Herbie Berger | Acuscope Therapist

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Herbie Berger, DIPL.ABT  (NCCAOM)

Acupuncture | Acuscope-Myopulse Microcurrent Therapy | Manual Therapy

The NYC Office is  now closed. Personal appointments will begin off-site beginning September, 2020, and in adherence with state health guidelines.

herbieberger@earthlink.net |‭(917) 519-9505‬




1979 - 1981 – Assistant in Veterinary Electro-Acupuncture Treatment Center


1981 – Denver Avalanche, Major Indoor Soccer League.  Installed Acuscope and treated players during season


1982 – Acuscope Therapist for the San Francisco 49ers Football Team.  Traveled with the team during the season when Joe Montana and the “Niners” won the Super Bowl


1983 – San Francisco Giants Baseball Team.  Installed and Trained Staff.  First Major League Team to evaluate and use the Acuscope


1983 – Featured Speaker and Panelist at the first Electro-Therapy Sports Medicine Seminar in San Francisco.

History continued...


1983 - 1985 – University of Hawaii Rainbows

The first university football team to evaluate Acuscope/Myopulse for an athletic dept.  Herbie installed the equipment, trained the therapists, and stayed on as a staff member to oversee treatments.


1984 – Member of the US Olympic Medical Staff at Olympic Headquarters Summer Games, Los Angeles, CA.


1985 - 1987 – Introduced Acuscope/ Myopulse System to professional NBA basketball; New York Knicks.


1987 - 1990 –  Electro-Acuscope Therapist at The Osteopathic Center for Dance Medicine; installed multiple systems for acute and chronic treatment  (Manhattan, N.Y.)


1991 - 1999  Member of the medical staff for the NYC Ballet; Dr. Richard Hamilton, Medical Director.


2003 - 2005 – Visiting practitioner for the Miami City Ballet working with Artistic Director and Founder, Mr. Edward Villella.


2003 - Present – Visiting practitioner for Anti-Gravity Acrobatics and Gymnastics Company.


2006 - Present – Visiting Practitioner Gyro-tonics New York (Dance Exercise Rehab System).


2007 – Visiting practitioner Cirque De Soleil.


Additional Accolades:


1993 – AMMA Certification - Kodenkan Judo School.


1998 – Black Belt - SHODAN from Professor Ramon Lono Ancho, Senior Judo Master.
