Coi Leray Ethnicity Race, Life Bio, and Parent History

May 2024 · 10 minute read

Coi Leray has become a rising star in the music industry, known for her unique style and distinctive sound. However, her ethnicity and background also play a significant role in shaping her identity as an artist. In this section, we will delve into Coi Leray’s ethnicity, her background, and her family origins, giving you an in-depth look into the artist behind the music.

coi leray ethnicity

Coi Leray’s Early Life and Cultural Roots

Coi Leray, born on May 11, 1997, is an American rapper, singer, and songwriter. She was born in Boston, Massachusetts, but raised in Springfield, New Jersey. Coi Leray’s ethnic heritage is African American and Italian American.

Music has always been a significant part of Coi Leray’s life. She grew up listening to a wide range of artists, from Justin Bieber to Drake, which influenced her musical taste. However, her father, Benzino, who is a former rapper and music producer, played a significant role in shaping her passion for music.

Despite growing up in a musical household, Coi Leray initially pursued other interests. She was a talented athlete and competed in several sports, including track, cheerleading, and basketball. However, her love for music eventually led her to pursue a career in the industry.

Coi Leray’s life bio includes her attending Montclair State University for one semester before deciding to pursue music full-time. She began uploading songs to SoundCloud in 2017, which gained attention and led to her signing with Republic Records in 2018. Since then, Coi Leray has released hit songs like “No More Parties,” “Big Purr,” and “Messy.”

Coi Leray ethnic heritage

As an artist, Coi Leray’s ethnic heritage and life bio have contributed to her unique style and sound. Her African American and Italian American roots have influenced her music and helped her connect with audiences from diverse backgrounds. Coi Leray’s cultural roots continue to inspire her artistry, making her stand out in the music industry.

Exploring Coi Leray’s Heritage

Coi Leray’s rich heritage is a significant aspect of her identity as an artist. Her diverse racial background and nationality have influenced her music and contributed to her unique style.

Her racial background is a mix of African-American, Native American, and French. Coi Leray’s father, Benzino, is African-American and Native American, and her mother, Singaporean model and musician, Ms. Niko, is French.

Coi Leray racial background nationality

Her nationality is American, and she was born and raised in New Jersey.

Coi Leray’s heritage has played a significant role in shaping her style and artistry. She has spoken about the importance of embracing her ethnicity and cultural roots in her music. Her music often incorporates elements of trap, pop, and hip-hop, and is infused with personal experiences and themes of empowerment and self-expression.

In embracing her heritage, Coi Leray has made a cultural impact and is contributing to the diverse representation of artists in the music industry.

Coi Leray’s Family Origins and Ancestral Background

Understanding Coi Leray’s family origins is essential to understanding her cultural identity and artistic style. She was raised in Edgewater, New Jersey, by her mother and father. Her mother, Joie Manda, is African-American and has worked in the music industry as an executive for a number of major record labels. Her father, Benzino, whose real name is Raymond Scott, is of Puerto Rican and Cape Verdean descent and is also a well-known rapper, producer, and media personality.

This diverse cultural background has played a significant role in shaping Coi Leray’s identity and career. It has influenced her music, fashion, and unique style.

Furthermore, Coi Leray has notable ancestral connections to Puerto Rico and Cape Verde. Her father’s Cape Verdean heritage can be traced back to the African continent, where Cape Verde was a major center of the transatlantic slave trade. The island nation has a rich cultural heritage, with influences from Africa, Europe, and South America. Similarly, Puerto Rico’s Afro-Caribbean heritage has a strong African influence, with music, dance, and folklore that reflects the mix of cultures that have influenced the island’s history.

As an artist, Coi Leray embraces her diverse heritage and represents it through her music, fashion, and overall persona. She is a proud representation of the diverse cultural landscape of the United States, and her music offers a unique blend of sounds that draw on her family’s ancestral backgrounds.

Coi Leray's Family Origins and Ancestral Background

Family MemberAncestral Background
Joie Manda (Mother)African-American
Benzino (Father)Puerto Rican and Cape Verdean

Overall, Coi Leray’s family origins and ancestral background are critical components to her identity as an artist. Her unique cultural mix has shaped her music and her overall artistic style. Coi Leray’s music reflects a blend of sounds that draws on her family’s ancestral backgrounds, and her overall persona represents the diverse cultural landscape of the United States.

Coi Leray’s Parents and their Influence

Coi Leray’s parents have played a significant role in shaping her identity and career. Her mother, Barbara, is a former rapper and music executive, while her father, Benzino, is a music producer and former member of the hip-hop group, The Source.

Barbara’s influence on Coi Leray’s music can be seen in her daughter’s early passion for the art form. Coi Leray has cited her mother as her biggest inspiration and often includes her in her music videos and social media posts.

Benzino’s influence on Coi Leray’s career can be seen in her business acumen and management skills. Benzino has supported Coi Leray’s music career from a young age, helping her navigate the industry and make connections.

Despite their divorce, Coi Leray maintains a close relationship with both of her parents. Her family dynamic has always been important to her, and she often incorporates themes of love and unity in her music.

There are many interesting Coi Leray ethnicity facts related to her parent’s roots. Benzino is of African-American and Puerto Rican descent, while Barbara is of African-American and Italian ancestry. Coi Leray’s diverse background and family history have undoubtedly influenced her artistry and unique style.

Coi Leray ethnicity facts

To fully understand Coi Leray’s background, it’s important to delve into her cultural heritage. In the next section, we will explore her racial background, nationality, and how her diverse heritage has influenced her music and career.

Coi Leray’s Journey in Music

Coi Leray’s passion for music started at an early age. She wrote her first song at nine years old and later started recording music in high school.

After graduating, Coi Leray pursued music full-time, performing at local venues and uploading her music to SoundCloud. In 2017, she released her first EP, “Everythingcoz,” which gained her attention and led to her signing with Republic Records in 2018.

Coi Leray’s breakthrough moment came in 2020 with the release of her hit single, “Huddy,” which garnered millions of streams and views on various streaming platforms. She followed this up with another successful single, “Slide,” featuring Gunna.

Her unique style, influenced by different genres such as pop, hip-hop, and rock, sets her apart in the music industry. Her ethnicity and background have also influenced her artistry, as she strives to represent and showcase her roots through her music.

Coi Leray's Journey in Music

Today, Coi Leray is making waves in the music industry and continues to release new music, including her debut album “COI,” which dropped in June 2021. Her journey in music so far is a testament to her passion and dedication to her craft.

Coi Leray’s Cultural Impact

Coi Leray’s ethnic heritage and cultural roots have played a significant role in shaping her music and art. Her unique style, which blends elements of trap and pop, has resonated with audiences across different cultures and backgrounds. Coi Leray’s music speaks to her experiences growing up as a biracial woman in America and the challenges she has faced as an artist.

Despite facing criticism early in her career, Coi Leray has remained true to her cultural identity and has continued to create music that reflects her diverse background. She has become a role model for young women of color who aspire to pursue careers in the music industry.

Through her music, Coi Leray has challenged traditional stereotypes and broken down barriers for women of color in the industry. Her fearless approach to creating music has earned her a loyal fan base and has cemented her status as a cultural icon.

Coi Leray cultural impact

Coi Leray’s music and art have had a profound impact on the industry and have contributed to the importance of diverse representation. By embracing her cultural roots and ethnic heritage, Coi Leray has demonstrated the power of music to bring people together and to break down cultural barriers.

Coi Leray’s Identity and Representation

Coi Leray’s ethnic heritage and background play a significant role in shaping her identity as an artist. She has embraced her diverse cultural roots and incorporated them into her music and style, making a cultural impact and contributing to diverse representation in the music industry.

As an artist, Coi Leray has been vocal about the importance of representation in the music industry. She advocates for the inclusion of all voices and cultures, recognizing that diversity enhances artistry and promotes inclusivity. Through her music and art, Coi Leray celebrates her cultural roots and embraces her identity, encouraging others to do the same.

Coi Leray’s music and art reflect her unique perspective and experiences, creating a platform for representation and cultural exchange. Her ethnic heritage and background have influenced her style, sound, and lyrical themes, setting her apart from other artists in the industry.

By embracing her identity and cultural roots, Coi Leray has become a voice for underrepresented communities, inspiring others to embrace their own identities and cultural backgrounds. Her impact on the music industry and society at large reflects the importance of diverse representation and the power of embracing one’s identity.

Coi Leray's ethnic heritage and background in shaping her identity as an artist.

Coi Leray’s identity and representation as an artist reflect her ethnic heritage and background. She has embraced her diverse cultural roots and advocated for representation in the music industry, making a cultural impact and promoting inclusivity. By celebrating her identity and encouraging others to do the same, Coi Leray has become a voice for underrepresented communities, inspiring diverse representation and cultural exchange.


Coi Leray’s ethnicity and background have played a critical role in shaping her identity as an artist. Her rich and diverse cultural roots have influenced her music, career, and unique artistic style. By embracing her ethnicity, Coi Leray has made a cultural impact and contributed to diverse representation in the music industry.

Coi Leray’s early life and cultural roots have set the foundation for her career in music. Growing up in a multicultural and diverse environment has given her a unique perspective on life and music. She credits her mother, a former rapper, for introducing her to hip-hop and inspiring her to pursue a career in music.

Throughout her journey in music, Coi Leray has broken down barriers and challenged societal norms. Her music has resonated with audiences from different walks of life, and she continues to be a positive influence for many young artists.

Embracing Diversity

Coi Leray’s success in the music industry is a testament to the importance of diverse representation. Her ethnicity and background have given her a unique perspective, and she has used her platform to advocate for diversity and inclusivity.

As the music industry becomes increasingly diverse, artists like Coi Leray are leading the way and proving that representation matters. By embracing their cultural roots and sharing their stories, they are inspiring a new generation of artists and changing the face of music.

Looking Ahead

Coi Leray’s journey in music is far from over. With each new release, she continues to push the boundaries and make a cultural impact. Her music is a reflection of her identity and her commitment to diversity and inclusivity.

As we look ahead to the future of music, artists like Coi Leray will continue to pave the way for new voices and diverse representation. By embracing our differences and celebrating our cultural heritage, we can create a more inclusive and welcoming music industry for all.
