Cardi B Phone Number Real, Whatsapp Number, Text Number

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Cardi B Phone Number:

First of all, a tiny reminder for those who don’t know who Cardi B is, which is quite significant. Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar, of her generally real name, also more commonly known as ‘Cardi B,’ is an American Rapper star. She is one of the most successful rappers in American history.

We will provide you with all the details about your favorite Cardi B Phone Number, Email, and House Address. Cardi B’s number is the most searched detail about her. She is among the top rapper’s who have achieved rapid success.

Phone Number(+1(913)684-7774)
Whatsapp Number+1(310)-695…….
Residential AddressWashington Heights, New York, United States
Office NumberN/A
Manager ContactN/A
Booking agentN/A

Cardi B Real Physical Address:

Have a deep read to Cardi B Contact Details; This will surely help you get in touch with your favorite Cardi B Contact Details.

Cardi B Current Address: Little Lia, Los Angeles.

Cardi B Official Residence: Little Lia, Los Angeles, United States of America.

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Cardi B Whatsapp number: Cardi B Number +1(310)-695…….

Cardi B Location: Little Lia, Los Angeles, +1 (877) 326-8765. Call if you are interested in getting Cardi B Location Near Me.

Cardi B Phone Number Call: (+1(913)684-7774)

Official Cardi B Phone Number: This might not be her office number, but you can try contacting her with Belcalis Almanzar Phone Number Provided above.

Cardi B Location: Little Lia, Los Angeles, United States of America.

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Directions To Cardi B: Lia Little, (+1(913)684-7774) Call so you can get Cardi B Location Near Me.

Cardi B Contact Information:

We have tried to gather all the possible information below. Please have a look at Cardi B’s Contact details. Maybe her actual phone number, Belcalis Almanzar Phone Number, is not available.

Cardi B Official 
Cardi B Official Website
Cardi B Company 

Cardi B Contact Official Social Media Platform:

Here’s a list of all the social media platforms used by Cardi B. Cardi B Official Tiktok, Snapchat, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

TikTok Account
SnapchatCardi B 

For collaborations, you can contact Cardi B through Cardi B’s email address. Apart from this, to get a quick response from Cardi B, you can contact her through the Belcalis Almanzar phone number.

Moreover, you can also contact her agency to get in touch with her as soon as possible.

What is Cardi B’s email, Cardi B’s phone number, Cardi B’s manager number, and Cardi B’s address?

Cardi B Company
Cardi B Phone Number (+1(913)684-7774)
Cardi B manager noN/A
Cardi B company addressN/A

Amelia Warner writes all the Latest Articles. She mostly covers Entertainment topics, but at times loves to write about movie reviews as well.
