant part of his overall legacy. He continues to perform live and record music, showcasing his enduring passion for entertainment and connecting with his loyal fanbase.

Leif Garrett’s journey as both an actor and a musician serves as a testament to his versatility and determination. Despite the obstacles he has faced, he remains an influential figure in the entertainment industry, inspiring others with his resilience and commitment to his craft.

Achievements and Awards

Throughout his career, Leif Garrett has achieved numerous notable accomplishments and received recognition for his talents. While he may not have won major awards, his impact on the entertainment industry and his enduring popularity among fans speak volumes about his success.

One of Garrett’s notable achievements was receiving a Bronze Wrangler award at the Western Heritage Awards for his role in “Peter Lundy and the Medicine Hat Stallion.” This recognition highlights his versatility as an actor and his ability to bring compelling characters to life.

Furthermore, Garrett’s status as a teen idol during the 1970s solidifies his place in pop culture history. His ability to connect with young audiences and capture their hearts with his music and acting skills is a testament to his talent and charm.

“I am grateful for all the opportunities I’ve had in my career and the incredible support from my fans. Achievements and awards are wonderful, but what truly matters to me is the connection I’ve made with audiences throughout the years.” – Leif Garrett

Leif Garrett’s achievements and enduring legacy continue to inspire aspiring entertainers and serve as a reminder of the importance of perseverance and personal growth.

Leif Garrett Achievements and Awards

Current Net Worth and Financial Status

Leif Garrett, the American singer, actor, and television personality, currently has a net worth of $10,000. While his financial status may not be as substantial as some other celebrities, Garrett’s determination and resilience have allowed him to navigate the ups and downs of the entertainment industry. Despite facing legal issues and drug abuse problems in the past, he continues to work on his career and pursue opportunities.



Despite the challenges he has faced, Garrett’s career resurgence in recent years has allowed him to continue pursuing his passion for entertainment. He has appeared in films, hosted TV shows, and even participated in reality shows, showcasing his versatility as an entertainer.

Leif Garrett’s story serves as a reminder of the importance of perseverance and personal growth. While his net worth may not be as significant as some others in the industry, his journey is a testament to the power of resilience in overcoming personal challenges and staying committed to one’s dreams and aspirations.

Legacy and Influence

Leif Garrett’s lasting legacy is a testament to his impact on the entertainment industry. As a teen idol, he captivated audiences with his charm and talent, leaving an indelible mark on pop culture. Despite facing personal challenges, Garrett’s ability to rebuild his life and overcome adversity serves as an inspiration to many.

Garrett’s journey is a cautionary tale of the pitfalls of fame and the importance of mental health and substance abuse awareness. His struggles and subsequent recovery shed light on the challenges faced by those in the spotlight, reminding us that fame does not exempt anyone from personal struggles.

Garrett’s influence extends beyond his own success. He continues to resonate with audiences and aspiring entertainers, who look to his story as a lesson in resilience and perseverance. His ability to reinvent himself and find success in various areas of the industry showcases his versatility as an entertainer.


What is Leif Garrett’s net worth?

Leif Garrett’s net worth is estimated to be $10,000.

What were Leif Garrett’s early life and education like?

Leif Garrett was born on November 8, 1961, in Hollywood, California. He was homeschooled and graduated high school at the age of 15.

How did Leif Garrett begin his career?

Leif Garrett started his career as a child actor, appearing in various movies and TV shows.

What were Leif Garrett’s achievements as a teen idol?

Leif Garrett gained fame as a teen idol in the 1970s. He signed a recording contract with Atlantic Records and released his self-titled debut album in 1977.

What challenges did Leif Garrett face in his personal life?

Leif Garrett struggled with drug and alcohol abuse starting from a young age and faced legal issues related to his addiction.

How has Leif Garrett’s career resurged in recent years?

Leif Garrett has made a comeback in his career, appearing in films, hosting TV shows, and participating in reality shows.

Who were some of Leif Garrett’s notable relationships?

Leif Garrett dated actress Nicollette Sheridan, had relationships with Kristy McNichol, Tatum O’Neal, Justine Bateman, and was in a serious relationship with actress Elaine Bilstad.

What is Leif Garrett’s music career like?

Leif Garrett signed with Atlantic Records in the 1970s and released several albums. He continues to perform live and record music.

What achievements and awards has Leif Garrett received?

Leif Garrett received a Bronze Wrangler award at the Western Heritage Awards for his role in “Peter Lundy and the Medicine Hat Stallion.”

What is Leif Garrett’s current net worth and financial status?

Leif Garrett’s net worth is estimated to be $10,000 as of 2023.

What is Leif Garrett’s legacy and influence?

Leif Garrett’s legacy lies in his success as a teen idol, his ability to overcome personal challenges, and his impact on the entertainment industry.
