Where is Oceanside in The Walking Dead? A Hidden Community with a Dark Past

May 2024 · 4 minute read


The Walking Dead is a popular post-apocalyptic horror drama series that follows the lives of survivors in a world overrun by zombies. The series has introduced many different communities of survivors, each with their own culture, rules, and challenges. One of these communities is Oceanside, a walled fishing village located on the coast of Virginia. But where is Oceanside in The Walking Dead, and what is its history?

Oceanside’s Origins

Oceanside was originally a beach cabin resort before the outbreak. It was settled by a group of refugees from Hollowbrant Outreach Recovery, a community that was attacked by the Saviors, a group of extortionists led by Negan. The Saviors killed every male over the age of 10 in Hollowbrant, leaving only women, girls, and boys under 10 alive. The survivors escaped and found refuge in Oceanside, where they decided to isolate themselves from the outside world and kill any outsider who came near their territory. According to Walking Dead Wiki, their leader was Natania, an elderly woman who was the grandmother of Cyndie, one of the main members of Oceanside.

Oceanside’s Role in the Series

Oceanside first appeared in the episode “Swear” in Season 7, when Tara Chambler, a member of Alexandria, washed up on their shore after being separated from her partner Heath. She was rescued by Cyndie, who secretly helped her escape from Oceanside, as Natania ordered her execution. Tara promised to keep Oceanside a secret, as she learned that they had a large stockpile of guns that could be useful in the fight against the Saviors.

However, in Season 8, Tara revealed Oceanside’s existence to Rick Grimes, the leader of Alexandria, who decided to raid their armory and take their guns by force. Rick’s group managed to do so without killing anyone, but Oceanside was reluctant to join them in the war against the Saviors. It was only after Aaron, another member of Alexandria, persuaded them to take action that Oceanside finally agreed to help. They arrived in the nick of time to assist the other communities of Alexandria, Hilltop, and Kingdom in the final battle against the Saviors, throwing Molotov cocktails at their enemies.

After the war, Oceanside joined the Coalition, a network of communities that worked together to rebuild civilization. They also participated in the project to repair a bridge that connected the communities. However, Oceanside also harbored a grudge against the Saviors, who were now integrated into the Coalition under a new leadership. Oceanside secretly killed some of the former Saviors who were responsible for murdering their men, sparking a conflict that threatened to break the peace. This conflict was resolved when Rick sacrificed himself to destroy the bridge and stop a horde of zombies from reaching the communities.

Oceanside’s Fate

Six years after Rick’s apparent death, Oceanside was still part of the Coalition, but had become more distant from the other communities. They were invited by King Ezekiel, the leader of the Kingdom, to attend the Fair of New Beginnings, a celebration of unity and trade. However, the fair was infiltrated by a new enemy, the Whisperers, a group of survivors who wore zombie skins and lived among the dead. The Whisperers kidnapped and killed several members of the Coalition, including some from Oceanside, and displayed their severed heads on spikes as a warning.

Oceanside was temporarily abandoned to join the war against the Whisperers, which lasted for several months. The war ended with the defeat of the Whisperers and the death of their leader, Alpha. Oceanside was then occupied by the Commonwealth, a large and advanced community from Ohio that had a strict class system and a militaristic regime. Some of the Oceanside members managed to escape and join the rebellion against the Commonwealth, while others were taken prisoner or killed. The fate of Oceanside after the rebellion is unknown.


Oceanside is a community that has gone through a lot of hardship and tragedy in The Walking Dead. They have lost many of their loved ones, their home, and their freedom. They have also shown courage, resilience, and loyalty in the face of danger. Oceanside is a hidden community with a dark past, but also a hopeful future.
