What if John Cena had never existed?

May 2024 ยท 16 minute read

Yeah ok like i said cena did put on good matches with edge but u cant blame all of edge success on cena. weather cena existed or not edge would have become a main eventer eventually all he had to do was get at who ever was the most over face at the time. cena did help edge but its not the only reason why edge is where he is now.

Oh, but i can. Edge was handed how much heat and how many pushes before Cena? Cena is the star that catapulted Edge to the main event. I won't equate the matches being good simply because of Cena, but I will equate Edge's success to Cena.

true your job is to get people to care about you but you cant do that if you are being booked the wrong way. it all ties up. bookings play a major issue in a superstars career wheater you agree or not you know its the truth

Booking does have a part in it. But if you're any good as a wrestler you'll be able to work with whatever Creative gives you. Dreamer somehow has the crowd behind him and all Creative gives him is a whole lot of matches he jobs in. Kane is still over, but all he does is job on all the PPVs.

And, just in case you don't want to accept them, take Hornswoggle. He regularly gets pops. He's built as a fucking Leprechaun. Remember the promo with Carlito where Hornswoggle ran through a hole he painted in the wall, ala the old Roadrunner cartoons? Remember that? The crowd laughed their asses off, and still love Hornswoggle.

Obviously, Creative can spit stupid shit out of their asses from time to time, but some wrestlers still hold on to the crowd reaction. Creative really only does less than half the work. Most of it lies on the wrestler's shoulders.

like i said yes its true wrestlers have to get the crowed to care but its impossible to do that when you are being thrown in as a jobber.

Kane does it. Dreamer does it. Goldust does it. Val Venis used to do it. Umaga did it all the time. Khali. Who else?

best example mvp. heres a guy who came to raw stood up to randy orton the champion, or the top guy because he has the belt, and what happened shane interfeer. so what was the point of mvp even being there nothing.

That was to get MVP brushing against the main event. Only thing is, a bigger storyline was kinda going on at the moment. Remember the McMahon, "You punted my dad and my sister" storyline? Yeah. That takes much higher precedence over MVP.

then once the title is vacated he talks about how he is going to be in the title match no matter what and what happens nothing. he looses his tile to kofi and is just there. and tonight looses to triple h.

He lost the title to Kofi because he needed to be free of the mid-card belt so that he could focus on the main-event.

Really though. Did you expect Triple H to lose against MVP? At least MVP put up a fight. Just like Miz did against Cena. Both of the future main-eventers put up a good showing. Calm down.

so you really cant get over when you havent done anything or havent really won any matches. again if they are not booked the right way people dont really care and they cant get people to give a damn about them.

MVP still gets a reaction. As does Kane, Dreamer, so on and so forth. I listed them a few quotes before. Go there.

yeah and if i was vince i would do the exact same thing no doubt about that. but when you have a guy like cena who is being booked as superman you really cant just sit there being a wrestling fan for so long and not be pissed about it.

I do it. Because, as a pro-wrestling fan, I can still suspend belief. Because Cena is that good, he makes his opponents out to be believable combatants. Except for that last PPV. Miz was squuuaaaassshhheeeddd.

and no is not cuz of what everybody says that he only has 5 moves cuz fact of the matter is that most big time wreslters did too, scst,goldberg, and so on. my main issue with cena is not with him. is with the way creative is booking him in making him unbeatable and superman like.

He's your top face. He should be one of the best. Should they be booking their main-event, top of the card faces to be *****es? I don't understand. At one point people complain about the titles having no prestige, then when they give the title holder prestige, people complain. Make up yo mind.

i respect cena for what he has done but the way he is booked is horrible. i never expected the miz to beat him at the bash but come on atleast make him look good.

Oh damn. Watch last night's Raw. That was an incredible showing. Why? They had Miz get his ass handed to him at the Bash, then learn from his mistakes. And now, poof. Miz is reversing shit.

Wait, listen for it. Look for it. That's the formation of a storyline. If you're patient, it'll start to come together.

and again thats not his fault. but i will say this he made miz look good tonight at first then just messed it all up at in end in 5 seconds. cena cant honestly sell moves or anything. he could go through the most vicious match and walk away laughing and jumping. thats my problem with him.

He doesn't do that. He wasn't jumping and laughing away. He was quite tired. And after most PPV matches, if he's actually against a valid opponent, he's often face down in the ring or hobbling away.

Also. Those last 5 seconds? Biggest pops of the match my friend. That's why Cena hulks up and starts beating heel ass. The crowd wanted Miz to lose, and Cena to win. And Cena made it seem like he was having trouble. Lo and behold, Cena pulled it out. The crowd ate it up.

seriously wrestlings fake? i knew something fishy was going on... seriously come on bro. you aint need to spell it out for me talk about a low blow. make me feel dumb if someone had to spell it out for me ouch. but like i said cena does work hard i have always said that. his work ethics is unmatch. but if u read what i wrote my problem is not with him but the way they book him.

And if you read what i wrote, you'd understand that booking only has a very small deal with the character. The wrestler grows the gimmick out.

Creative tells them "Cena, win." And they might give a "This is a squash match." or something or another. Then Cena, Miz, and the Ring dudes (forgot their name) map out the match. Cena would have a major say in what happens, considering he's John motherfucking Cena. But still. If Creative wants it to be a squash, that's the only real control they have over the stars. Other than that and the gimmicks, the wrestlers are on their own to get over with the crowd.

no people did give a shit bout him. look as his wrestlemania match. people were behind him and wanted him to win. so once again vince gave them what they want like you said.

It was at the end of a MAJOR storyline with a Heel (?) Triple H. They popped for the "Oh my god, he's been going after the title forever! and Eddie got a title today too!" moment. And it was Wrestlemania. Everyone pops for everything at Wrestlemania. It's what you do.

lol again my bad things got out of hand. actually im looking forward to see what you gonna say tommorrow.

Not really. I was being sarcastic and pedantic. It's what I do.

this is just my opinion but i would rather see benoit vs angle vs bret hart any day over batista vs cena vs who ever other big guy there is idk big show.

And that's your personal preference. OK. I don't like Orton's promos and matches. But that doesn't cloud me from understanding (at least after the last few weeks) that Orton is a very good main-event player. As it shouldn't cloud you from understanding that Cena is a very good performer.

also, I like Kofi. A lot. Doesn't mean I want him to have a WHC right now. He's not ready.

which is why benoit headline a wrestlemania. and yeah i know let me stop you there cena headline many. cena jus sells more than benoit theres no doubt bout that.

Triple H headlined that PPV, don't let there be any doubt in your mind.

Also, Kurt Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero was on that card.

I'm telling you. Benoit alone not enough cared about. It was alongside Guerrero finally getting that championship and defending it against that jackass Kurt Angle that everyone really cared about.

Don't get me wrong. People liked Benoit. But not enough to warrant more than one title reign. No way in hell.

so why dont we ask them.

Well then, why don't we? and IWC doesn't count. I want a poll of every wrestling fan ever. I expect it in your next post.

hart was just like benoit a good technical wrestler but not good on the mic.

Not good on the mic? Are we speaking of the same Bret Hart? Must not be.

Even if i were to give you that Hart wasn't good on the mic (lulz) there is still a major difference. People still gave a shit about Hart.

so what about kurt angle then? why was he send to ecw? cant say kurt was a midcarder at most cuz then you really dont know what you are talking about. trying to be nice and not curse. and it different now because smackdown and raw dont really have any big main eventers that they send over to ecw. so they have to make due with wats on ecw.

Kurt Angle was the main eventer they sent over. Benoit was also sent over as the mid-carder that Smackdown could do without that Angle still had history with. That Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero. Remember that big feud? Benoit could easily say "You screwed over Eddie a whole lot. I don't like you. :("
When those two went over, they had a built in feud they could instantly rehash.

Oh, and please. Curse as much as you want. I curse plenty.

ok you wanna talk bout pops? how many times has cena gotten booed of a building. how many times have people shouted you cant wrestle or you suck. he has even admited it.

Smarky crowds, people getting tired of Cena, people thinking it's cool to boo Cena, Cena wrestling against their favorite superstar...blah blah blah. I can make up a reason. And all of them will apply.

you cant say hes not being shoved down our throats when you have randy orton handcuffing cena and getting ready to punt cenas father in the head and the crowd is cheering randy to do it. cena was booed and the crowed loved wat orton did even though he was a heel. and yet cena was still forced down our throats and was stilll champion time and time after.

I blame that on smarky crowds that loved Orton, and so cheered him. Sad thing is, they didn't realize they ruined Orton's play. Orton wanted to get booed. Tis why he punted Cena's father in the head.

I'll explain it like this:

Johnny Depp is in a play with Samuel L. Jackson. Depp is the good guy, Jackson is the bad guy. In the play, Jackson stabs Depp's family. Just chops them up. However, half the people in the crowd hate Depp as an actor, so they cheer Jackson's actions.

That's bullshit. And it's the same thing as what they do when they cheer Orton punting Cena's father.

so belive me its not just me its many people enough to fill up an arena and loud enough for you to hear them. another example triple h cena at royal rumble. cena made his come back and what did he comeback to? people wanting triple h to win so that cena wouldnt. people cheered everytime triple h would punch cena and boo everytime cena fought back but yet cena still won.

People liked the face Triple H more than the face Cena. That's going to happen when you have face vs. face. Someone needs to be booed for the sake of the story of the match.

best example ecw one night stand cena vs rvd. thats all i need to say i mean come people even thanked edge for spearing cena through a table. i could go on for a while with more examples but itll take too long. if thats not wwe shoving cena down our throats then idk what is.

That doesn't count at all. RVD was practicing horrible Heel psychology and playing to that crowd to get the pops he should have been setting up for Cena. Also, the ECW crowd was the smarkiest group of assholes you could ever get. Null and void.

You know those crowds that you listed that booed Cena? Guess what they did to boo Cena. They bought the ticket to get in. Which is, honestly, all that Cena wants to happen. Sure, he'd also love to get the pop. But you know what, if he can get his company the money from the ticket sales then he did his job.

You can't make the crowds pop. But you can get them to buy tickets. And you picked 3 crowds that booed him heavily. I can find 30 crowds that popped the roof off the building. I dunno, 3 crowds versus hundreds worth of mega-pops. I think Cena wins.

uh no you love the wrestlers that you are told to love and that are the top face at the moment.

No. I know the wrestlers I love. I don't like Batista all that much. I'm supposed to love him. I know what he does for the business, but I still don't like his character.

I don't like HBK all that much. But that's because he's been getting lazy with his ring work.

I don't like Punk all that much. Back when he was a face, that is.

Hmmm. That's 3 wrestlers that are top faces that I don't like. Try to force wrestlers into my mouth some more, please. You'll keep looking silly.

like i said i liked cena too but after what they did with him it was just horrible to watch. i mean come on 2 yrs in and already a wwe champ? wtf? he beat triple h and hbk at wrestlemania and you know damn well that he had not payed his dues yet. and this is were i loose it.

Brock Lesnar was wrestling for how long before his first championship? How about Goldberg?

When you have a wrestler debut giving Kurt Angle a run for his money, you can't really have him floundering in the mid-card. They pushed him hard and fast, and the crowd loved it. If the crowd loves Cena, and Cena can carry the ratings of PPVs and shows, then Cena deserves that Championship.

hell yeah i would fucking mark out any fucking day for scst the rock any of the legends that made the buisness what it is over john cena and batista. thats when wrestling was at its best not now with all this bs. and i know the attitude era is gone and its not coming back but i was damn proud to have been able to witness it so dont tell me to grow up for actually liking wrestlers who were bigger than live back in the day and made wrestling what it is and got many people hooked on it. you probly dont even know what the attitude era was or were even a fan back then.

If was nothing but Shock TV with a bit of wrestling thrown in between. I understand it was a major boom for the industry, blah blah blah. Still doesn't change the fact of the matter. It's not coming back. Grow up and accept the WWE for the good show it is today.

thats why you dont feel how the real fans of the old wwf feel.we hate seeing something we loved so much growing up turn into nothing but shit. so dont think your better than me cuz you know who cena and batista are big fucking deal they aint shit compare to what the old wrestlers were.

I don't think I'm better than you. I just know that Cena is doing better than anyone in the Attitude Era, except for perhaps Stone Cold and the Rock. And he's doing it without the massive amounts of shit Shock TV that Stone Cold and the Rock rode to the top.

I would like to argue that you think you're better than me, simply because you watched the Attitude Era and I didn't. Boo hoo. I went back and caught up on what happened. I watched the old shows. It was really nothing much more than "Run him over with a car.....Cement truck....flip a couple people off...fuck a dead chick....kiss McMahon's ass...." Please, tell me how that makes good wrestling.

dont critasize me for liking superstars that made me wanna watch wrestling everyday as a kid cuz they did what they were suppose to and were booked the right way.dont compare wrestling today to what it used to be cuz again wrestling today is pure garbage.and if you think that wrestling today is better than you need wise up so honestly man you need to grow up and see that the wrestling you know today is garbage compare to what it used to be and again any real fan will tell you that.

So I can't compare the two, but you can? Hypocrisy much?

but you know what no matter how much i hate what the wwe has become i will continue to watch it cuz i loved it back then and will continue to love it now no matter how bad it is. and its all thx to the people that back then really made it something amazing. so i hope that answers your question yes i am an attitude era fan and you best bellieve if any of them guys came back i will mark the fuck out. i tryed to be nice but that just pushed me. that whole attitude era shot was just pathetic honestly go back and watch the attitude era and tell me you dont get chills. i still get chills watching austin vs the rock

Awww, you tried to be nice but I just pushed you over the edge. Remind me to give a shit next time.

You liked the Attitude Era. OK. Who cares right now? It's not the Attitude Era anymore. Grow up. If you would get over your kink for the old era and accept the new Era for what it is, then you would understand that today's era of wrestling isn't any worse than the Attitude Era.

You're no better because you watched the Attitude Era. I'm no better because I like this current era more. But get a grip. This current era isn't all that worse. And I guarantee you half of why it's so good is Cena.
